BINGO! misogyny MRA

MRA Bingo is here!

OK, folks, here we go: Here, without further ado, are the Man Boobz MRA Bingo cards!

Click right here to get your very own randomly generated card! Print it out, or just keep the window open while you argue with trolls here on Man Boobz or peruse the various sites in the Manosphere. Or if you want to get aggressive about it and get a quick bingo, use Google to track down examples to fill your squares.

Click here if you want to play with two cards at once.

If you get a bingo, shout it out in the comments – and give some details of where you found each item! Everyone who gets a bingo gets an Internet! Whoever gets one first gets five Internets!

Heck, post each time you get a hit. And give yourself half an Internet each time you get more than one hit from a single MRA comment or post.

If you want to save your card between sessions, you’ll need to make a screenshot, as there’s no way to bookmark a particular card.

You’ll notice that the squares of the card go grey when you mouse over them. If you hold down the Ctrl key and click, the square you’re on will go blue around the edges, and you can use this to mark your squares. (Just don’t click outside the card, as this will erase all the blue on your card.)

If you notice any weird glitches or typos, let me know so I can fix them. And if you have more suggestions, either for the MRA Bingo cards or for the upcoming PUA, Evo Psych, and Man Boobz Troll cards, post them below as well.

If you get “misandry” more than once on a card, don’t worry — that’s on purpose. Just mark off one of them each time you get a hit.

Let the wild bingo begin!


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12 years ago

Haven’t we been through the “creepy men just have Asperger’s and that makes it okay for them to be creepy” bullshit before?

I have Asperger’s. That doesn’t make it okay for me to be a creep. End of story.

12 years ago

@Diogenes as Lauralot pointed out, the Aspie Defense is one we’ve all heard before. I know you thought you were dropping some truth bomb none of us had considered, but in reality this argument gets brought up pretty much every time women try to talk about inappropriate behavior from men, and those of us who hang out in feminist spaces have already seen it discussed and debated a million times. Feel free to check out those discussions and save us the trouble of having to explain, yet again, why that argument doesn’t hold up.

12 years ago

A closer analogy is probably someone coming into your backyard. If you invite them in, all fine and dandy. During the day, someone might come in by being clueless about property boundaries. At 4am, you’re completely justified being uncomfortable or frightened that someone is there.

12 years ago

Its funny how some people on here are likes sharks in the water waiting for a drop of blood.

Dude, did you read the label on the tin? *points up* This is a forum where we mock misogynists for our own amusement. We are, in fact, waiting for people like you to come here and show their asses, so that we can laugh at them.

12 years ago

Clearly he has a special computer that changes “mock” into “cuddle” in order to make the internet feel more cosy.

Creative Writing Student

Cuddling misogyny? Eww!

*scrubs with bleach*

Oh god, the stink isn’t coming off! Although my skin is! Oh god!

12 years ago

Or how many times I’ve been around a female friend, saw a mouth-breather heading her way, and just wandered off just to laugh hysterically at her getting hit on as she mouthed the words “fuck you fuck you fuck you” to me.


12 years ago

What if we changed “misogyny” to “kitten”, and “mock” to “cuddle”?

12 years ago

“Cuddling virtual kittens” is already this blog’s secondary function, so why not?

12 years ago

Diogenes the Naïf: If we watched the same guy cluelessly hitting on a girl who wasn’t interested, you would probably interpret it as creepy, and threatening, and I would see it as socially clueless.

Let me be the one to gladly shatter your worldview†

One instance? Clueless.

Repeated instances, with different women, clueless.

Dogged pursuit of one (or just a few women)… creepy.

Continuing the behaviors described as clueless, after people explain why they might be seen as creepy… not clueless. Careless of other peoples’ feelings, and creepy.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pull away some guy to tell him the girl he’s talking to isn’t interested in him. Or how many times I’ve been around a female friend, saw a mouth-breather heading her way, and just wandered off just to laugh hysterically at her getting hit on as she mouthed the words “fuck you fuck you fuck you” to me.

Not creepy, but dickish in the extreme, and a piss-poor way to be a friend.

† OK, I admit it, I am not so young and naive as to think facts are really going to persuade you, but a guy can hope.

12 years ago

Diogenes the Naïf: It’s not that “we see the world the way we are”* it’s that:

1: You presume to tell us what the “truth” is.
2: You tell us we have no clue about our personal experience.
3: You admit you have neither personal experience, nor have you bothered to do the most trivial of research.
4: You still insist that we are wrong, and we ought to give credence to your ignorant maunderings.

That, my little chickadee, is something which has to be kept in mind. If we let it go by without mention than anyone who didn’t know what a fool you are might be willing to take your mendacious blather as that of a reasonable person.

You have earned that level of response, just as Meller has earned the steady repetition of his comment that murdered women ask for it.

Of course worldview isn’t the real subject here, and neither are you (though you may get a chunk of topic drift onto your intellectual and moral failings). The topic here is that TAA has decided that not only should he not give a damn about someone who was driven to suicide by a stalking bully; and the culture which made it possible, but that he needs to bully the people who are offended by that.

He’s also bullying her friends and relatives by saying it’s the Amanda’s fault she was driven to suicide. That she wasn’t “tough” enough.

We can add your ignoring that, to whine about how all the people here who are calling you on your bullshit to the aforementioned list of moral failings.

*and if this is what you really believe, why do you bother to speak to anyone?

12 years ago

Sorry, I made a mistake. I lost track of which thread I was in. You aren’t trying to derail from TAA.

All I said about him stands, but what I said about you ignoring it doesn’t apply. Mea Culpa.

