a voice for men artistry hate johntheother manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim princesses shaming tactics white knights

JohnTheOther is sick of the term “mangina,” for all the wrong reasons.

Subtle political satire, MRA-style, from Artistry Against Misandry

Over on A Voice for Men, our old friend JohnTheLiarOther has decided he has a problem with calling men the MRAs’ favorite made-up word: “mangina.”

Why? Because the term is misogynistic, assuming that the worst insult you can deliver a man is to associate him with a woman’s vagina?

Oh no. His problem is that, while mangina “is appropriately insulting, it lacks explanatory power.”

Apparently, instead of using one word, JtO would prefer to use lots and lots of words. Some of them over and over. In his post, he launches into a sarcastic attack against “manginas” and “white knights.”

This slave, this coward, this supplicant seeking approval – he is the good man, and to prove it he will scourge every other man; every other man, who is not, like him, demonstrating that he is one of the good men; on his knees, or already busy attacking other men who don’t yet know they should live in a state of ongoing apology for existing. …

A man, surrendering reason, morality, surrendering the right to an identity as a human being, in favor of the consensus identity afforded to him by the group, based on his utility, his conformance, or his affectations of supplication to the preferred members of the group, such as women.

And that’s just the opener. He marches onward, blasting “manginas” as

snivelling, apologetic supplicants for approval …  amoral, violent enforcers of group think and conformism

He pauses in his attacks on “manginas” for a moment to take on feminists, declaring them “immature, violent, prejudiced [and] bigoted,” and even possibly

demonstrate[ing] other signs of mental illness, particularly, a constellation of qualities associated with high conflict personality disorders … paranoia, hatred, and ultimately, violence.

Then back to “manginas,” whom he describes as

enforcers of a public ethic of atavistic group think; us-versus-them along lines of trivial disagreement, social ostracism, fear driven conformism and authoritarian compliance; of hatred, and of violent enforcement of social norms which are fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional. …

As you may have noticed, he’s starting to repeat himself, a bit like a stuck record. Over the course of his relatively short post, he uses “coward” and its variations four times; “apologetic” and variations six times; “conformity” and variants five times; “supplicant” and variations three times; “on his knees” and variants three times; “enforcers of group think” twice. There are probably other repeated terms. But let’s continue on:

And all of this is enabled by the cowardice of those males who the group will define as good men. The compliant, the apologetic, and the heroes enforcing the whim of overgrown toddlers with princess complexes.

Whoops! He’s gone back to complaining about feminists again. And in case you didn’t get the bit about “toddlers” the first time, he repeats it, bashing feminists again as

grown up toddlers who discount your humanity and the humanity of all men in favor of utility and conformance.

Glad to see you’ve decided to move on from childish namecalling, JtO.

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12 years ago

@Crumbelievable, It’s kind of typical (but terribly written) Gor-porn — a genre I had not known about before I encountered that e-book. It actually inspired a hilarious story by Leeloo, which then inspired me to start my blog to collect other examples of hilarity produced here.

12 years ago

Dave, did you happen to see that new e-book on the Artists Against Misandry site? I flipped through the first few pages and it`s somehow even worse than anything I`ve ever seen on The Spearhead. I`m sure it could make great fodder for a blog post.

You know, I’ll swear David did a post on a story like that, but I can’t find it. Maybe it was just an idea in comments on an MRA site somewhere at the time?

The Kitteh’s, I googled “take the purple pill” and most of the links are about a heartburn med, which I might need after my red pill and my blue one! The other links are about hallucinogens, so there’s that.

12 years ago


Discrimination + burlesque dancers =/= discrimination?

I’m being extremely generous in my interpretation, but maybe it’s “discrimination + sex =/= discrimination”, meaning women use sex to distract men from the fact that they’re discriminated against? Of course that contradicts their constant complaint of women not having sex with them, but when has contradicting themselves stopped them before?

12 years ago

That e-book cover is frightening.

12 years ago

You know, I’ll swear David did a post on a story like that, but I can’t find it. Maybe it was just an idea in comments on an MRA site somewhere at the time?

There’s a post in the forums about the book, maybe that’s what you’re thinking of?

12 years ago

That was it, Myoo.

