a voice for men antifeminism evil women grandiosity hate misogyny MRA narcissism oppressed men playing the victim threats

A Voice for Men commenter on feminists: “What we’re dealing with is not human.”

Dehumanization, old school style.

Today, a rather alarming, but also quite revealing, little screed by Darryl X, a regular commenter over on A Voice for Men.

It’s from the discussion of the AVFM post by Aimee McGee that got the fellas at MGTOWforums so worked up the other day. But Darryl has a somewhat different take than the fiercely woman-hating MGTOWers.

He takes aim not at women as a whole, but at certain vaguely specified “monsters,” by which he apparently means anyone who stands in the way of angry dudes getting their way, particularly feminists. The only examples he gives are women, but it’s pretty clear he hates feminist men with equal fervor.

In what follows, I have cut out a few sections that addressed McGee personally so as to make Darryl’s “argument” a little more streamlined and clear.

Meet the enemy, according to Darryl:

What we’re dealing with is not human. These things, these monsters, I’ve studied them inside and out for decades.

They must be disposed of without mercy and with extreme prejudice. One is enough to take down a nation if not the world.

Darryl claims not to be advocating violence. But this sort of dehumanization of one’s enemy is one of the oldest and nastiest tricks in the book, used by those trying to excuse or justify or simply smooth the way for violence by tamping down any feelings of moral queasiness those asked to commit violence against other human beings might feel.

The fitch bases and the Mary Kelletts and the Lori Jacksons and all the others are here for one reason: destroy men and children and civilization.

“Fitch base” is a play on “bitch face,” and is the nickname that McGee and her husband have come up with for his supposedly vengeful ex. Mary Kellett and Lori Jackson are, respectively, a prosecutor and a judge that have run afoul of the AVFM crowd. Naturally, in the melodramatic and grandiose world view of the AVFMenners, opposition to the Men’s Rights movement is equated with destroying civilization itself.

I am here for one purpose: stop them. It’s them or us. When I encounter one, my palms itch, my skin crawls and my gums bleed spontaneously.

Might want to see a doctor about that.

Then I proceed to completely anihilate it. Sometimes the process takes more than a decade. (Evil is very resilient and persistent.)

Again, Darryl X claims that he’s not talking about violence here. But whatever he envisions doing to these “monsters” is not pretty.

There’s nothing hateful about destroying that which threatens the survival of yourself and others upon whom you depend.

This is a war. These things want more than anyone else and they don’t care how they get it, who they destroy. They are addicted to power and control and they will do anything to satisfy that addiction.

This is, I think, a good example of what is called, in psychological circles, projection.

These things don’t just want more than everyone else but they want to deny men and children what they need.

“These things?” Still going strong with the dehumanization.

These things cannot be eqated to children. Children grow up. They learn. They aren’t particularly dangerous. But these are creatures with minds arrested at three years of age and with the weapons of adults.

If the opponents of the Men’s Rights movement are overgrown three year olds, then the MRAs have yet to emerge from the terrible twos.

I do not pity them. I and others do not have that luxury. They want you to pity them. They manipulate with the public spectacle of their chronic victimhood.

Projection again. There are few people in the world more eager to slip into the victim role than MRAs, or more willing to distort facts in an attempt to convince the world (or, at least, themselves) that men are the most oppressed creatures on planet earth.

I often think that in order for someone to be a member of the MRM, he should be impoverished enough and unable to afford the luxury of sympathy for the devil.

Or rather, unable to feel sympathy, or empathy, for anyone but themselves and their erstwhile allies.

Again, Darryl claims that he’s not advocating violence here. And that may be true. But he is certainly preaching hate.

A few more examples of turn-of-the-twentieth century posters designed to dehumanize the suffragettes; these pictures were too good — i.e., too awful — not to share.


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12 years ago

I don’t think they can function very well in the real world with that much rage eating their brain, and that is part of what feeds and justifies their anger and hatred. Many of them eventually pick up a gun and start killing the people they blame for all their problems. This guy needs an intervention.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Darryl X producing millions and millions of children … BRAIN BLEACH I NEED BRAIN BLEACH

12 years ago

An otter juggling:

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

The cuteness, it is adorable …

12 years ago

If we’re talking about particular MRA tropes, I really enjoy reading about “Men invented ALL the things.”

12 years ago

It’s not just ‘Men invented all the things’ it’s ‘Im a man, therefore I deserve credit fr invention all the things, and fighting in the wars, and sending a mission to Mars.’

Fucking Loser
Fucking Loser
12 years ago

@ Amused

Honestly, I miss our trolls. Where is the usual mansplanation of our inability to understand “satire”?

You will get “trolls” to come back on the forum when you learn the question marks always go within quotations.

