BINGO! misogyny MRA

MRA Bingo is here!

OK, folks, here we go: Here, without further ado, are the Man Boobz MRA Bingo cards!

Click right here to get your very own randomly generated card! Print it out, or just keep the window open while you argue with trolls here on Man Boobz or peruse the various sites in the Manosphere. Or if you want to get aggressive about it and get a quick bingo, use Google to track down examples to fill your squares.

Click here if you want to play with two cards at once.

If you get a bingo, shout it out in the comments – and give some details of where you found each item! Everyone who gets a bingo gets an Internet! Whoever gets one first gets five Internets!

Heck, post each time you get a hit. And give yourself half an Internet each time you get more than one hit from a single MRA comment or post.

If you want to save your card between sessions, you’ll need to make a screenshot, as there’s no way to bookmark a particular card.

You’ll notice that the squares of the card go grey when you mouse over them. If you hold down the Ctrl key and click, the square you’re on will go blue around the edges, and you can use this to mark your squares. (Just don’t click outside the card, as this will erase all the blue on your card.)

If you notice any weird glitches or typos, let me know so I can fix them. And if you have more suggestions, either for the MRA Bingo cards or for the upcoming PUA, Evo Psych, and Man Boobz Troll cards, post them below as well.

If you get “misandry” more than once on a card, don’t worry — that’s on purpose. Just mark off one of them each time you get a hit.

Let the wild bingo begin!


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The end result is, of course, that women will continue to be people

Fixed that for you.

12 years ago

Degenerate, inferior, subpar, fuglies. I can’t believe those veil feminazis are bashing men like that aga– oh, sorry, what?

More and more it seems that when men assume they know what women actually like in a man (as if they all like the same type – I don’t think I could find five women who could agree that even one man is sexy), they’re just projecting their own securities and/or homoerotic impulses. We get it. You want to be the big guy with a flashy car, or you want to fuck him. You be that. Or you do that. But please don’t explain to the women in your life that they want to fuck that, too, and anything less is because of an elaborate theory you thought up between clicks on Craigslist.

12 years ago

ok, I picked a card that had “put hot sauce in the used condom” as a square. I don’t recall having seen that anywhere before. Can anyone elucidate?

slouching towards bethlehem
slouching towards bethlehem
12 years ago

“ok, I picked a card that had “put hot sauce in the used condom” as a square. I don’t recall having seen that anywhere before. Can anyone elucidate?”

I can explain that, rabbitwink:

this is a subset of the “spermjacking” square, where a woman will steal a man’s semen even after he has made the Heruclean sacrifice of using a condom during sex with her in order to at a later time, after he’s left, impregnate herself to “trap” him and hook him with a child and the ensuing alimony/child support, etc.

the “defense” against this problem (make your own joke about a good offense being the best defense) is to put hot sauce in your used condoms after you’re finished with your lady du jour. that way, when she tries to impregnate herself with your sperm, she’ll get a burning sensation to her gina.

david has only mentioned this I think twice, but it’s still so out there that it really does deserve its own square.

12 years ago

Would an MRA ranting about having to hold the door open for women count under “Feminism is chivalry”?

12 years ago

It’s a strategy to prevent spermburgling. Haven’t seen it mentioned in a while.

12 years ago

ok, I picked a card that had “put hot sauce in the used condom” as a square. I don’t recall having seen that anywhere before. Can anyone elucidate?

I forget who it was, but someone, somewhere was claiming that his girlfriend hopped up from cuddles, ran into the bathroom, plucked his used condom out of the bathroom trash, and dashed out the door, crowing FINALLY I WILL GET THE BABY I DESERVE! The story ended, as I recall, with the guy racing after her and attacking her, so then the cops got called, so then of course the guy was arrested, because it is THE LAW that cops have to arrest the guy in any domestic dispute.

The hot sauce came up when other MRAs were suggesting methods of sabotaging the condom’s contents so FEMALES would not be able to use the contents to slap the IRONS OF FINANCIAL SLAVERY on some dupe of a guy by having a baby and making him pay child support.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Well, judging by the reaction of all the women in my friday class, I think there is some concensus that Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes is ‘exciting’.

However, I’m not sure this would transfer over to reality. Sherlock would be an infuriating boyfriend, to say the least. John Watson must have the patience of a saint.

12 years ago

Did one of them really say Cosmo is a feminist training manual? Cuz honestly I always kind of wondered if it wasn’t secretly written by a cabal of MRA’s.

12 years ago
12 years ago

>The story ended, as I recall, with the guy racing after her and attacking her, so then the cops got called, so then of course the guy was arrested, because it is THE LAW that cops have to arrest the guy in any domestic dispute.

I think I have to add that that was a troll story and the jok/insane part was how few people called bullshit.

12 years ago

I know off topic is normally accepted here and I need somewhere to vent. Here is a link from the amazing atheists tumblr of him tackling a major problem of society
Apparently teen girls who kill themselves due to sexual cyber bullying aren’t being ignored enough! Ugh, I hate the world sometimes 🙁

12 years ago

The Amazing Atheist is a bully and a terrible person, and I’m ashamed to share no religion with him. He’s famous for purposefully trying to trigger a (male) rape victim.

But you know, telling guys not to hit on women at 4 am in an elevator is just so much worse. Free speech, man! (Or at least free speech for men.)

12 years ago

Is Chuckie here the same Chuck who writes for Gucci Little Piggy?

12 years ago

What is the point of this? What if those things are true? Should I shit my pants and then make a card saying “you smell like shit”, so when somebody says that to me I can pretend I won? Feminists are idiots.

12 years ago

Ooh, a new troll! And he thinks we smell like shit.

Which of the things on David’s example cards are true, troll?

12 years ago

I was just about to say that you forgot “alpha asshole cock carousel,” and then I finally saw it there at the bottom. Phew.

12 years ago

It seemed a cold thing to post, possibly even worse than a tasteless joke because he was
making a point about what he believed. At least a tasteless joke is normally due to a lack of thought, not deliberate dismissal of a situation.

12 years ago

They like you, David, right now they like you! /Sally Field

Also, apparently playing bingo makes one fat. The things you learn on the internet.

12 years ago

At least New Troll is self-aware enough to compare the MRM to shit?

M Dubz
12 years ago

@jennyevildoll- Seeing as how one of our regulars (hi Cliff!) writes hilarious posts skewering Cosmo every month, I think your interpretation is the right one.

12 years ago

By us, you mean the 45 kittens in a David suit, right?

(I should probably get off the internet now I think. Nah, I’m staying.)