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Manosphere civil war? MGTOWforums vs. A Voice for Men

Uh oh! Do I sense a manosphere civil war coming on? Over on MGTOWforums, some of the regulars are spitting mad at A Voice for Men. In a thread with the lovely title “So it begins: AVfM diluted by cuntspeak,” the MGTOWer calling himself fairi5fair takes aim at a recent post by – get this! – a woman on AVFM.

Not only that, but a woman who suggests that maybe MRAs spend too much time talking about female “hypergamy.” For the uninitiated, that’s a word that means “the practice of marrying into an equal or more prestigious social group or caste,” but that in the overheated imaginations of angry manosphere dudes has come to mean “all women are filthy lying golddigging whores who will ruthlessly exploit poor beta males and betray them by sleeping with any alpha male who wanders by, also by the way I hate women.”

Never mind that the woman in question writing on AVFM – Aimee McGee – is a thoroughly reactionary FeMRA sort who does indeed think that the manosphere version of hypergamy really is a thing, and who simply questions the strategic utility of bringing it up all the time. Evidently the MGTOWforums can’t stand even that teensy bit of criticism from someone with a vagina.

And so they let loose, at Ms. McGee and at AVFM for allowing her a platform. Linking to her AVFM piece, fairi5fair declares that it’s

a prime example of what happens when you let some women stick their fingers in your men’s rights pie. …

Fuck you, Aimee Mcgee. No, the MRM should absolutely educate young men about how hypergamy works and has worked for thousands of years so that they can protect themselves from exploitation….

So, Aimee McGee, you can go pound sand. The last thing we need is some dumb cunt backseat driving the MRM right into the mealy-mouthed gutter.

Others join in the attack. Bob is aghast that anyone would criticize his sacred right to badmouth women for being ruthless exploiters of hapless men.

The knowledge of hypergamy and it’s many implications is one of the most essential ingredients of the Red Pill. …

Without understanding hypergamy, you don’t understand why every fucking thing that 99.999% (conservatively) of women say and do is a lie.

To fail to teach a young man the dangers of hypergamy – and to condemn the women who fail to control their own hypergamy, as traditions used to do – is prepare young boys for butchery.

He follows these remarks with a quotation from Ayn Rand, evidently not seeing the GIGANTIC IRONY of doing that.

The Great One accuses Ms. McGee herself of hypergamy:

Yep, I skimmed the B.S. and it is just yet another female that is with a man being put through the court system by an ex. It amazing how quickly they change their tune when all the cash that their man could be spending on them suddenly disappears due to alimony and child support going to an ex. …

They can go from radical feminist to supporter of men’s rights at the drop of a hat when it suddenly suits their needs. These females will also go right the hell back to feminist when they think that feminism is going to get them what they want. …

Yet another thanks to the mods for keeping the estrogen away from this place. They just gotta stick their goofy giraffe heads in every fish bar.

No, I have no idea what that last sentence means either. [See below for an illustration of what this might look like.]

Speaking of complete incoherence, I Live for me not “WE” pops into the discussion to offer an angry little rant that contains this bit of wisdom:

Nature makes them grab a cotton plug every month but not all of them are deranged psychos when they do. Some are just bloated and irritable.. Some suddenly cry..Some are incredibly horny and I always found that disgusting but its NATURE.

Shade47 makes clear that he prefers his Men’s Rights movement women-free:

AVfM is an extreme disappointment.

They failed to observe history and let a woman enter their group. Now they are going to become history. Another statistic created by some miscellaneous attention whore. Chumps …

I will never support a MRA group that allows women to have a voice.

BusterMcFriendly suggests that FeMRAs are only in it for MRA badboy cock. No, seriously:

[T]he MRM are nothing but counter-cultural badboys. Don’t be fooled. Women in the MRM are just trying to hook an MRM superstar. I bet John the Other has marriage proposals on a weekly basis. Good God! Women are so stupid.

Obmon is outraged that any woman would dare try to speak for men:

The point of MGTOW is that they recognize the fact that ALL women LIE. They lie to get what they want. They lie to invade spaces meant for men. They lie to convince us that they are NAWALT. They lie to show us that they agree just so they can take over the argument. They lie so they can lie in the future. … Like a child doing something nice for mommy so he can tell her later that he broke her favorite vase.


