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Manosphere civil war? MGTOWforums vs. A Voice for Men

Uh oh! Do I sense a manosphere civil war coming on? Over on MGTOWforums, some of the regulars are spitting mad at A Voice for Men. In a thread with the lovely title “So it begins: AVfM diluted by cuntspeak,” the MGTOWer calling himself fairi5fair takes aim at a recent post by – get this! – a woman on AVFM.

Not only that, but a woman who suggests that maybe MRAs spend too much time talking about female “hypergamy.” For the uninitiated, that’s a word that means “the practice of marrying into an equal or more prestigious social group or caste,” but that in the overheated imaginations of angry manosphere dudes has come to mean “all women are filthy lying golddigging whores who will ruthlessly exploit poor beta males and betray them by sleeping with any alpha male who wanders by, also by the way I hate women.”

Never mind that the woman in question writing on AVFM – Aimee McGee – is a thoroughly reactionary FeMRA sort who does indeed think that the manosphere version of hypergamy really is a thing, and who simply questions the strategic utility of bringing it up all the time. Evidently the MGTOWforums can’t stand even that teensy bit of criticism from someone with a vagina.

And so they let loose, at Ms. McGee and at AVFM for allowing her a platform. Linking to her AVFM piece, fairi5fair declares that it’s

a prime example of what happens when you let some women stick their fingers in your men’s rights pie. …

Fuck you, Aimee Mcgee. No, the MRM should absolutely educate young men about how hypergamy works and has worked for thousands of years so that they can protect themselves from exploitation….

So, Aimee McGee, you can go pound sand. The last thing we need is some dumb cunt backseat driving the MRM right into the mealy-mouthed gutter.

Others join in the attack. Bob is aghast that anyone would criticize his sacred right to badmouth women for being ruthless exploiters of hapless men.

The knowledge of hypergamy and it’s many implications is one of the most essential ingredients of the Red Pill. …

Without understanding hypergamy, you don’t understand why every fucking thing that 99.999% (conservatively) of women say and do is a lie.

To fail to teach a young man the dangers of hypergamy – and to condemn the women who fail to control their own hypergamy, as traditions used to do – is prepare young boys for butchery.

He follows these remarks with a quotation from Ayn Rand, evidently not seeing the GIGANTIC IRONY of doing that.

The Great One accuses Ms. McGee herself of hypergamy:

Yep, I skimmed the B.S. and it is just yet another female that is with a man being put through the court system by an ex. It amazing how quickly they change their tune when all the cash that their man could be spending on them suddenly disappears due to alimony and child support going to an ex. …

They can go from radical feminist to supporter of men’s rights at the drop of a hat when it suddenly suits their needs. These females will also go right the hell back to feminist when they think that feminism is going to get them what they want. …

Yet another thanks to the mods for keeping the estrogen away from this place. They just gotta stick their goofy giraffe heads in every fish bar.

No, I have no idea what that last sentence means either. [See below for an illustration of what this might look like.]

Speaking of complete incoherence, I Live for me not “WE” pops into the discussion to offer an angry little rant that contains this bit of wisdom:

Nature makes them grab a cotton plug every month but not all of them are deranged psychos when they do. Some are just bloated and irritable.. Some suddenly cry..Some are incredibly horny and I always found that disgusting but its NATURE.

Shade47 makes clear that he prefers his Men’s Rights movement women-free:

AVfM is an extreme disappointment.

They failed to observe history and let a woman enter their group. Now they are going to become history. Another statistic created by some miscellaneous attention whore. Chumps …

I will never support a MRA group that allows women to have a voice.

BusterMcFriendly suggests that FeMRAs are only in it for MRA badboy cock. No, seriously:

[T]he MRM are nothing but counter-cultural badboys. Don’t be fooled. Women in the MRM are just trying to hook an MRM superstar. I bet John the Other has marriage proposals on a weekly basis. Good God! Women are so stupid.

Obmon is outraged that any woman would dare try to speak for men:

The point of MGTOW is that they recognize the fact that ALL women LIE. They lie to get what they want. They lie to invade spaces meant for men. They lie to convince us that they are NAWALT. They lie to show us that they agree just so they can take over the argument. They lie so they can lie in the future. … Like a child doing something nice for mommy so he can tell her later that he broke her favorite vase.


Only a woman would try to minimize the truth about Hypergamy. Hypergamy is THE reason for the state of the justice system, relationships, etc. EVERYTHING a woman does will ultimately lead to hypergamy.

