a voice for men artistry hate johntheother manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim princesses shaming tactics white knights

JohnTheOther is sick of the term “mangina,” for all the wrong reasons.

Subtle political satire, MRA-style, from Artistry Against Misandry

Over on A Voice for Men, our old friend JohnTheLiarOther has decided he has a problem with calling men the MRAs’ favorite made-up word: “mangina.”

Why? Because the term is misogynistic, assuming that the worst insult you can deliver a man is to associate him with a woman’s vagina?

Oh no. His problem is that, while mangina “is appropriately insulting, it lacks explanatory power.”

Apparently, instead of using one word, JtO would prefer to use lots and lots of words. Some of them over and over. In his post, he launches into a sarcastic attack against “manginas” and “white knights.”

This slave, this coward, this supplicant seeking approval – he is the good man, and to prove it he will scourge every other man; every other man, who is not, like him, demonstrating that he is one of the good men; on his knees, or already busy attacking other men who don’t yet know they should live in a state of ongoing apology for existing. …

A man, surrendering reason, morality, surrendering the right to an identity as a human being, in favor of the consensus identity afforded to him by the group, based on his utility, his conformance, or his affectations of supplication to the preferred members of the group, such as women.

And that’s just the opener. He marches onward, blasting “manginas” as

snivelling, apologetic supplicants for approval …  amoral, violent enforcers of group think and conformism

He pauses in his attacks on “manginas” for a moment to take on feminists, declaring them “immature, violent, prejudiced [and] bigoted,” and even possibly

demonstrate[ing] other signs of mental illness, particularly, a constellation of qualities associated with high conflict personality disorders … paranoia, hatred, and ultimately, violence.

Then back to “manginas,” whom he describes as

enforcers of a public ethic of atavistic group think; us-versus-them along lines of trivial disagreement, social ostracism, fear driven conformism and authoritarian compliance; of hatred, and of violent enforcement of social norms which are fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional. …

As you may have noticed, he’s starting to repeat himself, a bit like a stuck record. Over the course of his relatively short post, he uses “coward” and its variations four times; “apologetic” and variations six times; “conformity” and variants five times; “supplicant” and variations three times; “on his knees” and variants three times; “enforcers of group think” twice. There are probably other repeated terms. But let’s continue on:

And all of this is enabled by the cowardice of those males who the group will define as good men. The compliant, the apologetic, and the heroes enforcing the whim of overgrown toddlers with princess complexes.

Whoops! He’s gone back to complaining about feminists again. And in case you didn’t get the bit about “toddlers” the first time, he repeats it, bashing feminists again as

grown up toddlers who discount your humanity and the humanity of all men in favor of utility and conformance.

Glad to see you’ve decided to move on from childish namecalling, JtO.

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12 years ago

Re Sink Misandry

Some of the “protesters” planned to go in period dress. I just had a look on AVfM, it’s actually quite cute. A few of them were arranging go car-share and I think for many it would have been the first trip out of their town that they’d had for quite some time.

Did the AVfM head honchos ever reveal what stopped it?

12 years ago

The chickens were definitely of the egg variety – they look like amercaunas or maybe what my American cousins call Easter-eggers – the ones that lay blue/green eggs.

The meat ones with the health issues are hybrids bred to reach maturity in the shortest possible time. Some smallholders grow them but otherwise it’s rare for them to be seen outside of intensive indoor rearing. And yes, their legs breaking under their own weight is a particularly nasty side-effect of the selective breeding and intensive rearing.

There are some utility breeds which are for meat rather than eggs (e.g Ixworths) but they don’t tend to suffer the health issues of the hybrids.

*returns to lurking & fussing over her garden bantams*

12 years ago

Being tax day in the US, a lot of them were tapped out. It is tough to make a trip when your finances are drained. Still, the lack of planning left them looking all washed up.

12 years ago

@ lightcastle- dear god, that is brilliant

Creative Writing Student

Dear JohnTheOther,

An insult should be quick and sharp. For example, I may describe you as a ‘sulphurous foulness’. It should not take up more than one clause (10 words max.)

Additionally, it should be quick to understand. What you have proposed is not an insult, it is a hateful screed. You really can’t insult someone with that, the insultee would walk away and you’d probably be arrested on suspicion of being drunk and disorderly. A good insult is short, to the point, and sometimes utilises devices such as assonance, alliteration etc. to make it stick in the mind.


Creative Writing Student

PS. You are a sulphurous foulness.

PPS. This is before we get into all the other problems with your hateful screed.

12 years ago

Dare I suggest JohntheOther google “Shakespeare insults?”

