a voice for men artistry hate johntheother manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim princesses shaming tactics white knights

JohnTheOther is sick of the term “mangina,” for all the wrong reasons.

Subtle political satire, MRA-style, from Artistry Against Misandry

Over on A Voice for Men, our old friend JohnTheLiarOther has decided he has a problem with calling men the MRAs’ favorite made-up word: “mangina.”

Why? Because the term is misogynistic, assuming that the worst insult you can deliver a man is to associate him with a woman’s vagina?

Oh no. His problem is that, while mangina “is appropriately insulting, it lacks explanatory power.”

Apparently, instead of using one word, JtO would prefer to use lots and lots of words. Some of them over and over. In his post, he launches into a sarcastic attack against “manginas” and “white knights.”

This slave, this coward, this supplicant seeking approval – he is the good man, and to prove it he will scourge every other man; every other man, who is not, like him, demonstrating that he is one of the good men; on his knees, or already busy attacking other men who don’t yet know they should live in a state of ongoing apology for existing. …

A man, surrendering reason, morality, surrendering the right to an identity as a human being, in favor of the consensus identity afforded to him by the group, based on his utility, his conformance, or his affectations of supplication to the preferred members of the group, such as women.

And that’s just the opener. He marches onward, blasting “manginas” as

snivelling, apologetic supplicants for approval …  amoral, violent enforcers of group think and conformism

He pauses in his attacks on “manginas” for a moment to take on feminists, declaring them “immature, violent, prejudiced [and] bigoted,” and even possibly

demonstrate[ing] other signs of mental illness, particularly, a constellation of qualities associated with high conflict personality disorders … paranoia, hatred, and ultimately, violence.

Then back to “manginas,” whom he describes as

enforcers of a public ethic of atavistic group think; us-versus-them along lines of trivial disagreement, social ostracism, fear driven conformism and authoritarian compliance; of hatred, and of violent enforcement of social norms which are fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional. …

As you may have noticed, he’s starting to repeat himself, a bit like a stuck record. Over the course of his relatively short post, he uses “coward” and its variations four times; “apologetic” and variations six times; “conformity” and variants five times; “supplicant” and variations three times; “on his knees” and variants three times; “enforcers of group think” twice. There are probably other repeated terms. But let’s continue on:

And all of this is enabled by the cowardice of those males who the group will define as good men. The compliant, the apologetic, and the heroes enforcing the whim of overgrown toddlers with princess complexes.

Whoops! He’s gone back to complaining about feminists again. And in case you didn’t get the bit about “toddlers” the first time, he repeats it, bashing feminists again as

grown up toddlers who discount your humanity and the humanity of all men in favor of utility and conformance.

Glad to see you’ve decided to move on from childish namecalling, JtO.

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12 years ago

I wonder what got john so peeved at men who don’t hate women today. Huh. I almost wish he kept a journal so you could sus out what prompts out these rants

12 years ago

I thought I read somewhere that the Canadian authorities believe the man who harassed Todd was a Yankee?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Falconer – yeah, I read that in passing on the thread about her, I think.

ttf – I now have an image of Freud going over that journal. :{

12 years ago

@ falconer- they said they thought the posts were coming from the United States, which could mean American, may not though.

12 years ago

@ kitten’s help- Oh dear god, I am so sorry.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL don’t worry, ttf – I would say douchebags like JohnthePother and Freud deserve each other!

12 years ago

hahaha, too true!

12 years ago

@ Falconer- It’s ok, you can call them RCMP. We know it’s a ridiculous name, but it cheers us up.

12 years ago

Hey! What are saying about the mounties eh?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’ve had a soft spot for the mounties ever since Due South … 🙂

12 years ago

Awesome flick!! And it got me to thinking about the best Canadian TV show of all time, and look at the title of the show!!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL what a title! Hmm … I wonder if that series ran out here? The name sounds vaguely familiar.

I always loved the Due South opening titles from the early series. I don’t think it broadcast longer than about season three here. Must see if it’s on sale anywhere …

12 years ago

He’s understandably bitter at all those men over there having all that fun with all those women. He can’t figure why those disgusting prudesluts prefer to hang out with those other men—the ones who don’t treat others like pieces of shit—instead of him! Oh, right: they must have surrendered to the femregime that secretly runs the world.

Seriously now, it’s sad to see so much resentment.

Angela Jones
Angela Jones
12 years ago


Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

2 points:

1. the exaggerated level of emotion in the writing suggests JtO has reaction formation with respect to his feelings about women (yes, sometimes I do like Freud)
2. what was sink misandry? Is there more misandry if your sink has one or two taps (faucets for the North Americans)? Or is there a lack of male access to sinks?

12 years ago

@timetravelingfool, I always wished The Littlest Hobo and The Incredible Hulk would do a crossover.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

@ lightcastle, that is the most brilliant idea in the history of ever.

12 years ago

Not that I keep chickens, but I’ve read that if meat chickens aren’t kept on a strict diet, once they get past a certain age they put on a great deal of weight and suffer. Like break legs and wheeze due to pulmonary problems suffer. It may have been necessary?

Meat chickens are bred to grow to full size in five weeks. Growing that fast cause them a great deal of suffering, and many break their legs. Heart problems are also common. That’s how the industry works. I have no idea if this could in theory be prevented by “strict diet”. The purpose of the chicken industry is to produce enough meat to satisfy the enormous demand for chicken, not to keep the chickens happy.

And well, perhaps I should point out that of course I know that farmers aren’t evil sadists who love torturing animals. I grew up in the countryside. I know farmers like animals as much as the next person. It’s just that they’re completely used to certain things being the case in farming. Fucked-up behaviours in animals who live in unnatural environments are seen as the natural behaviours of that species. Animals having lots of health problems – well, they’re used to that too, and think that’s just the way it is with this species. And if you have hundreds of animals, you can’t exactly go around empathising with individual members of your stock.

12 years ago

That said, I’m guessing the chickens would have been of the egg rather than the meat variety. If non-farmers have chickens it’s pretty much always the egg variety, and they don’t need to be killed at any particular age.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Now I’m having images of these idiots having their Sink Misandry protest with plumbers’ cracks on view.

Ewwwwww …

I nearly typed Skink Misandry then. Which I must say is a much cuter idea.

12 years ago

JTO is just sick and in need of therapy. I wonder if there are psychologists who specialize in treating misogyny. Of course the misogynists have to first recognize that they have a problem. I’ve never heard of a recovering misogynist, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist.

12 years ago

You really just don’t get it, do you Ruby?

12 years ago

I so wish that had happened. A small bunch of angry dudes carrying around posters about the Titanic on a day everyone else is worried about getting their taxes don

Probably would have been a lot like this