DruidV launches into a blistering  attack on AVFM and its star FeMRA, the blabby Canadian videoblogger who calls herself Girl Writes What:

I used to really enjoy that place [AVFM] but now it’s just like the NFL locker room. Cunts everywhere, stinking up the joint, blathering on like they understand anything other than their own miserable hypergamy. I knew right where AVFM was heading, the very first time I saw an article either ghost written or not, by GWW and friends asking (paraphrased): “What’s in the MRM for women?”

As if this question in and of itself wasn’t egregiously disgusting enough, her nebulously not surprising answer seemed to be “My boyfriend, my boyfriend, my boyfriend!!!!” which was then promptly golf-clapped into acceptance by the usual suspects. Christ, this bitch can’t get thru 2 sentences without having to remind us all that some mangina is properly kissing her glorious, grrrrl powered ass. Also, she seems to really want to be “the tits of the Men’s movement”, or some other such xx inspired tripe like that. …

These pathetic xxs like Asshole McGee, GWW and other xx “friends”, who are only just now jumping on the MRM bandwagon out of sheer desperation at seeing feminazism’s exposure and collapse and since they can easily see what lies ahead for themselves personally, are only interested in saving their own asses and being on the winning team. You can bet your ass these xxs would dump the MRM in a fucking heartbeat for feminazism, or anything else, that might possibly be able to do anything about the perfectly understandable backlash against xxs today. Makes me fucking sick to my core, and I already have a gut full of femallian treachery. …

Fuck you very much, Bitchface McGee, “Dr” Elam and all the rest of you grovelling AVFM idiots, who are still too fucking clueless to ever admit to yourselves or anyone else; AWALT! Take your fucking balls out of GWW’s purse and give these cunts the boot, FFS. That, or watch your male membership numbers dwindle to next to nothing as all teh menz head on over here, where ours is not now, nor ever to be co-opted by cunts. …

P.S. Maybe we can all pitch in and send AVFM some pink doilies, soaps and throw rugs for their clubhouse toilet.

There are several more pages of comments that follow, but, honestly, nothing quite tops that one.

EDITED TO ADD: Intrepid Man Boobz commenter Myoo has drawn us this excellent picture of what a giraffe sticking its goofy head in a fish bar might look like.

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12 years ago

There is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing woman voices on board. They should in no sense be a majority; however and critically, female voices are crucial in the Movement and should be accepted, not shunned. And realistically, they certainly aren’t dominant. Get back to me when Ms. What becomes editor-in-chief of AVFM, and we’ll talk.

…After all, we wouldn’t want to be like the feminists, who showed their true colors in regards to the Hugo Schwyzer hate campaign.

12 years ago

Excuse me? Yes, Steele, people hate poor Hugo for no good reason at all. Yeah, right.

Your first graph is a hot mess. Your writing hasn’t improved a whit, even with your incessant bloviating.

12 years ago

Hellkell, Schwyzer is an avatar; an example of the treatment men can expect should they become involved with feminism. I believe I can assure you that, even if they aren’t making it known, many men are getting the message loud and clear.

The Movement can avoid that, and AVFM has done an excellent job creating a strong pro-ally space.

12 years ago

“Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s speech in Parliament on misogyny has prompted the Macquarie Dictionary to broaden its definition of the word.”

And now the new and improved meaning.

“But the dictionary’s editor, Sue Butler, says the definition will now be broadened to include “entrenched prejudice against women”.

The best part is, merely disagreeing with the new and improved version indicates an entrenched prejudice against women. That is saweeeeeeeet!

Lets see.
We’ve expanded the definition of rape to encompass anything a woman wants it to be.
We’ve expanded the definition of sexual harassment to encompass anything a woman wants it to be.
We’ve expanded the definition of misogyny to encompass anything a woman wants it to be.

If you disagree you’re a rape apologist, a predator, a misogynist or all of the above.

What is feminism you ask? Hmmmmm. It could best be described as a conservative movement of state enforced chivalry to infantilize women. An infant can never be contradicted or blamed for anything. They don’t need to achieve anything. No one expects an infant to have morals. No one expects reason or logic or anything at all from infants. They need to be protected and provided for. They’re infants.

12 years ago

HAHAHA, OK, Steele. Tell me the minute that GWW or one of the others writes something PaulE and the gang don’t like, they won’t kick her out of the club. She won’t even have to almost kill someone like Hugo did for it to happen.

You’re overlooking the fact that Hugo set himself up (with the help of some feminists I don’t respect at all) as Boss Feminst, and I’m sorry, men don’t get that job.

