BINGO! evo psych fairy tales MRA PUA

The Man Boobz Bingo Card Project!

I’d like to announce the start of the Manboobz Bingo Card project!

I’m going to use a custom bingo card generator to produce personalized Bingo cards to add to your enjoyment of Man Boobz threads and general Manosphere browsing.

And if you all are into it, we could even use them for a sort of Man Boobz Bingo scavenger hunt – that is, threads in which we all arm ourselves with bingo cards (or maybe all share one Bingo card) and search the web for examples to fill up our own cards.

Here are some of the cards I’d like to generate:

Man Boobz Troll Bingo

MRA Bingo

PUA Bingo

Evo Psych Bingo

What I need in order to do this is to generate some lists (let’s say at least 50 items long) of things to put in these various bingo squares.

So I thought I’d invite any of you who are interested to do some brainstorming with me. In the comments below, paste in any ideas you have for any of these lists, and I’ll collect together the best ones to use in the cards.  (One idea per line, please, though as many as you want in any particular comment.) Please specify which bingo card your idea would work best on; there may be some overlap.

And if you have any ideas for other Bingo Cards, let me know!

Oh, and here’s The Fall, with Bingo Master’s Breakout.

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Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

Yeah, cause just like a real man you engage in passive-aggressive mewling.

In real life I’m passive aggressive, but I’m being pretty aggressive here.

Otis, you forget that the MRM is actually nothing but these vapid phrases.

The MRM is a bunch of bitter divorces or lonely asperger types. Mocking them is like picking on retards. It’s just bad taste.

PUAs at least bring it on themselves. Leave the MRA’s alone or face negative karma.

Also, I would hardly call Pandagon, Feministing and Jezebel fountains of rational or original thought. And yes you are responsible for what those places say.

Also, men are taller, have more muscle, have invented more shit (and still do), and have a 3-5 point IQ advantage. The fact is that men are better than women. No amount of anti MRA snark will ever change that.

12 years ago

Not sure if ninjaed, but can I make a big vote for calling women “females”, under the PUA/troll categories?

12 years ago

For MRA’s:

“Creep shaming!”
“The demonization of male sexuality”
“Looking at women is the new rape!”
“If Feminists want true equality then I should be allowed to punch women!”

12 years ago

Here’s one [someone else] prepared earlier with some more common evo-psych stuff.

12 years ago

A space for those who do not get what the site is about. “Misogyny, I mock it” is too much for them.

Indeed, or just satire comprehension fail in general.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I think that there may be an error on the MRA Bingo card because I keep seeing a “dr” space. 🙁

Could cognative valleys go on there? For example, The Matrix (they seem to love the film and forget that one of the main creators is a transwoman [I doubt MRAs are a trans-friendly group]) and MRA Bronies (this one leads to happy fantasies about Fluttershy giving them what for).

12 years ago

The train of thought that stops at the following stations:

Men are wired to be protectors
Women are wired to be mothers
evolution is culture is socialization is biology

men are wired to hunt
and hunting is better
and totally makes sense to feed a group energetically

women are wired to gather
(with no understanding of what “gathering” actually means)
which means that evolutionary pressure TOTALLY selected women to be domestic
which is totally a thing guys

anything involving the term “instincts”

anything involving the term “wiring,” in particular “hard-wiring,” with bonus points when used by people whose most meaningful interaction with biological sciences was when they hit their head on a desk fainting during the bloodtyping lab in high school

12 years ago

I made an anti-feminist troll bingo card earlier this year (bottom of the post).

Feel free to steal any/all of it.

Arctic Ape
Arctic Ape
12 years ago

Internallydisplaced: I’d vote for “Gratuitous use of ‘male’ and ‘female’ as nouns”. This seems to be a nearly universal habit of manosphere writers, although it’s also fairly common in mainstream language.

I guess it would fit in evo psych bingo better than anywhere else.

12 years ago

You guys are thorough! The only thing I saw missing was my favorite evo-psych drivel:

Women are herd animals!

12 years ago

The list ends up sounding like a libertarian tract about RIGHTS and PROPERTY… of white guys…. which is proper, since the right-wing of the internet has now come full circle.

12 years ago

Oooh I’ve got another one for PUA’s.

“Quality Pussy”

A phrase that genuinely makes me want to throw up.

12 years ago

I like the suggestion made earlier of having a card just for the contradictions. It could be for advanced players, with every square containing two MRA statements that directly contradict each other, and the square doesn’t count as marked until both statements have come up.

Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago

The idea that vaginas can wear out truly baffles me. Do these guys not know how they work?

12 years ago


People who brag about the accomplishments of their gender or ethnic group usually don’t have a whole lot to brag about themselves. Just sayin’.

12 years ago

Ev Pych: Women really just want a man to physically dominate them so subconsciously they enjoy being smacked around and/or raped.

12 years ago

For trolls (I can’t believe I missed this one):

Heartiste links!

12 years ago

Also for the trolls:

baseless condescension
demands Manboobz be accountable for all feminists, ever

12 years ago

@Captain Bathrobe:

The idea that vaginas can wear out truly baffles me. Do these guys not know how they work?

And if you eat tons of food, eventually your mouth is gonna be really big, and limp, and hang open all the time, and you won’t be able to chew anymore.
And if you go to the gym and pump iron several times a week, eventually your biceps are gonna be all flabby and soft.

12 years ago

“Also, men are taller, have more muscle, have invented more shit (and still do), and have a 3-5 point IQ advantage. The fact is that men are better than women. No amount of anti MRA snark will ever change that.”

Even if one were to accept your asinine assertion that on average men are better than women, you do realize that logically this would not mean that YOU PERSONALLY are better than the average woman because we all fucking know by now you are far, far, below average. You shouldn’t be so obvious about the desperation you feel in latching on to the accomplishments or qualities of members of any group you consider yourself a part of. It just makes people that much more aware of how few redeeming qualities you think you actually possess yourself. In your case, being the trolling fuckwit that you are and as painfully intellectually inept as you are, I am guessing you have absolutely none.

12 years ago

I don’t think this one has been said yet:

– Feminists hate PUA because it works.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

David is Fat! (middle square)

Good call. Would’ve been unfair to players who didn’t have it.

12 years ago

White land owners, back in the day, used the physical strength arguement to justify slavery, Otis. See how people abuse biology to justify racism and sexism? Insidious, isn’t it? Thanks for proving that point.

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

Even if one were to accept your asinine assertion that on average men are better than women, you do realize that logically this would not mean that YOU PERSONALLY are better than the average woman because we all fucking know by now you are far, far, below average.

5’9: 4.5 inches taller than the average North American white woman
123 lbs lean body mass: 25 pounds more than the average north American white woman
117 IQ: 19 points higher than the average north American white woman

so yes, I am superior to women.

I’m only below average for a man. If a below average guy like me is so vastly superior to women, that doesn’t say much about women, does it?

12 years ago

Otis, I’ve got to hand it to you. You’re really willing to let it all hang out.

*sits back to watch the carnage unfold*

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