Even without hearing it, I’m wishing I had a transporter beam so I could puke into it and have it land on Romney’s lap. He makes me want to throw up and at least that way it’d be useful.
I’ve been slacking off on my daily show viewings so I really don’t know what’s going on down there. But I just got caught up on last nights show- apparently Biden did well? That’s a bit of a relief.
12 years ago
Ok, on my oct. 11 daily show episode- who is the dude who believes the earth is 9000 years old and what state is he in? He is running unopposed- seriously, dudes, just go run against him. Anyone will do. Just be like ‘My personal finances are shit and I can barely maintain a job for all the internetting I do, but I don’t believe the earth is 9000 years old so I am less crazy than this dude. Vote for me!!!
12 years ago
ttf: I wish. He’s running unopposed because the Dems would lose; and the Reps. won’t support anyone else; lest they lose the seniority perks he’s accrued.
12 years ago
Oh, I’m totes late to the party.
I was watching the debate with my ex/BFF and only had my phone to connect to the intarwub, so twitter got most of my attention.
12 years ago
Go independent! Your slogan can be ‘Utterly useless, but not absolutely horrific for our state like that New Earth dude!”
12 years ago
Slogan “Fair dink, I couldn’t possibly be worse than him”?
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago
Is it me, or did last night Romney imply that single moms are a contributor to gang violence?
2-D Man
12 years ago
If Romney thinks marriage will reduce gun violence in America, why is he trying to restrict marriage in America?
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago
See, he only means HETEROSEXUAL marriage 2D. Since obviously homosexual marriage destroys real marriage.
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago
Huh. Apparently wordpress eats sarcasm HTML tags as proper tags that have no effect. I believe there’s a pithy remark in there somewhere.
12 years ago
Skyborn – Yes he did. It was far and away his most transparent and bizarre derail.
(also, you should be able to get waka signs by typing ampersand lt (or gt) semicolon.)</HTH>
12 years ago
Man, I wish I’d been on here. Sadly, I was watching the debates.
I am pretty sure that Romney just said the way to end gun violence is through marriage.
Yes. Yes he did. I was listening for dog whistles, but this one got by me at the time.
Also, I’m belatedly realizing that Romney’s answer to the income inequality question was that he made sure the women who worked for him in Mass. could always be home in time to cook dinner. o_o
I noted that at the time. It didn’t make a huge impact on me in the moment (mad privilege, yo) and the debate moved on to other things before I could comment on it with the ppl I was watching with.
Also, I just bet it was Romney who took a proactive stance on getting women into his gubernatorial cabinet. I just bet.
Even without hearing it, I’m wishing I had a transporter beam so I could puke into it and have it land on Romney’s lap. He makes me want to throw up and at least that way it’d be useful.
I know someone who, as a little child in the 90s, visited the Capitol building and, as a result of disagreeing with her lunch, threw up all over the Great Seal in the floor. Her family joked at the time about how it was a pity Newt Gingrich wasn’t standing right there.
12 years ago
There was so much question-dodging in the debate that it would put Neo or Agent Smith’s (from “The Matrix”) bullet-time antics to shame.
*Falls to knees, sobbing, hugs both around the waist*
Oh, please, please tell me about these wonderful places you live where scientific ignorance and religious fanaticism are political weaknesses! I’ve dreamed of such a place for so long, but living here in the United States, I’ve lost hope that they exist.
12 years ago
Falconer, the dog whistle I caught was when Romney said that illegal immigrants would leave the country when they found out that the jobs or benefits for them didn’t exist. That mention of “benefits” is a clear shout-out to those believe illegal immigrants leech off welfare, food stamps, and/or public education. He also threw in the obligatory “strength with ‘normal’ families and God’ bit to curry favor with others.
Skyborn Rocket
12 years ago
Oh hey, according to the people in his home state that binder comment? Complete BS. A group did send him a binder of qualified women when he was sworn in, but he ignored it apparently.
Did anyone else notice that part when Romney said he probably cares so much because he believes in God? Because clearly Obama is a godless socialist Muslim, amirite?
(Also, obviously belief in God is not a prerequisite for kindness or strong moral convictions, but I’m like 90% sure that was intended to be a dogwhistle, so…)
12 years ago
(Also, obviously belief in God is not a prerequisite for kindness or strong moral convictions, but I’m like 90% sure that was intended to be a dogwhistle, so…)
I thought that was supposed to do double duty as standard boilerplate tribal identification and to plead with the conservative tribe, look, I’m not a member of some depraved cult, I’m just like you! rather than play on the Kenyan Muslim Usurper meme, but probably it was supposed to dogwhistle that, too.
@Biot — I recall Romney said that the immigrants would leave when they couldn’t find the jobs “they want,” which is total BS because it’s not like we’re hiring them to be CFOs of Fortune 500 companies. We’re paying them dollars a day to bend over and pick our tomatoes for us.
