a voice for men artistry hate johntheother manginas misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men playing the victim princesses shaming tactics white knights

JohnTheOther is sick of the term “mangina,” for all the wrong reasons.

Subtle political satire, MRA-style, from Artistry Against Misandry

Over on A Voice for Men, our old friend JohnTheLiarOther has decided he has a problem with calling men the MRAs’ favorite made-up word: “mangina.”

Why? Because the term is misogynistic, assuming that the worst insult you can deliver a man is to associate him with a woman’s vagina?

Oh no. His problem is that, while mangina “is appropriately insulting, it lacks explanatory power.”

Apparently, instead of using one word, JtO would prefer to use lots and lots of words. Some of them over and over. In his post, he launches into a sarcastic attack against “manginas” and “white knights.”

This slave, this coward, this supplicant seeking approval – he is the good man, and to prove it he will scourge every other man; every other man, who is not, like him, demonstrating that he is one of the good men; on his knees, or already busy attacking other men who don’t yet know they should live in a state of ongoing apology for existing. …

A man, surrendering reason, morality, surrendering the right to an identity as a human being, in favor of the consensus identity afforded to him by the group, based on his utility, his conformance, or his affectations of supplication to the preferred members of the group, such as women.

And that’s just the opener. He marches onward, blasting “manginas” as

snivelling, apologetic supplicants for approval …  amoral, violent enforcers of group think and conformism

He pauses in his attacks on “manginas” for a moment to take on feminists, declaring them “immature, violent, prejudiced [and] bigoted,” and even possibly

demonstrate[ing] other signs of mental illness, particularly, a constellation of qualities associated with high conflict personality disorders … paranoia, hatred, and ultimately, violence.

Then back to “manginas,” whom he describes as

enforcers of a public ethic of atavistic group think; us-versus-them along lines of trivial disagreement, social ostracism, fear driven conformism and authoritarian compliance; of hatred, and of violent enforcement of social norms which are fundamentally toxic and dysfunctional. …

As you may have noticed, he’s starting to repeat himself, a bit like a stuck record. Over the course of his relatively short post, he uses “coward” and its variations four times; “apologetic” and variations six times; “conformity” and variants five times; “supplicant” and variations three times; “on his knees” and variants three times; “enforcers of group think” twice. There are probably other repeated terms. But let’s continue on:

And all of this is enabled by the cowardice of those males who the group will define as good men. The compliant, the apologetic, and the heroes enforcing the whim of overgrown toddlers with princess complexes.

Whoops! He’s gone back to complaining about feminists again. And in case you didn’t get the bit about “toddlers” the first time, he repeats it, bashing feminists again as

grown up toddlers who discount your humanity and the humanity of all men in favor of utility and conformance.

Glad to see you’ve decided to move on from childish namecalling, JtO.

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12 years ago

I don’t even own that kind of flogger.

OK, I lol’d

@Myoo thanks for the help! I’ll try some of those things

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I don’t even own that kind of flogger.

David, I just snerked at that, thankyouverymuch.

I am now going to get a replacement cup of coffee.

12 years ago

re Due South: We have all three seasons on DVD. It’s a wonderful thing. You might also want to get “Slings and Arrows”, and (for those who are willing to be sappily emotional; and forgive the somewhat overdone ending) “Passchendaele.

Dave: Good thing I’d swallowed my beer.

12 years ago

Creative Writing Student: Insults can be longer than 10 words, even more than one clause, but those require a different end.

E. G.:

You bloated bag of bloviation, would that you were so meritorious as a mealcake made with maggoty marrow, and served up in the presence of Brillat-Savarin; where he might give us an acute, astute and concise conciliation of your comparative contribution to the well-being of the world.

Regrettably such a blessing as that might be is denied us, as M. Brillat-Savarin has been dead for quite some years and all we are left with is the sense that such a cake would leave a better taste in our mouths.

12 years ago

You don’t converse with assholes, but you sure will comment on every post and read through all the comments just to see if we’ve bowed to your brilliance yet, eh, Ruby?

Go step on a Lego.

Creative Writing Student


Good point! Although I think in JohnTheOther’s case, he should have a one-clause limit. His flood of bile really doesn’t have the snappiness or internal consistency to be a good insult.

I can’t be the only one who wants to rescue his thesaurus and rehome it with a nice family who will give it the care and love it needs.

12 years ago

JtO should have be judged on the same principles as anyone else. If he is clever with them, he can use as many words as he likes.

Sadly, his best efforts aren’t as good as maggoty-marrow mealcakes.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Pecunium – I ordered the three-series-plus-pilot dvd of Due South the other day. Now to wait until JANUARY for the post to deliver it …

12 years ago

Been swamped at work, or I would have responded earlier. Thanks all who like the idea of The Littlest Hobo/The Incredible Hulk crossover. It struck me in an epiphany last year and if I had any skills as an editor, I would try to put together a mash up of the themes.

Not only did they share the same basic plot of wandering around helping people, once it was revealed that the Littlest Hobo was an ageless dog who gained superpowers in a lab, it just seemed like an obvious thing to do.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I have an image of a dog turning green and going RAARRRRRRR now …

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I don’t think I ever saw the show (though it did air here) but I just read this in the Wiki article:

“In a surprising development in the show, season 5’s two-part episode “The Genesis Tapes” revealed that Hobo was indeed the same exact and long lived dog as the dog in the 1960s series and this was explained away as him being the next stage of canine evolution. This also explains his higher intelligence.”

See, Owly? Superdogs are totally real!!!

12 years ago

OMG! I didn’t even realize that it answered Owly’s Superdogs thing!
(Huh, I remembered that episode as revealing they had genetically engineered him in some way?)

Fucking Loser
Fucking Loser
12 years ago


That looks like YOU Manboobz!

A FAT DEGENERATE trying to appease to women.

Micheal Moore’s illegitimate child.

What is more distasteful then a female Feminist, a male one. Just like a white person who hates white people, thinking he is cool and hip. All the while trying to be accepted by those around him.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Well, well, well, have we a sockpuppet making an appearance?

12 years ago

Hey FL, your attempt to insult David by saying the picture looks like him might have been more effective if he hadn’t said the exact came thing a few comments up.

Trolls these days!

12 years ago

Here I thought being a twit who has to stalk semi-dormant threads to try to make bully someone by using a thing they are mocking was more distasteful. It’s certainly more pathetic.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Trolls these days!

It’s a sad comment on the state of troll edumacation, isn’t it?.

12 years ago

Is it just me or have the blockquote gods been particularly unhappy this last week or so?

12 years ago

We’ve probably not been posting enough kitties to placate them.

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