If you really think that AVfM has created a pro-ally space, you a even more delusional than you normally are.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

It still cracks me up when Steelepole capitalises the word ‘movement’.

12 years ago

Colour me unsurprised that Steele “Your child-rape apologia disgusts me Tom Martin… holla at ur boi” Varpole can’t understand why people might not want attempted murderers in their movement.

12 years ago

The Movement can avoid it, but they most assuredly won’t, since virtually everyone in the Movement hates women. Sad but true.

12 years ago

If anyone cares, a “fish bar” is a Britishism for a fish and chips shop.

I had to look it up because I was reading “Felicia’s Journey,” and they go to a fish bar in that book.

12 years ago

Hugo is an example of how anyone who admits to trying to murder their partner within a self-absorbed solipsistic redemption narrative will not be respected by feminists, yes. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.

12 years ago

Hellkell, Schwyzer is an avatar; an example of the treatment men can expect should they become involved with feminism. I believe I can assure you that, even if they aren’t making it known, many men are getting the message loud and clear.

That’s weird, because I’m a man and the message I’m getting is “As long as you truly care about sexism you’re welcome here, no matter what your sexual orientation, gender presentation, ethnicity, looks, financial situation, etc.”

I must have some wires crossed or something.

12 years ago

Besides, everyone knows the Movement’s dead

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Sure, there was the whole “attempted murder” thing, but on the other hand feminists don’t like him. Since feminists always get things wrong, they clearly should like him.

But then again, if feminists did like him, they’d still be wrong (because feminists), and he’d also be the kind of mangina that feminists like, so he’d be wrong also…

Wait, maybe feminists should neither like or dislike him, but let him keep talking on their behalf? I guess?

But then again, it’s not really about him, is it? It’s about how feminists treat men in their movement – always getting irrationally angry at them over the least little hint of self-confessed attempted murder… No that doesn’t sound right either.

Steele? Little help here?

12 years ago

Being prejudiced against people who attempt murder is misandry, because…wait. Steele, what exactly are you trying to say about men as a group there? Because it sounds like you’re implying something that would have made even Mary Daly say “wait, that’s a bit much”.

12 years ago


How did they get on the ceiling?

12 years ago

NWO’s posts just sound like a toddler throwing a hissy fit. We’re not a babysitters, man, and I’m looking at you too, bored stick.

NWO, we can only correct you so many times, dude — like your mention of “enforced chilvary.” If you don’t know by now that chilvary isn’t a feminist invention, with all those books and such out there just waiting to be read, I’m going to just assume you’re broadcasting from dimension X….or you’re just another troll doing the willful ignorance bit.

12 years ago

Says, don’t give me that. Schwyzer’s transgressions were nothing more than an excuse for the feminists to plausibly tear down a male ally. I say again – were Ms. What or any other woman MRA to reveal such transgressions, there would be a furor to be sure, but in no sense would there be immediate exile followed by mobthink and harassment.

12 years ago

Awwww! Owly followed my link …. good on you, NWO. 😉

12 years ago

So, to be clear, you think that feminists as a group don’t actually care that Hugo tried to kill his ex-girlfriend? You can’t see how a group of mostly women might find the idea that a man attempted to murder his intimate partner a little alarming, and thus decide that now that they know that they really don’t want to be around him?

Wow, you’re stupid.

12 years ago

Did anyone else understand steele’s last post? The second sentence is, uh, kinda messy.

12 years ago

I think he just openly admitted that his movement has nothing against people who attempt murder, and would never exclude members for admitting that they’d done so. For some reason he thinks this is a good thing.

12 years ago

Oh right, Steele, if GWW revealed she had engaged in predatory sexual behavior against young men she had power over, and had attempted to murder her boyfriend, MRAs would embrace her unequivocally.

12 years ago

So, to be clear, you think that feminists as a group don’t actually care that Hugo tried to kill his ex-girlfriend?

I think the feminists cared insofar as it was a means to an end – that being Schwyzer’s exile under a halfway palatable justification. I think this had long been brewing in “the back room”, as it were, and the feminists jumped at the chance when they saw it, dangling like a tasty piece of steak. If it wasn’t this, it would have been something else. He needed to go.

12 years ago

I mean, I don’t think very highly of the MRM, and even so I think that if GWW were to say “oh, yeah, and also I tried to kill my ex, and the point of that is how redemptive the whole experience ended up being for me” then she’d lose a big chunk of her supporters.

12 years ago

Steelepole, why did feminists go after Schwyzer but we let David hang around? What was so threatening about Schwyzer? I thought feminists loved our manginas and white knights, per the MRM.

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