$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes drama facepalm homophobia men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles playing the victim racism reddit self-congratulation

Charity Begins at Home: A Reddit Quiz

Here’s a quick Reddit quiz. Take a look at these comments, found this afternoon on Reddit:

To whom are they directed?

a) A Redditor known as Help4Yew, long-time moderator of the Help4RapeVictims subreddit, who recently lost her job.

b) A Redditor by the name of CouchSurfer666, a guy trying to make a trip around the world sleeping on the couches of different Redditors, but who was injured while hiking in northern India and unable to afford a plane ticket back to the US.

c) The Redditor formerly known as Violentacrez, the man behind many of Reddit’s most notorious subreddits, including Jailbait, Chokeabitch, Niggerjailbait, Rapebait, Hitler, Jewmerica, Misogyny, and Incest, and who lost his job after Gawker revealed his real identity.

Do I even need to tell you the answer here?

It’s C, by the way. I made up the other two examples. There are threads soliciting donations in the following subreddits, among others:  c1rclejerkersc1rclejerkers again; ImGoingToHellForThis; mensrights; legalteens. (These are links to the threads, not the subreddits; don’t read the comments in c1rclejerkers if you want to retain any faith in humanity or at least Reddit.)

For more on Violentacrez, check out the media coverage linked to on the front page of SRS’s Redditbomb subreddit at the moment.

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12 years ago

Which good fight? The fight to be an asshole and not face any repercussion?

12 years ago

@blitzgal, Got any links about the attacks on the pay equity questioner?

12 years ago

Sure thing.

Here she is being called a feminazi:

And some rightwing rag went through her Twitter and decided that because she mentions drinking and sex, that….I dunno, she’s a whore or something so nothing she says matters. Pandagon covered that part here:

12 years ago

Oh, FFS. They really don’t even try to hide how much they hate women.

12 years ago

How is the male equivalent of registerher wikipedia? Or am I being dense?

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

So, I looked this guy up to see if he had any redeemable qualities. Not a one.

I say we vote him out of the human race. All in favor say “aye.”

12 years ago

Pear_tree, it’s a joke. MRAs have claimed that feminists have taken over Wikipedia and gone hog wild diminishing the accomplishments of men or some such shit. I’m not 100% I have it right, but I am 100% that it’s ridiculous.

12 years ago

🙂 thank you hellkell, it was confusing me

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

“How is the male equivalent of registerher wikipedia? Or am I being dense?”

Pear Tree- registerher collects crimes committed by women, and it isn’t a very big list. The women on there would be easily outnumbered by male dictators and war criminals listed on Wikipedia alone… my point was: if you want to read about crimes and atrocities committed by men there are literally millions more to choose from, with the few hundred worst ones committed on a grand scale, affecting more people and having far more severe consequences than, say, an actress making a sexist joke about castrating men. The reason no feminist has attempted to make registerhim is the fact that it would break the internet.

12 years ago

I just read the interview the reporter from Salon did with the question asker and it sums up the most depressing thing about being a political activist in the US these days (well not a right wing political activist since facts are not important, they could care less about education and they hate anyone not white, Christian, rich and male): the “undecided” voter is demanding to be hand held all the way to the ballot and told absolutely everything they need to know (in the exact way that they want to hear it) since they damn well are not going to bother checking on their own.

Makes me long for Harry S Truman and his “if you do not like things the way they are, who’s fault is that?”

12 years ago

@pear_tree, @hellkell, @The Stepford Knife — I’m surprised the MRAs haven’t decided to start up a rival to Wikipedia that was “free of bias” like Andy Schlafly did.

Oh wait. I’m not surprised at all. Propaganda takes work. I’ll say this for ol’ Schlafly — he has something of a work ethic, and MRAs don’t.

12 years ago

The authoritarian right already did it. It’s called conservapedia. No, srsly, it’s a real thing.

12 years ago

Or is that what you meant that Schlafly did?
Bollocks, I bollixed that.

12 years ago

princessbonbon, that interview made my head and my heart hurt. I get so upset with women who have lives that are possible because of feminism, and then do the “oh, don’t call me the “F” word!” (I know it’s mostly because the right has done such a good job of making “feminist” into a slur, but still – sigh).

I’m not personally active in any campaigns this year, but I do feel your pain about independent, undecided voters. I’m married to one. The hubs really, really doesn’t like Romney, but he also doesn’t think Obama has really done enough to warrant a second term. And he’s not interested in any third party candidates. If he even fills out his absentee ballot, he’ll probably end up leaving the presidential slot blank.

12 years ago

Oh I know Fitzy-it is like what Miz Molly Ivins said “What stuns me most about contemporary politics is not even that the system has been so badly corrupted by money. It is that so few people get the connection between their lives and what the bozos do in Washington and our state capitols.

Politics is not a picture on a wall or a television sitcom that you can decide you don’t much care for.”

12 years ago

No David, I am at the office so I missed it. Not a surprise though that he has no idea about the damage he has caused but he is all butthurt that his family has had to suffer.

Probably actually crowing inside because he is on CNN though.

12 years ago

I’m watching the Seattle-SF game. Infinitely better than watching VA mewl about his shitty life choices.

12 years ago

Molly Ivins was pure magic. During that brief spell when it looked like Rick Perry had the Republican nomination all tied up, I found myself occasionally getting really down on Texas. Then I’d remind myself that the Lone Star State had also produced Molly and Ann Richards, and everything would come back into perspective.

12 years ago

Pear Tree- registerher collects crimes committed by women, and it isn’t a very big list. The women on there would be easily outnumbered by male dictators and war criminals listed on Wikipedia alone… my point was: if you want to read about crimes and atrocities committed by men there are literally millions more to choose from, with the few hundred worst ones committed on a grand scale, affecting more people and having far more severe consequences than, say, an actress making a sexist joke about castrating men. The reason no feminist has attempted to make registerhim is the fact that it would break the internet.

Attribute all the great accomplishments of some men to every single individual man, thus proving male superiority over women? Seems legit.

Dare to even tiptoe around the fact that most of the atrocities are also committed by some men? OMGRARGHMISANDRYFEMINAZIARGLEBARGLESHITSTORM!!!!!1

Your MRA “logic” in a nutshell. Men are individuals when if comes to the bad. Men are a collective when it comes to the good.

12 years ago

Wow, he was on CNN? Adrian Chen was on “All Things Considered” yesterday night. You’ve scooped them all, David!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Not to mention that any bad thing done by any woman is hugely magnified AND attributed to all women, while any good thing done by any woman is minimised or mocked or ignored completely, and even if they can’t manage that, it doesn’t reflect on women as a whole.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

You’ve scooped them all, David!

Careful, you’ll attract a wall of text from schtickytwit because JOURNALISM!

12 years ago

Wasn’t he sock puppeting on another thread earlier? Maybe that counts as one of his three posts.