Only a woman would try to minimize the truth about Hypergamy. Hypergamy is THE reason for the state of the justice system, relationships, etc. EVERYTHING a woman does will ultimately lead to hypergamy.

DruidV launches into a blistering  attack on AVFM and its star FeMRA, the blabby Canadian videoblogger who calls herself Girl Writes What:

I used to really enjoy that place [AVFM] but now it’s just like the NFL locker room. Cunts everywhere, stinking up the joint, blathering on like they understand anything other than their own miserable hypergamy. I knew right where AVFM was heading, the very first time I saw an article either ghost written or not, by GWW and friends asking (paraphrased): “What’s in the MRM for women?”

As if this question in and of itself wasn’t egregiously disgusting enough, her nebulously not surprising answer seemed to be “My boyfriend, my boyfriend, my boyfriend!!!!” which was then promptly golf-clapped into acceptance by the usual suspects. Christ, this bitch can’t get thru 2 sentences without having to remind us all that some mangina is properly kissing her glorious, grrrrl powered ass. Also, she seems to really want to be “the tits of the Men’s movement”, or some other such xx inspired tripe like that. …

These pathetic xxs like Asshole McGee, GWW and other xx “friends”, who are only just now jumping on the MRM bandwagon out of sheer desperation at seeing feminazism’s exposure and collapse and since they can easily see what lies ahead for themselves personally, are only interested in saving their own asses and being on the winning team. You can bet your ass these xxs would dump the MRM in a fucking heartbeat for feminazism, or anything else, that might possibly be able to do anything about the perfectly understandable backlash against xxs today. Makes me fucking sick to my core, and I already have a gut full of femallian treachery. …

Fuck you very much, Bitchface McGee, “Dr” Elam and all the rest of you grovelling AVFM idiots, who are still too fucking clueless to ever admit to yourselves or anyone else; AWALT! Take your fucking balls out of GWW’s purse and give these cunts the boot, FFS. That, or watch your male membership numbers dwindle to next to nothing as all teh menz head on over here, where ours is not now, nor ever to be co-opted by cunts. …

P.S. Maybe we can all pitch in and send AVFM some pink doilies, soaps and throw rugs for their clubhouse toilet.

There are several more pages of comments that follow, but, honestly, nothing quite tops that one.

EDITED TO ADD: Intrepid Man Boobz commenter Myoo has drawn us this excellent picture of what a giraffe sticking its goofy head in a fish bar might look like.

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12 years ago

I think a fish bar is a sushi place where they serve the sashimi in shot glasses, just to be hip.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“I’ll have a pint of salmon, please”

You owe me a cup of tea for that one. And possibly a new keyboard.

OH, Python moment – anyone remember the sketch where the Bishop is advertising the beer and keeps going on about ‘the mighty lager with the great new taste of fish’? It was on their Contractual Obligations album, not a video, alas.


Bishop [of Leicester] (Michael Palin): It is the dawn of time. This earth we know so well is a smoldering, inhospitable wilderness. No plants grow; no creature can survive. The hard, implacable rocks that form our mountain ranges are being crushed and folded by forces which will take millions of years to shape them.
These are the forces! This is the power that drives the hand that drinks “Treadmill”, the mighty lager, with the world’s first great taste of fish!

(Music stops. The recording engineer (Eric Idle) in his booth is heard over a speaker)

Engineer: Bishop, don’t say “of fish”.

Bishop: Pardon?

Engineer: Don’t say “of fish” at the end. It doesn’t mean anything.

Bishop: Ah, no, I see, fine. No “of fish”. Right!

Engineer: Just go from “these are the forces”.

Bishop: Right.

Engineer: I’ll give you a green.

Bishop: What?

Engineer: I’ll give you a green light.

Bishop: Oh, right, thank you! (Music starts again) These are the forces! This is the power that drives the band that drinks…

Engineer: Hand!

Bishop: Of course! Sorry! Sorry! Can’t think what came over me!