Would that remove the hobble on his awfulness that is the crappy quality of his writing? If he can just choose a good Billy-penned insult, how much time and energy would he have left over to hone his hateful philosophy?

No, I daren’t suggest it.

12 years ago

@lightcastle — When you said “The Littlest Hobo,” my first thought was Patrick Troughton as the Doctor. A crossover between him and Banner would have been somewhat awesome. I’m not familiar with the Canadian show in question, but I’m sure a crossover with the dog and Banner would have been awesomer.

Oh, I remember. The Doctor is sometimes termed a “Cosmic Hobo,” which is what I was misremembering.

12 years ago

As much as I hate all the misogyny we see in our own backyards, I’m so glad we don’t have to deal with the misogyny Malala Yousafzai is dealing with right now, having been shot in the head for speaking out for the rights of females to be educated. I hope she makes a full recovery, stays safe, and keeps working for women’s rights.

12 years ago

Shut up, Ruby.

12 years ago

I’ve never seen the Littlest Hobo (I’m American and a bit too young), but I’ve seen the Corner Gas episode where Hank thinks the Littlest Hobo saved his life. I mention this because I’ll take just about any opportunity to spread the gospel of Corner Gas, which is IMO one of the better comedy series out there.

But I did get to watch Due South as a kid. My whole family loved it. Fans of Paul Gross (*swoon*) may want to seek out Slings And Arrows as well.

/Canadian TV spiel

12 years ago

Sorry for the double post, but is anyone else having trouble accessing the forums?

12 years ago

@lightcastle: Yes. Hell yes. Hell fucking yes!

That opening song has become my life’s theme, considering how many times I’ve moved for work.

12 years ago

The forums are working for me.

12 years ago

At what point exactly did Ruby forget how a conversation works? She was still annoying as hell when she was arguing about why we were all rejecting SCIENCE for not listening to her evo-psych bullshit, but at least she was CONTRIBUTING. This is like drive-by dumbassery.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

@David, thanks for explaining. It sounds like going out and demonstrating would interfere with the real activism: typing on a blog. 🙂

The American tax day is interesting to me, as I only know about it from comedy shows, where the humour lies in the person leaving their tax filing(?) until the last day(?) and the efforts they then go through to get their tax documentation in.

12 years ago

@Kiwi girl: Eh, April 15 is the deadline for filing your tax return for the previous year. You can get it extended to September 15 if you pay a fee (like, $100). Taxes are big chores for a lot of people, and they tend to get put off. There’s a whole industry that makes plenty of money off of helping folks do their tax returns, and maximize their refund or minimize their payment.

So April 15 isn’t that interesting to me. Some people who think that buying in to the community is a Grievous Offense to Liberty stage protests on the day, but they’re way more obsessed with it than I am.

12 years ago

Hellkell’s ‘shut up, ruby’ was probably one of the best timed shut up, rubys yet.

12 years ago

I choose not to have conversations with assholes.

12 years ago

Then leave, Ruby. We’re not exactly fond of conversing with assholes either, yet here we are.

12 years ago

Which would mean that when you’re trying to sift through thoughts I your own mind there’s nothing but dead silence, eh Ruby?

Actually, that explains a lot.

12 years ago

With all that he’s done to raise awareness for workers at GM, why the hell does Michael Moore get labeled a damn Mangina?

12 years ago

@Myoo – -this is weird. I’ve tried on two different computers, on two different days, and I still can’t get to the forums, or to in general. But agrees with you (not that I doubted you). This is way outside my areas of expertise – anyone got a theory?

12 years ago

I’ve checked out the forummotion help forums and it seems you’re not the only having this problem. See if you can access this thread:

If you can’t, they have a message on that post that has a list of suggestions you might want to try:


The problem should be fixed now.

A DNS change has caused this problem. Now, the base DNS configuration has been restored.

Please clear your cache and cookies and check if this issue is fixed, as it should be.

If it’s not, here are some different operations that can help to fix the issue :

Close your browser
Reboot your Internet connection
Clear the DNS cache with an ipconfig/flushdns process (How to do this ?)
If that still doesn’t work, save your current DNS info somewhere else and try to change temporarily your DNS for the DNS provided by Google (How to do this ?)

If after all these operations, you still have the loading issues, please provide us :

The forum(s) concerned
A screenshot of the error message
Your ISP

Thank you very much to all of you for your patience Wink

Hope it helps.

12 years ago

Beats me Mikey, not many feminists I know are keen on a man who laughs at rape victims and spreads myths that help rapists.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Back on the OP – “mangina” is perfectly explanatory. It explains that the creep using it hates women and hates men who like women. Couldn’t be clearer.