BINGO! misogyny MRA

MRA Bingo is here!

OK, folks, here we go: Here, without further ado, are the Man Boobz MRA Bingo cards!

Click right here to get your very own randomly generated card! Print it out, or just keep the window open while you argue with trolls here on Man Boobz or peruse the various sites in the Manosphere. Or if you want to get aggressive about it and get a quick bingo, use Google to track down examples to fill your squares.

Click here if you want to play with two cards at once.

If you get a bingo, shout it out in the comments – and give some details of where you found each item! Everyone who gets a bingo gets an Internet! Whoever gets one first gets five Internets!

Heck, post each time you get a hit. And give yourself half an Internet each time you get more than one hit from a single MRA comment or post.

If you want to save your card between sessions, you’ll need to make a screenshot, as there’s no way to bookmark a particular card.

You’ll notice that the squares of the card go grey when you mouse over them. If you hold down the Ctrl key and click, the square you’re on will go blue around the edges, and you can use this to mark your squares. (Just don’t click outside the card, as this will erase all the blue on your card.)

If you notice any weird glitches or typos, let me know so I can fix them. And if you have more suggestions, either for the MRA Bingo cards or for the upcoming PUA, Evo Psych, and Man Boobz Troll cards, post them below as well.

If you get “misandry” more than once on a card, don’t worry — that’s on purpose. Just mark off one of them each time you get a hit.

Let the wild bingo begin!


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12 years ago

Ha! My wife will be pleased to hear all women work in HR. One small observation has been that over her career all the HR Directors she has worked for have been men, apart from one.

12 years ago

So happy ‘females’ is on there. If a guy applies it to human women, it’s a major red flag. Like, he’s going to explain why they shouldn’t vote or that their orgasms are a myth in 5…4…3…

12 years ago

The “all women work in HR” makes me wonder if they’ve had lots of experience with women in HR who don’t like them much.

12 years ago

I love it! Thanks David!

12 years ago

Psssssh, I am printing out cards and naming them after our troll regulars. Pell, Steele, nwoslave, and schtick guy all get their own.

12 years ago

I so need a printer at home.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Wouldn’t it be cheating to google particular squares to fill in? Or am I not understanding this?

I think we should have challenges, like everybody generates a card on a particular thread somewhere, or people get a list of threads/articles on various MRA sites covering some particular event.

Also, the holding down the control key thing doesn’t seem to work with Macs.

12 years ago

@Tulgey, try the Command key instead.

12 years ago

It’s funny, the bingo guy is kind of how I imagined owlslave to look.

Except taller, I think.

And he wouldn’t just say “Bingo!” More like “Bingo is misandry Title IX princesses sexual harassment Montana!”

12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

The bingo cards are an obvious feminist conspiracy cos David’s won five internets with them already! :O

12 years ago

MRAs think the GOP is under feminist control? Oh that’s rich.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

MRAs seem to *cough* think *cough* everything except the MRM is under feminist control.

12 years ago

They tried to offer the red pill to a bunch of people at the Republican National Convention, but the Republicans either said “I don’t take drugs” or reported them to security.

12 years ago

Psssssh, I am printing out cards and naming them after our troll regulars. Pell, Steele, nwoslave, and schtick guy all get their own.

Whataboutme whataboutmoonz? You forgot me 🙁 I think I deserve a mention, don’t you?

OT… I thought you guys my be interested in my latest post on Anglobitch, as it kind of addresses a central point of my thesis – and you can use it as a starting point for your MRA Bingo:

Rookh, I agree with you that women often go to university in order to score a husband. An ex of mine used to joke about that. She mocked Arts as Marriage 1 and Law School as Marriage 2. And then she chose me – go figure… I guess she knew first-hand what she was talking about! But I digress. A compelling anecdote does not a study make.

However, I do disagree with one aspect of your interpretation. Women do indeed choose sub-par men. But it’s not because they go out of their way to choose degenerate, ugly men. Far from it. Who would go out of their way to choose that which is inferior, the worst of the crop? If you had a pick of 10 grades of apple in front of you, why would you choose the worst?

No, here’s the reason to explain women’s choices. Because women are, at a primal level, inspired by the formidable (respectable) in man, they feel intimidated by that which they most desire (as I explained previously). This situation predisposes women to self-esteem issues. Women are fundamentally uncomfortable in relating to formidable men. That’s why it is so important for men to be able to disarm women, to make them laugh, have a sense of humour. THAT’s the reason women choose degenerates. A degenerate is an optimum choice that provides a substitute for the formidable that a woman can never relate to. That’s why many women relate most comfortably to those men who retain their adolescent immaturity… you know, the shallow, paper-alpha routine. It’s the reason why Game works so well… it harnesses women’s low self esteem. It’s also the reason why many women choose harmless dweebs of the beta persuasion, where Game could actually jeopardize your chances. (It’s also the reason why feminism tries to level men, tries to make men look ridiculous, but I digress, that’s stuff for another time)

Alles ist klar, nein?

The end result is, of course, that women will continue to make ridiculous choices, but women do NOT go out of their way to choose the fuglies. They don’t say to themselves, “ewww, there’s an ugly creep, I hope he hits on me.” That’s patent nonesense. Quite simply, women feel most comfortable, least threatened, by inferior men.

12 years ago

Chuckeedouche talks the biggest load of crap I’ve ever heard.

12 years ago


Rookh, I agree with you that women often go to university in order to score a husband. An ex of mine used to joke about that. She mocked Arts as Marriage 1 and Law School as Marriage 2. And then she chose me – go figure… I guess she knew first-hand what she was talking about!

The end result is, of course, that women will continue to make ridiculous choices, but women do NOT go out of their way to choose the fuglies. They don’t say to themselves, “ewww, there’s an ugly creep, I hope he hits on me.” That’s patent nonesense. Quite simply, women feel most comfortable, least threatened, by inferior men.

So are you saying you’re an inferior man, chuck? Good grief!

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Rookh, I agree with you that women often go to university in order to score a husband. An ex of mine used to joke about that. She mocked Arts as Marriage 1 and Law School as Marriage 2. And then she chose me – go figure… I guess she knew first-hand what she was talking about! But I digress. A compelling anecdote does not a study make.

… And here I thought I was at uni to get a degree in creative writing and go on to do novelly things…

12 years ago

Is it too late to add “Because women are, at a primal level,…” to the bingo card, since once that gem is uttered, you know boatload of evo-psych biotruthiness and magical thinking is on its way.

12 years ago

Chuckeedee, are you so insecure in your shitty beliefs that you have to spam us with your comments on another blog? You are spectacularly mediocre.

whore of babylon
whore of babylon
12 years ago

hey, david, I’ve got a card here, but I’m on a mac. how do I fill in squares? clicking while moused over doesn’t do it, neither does fn, control, option, or command. does anyone know how to bingo on a mac?

12 years ago

Chuckee, even if your theories apply to an occasional woman (like your ex you mentioned assuming it wasn’t just a joke) the place where you fail spectacularly is in assuming that any single theory applies to all women or even a majority of women.

You need to accept that women (and men too because it’s obvious you don’t think much of men either) are individuals who have their own individual motivations, or you’re just going to twist yourself in knots forever trying to understand.

If women appear to Roosh to be choosing ‘loser’ men, it’s a combination of confirmation bias and a really screwed up and antiquated idea of what gives a person worth.

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