So good old Dinesh D’Souza — the right-wing culture warrior who hit it big this year with the film 2016: Obama’s America — evidently has a new fiancee. This has caused a big kerfuffle amongst some of D’Souza’s pals on the Christian right, because it turns out that he’s not quite unmarried at the moment, having only just filed for divorce from his current wife of twenty years. Oh, and his new gal pal – 29-year-old Denise Odie Joseph II — is apparently also married.
Yesterday, D’Souza resigned his lucrative job as president of The King’s College, a small evangelical school in Manhattan (where he was reportedly paid a cool million bucks a year). His explanation for the whole adultery thing?
I had no idea that it is considered wrong in Christian circles to be engaged prior to being divorced, even though in a state of separation and in divorce proceedings.
Yeah, how could a family-values-loving, highly paid president of an evangelical Christian college possibly be expected to know that getting engaged to someone while you’re still married might not go over so well in evangelical circles?
As a result of all the controversy, D’Souza says he and his beloved are “suspending” their engagement.
But enough about Dinesh. Let’s talk about his (possible) future wife. Despite the whole adultery thing, Joseph seems to think of herself as a bit of a crusader for “family values” against the evil forces of liberalism and feminism.
Indeed, in one blog post earlier this year on Smart Girl Politics, she argued, amongst other things, that women’s suffrage was a terrible mistake. Well, “argued” might be stretching it: the post is a long, barely coherent, free-associational rant laced not only with internalized misogyny but with racism and homophobia to boot. Let’s take a look, shall we?
Beginning with a highly ironic paean to Rick Santorum as the only Republican in the primaries “to acknowledge … that the family unit is the cornerstone of American society,” Joseph then launched into a confusing and confused attack on what she called RINO – that is, Republican In Name Only – men who in her view haven’t been doing enough to keep their wives and daughters in check:
RINO Republicans are analogous to fathers who proudly proclaim their conservativeness at dinner parties or perhaps during early afternoon phone calls to El Rusbo’s show, but let their “independently-minded” wives … pump their teenagers full of birth control and encourage their daughters to live the lives for which their bra-burning foremothers fought so valiantly. …
RINO Dads are those guys who will sheepishly to proudly, fill out Republican ballots on Election Day while their wives openly mark their support for things like, “freedom of choice” and “freedom from poverty.” What most people don’t realize, and indeed what I didn’t realize until I blocked out the “madding crowd,” is that these women and their RINO men are like a vast national living history museum, pictographically illustrating exactly why the 19th Amendment was never the best idea ever and in fact, more closely resembles the greatest show on Earth. Think Ringling Bros. …
When our men cannot even remember the principled widespread women’s opposition to women’s suffrage because they never even learned about it in the first place, but can instantly recall which American president freed the slaves without also recalling the importance of his most seminal quote—“A house divided cannot stand,” our society is in trouble.
She quotes anti-suffragette Madeline Dahlgren (1871):
We believe that God has wisely and well adapted each sex to the proper performance of the duties of each. We believe our trusts to be as important and sacred as any that exist.
It is our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons who represent us at the ballot-box. Our fathers and husbands love us. Our sons are what we make them. We are content that they represent us in the corn-field, the battle-field and the ballot-box, and we them in the school-room, at the fireside, and at the cradle; believing our representation, even at the ballot-box, to be thus more full and impartial that it could possibly be were all women allowed to vote.
Evidently, while God doesn’t think women should vote, he has no problem with women writing barely coherent tirades about politics on a blog called Smart Girl Politics.
After a weird digression in which Joseph explains she will no longer shop at J Crew because one of the designers there paints her son’s fingernails pink, Joseph returns to her attack on the RINO dudes. She spices up her argument with some good old fashioned racism:
While RINO dads and men are often heard snickering about feminists around the water cooler, they do not realize that by virtue of being RINOs, they are complying with the same feminist/liberal system of social engineering they sneer at when manifested in more obvious forms like the black single-mother society. Believing themselves to be infinitely superior by virtue of being married and financially supporting their children, they do not realize that they are setting their own sons up to be the “playas” and their daughters up to be the “played.”
If they took a moment to actually listen to the music their children listened to, or a moment to look at the way their children dress, they would realize that they are going the way of black ghetto society. They would realize that by failing to do the job their foremothers cherished, their wives, who don’t even know enough to scoff at Madeline Dahlgren and who should be the proud, moral guardians of their homes, are leading their RINO (and real Republican civilization) to their inevitable demises.
This, for some reason, leads into an extended attack on the singer KeSha and the video for her song “Tik Tok,” after which she returns to the subject of RINO dads.
