I’d like to announce the start of the Manboobz Bingo Card project!
I’m going to use a custom bingo card generator to produce personalized Bingo cards to add to your enjoyment of Man Boobz threads and general Manosphere browsing.
And if you all are into it, we could even use them for a sort of Man Boobz Bingo scavenger hunt – that is, threads in which we all arm ourselves with bingo cards (or maybe all share one Bingo card) and search the web for examples to fill up our own cards.
Here are some of the cards I’d like to generate:
Man Boobz Troll Bingo
MRA Bingo
PUA Bingo
Evo Psych Bingo
What I need in order to do this is to generate some lists (let’s say at least 50 items long) of things to put in these various bingo squares.
So I thought I’d invite any of you who are interested to do some brainstorming with me. In the comments below, paste in any ideas you have for any of these lists, and I’ll collect together the best ones to use in the cards. (One idea per line, please, though as many as you want in any particular comment.) Please specify which bingo card your idea would work best on; there may be some overlap.
And if you have any ideas for other Bingo Cards, let me know!
Oh, and here’s The Fall, with Bingo Master’s Breakout.
Totally. Should add any reference to David’s weight as a square.
Women start wars.
Women shouldn’t be in the army.
Women shouldn’t be in the military because rape but it’s unfair that they don’t have to register for the draft.
Sort of like Scrabble with a triple-word-score or something. (I’ve never played bingo! 😛 )
Saying “it is widely known” and/or “it has been proven” followed by ridiculous un-cited claim.
Feminists are bigots
Women can’t complain about being sex objects because men are “success objects.”
Women shouldn’t dress up/wear makeup because my boner.
Women shouldn’t dress down/not wear makeup because my boner.
Evo-psych: feminism is criminalizing men’s sexuality (as if all there is to men’s sexuality is rape)
Evo-psych: men need to spread their seed, women need to attract alphas
White Christian dudes are oppressed!
“Dick is free, pussy is expensive.”
Corollary: pussy cartel.
Men are more accustomed to taking responsibility or suffering “real consequences”
Evopsych: Any variation of “[X] is written in our DNA” or “[X] is hardwired by evolution”
MRA/PUA: I spend all my time boning hot eastern European women.
PUA: mild gaslighting
creep shaming
“forcible” rape.
“Women are the gatekeepers”
“Feminists demonize male sexuality”
“Social justice movements start out as hate movements”
“Schödinger’s Rapist is Bigoted”
“Any woman could false accuse me”
“Patriarchy/male privilege is a conspiracy theory (feminism really IS one, though)”
[Lock vs Key sexuality metaphor]
Women aren’t funny
lighten up, it was a JOKE
These are great! Keep them coming!
For the MRAs, “MRA writing or erotica?”
(I forgot who suggested this on another thread, but they do write like bad erotica authors.)
If men aren’t allowed to sexually harass women then nobody will ever get together and the human race will TOTALLY DIE OUT!!!
Creeps is the most horrible put-down EVAH you bitch c—s!
There are black MRAs so we’re not racist!
There are female MRAs so we’re not sexist!
Saying “female” instead of “woman” isn’t dehumanizing at all!
The word “feminism” is capitalized, for some reason.
Owly alone has practically turned “princess” into a free square.