Of course, if Romney solved the “problem” of immigration, he’d have to find something else to gin up controversy over, so I don’t expect it will go away anytime soon (but that’s what I thought about abortion and women’s bodily autonomy, and now look — we have an election in which contraception is a big issue).
Even without hearing it, I’m wishing I had a transporter beam so I could puke into it and have it land on Romney’s lap. He makes me want to throw up and at least that way it’d be useful.
Part of the reason I’m not watching the debate is that Romney’s smarmy smugness makes me too angry.
ttf, I second that.
That reminds me, I need to send in my ballot.
I resolve to only watch American presidental politics in the form of Bad Lip Reading from here on out. It makes me so much less stabby.
Loved this bit:
I’ve been slacking off on my daily show viewings so I really don’t know what’s going on down there. But I just got caught up on last nights show- apparently Biden did well? That’s a bit of a relief.
Ok, on my oct. 11 daily show episode- who is the dude who believes the earth is 9000 years old and what state is he in? He is running unopposed- seriously, dudes, just go run against him. Anyone will do. Just be like ‘My personal finances are shit and I can barely maintain a job for all the internetting I do, but I don’t believe the earth is 9000 years old so I am less crazy than this dude. Vote for me!!!
ttf: I wish. He’s running unopposed because the Dems would lose; and the Reps. won’t support anyone else; lest they lose the seniority perks he’s accrued.
Oh, I’m totes late to the party.
I was watching the debate with my ex/BFF and only had my phone to connect to the intarwub, so twitter got most of my attention.
Go independent! Your slogan can be ‘Utterly useless, but not absolutely horrific for our state like that New Earth dude!”
Slogan “Fair dink, I couldn’t possibly be worse than him”?
Is it me, or did last night Romney imply that single moms are a contributor to gang violence?
If Romney thinks marriage will reduce gun violence in America, why is he trying to restrict marriage in America?
See, he only means HETEROSEXUAL marriage 2D. Since obviously homosexual marriage destroys real marriage.
Huh. Apparently wordpress eats sarcasm HTML tags as proper tags that have no effect. I believe there’s a pithy remark in there somewhere.
Skyborn – Yes he did. It was far and away his most transparent and bizarre derail.
(also, you should be able to get waka signs by typing ampersand lt (or gt) semicolon.)</HTH>
Man, I wish I’d been on here. Sadly, I was watching the debates.
Yes. Yes he did. I was listening for dog whistles, but this one got by me at the time.
I noted that at the time. It didn’t make a huge impact on me in the moment (mad privilege, yo) and the debate moved on to other things before I could comment on it with the ppl I was watching with.
Also, I just bet it was Romney who took a proactive stance on getting women into his gubernatorial cabinet. I just bet.
I know someone who, as a little child in the 90s, visited the Capitol building and, as a result of disagreeing with her lunch, threw up all over the Great Seal in the floor. Her family joked at the time about how it was a pity Newt Gingrich wasn’t standing right there.
There was so much question-dodging in the debate that it would put Neo or Agent Smith’s (from “The Matrix”) bullet-time antics to shame.
*Looks at ttf and Magpie*
*Falls to knees, sobbing, hugs both around the waist*
Oh, please, please tell me about these wonderful places you live where scientific ignorance and religious fanaticism are political weaknesses! I’ve dreamed of such a place for so long, but living here in the United States, I’ve lost hope that they exist.
Falconer, the dog whistle I caught was when Romney said that illegal immigrants would leave the country when they found out that the jobs or benefits for them didn’t exist. That mention of “benefits” is a clear shout-out to those believe illegal immigrants leech off welfare, food stamps, and/or public education. He also threw in the obligatory “strength with ‘normal’ families and God’ bit to curry favor with others.
Oh hey, according to the people in his home state that binder comment? Complete BS. A group did send him a binder of qualified women when he was sworn in, but he ignored it apparently.
Source: http://blog.thephoenix.com/BLOGS/talkingpolitics/archive/2012/10/16/mind-the-binder.aspx
Did anyone else notice that part when Romney said he probably cares so much because he believes in God? Because clearly Obama is a godless socialist Muslim, amirite?
(Also, obviously belief in God is not a prerequisite for kindness or strong moral convictions, but I’m like 90% sure that was intended to be a dogwhistle, so…)
I thought that was supposed to do double duty as standard boilerplate tribal identification and to plead with the conservative tribe, look, I’m not a member of some depraved cult, I’m just like you! rather than play on the Kenyan Muslim Usurper meme, but probably it was supposed to dogwhistle that, too.
@Biot — I recall Romney said that the immigrants would leave when they couldn’t find the jobs “they want,” which is total BS because it’s not like we’re hiring them to be CFOs of Fortune 500 companies. We’re paying them dollars a day to bend over and pick our tomatoes for us.
Of course, if Romney solved the “problem” of immigration, he’d have to find something else to gin up controversy over, so I don’t expect it will go away anytime soon (but that’s what I thought about abortion and women’s bodily autonomy, and now look — we have an election in which contraception is a big issue).