Apparently though her video father seems capable of amassing enough money to afford his family a comfortable lifestyle and manicured lawn, he is completely powerless against the will of his monstrous teenaged whore child. This video might as well be a Discovery Channel documentary on the behavior of that intriguing species known as the RINO Dad. Thank the Lord no man will ever expect Ke$ha to be the moral guardian of his home, seeing that her father’s generation seems to be the last marrying generation. And who can blame them? With Ke$has or watered-down versions to choose from, what man would want to voluntarily impregnate a woman? …
Perhaps Ke$ha’s father learned along the way that if he beat the hell out of Ke$ha like she deserves and then sent her to a convent, he would become a social pariah and end up in jail.
I guess “beating the hell” out of children is a family value?
After a bit more KeSha-inspired free association, Joseph returns to chronicling the coming apocalypse, and manages to produce this unholy muddle of a sentence:
From extreme vanity sizing to demands that magazine models (anorexic and unattractively thin models notwithstanding) look like the “real” (cuz I guess the rest of us don’t count) size 8 woman, who historically would measure in at a size 16 to 20, modern women of the West are on the apocalyptic “Wild Hunt” for the ideal and are leaving terrific characteristic destruction in its wake.
Then she follows up with this shorter but equally baffling sentence:
As women spearhead the demise of the ideal, the alternative to hypocrisy, they spearhead the demise of social order as we know it and love it.
Then — perhaps unwisely, in light of her current situation with the still-married Mr. D’Souza — she returns to the importance of traditional family values, once again with a side order of racism:
Henceforth, all of us will be staring down the barrel of life in a hip hop video or government-funded project where no one makes pretenses about “what they be.” Where no one has to succumb to sin because sinning is the status quo and where no one need ridiculously pretend to be faithful because well, we would have wisely outgrown such primitive notions about nuclear families as individual economies. We would have outgrown capitalism itself because government entitlement spending would have to grow ten-fold to accommodate and assist the burgeoning hoards of single-mom children born of the scarred sons of divorce who accidentally inseminated their female sex partners, or couples who themselves participated in that modern American rite of passage we call divorce.
Huh. You mean that “rite of passage” that you and Mr. D’Souza will soon both be intimately familiar with?
After an extended defense (I guess) of Sarah Palin, she winds up her attack on hypocritical “in name only” Republican dudes:
RINO Dads, the next time you see your daughter bounding (or sauntering) down the stairs in a pair of booty shorts with messages like “juicy” emblazoned on her backside, please stop her, turn her around, and force her to go upstairs and change. As you march her room-ward, tell her why she can’t dress like this, school her on the consequences of her behavior. Do it even if you were on your way to your man cave to watch x-rated content featuring teenaged-looking girls dancing around in booty shorts with messages like “juicy” emblazoned on their backsides. Do it for your daughter, yourself, society, the ideal, but most of all, do it because you now remember that hypocrisy has always been our last, best hope.
Apparently so.
Hat tip to Ed Brayton of Dispatches From the Culture Wars for unearthing this post from Ms. Joseph.
Oh, the comments on that thread, yikes!
I will say, when Jezebel first posted this story I didn’t find much outside of his professional work when I googled his name. Now the hits are all about his doofus comments. Good. Someone at the SfN thread posted a link to his recent Psychology Today article — yeah, he deserves to be known for his sexism.
@blitzgal: I didn’t think they were so bad, but then realized I was applying standards I have honed over here, heh heh heh.
I have named myself official chair of the UNOFFICIAL Women’s History Month 2013 (the theme next year is Women in STEM), and have emailed Dr. S. to ask her what her speaking fees are: I’d love to bring her onto my campus (where the Sciences are let us say LESS than enlightened, or sexist as hell). *rubs hands gleefully*
A racist, anti-feminist black TeaOP woman gets is revealed to be adulterer. That made my day!
There’s really no group in society that this woman doesn’t hate, is there? Aside from conservative, white, rich, cisstraight men and women. And she’s even critical of them. And of course she sees nothing wrong or judgment-worthy in her own actions (and generally i wouldn’t judge her, except she’s so into judging people like me).
“Smart Girl Politics” is clearly an oxymoron if they’re letting her blog there.
The entirety of my input is going to be that the video of Tik Tok implies that Ke$ha woke up in the house of total strangers. When she looks at the family picture on the wall, it features man, woman, and boy and girl children– all of which are already present downstairs at the breakfast table.
This is what explodes her blog post, right there, right?
OK, well..if she doesn’t think women should be able to voice their opinions in politics, then why am I listening to her at all?
She’s kinda cute
Otis is back… What amazing bit of your personal prowess shall we hear of this morning?
Shameless promotion of a Tik Tok parody here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7n8GqewJ2M Enjoy!
His penis’s talent for judging beauty contests, methinks.
Aw, nuts! I missed Notes from OtS’s Boner. Whether or not random internet people find someone physically appealing always raises the level of discourse.
@Podkayne: I’ve seen the first part of the Tik Tok video exactly once. I thought the implication was that she had been brought home by someone in the family, possibly the father. I recall that the woman and the children are kind of all WTF? but I can’t remember what the father does. Maybe I’ll go watch it at some point when I can get over my music snobbery for five minutes.