Engineer: Well, start again.

Bishop: What?

Engineer: We’ll start again, bishop. Same place.

Bishop: Oh, right. These are the forces! This is the power that drives the hand that drinks “Treadmill”, the mighty lager, with the world’s first great taste of fish! (music stops abruptly) Oh, damn! Sorry! Sorry!

Engineer: All right, just a moment.

Bishop: I’m terribly sorry, I remembered the hand, but forgot the…

Engineer: Yes, yes, that’s all right. John, can we edit out the “of fish”?

John: Yeah.

Engineer: Good. That’s fine, thank you, bishop.

Bishop: All right, is it? Good. Terribly sorry about the silly slip. I don’t know what came over me.

Engineer: Who is he?

Man (Graham Chapman): Bishop of Leicester, I think.

Engineer: Well, why couldn’t we get Bath and Wells?

Man: He’s doing frozen peas for Nigel.

Engineer: Lucky bastard! He’s so good.

Man: Have you seen the Bishop of Worcester? Marvelous! He did an entire Snippety Dippety gift catalog promo on one ski!

Engineer: Really? Sshh! Here she comes.

Bishop: Ah, how was it? All right?

Engineer: Marvelous!

Man: Excellent!

Bishop: Doctrinally a bit of a mess.

Engineer: Sorry?

Bishop: Well, all that stuff about the dawn of time and the rocks developing over millions of years, you know, not quite A-1 theory with our lot, you know?

Engineer: It’s only a commercial.

Bishop: Oh, yes, yes, of course, course, I’m not criticizing. It’s just, uhm, well…I mean, uh, not quite the Creation as we see it.

Engineer: Well, good-bye.

Bishop: Good, good, fine, and the…and the check will be…

Engineer: …with your agent on Tuesday.

Bishop: Marvelous! Marvelous! Thank you so much! Oh, and sorry about the “of fish”. You’d be able to remove that, will you?

Engineer: Yes, we can remove that.

Bishop: Oh, good. Wonderful what you can do nowadays, eh?

Engineer: Yes, indeed!

Bishop: Well, toodle pip!

12 years ago

OK, after consultation with BoyFantastic (he is from the other end of England to me so we have a representative sample), we can agree that while there are a very small minority of fish and chip shops that refer to themselves as ‘fish bars’ on their signs, neither of us has ever heard the phrase ‘fish bar’ spoken out loud, so it is not, as such, a ‘Britishism’.

12 years ago

By “transgressions,” you mean “attempted murder of his girlfriend,” right?

Isn’t the doublethink amazing? Before Hugo posted his ‘let me tell you the jaunty tale of how I almost killed my girlfriend!’ thing, the MRAs were all about how his wily, white-knighting ways had persuaded feminists to give him a very special place in their hearts. But now that he’s persona non grata, history must be rewritten: feminists never liked him and were waiting for a flimsy excuse like ‘tried to kill girlfriend’ to toss him to the wolves.

12 years ago

They’re from A Clockwork Orange.

And I’m with Nat on the “fish bar” thing – I’ve lived in England for nearly half a century, and I honestly don’t think I’ve ever heard the term. But we have a very nice chippie just around the corner whose large portions comfortably serve two.

12 years ago

[replying to David, obviously]

12 years ago

I hang around in a milk bar, it’s the only one left in town.

12 years ago

Apparently the birthplace of the deep-fried Mars Bar was a place called the Haven Fish Bar in Stonehaven.

The more you know.

12 years ago

“Milk bar” just makes me want to go buy a Milkybar. Yummy.

Also, i’m glad I wasn’t the only one thinking up weird “fish bar” things. I was imagining either a posh bar for rich people where all the cocktails and champagne have fish flavours, or a place where they process fish ore into fish ingots (bars).

12 years ago

Andy Partridge, author of the above song:

I always imagined this as a piece of music playing in a moloko (milk) bar in ‘A Clockwork Orange.’


12 years ago


If David won’t take your money for his mental health, I sure as heck need it for my ruined, soaking wet couch.

This will teach me never to drink in bed and read Manboobz again.