12 years ago

If you’re going to attempt to insult people with grammar, you should actually know what the rules are.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Presumably Fucking Loser is one of those clowns who thinks that “English” is synonymous with “US English”. Probably thinks “colour” is a misspelling, too.

12 years ago

That awkward moment when you try to grammar troll someone and fuck up the quotes is always embarrassing, isn’t it?

12 years ago

It would also help if the grammar in his attempted put-down was impeccable. It is not.

12 years ago

@khymchanur Yes, they captured this genocidal woman, and her punishment is “spending an indeterminate amount of time in an underwater station sexually servicing all the brave men until she learns to like it, because secretly all women want to like it”. She seems continually surprised that people know she was part of a genocidal feminist cabal, which is the reason she is even here, none of the evidence having apparently been disclosed at her trial? A bunch of the men onboard the station seem to be in charge of exposition, including a doctor who was apparently one of her former colleagues, but she never noticed him before because he wasn’t alpha enough. BTW, the genocidal feminist cabal included the radfemhub and “Violet Fliptree”, one of her fellow rapemagnet prisoners is a Swedish girl who was part of a theater troupe performing a play based on the “SCUM Manifesto”…

12 years ago

Ugh, that is so incredibly creepy. It’s verging on “it puts the lotion on it’s skin or it gets the hose again” territory.

12 years ago


*grabs hammer* *smashes emergency cute container*

12 years ago

Presumably Fucking Loser is one of those clowns who thinks that “English” is synonymous with “US English”. Probably thinks “colour” is a misspelling, too.

More than likely, but the source I used to check it is and she’s American. So he doesn’t even get to be half right.

12 years ago

I think Fucking Loser’s right, from his perspective. You see, he calls it “satire?”, with the question mark included as part of the word, because he’s never been quite sure what it is.

12 years ago

@Clenz: well, he’s finally right about something! 😀

12 years ago

@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help: “I totally agree they think they own us, or should, but I think the sexual rage is a huge part of it. Their obsession with women’s bodies and women’s temerity in denying them sex, or in daring to complain about rape, is a huge feature of the MRM”

Honestly, I get the feeling that most of these men think ‘pussy on demand’ from a person with no option to say no is one of the main reasons for wanting ownership of a woman.

12 years ago

BTW, the genocidal feminist cabal included the radfemhub and “Violet Fliptree”, one of her fellow rapemagnet prisoners is a Swedish girl who was part of a theater troupe performing a play based on the “SCUM Manifesto”…

Everyone who’s taken Fiction 101 knows writing fanfiction about your own life makes for terrible writing.

12 years ago

Loser: You will get “trolls” to come back on the forum when you learn the question marks always go within quotations.

Not true.

Take the example about which you complain: Satire was in “scare quotes”, (which you used with “trolls”… were you trying to say there are never any trolls here? We have some, self-declared underbridge dwellers who would like a word with you). Scare quotes take no punctuation, as the quotation marks aren’t denoting a quotation.

Of course there is also the difference between US rules of punctuation (overall punctuation outside the quotation marks, internal punctuation; e.g. a quoted ejaculation, inside).

When engaging in a rant of attempted shaming by means intellectual superiority as exemplified in grammar wanking, it pays to recall that grammar, even for prescriptivists, isn’t universal. Some aspects of it, even for prescriptivists aren’t absolute.

I rarely say this, because it’s generally not true, but you might want to peruse a copy of Strunk and White.

12 years ago

It’s verging on “it puts the lotion on it’s skin or it gets the hose again” territory.

I’m happy to say this one has passed me by. What is it? I’d go looking but I just bleached my brain and I can’t do anything with it. It sounds like some really sick misconception of bondage.

12 years ago

Falconer – it’s a reference to The Silence of the Lambs. The serial killer “Buffalo Bill” is keeping a victim in his basement and forcing her to put lotion on her skin several times a day so he can add her skin to a womansuit he’s making once he kills her. The line is pretty much a perfect example of dehumanization and the cruelty it allows. It’s very creepy because the killer is absolutely dispassionate as he delivers it. The victim is able to get under his skin a little bit, but he shows much more passion later on when his dog is in danger.

12 years ago

@Seraph: Soooo glad I never watched Silence of the Lambs.

Somehow, despite not watching it, I know exactly who Hannibal Lecter is.

12 years ago

Also kind of glad it wasn’t a song lyric, like I was speculating. The people who wrote the line knew it was going to be horrifying.

12 years ago

Falconer: It’s a very good movie. It’s a case study in how people think. It was a very good book too. Makes me glad I’m not Thomas Harris, because I don’t think I’d like to live with that in my head.

Honestly, I think “hannibal” was his exorcism of it… because it’s so much more over the top. I might go back and re-read it, just to see if his treatment of Clarice is more important a study than I took it for at the time.