BINGO! misogyny MRA

MRA Bingo is here!

OK, folks, here we go: Here, without further ado, are the Man Boobz MRA Bingo cards!

Click right here to get your very own randomly generated card! Print it out, or just keep the window open while you argue with trolls here on Man Boobz or peruse the various sites in the Manosphere. Or if you want to get aggressive about it and get a quick bingo, use Google to track down examples to fill your squares.

Click here if you want to play with two cards at once.

If you get a bingo, shout it out in the comments – and give some details of where you found each item! Everyone who gets a bingo gets an Internet! Whoever gets one first gets five Internets!

Heck, post each time you get a hit. And give yourself half an Internet each time you get more than one hit from a single MRA comment or post.

If you want to save your card between sessions, you’ll need to make a screenshot, as there’s no way to bookmark a particular card.

You’ll notice that the squares of the card go grey when you mouse over them. If you hold down the Ctrl key and click, the square you’re on will go blue around the edges, and you can use this to mark your squares. (Just don’t click outside the card, as this will erase all the blue on your card.)

If you notice any weird glitches or typos, let me know so I can fix them. And if you have more suggestions, either for the MRA Bingo cards or for the upcoming PUA, Evo Psych, and Man Boobz Troll cards, post them below as well.

If you get “misandry” more than once on a card, don’t worry — that’s on purpose. Just mark off one of them each time you get a hit.

Let the wild bingo begin!


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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“45 kittens in a David suit” sounds like a wonderful new line for a Christmas song.

12 years ago

ah yes, “spermjacking”. I do it so frequently I am frankly surprised I missed the reference. Well, I am a LAYDEEBRAIN, so…

12 years ago

Hey, Nichevo, your names sums up your contribution. Come back when there is something to your words.

12 years ago


“What if those things are true?”

They aren’t. That’s kind of the point.

12 years ago

I notice “incel” is on there. Why, has that become an MRA word now? If so, I’m disappointed, as it’s something that affects women too, and people who identify as incel (for example, me) can also be feminists.

Diana (@DianaMayim)
12 years ago

There’s a woman on Youtube who seems to want to get in tight with the MRA’s and rub their precious egos (aside from the ‘sex positives’ who just want MRA’s on their side because MRA’s hate radical feminists). TruthandOblivion is an anti-feminist to the core.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago


My guess is that they’re either nursing hurt egos from rejection, or are aspies that have to not hit on the women, shower, etc.

You know, they do make condoms with spermicide these days.

12 years ago


It’s pretty much exclusively an MRA thing. That’s why pretty much all incel forums have crazy amounts of misogyny. People who don’t think women owe them sex generally just say “single.”

12 years ago


Holy ableism! Asberger’s does not make people misogynists.

A more likely theory is that misogynists are upset at women speaking out because they want creepy-ass and threatening behavior to be normalized, because they like threatening women.

12 years ago

Also, I realize “crazy” was itself ableist. Sorry about that, everyone! Old habits die hard.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

Asbergers makes people not recognize social cues.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

But it doesn’t make them whiny, entitled creeps who think women are sex vending machines.

12 years ago


If someone doesn’t recognize social cues for whatever reason, and that person is not a misogynist, his/her response to being told that an action is threatening will be “Sorry, thanks for the tip, I won’t do that in the future.”

If his/her response is “You have no right to tell me not to threaten you,” guess what? They do, in fact, want to be threatening and know exactly what they’re doing.

12 years ago

Diogenes, Aspbergers does not absolve a person from their asshole behavior. Are you arguing that they can’t learn how to behave? That’s ableist and shitty of you.

12 years ago

Like, the logic of your argument here basically boils down to preventing anyone from criticizing anyone elses’ actions.

For example, you could make the exact same argument about money- that it is wrong to criticize theft because some people for whatever reason might not understand the concept of private property. Sounds pretty ridiculous, doesn’t it? The only reason that you don’t think your argument about threatening women isn’t equally ridiculous is that you value money more than women’s safety.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

This is sounding like a recent thread where Diogenes was doing the “Oh, how could MRAs be such nasty people? I haven’t seen it for myself and haven’t the imagination to picture it, therefore it can’t be true” thing. Now he’s trying to excuse their behaviour by equating it with Asperger’s, which is both insulting to people on that spectrum (which does NOT make one a douchebag) and a get-out-of-gaol-free card for arsewipes who want to threaten, harass or otherwise treat women as less than human.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago



That is all.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Crap, that didn’t work. It was meant to be an insulting and offensive hand gesture.

12 years ago

Ah… Diogenes… the dude who says, “your experience is irrelevant because I am ignorant and don’t want to believe the truth.”

This, he thinks, make him a cynic, rather than an idiot.

12 years ago

Bless his lacking in life experience little heart.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
12 years ago

Its funny how some people on here are likes sharks in the water waiting for a drop of blood. I don’t think what I said was particularly controversial. I just didn’t express it in the orthodoxy of some on this site.

Now, Ugh, I think one of my favorite phrases is playing out here. “We see the world for the way we are.”

If we watched the same guy cluelessly hitting on a girl who wasn’t interested, you would probably interpret it as creepy, and threatening, and I would see it as socially clueless.

Now Kitty, it isn’t an excuse to be whiny or entitled, but it can make a person seem creepy.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to pull away some guy to tell him the girl he’s talking to isn’t interested in him. Or how many times I’ve been around a female friend, saw a mouth-breather heading her way, and just wandered off just to laugh hysterically at her getting hit on as she mouthed the words “fuck you fuck you fuck you” to me.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

How to lose a ‘female friend’ in ten minutes.

Step One:

Or how many times I’ve been around a female friend, saw a mouth-breather heading her way, and just wandered off just to laugh hysterically at her getting hit on as she mouthed the words “fuck you fuck you fuck you” to me.

12 years ago

We know that you see the world the way you are, Diogynes, which is why your worldview is so limited. Luckily not everyone shares that problem, but since you’re aware of it in yourself it really is something you should work on.

12 years ago

If we watched the same guy cluelessly hitting on a girl who wasn’t interested, you would probably interpret it as creepy, and threatening, and I would see it as socially clueless.

First of all, I’ve seen many men hit on women who weren’t interested. I’ve even been one of them. It’s not creepy unless they do it in a creepy way. There are plenty of non-creepy ways to hit on someone. But let’s assume they were doing it in a creepy way..

Hitting on in a creepy way and not realising: probably clueless.

Hitting on, being told they are being creepy: can no longer claim to be clueless.

Exploding with rage and indignation at someone giving them friendly advice about how not to be creepy: extra, extra creepy and threatening with no excuse.

12 years ago

If we watched the same guy cluelessly hitting on a girl who wasn’t interested, you would probably interpret it as creepy, and threatening, and I would see it as socially clueless.

Way to shift the goalposts there. Let’s talk about what we were actually talking about.

We’re talking about a massive reaction of anger at a woman for daring to say that she felt threatened by a guy asking her to come into his hotel room while alone in a confined space at 4 AM.

Are you saying that people had a right to be angry at Watson for speaking up or not? If so, would you say that it’s wrong to speak up about theft because some people might cluelessly interpret private property differently?