$MONEY$ dozens of upvotes drama facepalm homophobia men who should not ever be with men ever men who should not ever be with ponies ever men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles playing the victim racism reddit self-congratulation

Charity Begins at Home: A Reddit Quiz

Here’s a quick Reddit quiz. Take a look at these comments, found this afternoon on Reddit:

To whom are they directed?

a) A Redditor known as Help4Yew, long-time moderator of the Help4RapeVictims subreddit, who recently lost her job.

b) A Redditor by the name of CouchSurfer666, a guy trying to make a trip around the world sleeping on the couches of different Redditors, but who was injured while hiking in northern India and unable to afford a plane ticket back to the US.

c) The Redditor formerly known as Violentacrez, the man behind many of Reddit’s most notorious subreddits, including Jailbait, Chokeabitch, Niggerjailbait, Rapebait, Hitler, Jewmerica, Misogyny, and Incest, and who lost his job after Gawker revealed his real identity.

Do I even need to tell you the answer here?

It’s C, by the way. I made up the other two examples. There are threads soliciting donations in the following subreddits, among others:  c1rclejerkersc1rclejerkers again; ImGoingToHellForThis; mensrights; legalteens. (These are links to the threads, not the subreddits; don’t read the comments in c1rclejerkers if you want to retain any faith in humanity or at least Reddit.)

For more on Violentacrez, check out the media coverage linked to on the front page of SRS’s Redditbomb subreddit at the moment.

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12 years ago

Ha ha fucking ha. I hope his wife leaves him, his children sue him and his parents disown him. Then I hope the fleas of 1000 camels infest his armpits. scumfuck dirtbag shithead! hahahahahahaaaahhhaaahahahahahahah

12 years ago

The links you’ve listed as being from /r/circlebroke are actually from /r/C1RCLEJERKERS, a shitty /b/-wannabe board. /r/circlebroke is a completely different subreddit and a haven for /r/circlejerkers, who mock reddit’s foibles, to complain about reddit. It’s often full of smug conservatives/libertarians, but it’s no /r/C1RCLEJERKERS, more shitredditsays without the SJ angle or in-jokes.

More importantly, why in the world would you support this man?

12 years ago

Sorry, was posting quickly and while very tired. Circlebroke’s enjoyable, yes, and I was surprised to see that they’d have a thread like that, so it was a relief when it turned out to actually be C1RCLEJERKERS. At least the shit’s keeping more contained than it could.

12 years ago

@Bostonian, not quite. According to the original article, he claims his wife knew all about his Reddit life and was cool with it. Nobody fact-checked that with the wife (because Gawker). Of course, the same dude claims when she was 19, his then step-daughter gave him a blowjob and his wife was totes OK with it. He’s not winning my award for Mr. Trustworthy.

The best part about the people collecting money for him? According to the article, Brutsch immediately offered to spy on them and be Chen’s “mole” in Reddit, doxxing anybody he wanted, if Chen would not publish his name.

12 years ago

I can see why the MRAs their largest community on Reddit. They must feel right at home.

12 years ago

@mythago- he didn’t say she was ok with it. He said she got mad and then got over it. I don’t know how anyone has “completely consensual” sex with their step dad to begin with, something very few people have discussed since the gawker article came out.

I wish that reddit would pay for the therapy VA needs. Jesus.

12 years ago

So this creep gets a bunch of support and money for being know, giant creep. Yet rape victims (usually women rape victims) are routinely told they are liars or regretful and guilted for going to the police and don’t get half the support this guy did. And what brave dudes they are, fighting for their right to take “innocent” pictures of underage girls.

Stay classy, Reddit and MRAs, you poor oppressed dudes and special snowflakes. *barfs*

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

I read that he and wife would sit in bed with their laptops, her posting pictures of kittens on Facebook and him posting creepshots of children on Reddit. Sounds like they had a healthy sex life… maybe that’s why he’s an MRA! I can see him becoming the newest “…and then the bitch left me for no reason” case.

12 years ago

Also would r/mensrights feel the same if it was a woman who had created subreddits called Chokeaman, or one that posted pictures of underage boys, or violenceagainstmen, etc?

Would they fight for her free speech? or give her donations if she got fired?

Nope. Hell they’d be the ones to dox her and get her fired in the first place! And most likely threaten her and post her on registerher. Hell isn’t registerher one big site against free speech? since those fucks just dox women who say stuff they don’t like (ie the woman who said she doesn’t feel comfortable with men she doesn’t know taking her kid to the bathroom)

Also SCUM Manifesto? also free speech you dumb hypocritical freaks who may be reading this. Its still free speech even if it’s shit YOU don’t like or agree with. Not just for shit you do.

/rant. Coffee tiem.

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

Quackers- just as the male equivalent of “Women’s Studies” is “History”, the male equivalent of “registerher” is called “Wikipedia”.

12 years ago

I think this donation drive is a great idea. Everyone who supports the people-trash that is Violentacrez has to pay money. It’s like a tax on being a horrible person.

12 years ago

Sounds like they had a healthy sex life

Being fully clothed and looking at pictures of kittens, while holding something that could double as a weapon is usually the healthiest way to exist around people like that sick douchespigot.

The Stepford Knife
The Stepford Knife
12 years ago

thenatfantastic- Indeed, plus I suspect her looking over his shoulder and seeing what he was posting on Reddit was all the contraception they needed. No doubt he was cursing the day marital rape was made illegal.

12 years ago

Although I wouldn’t say lack of a sex-life ‘turns people’ into an MRA. It’s angrily reacting to it like over-entitled whiny sex-pests who think that women exist as glorified fleshlights with all the same human rights that makes people MRAs.

12 years ago

How many of the people donating money to Violentacrez have used the “but women have it much worse in other countries!” (or even “there are bigger problems to worry about!”) line?

I would imagine it is somewhere near 100%

12 years ago

I can’t say I want to see it for reasons that should be self-evident, but – imagine what would happen if r/Creepshots was suddenly spammed with pictures of underage boys.

We all know what it would look like.

12 years ago

I just found a really good piece about Violentacrez that really sums up how specious all of these free-speech arguments are.

12 years ago

OT: The conservative response to the 24 year old woman who asked the pay equity question at the second presidential debate has been……why, rampant slut shaming, obviously!! See, this woman is clearly not a virgin, therefore her question is INVALID.

12 years ago


Good piece. I have commented, but only because the author made one of the mistakes that annoys me more than anything else.

12 years ago

Uhm, one of the number of things that annoys me more than the larger number of things that do not. I can write good.

12 years ago

I also just found an article about sexism in video games and it looks like there are some MRAs mixed in with the standard gamer Nice Guy Dudebros. Bleck. My industry needs to clean up.

12 years ago

oh, that last comment shoulda been in the open thread, sorry. </derail>

12 years ago

Of all “causes” to give to, why would people donate money to a creep like him? I felt embarrassed and ashamed to accept charity after the Joplin tornado, and here he is wanting sympathy for putting dead kids’ pictures on Reddit.

How many of the people donating money to Violentacrez have used the “but women have it much worse in other countries!” (or even “there are bigger problems to worry about!”) line?

I’m sure it’s a lot. And in this case, it is a good argument that of all people to help out, there are countless more deserving than violentacres.

12 years ago

As well as charity beginning at home. They’re fighting the good fight even though their backs may be against the wall etc.