12 years ago

If we watched the same guy cluelessly hitting on a girl who wasn’t interested, you would probably interpret it as creepy, and threatening, and I would see it as socially clueless.

Pecunium addressed this very well, but I also want to point out that these aren’t mutually exclusive. A clueless guy with good intentions could still come off as creepy and threatening.

12 years ago

I’d also like to point out that the guy who sexually harassed me throughout my senior year of high school was the class clown and a hell of a lot more socially talented than I am. (I’m not on the spectrum, but I am introverted and not particularly good with people.) It made it really hard for me to figure out how to respond. Where is the love for all the socially awkward women who are made uncomfortable by creepy guys overstepping their boundaries, hmmm?

12 years ago

I always wonder about this when the oh but what about the poor socially awkward guys whine comes up. What about socially awkward women? It’s hard enough to navigate aggressive propositions, sneaky manipulation, and general sex-related assholery if you’re a woman with excellent social skills. How much harder must it be for women without those skills? The closest example I have at hand is a friend who’s Aspie, and in my observation her social awkwardness both makes her a target and makes it extra hard for her to deal with being targeted.

12 years ago

[whoops, wrong email address. Please delete the copy of this in moderation?]

Additionally, it’s not like not being a creep is a difficult thing, social-skills speaking.

If you’re not getting a clear “yes”, back the fuck away.

I’m pretty shitty at social skills but even I can get that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Diogenes the Creep: it doesn’t matter a damn whether YOU think someone’s a perfectly innocent oh-poor-thing-so-awkward person. What matters is the feelings of the person they’re hitting on. You’re not the one being subjected to something that could go all the way from mildly annoying and unwelcome to seriously frightening and possibly triggering. So shut the fuck up about it being something that you find amusing. If that ever happened at all, you’re a shit of a “friend” and if it didn’t, you’re making up pathetic fantasies to support the idea that women exist for men to hit on, and hey, you wouldn’t even help a so-called friend (if you actually think of women as friends, which your MRM defences make me doubt) if it meant interfering with some dude’s opportunity to hit on her.

Go fuck yourself, you little loser.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

@Ugh, we were talking about that?

If its the event I think it is then yeah, I can see her point.

I think its just harder for me, as a guy to think of other guys as threatening than women would.


I am not the misogyinist you are looking for. I’m pretty consistantly egalitarian.

Manboobz: Misogyny, we mock it. And Diogenes The Cynic.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago

Dude, you’re not even close to the top of the list of trolls we love mocking. In fact, I get the impression that people go easy on you because you give the impression of being a teenager.

12 years ago

I’m pretty consistantly egalitarian.


Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


Why do you doubt every story from my personal life? Its as if….you can only see the world for the way you are, and if people act differently than you’re used to, you have trouble reconciling it to your reality.


Didn’t you notice where I would take these guys aside? Eventually.
I remember this one time one of my friends had a creeper texting her after a single date. He was getting angrier and angrier at her. I asked her where she found him. Online. After mocking her for using a dating site, we start mocking the dude together. She forwards me a few of his texts, and I start responding to them with my phone. I think he got the point, but was slow to get it.

Not the most dickish move out there. One of my friends has a habit I don’t like much. When we get rip-roaring drunk, he picks up my rifle, asks me if its loaded, then dry-fires it at my head. I always had it unloaded before, but now I detach the bolt on it too.

If you want, I’ll address your second post.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

“Pecunium addressed this very well, but I also want to point out that these aren’t mutually exclusive. A clueless guy with good intentions could still come off as creepy and threatening.” -emilygoddess

I’ll eventually learn to quote. This will do for now.

Hence my saying that we view the world for the way we are. Ever hear about Schrodinger’s Rapist? A woman wrote an essay on how easily she could be intimidated by any given guy. It was pretty eye-opening for me. I’m not used to viewing other guys as threatening, so I don’t interpret them that way. The average woman is smaller than the average guy, so I can, to an extent, see how a guy could be threatening to a woman.

12 years ago

I think its just harder for me, as a guy to think of other guys as threatening than women would.

Dude, for the eleventy billionth time, your inability to wrap your head around other people’s perspectives is your problem. Go away and work on that before making any more generalized statements.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

It took reading Schrodinger’s Rapist to get the idea into your head that most men are stronger than most women? What the fuck have you been doing, sleepwalking all your life?

And that post is about so much more than the mere matter of strength and potential threat. Being treated as public property, men ignoring fear or hostility or simple indifference (and pretending they can’t read body language) because they don’t like the message, the whole attitude of being owed attention by women … gods, there’s more than I can summarise. READ THE COMMENTS again and go think about them, ferchrissakes.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

The Kitteh!

Not stronger. Intimidating. I’ve stared down felons, pet a shark (not my brightest moment), faced down a bear charge, etc. I don’t intimidate easily, so its difficult to put myself in the frame of reference to a person that does. What with everyone seeing the world for the way they are, and all. It may be a defect in the English language, that just “knowing” doesn’t explain anything. In French I’d say I can connais something, but not sais it because I’m not a woman. You also could connais what its like to be a man, but not sais it.

Being treated like public property? How so? Men treat you as if they’re owed your attention? Hmmmm. If I could experience what it was like to be a woman for a day, I might be able to understand. The closest I have though is asking you to explain it to me. Would you please?

Post Script: There is one thing that does terrify me; skunks. They’re cute as hell, but can ruin your week. All the clothes you’re wearing, etc. I’ve broken the 100m dash record more than once getting away from one scampering towards me.

Post post script: please don’t call me a creep. Thats uncalled for.