12 years ago

@princessbonbon i actually wonder about hosting a manboobz meetup in NYC (brooklyn actually.) it sounds like so much fun to have everyone over and ply them all with drinks and laaaauuuuuggghhh

Have a nationwide meet up with each state doing their own bingo cards on the same night. For each bingo, everyone has to have a drink of red liquid.

12 years ago

oh you know i’d have to mix a drink called the “red pill.” and i’d have cookies in the shape of kitty avatar faces. and we’d have to make a big mammoth roast.

12 years ago


I read about it through r/againstmensrights the other day, Thanks for the link

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

and we’d have to make a big mammoth roast.

But, but, but – we’re wimmiz! And manginas! How could we possibly get hold of a mammoth?

I suppose we could trick some Manly Man into giving up his hard-won food with out amazing sexy wiles.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@heidihi- I would come to a meetup in NY.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

I suppose we could trick some Manly Man into giving up his hard-won food with out amazing sexy wiles.

You can have my bronto-burger when you pry it from my cold dead hands!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hey, speaking of dinosaurs, did anyone read about the feathered tyrannosaur that was discovered in China in April? (I just read about it in National Geographic, hence being a bit behind the times.) It apparently had down a bit like a baby chick, according to the article, which I thought was just the best thing ever. Here’s a picture of it.

pi male
pi male
12 years ago

Dear JtO,

Commas are not a substitute for periods.

The English Language

P.S. You should look up the word redundant when you get the chance.

12 years ago

“Artists Against Misandry”


As if determined to prove my point, the website subheader says “Barrens” where it logically should say “Barons”. Which also makes no sense, because Barons are male. It was a terrible attempt at alliteration 🙁

12 years ago

I’m actually really impressed that JohnTheOther used the word “atavistic.” I could be wrong, but since I just read a lot about 19th-century “science” for a class, I’m pretty sure the term “atavism” was used by Lombroso and a bunch of “forensic anthropologists” who practiced phrenology, a science that turned out to be WRONG (and racist).

So yay for you, JohnTheOther, dipping into terrible science of the past for your rants. Just when we think your kind can’t be any more out of touch with reality, you kick it up a notch. KUDOS, sir.

Also, none of those things you listed are symptoms of mental illness, dude. Ableist much?

12 years ago

Update on the Violentacrez situation, because the other thread is too far back. Gawker has an article noting that he got fired from his job on Saturday. And in the comments, I saw the absolute best statement cutting down all of the apologists swarming the thread crying about how his privacy has been violated:

“If connecting a person’s name with his behavior is enough to “ruin his life,” it’s the behavior that’s the problem, not the naming.”

12 years ago


Atavism is one of those terms where if you’re talking about evolution you might be in the clear and if you’re talking about culture or human characteristics you’re probably an asshole.

12 years ago

*bats eyelashes*

Oh but Sir Bodsworth, I haven’t had a bronto burger in so long…and I’m so very hungry..

Not that I keep chickens, but I’ve read that if meat chickens aren’t kept on a strict diet, once they get past a certain age they put on a great deal of weight and suffer. Like break legs and wheeze due to pulmonary problems suffer. It may have been necessary?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Between JohnTheOther, Paul Elam, GirlWritesWhat, TyphonBlue, and just about every other MRA, I’m beginning to have come to the conclusion a long time ago that the MRM understands neither men nor women at all.

12 years ago

heidihi: I could cope with that, though my work/travel schedule is going to be a bit strange out to the end of the year. I’m in Jersey, and work in the city.

12 years ago

m dubz okay that’s two of us 🙂 though my husband likes manboobz especially for the kitty vids…he says this site provides more cute per post than cute overload, so he could join.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I haven’t followed this at all – I steer well clear of Reddit and only read about it here – but looking at the Gawker article and seeing what this Brutsch creep did, I was half expecting to hear he’d been fired from his job as a milk machine technician …

12 years ago

Update on Amanda Todd: hacker group Annymous has released the identity of the man they believe responsible for Amandas’ torment.
The guy lives in Vancouver. I will say two things: 1) I sure as hell hope they got the right guy. 2) I also hope that it is the law that catches up with him, not mob justice. There will be plenty of time to revile the son of slime who preyed on a child.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I hope they pass the information to the police – they’re the ones who should be dealing with this. Pity one can’t be charged with murder or conspiracy to murder for driving someone to suicide. The person who did this should be in prison and without computer access for the rest of their lousy life.