12 years ago

… now I am completely stuck with Sticky making Alois’ sounds (from Amnesia: Justine) whenever he feels lonely and needs another injection of David to make his world shine bright.

“Is that you, my love?”


12 years ago

Just popping in to say I think the fish comment is the same tired reference to vaginas. Cuz they smell like FISH amirite fellas?? hurrhurr.

On the other hand, he seems to be talking about women not being able to stay away from precious MRA spaces (because we all know how FUN they are to hang out in right?) so maybe fish bar means place where men hang out? and the women are giraffes. I dunno. The asshole who wrote that is so rage-filled I’m just going to assume its taken over his ability to make analogies that make sense. Some of these are so over the top I couldn’t help but laugh. It just doesn’t surprise me anymore.

Yet I still question how these MGTOW/MRA/Whatevers get through the day filled with such anger and resentment towards women. I mean I know they’d prefer a society where women didn’t exist but tough shit, so how do they deal with women everywhere? At their work places, usually as cashiers, walking down the street, etc. I’m amazed they haven’t exploded at the sight of all those horrid women existing and living life! How it must bug them especially to see men and women interacting too. Not just romantically but as friends, coworkers, in groups…the poor dears wont ever know what it’s like just having a pleasant interaction with another human being, because they don’t see women as human beings, nor do they understand the majority of men who do. Oh well, sucks for them.

12 years ago

I still can’t figure out the point of Milky Bars? Granted, other British confections that confuse me are Crunchie Rocks and Kinder Eggs, and everyone else seems to have got the hang of those.

12 years ago

So what does this Aimee McGee think about the whole thing?

12 years ago

@ Quackers

Personally, I think the entirety of MGTOW and a very large percentage of the general MRM is made up of people who are engaging in version of “let’s pretend”. I don’t think a lot of the rage on MGTOW is “real” in that I don’t think it would ever be acted out or even felt anywhere other than in a forum.

The MRM, particularly AVfM and Spearhead, is populated by people who pretend to be in a civil rights movement, they pretend to be activists, they pretend that what they do changes things. The overwhelming majority of them will know, deep down, that it’s mostly a pretence.

There is a hardcore of true believers, Elam and JtO, being the most notable, but aside from a few dozen… No, I think it’s people who adopt “MRA” like they would a character profile in World of Warcraft.

Paul Elam keeps the whole thing together. Without him, the MRM would be completely invisible, instead of almost totally invisible. He seems to realize that most MRAs aren’t active, he set up an activism Reddit, for example.

12 years ago

AvP: “Whoever wins, we lose.”

AVFMvMGOTW: “Whoever wins, they’re all losers.”

12 years ago

Myoo: I wish One Million Giraffes was still accepting contributions. More people should see that.

12 years ago

Paul Elam keeps the whole thing together. Without him, the MRM would be completely invisible, instead of almost totally invisible. He seems to realize that most MRAs aren’t active

Didn’t he make some joke about how most MRAs are “a blowjob away from leaving the movement”?

12 years ago

“They can go from radical feminist to supporter of men’s rights at the drop of a hat when it suddenly suits their needs. These females will also go right the hell back to feminist when they think that feminism is going to get them what they want. …”

“Didn’t he make some joke about how most MRAs are “a blowjob away from leaving the movement”?”

Someone help me make a joke about projection and drive in movies.

12 years ago

Drive-in movies? Feh. I’d say he’s projecting so hard you could read his hang-ups off the surface of the fucking sun.

12 years ago

That’s the thing – there isn’t a movement, there is an extended forum, a few blogs and… well, nothing.

Actual activists wanting to change things for men have never heard of them.

12 years ago


The point of Kinder Eggs is that chocolate + toy = kid nirvana. The chocolate can be horrible, and the toy can be crap, but you’re getting something free!

I’ve never heard of Crunchie Rocks though. Crunchie bars are made of cinder toffee covered in chocolate, is it an offshoot of them? If so then my explanation would be ‘nom’.

Milkybars are disgusting, but I think they have a certain place in people’s hearts due to the iconic adverts of the 60s onwards, with the Milky Bar Kid. Also they are ludicrously sweet, so I understand why children would like them.