My impression of D’Souza when I’ve read or heard him is that his own level of religiosity is low (in part because he is an important ‘intellectual’), but that he defends religion as a necessary element to preserve national unity. This is a common fascist/proto-fascist argument, and just because the *word* fascism isn’t en vogue anymore it should not be forgotten that fascism has a long intellectual tradition amongst certain elites, and that it wouldn’t be surprising to find some of its ideas crop up there, even if not as part of the full-blown illness.
You can understand better his arguments, and those of his future ex-wife (I’m assuming he’s trading in the models as soon as they get over some arbitrary age line and will do it again), if you understand that they see religion only as a way to keep the mob sedated/placated and that exceptional human beings of the elite (our Glorious Entrepreneurs, and of course conservative pundits, because it’s not self-serving at all a vision of things) are exempt of having to take into consideration such arbitrary concepts as Good, Evil or Righteousness. These only exist for the plebes, so that they stay in their place (and as you can see, daughters, so they can stay in their place).
Accusations of hypocrisy miss the point entirely and are the answer that people who believe in such outdated socialistic liberal concepts as ‘fairness’ or ‘equality’ or ‘objective right or wrong’ might give. In fact, I would not be surprised to one day see a conservative object loudly and be outraged for being called an hypocrite, giving the argument that it is highly insulting of making such an accusation because it puts forward the outrageous idea that the conservative in question is on the same level as the plebe (which is the only reason why one would follow the morality one needs to impose on the masses).
Incidentally, this is how a Catholic might become president of an evangelical college. Our Masters are all exceptional human beings, it doesn’t matter which of the mob religions they tacitly identify with, as long as they make the proper pompous noises.
I always laugh at this one. Way back in the early 70s, some people may recall that women wearing pants was very much a shock horror topic. I read an office circular that had been left on my desk “updating” the dress standards policy. Denim was still verboten, but we now had the very great privilege of permission to darken the hallowed doors dressed in what was generally called a ‘pants suit’.
And I looked down at what I was wearing. Trousers from one of these wondrous woollen outfits – but without the matching jacket. I was literally wearing a twinset and pearls – real ones no less. But I was still dressed inappropriately and thereby damaging the reputation of our worthy organisation. I felt suitably chastened.
Blonde Republican women: pleasing to the penises of Republican men since 1980.
When I finally start my riot grrrl band (Vera Drake and The Abortioneers), this will be the title of our first album.
The creepy way the woman is smiling reminds me of the music video “Windowlicker,” in which everyone has the creepy smiling face of the guy behind Aphex Twin.
I never seem to be able to get my head around women who seem to think that they are the exception to the violent, women-hating rhetoric and behaviors of these awful men as long as they parrot back the same bullshit, women-hating messages. I think that given the choice between playing nice to a worldview that treats everyone except for a select few like less than human and fighting these mooks, I would far rather take up arms and fight than allow some fascist to fit me with a collar and treat me like a dog until he feels it is time to put me down and replace me with a younger model.
Except the select few is at least half the population, isn’t it?
@mildymagnificent – And well you should have been chastened! Standards, you know!
I actually do have a string of pearls and a couple of twinsets. They are from J.Crew, too. They’ve always been some of my favorite fall/winter items. Now I love them even more that Denise Odie Joseph has called the company out for encouraging a breakdown of gender roles and denigration of family values. Never has conservative apparel been more subversive!
Befuddled am I. If that is D’Souza’s “fiancee” in the photo, she seems to be everything she decries. That girl needs (in descending order), an intervention, a divorce, and a stretch at a convent.
Well, one guy jumped in right away with “you’re all harpies who want to take our balls.” I thought that was pretty bad. He and one other guy just kept digging themselves deeper after that.
Is she saying that what she calls RINOs (a definition which is curiously focused on a failure by self identifying conservative men to properly denigrate and disrespect women) should vote the Democratic ticket? I’m not really sure the Romney camp would appreciate that.
Just another Serena Joy who thinks the rules will never apply to her if her side got her way and is in for a bitter surprise when it does. Does it seem like if a woman wants some recognition in the Republican party she has to be some blond Barbie (who either has to act like a yes-woman or harpy) or a dingbat if she’s brunette? I know there’s exceptions like Michelle Malkin and Phyllis Schfly, but it’s something I’ve noticed.
So women are supposed to be the passive sex, the “keepers of the hearth”, the submissive ones, women should not be allowed to vote or be political. Then why the hell do you, Joseph, get out in the public with such virulent, aggressive, arrogant and manly political opinions? You should be at home keeping your mouth shut and letting men speak and decide for you. Or is this just another sign of hypocricy, just like the adultery thing? This is just not serious… but, darnk, it’s creepy and unpleasant as hell.