BINGO! evo psych fairy tales MRA PUA

The Man Boobz Bingo Card Project!

I’d like to announce the start of the Manboobz Bingo Card project!

I’m going to use a custom bingo card generator to produce personalized Bingo cards to add to your enjoyment of Man Boobz threads and general Manosphere browsing.

And if you all are into it, we could even use them for a sort of Man Boobz Bingo scavenger hunt – that is, threads in which we all arm ourselves with bingo cards (or maybe all share one Bingo card) and search the web for examples to fill up our own cards.

Here are some of the cards I’d like to generate:

Man Boobz Troll Bingo

MRA Bingo

PUA Bingo

Evo Psych Bingo

What I need in order to do this is to generate some lists (let’s say at least 50 items long) of things to put in these various bingo squares.

So I thought I’d invite any of you who are interested to do some brainstorming with me. In the comments below, paste in any ideas you have for any of these lists, and I’ll collect together the best ones to use in the cards.  (One idea per line, please, though as many as you want in any particular comment.) Please specify which bingo card your idea would work best on; there may be some overlap.

And if you have any ideas for other Bingo Cards, let me know!

Oh, and here’s The Fall, with Bingo Master’s Breakout.

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12 years ago

Two words: Barabara McClintock.

She discovered transposons, which win the weirdest shit in biology award as far as I’m concerned, and won a nobel prize for that in 1983. She also argued for the existence of gene regulation before the discovery of the lac operon.

Speaking of gene regulation, Christiane Nusslein-Volhard also won a nobel for her work on the genes involved in Drosophila melanogaster development, then went on and does the same thing with zebrafish. Granted, she had a two male co-winners, one of which was her collaborator, but she was the first author of the papers that got them the nobel. She’s still working today.

(Also everyone else here:

That, and the nobel prizes seriously underrepresent what female scientists are doing today, both because of the long lag between discoveries and nobel prize and likely because of entrenched discrimination against women (see: all the studies about how anything with a female name on it gets scored worse than the same thing with a male name). Hopi Hoekstra has done a lot of cool recent work on recently evolved variants in mouse coloration and managed to start a huge fight in the biology community about the cis-regulatory hypothesis (she’s agin’ it–or at least thinks it isn’t nearly as well-proven as leading biologists think it is)–which, ironically, was first proposed in a paper with a female lead author, Mary-Claire King, who is also still working.

This has been your regularly scheduled note about how biology is awesome and misogynists are not.

And again-I’d like to remind Otis that the most recent measurements of IQ have women slightly in the lead. And again, I’d like to say that while IQ does correlate with intelligence, it is not the exact same thing, and it is unlikely that there is one single thing that is intelligence anyway.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Just because blacks are better athletes than whites doesn’t make them superior.

And yet men being stronger in some ways than women makes them superior, quoth Mr Logic Brain. ROFLMAO!

12 years ago

It’s way past time for Otis to be going. There’s no shortage of halfassed racist, sexist, rape loving, all-around asshole goobers out there, we’ll do fine without him.

12 years ago

I vote for a ban too; it’s not as though he’s interesting or challenging, just a garden variety a-hole.

12 years ago

Otis: You ignorant fool: Just because blacks are better athletes than whites doesn’t make them superior.

But your superior “athleticism” is why you are better than women.

So which is it? Is athletic superiority relevant, or not (and if you keep shooting yourself in the foot, you are going to lose yours, such as it may be).

Why, BTW, are you ignoring Mr. Feynman’s being Jewish?

What about Barbara McClintock (woman, Nobel laureate, not-Jewish).

12 years ago

And wordspinner ninja’d me.

Wordspinner: have you read Gould’s review of her work in, “An Urchin in the Storm”?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Sir Bodsworth – just read that link to Asimov’s article. Love it!

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

What about Barbara McClintock woman, Nobel laureate

Yeah, in biology. Who cares?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


12 years ago

Pecunium: No, I haven’t, but I’ll have to look into that. It looks interesting.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Odious Stanky’s definitely gone into “Look at me! Look at me!” mode.

What’s the matter, feller, doesn’t anyone talk to you off-line? Are you that pathetically desperate for attention? Hint: just because you’re an ignorant saddo doesn’t mean you’re going to get sympathy.

12 years ago

Otis: Yeah, in biology. Who cares?

You do. Because she got her prize in the same category as Crick and Watson.

Have you any idea what her work was?

No. Because you aren’t actually concerned with her, or the Nobels. You just think you have a handy stick to beat on women with. That you are intellectually (and, so it seems, educationally) outclasssed here, is painfully apparent. If there was any sense that you were an empathetic human being I’d feel some vague pity for you.

Sadly, you lack that; and so aren’t much more emotionally involving than any other piñata.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Even when he’s not (probably) educationally outclassed, he’s outclassed in every other area that counts.

12 years ago

I need to go to bed, but I’ll throw this in the ring before I call it a night:

Yeah, in biology. Who cares?

That’s pretty funny from a guy who’s been (ab)using anatomy and genetics to bolster his opinions for the past two days.

And if there needs to be a quorum for banning Otis the Squeaky Toy, you can count me in.

Have fun, everyone!

12 years ago

Trivia Question (for Otis alone). Who won the first Nobel Prize for Biology?

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

[blockquote]5’9: 4.5 inches taller than the average North American white woman
123 lbs lean body mass: 25 pounds more than the average north American white woman
117 IQ: 19 points higher than the average north American white woman[/blockquote]

Heh. I beat you on all of these.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Blockquotes need the arrows not the brackets. 🙂

12 years ago

I keep going back and forth on the “Is Otis a poe” question. He has so many cognitive dissonances, contradicting arguments and generally repugnant lines of thought that I just can’t quite believe that he means what he says.

I just can’t convince myself that his level of willful ignorance is possible.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I just can’t convince myself that his level of willful ignorance is possible.

If that were the case, the entire MRM would be poes. Otis is nothing special even by their crappy standards.

MollyRen (@MollyRen)
12 years ago

Fortunately I’m not being graded on blockquotes. ><

I knew they used arrows, I'm just on another forum that uses brackets a lot more now. Darn habits.

12 years ago

I’m not caught up on this thread yet, but I figured I’d throw up a quick link to the bingo card I made for Owly a while back:

Some of his squares are pretty Owly-specific, but some might work for MRAs in general, too.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Mollyren – you just got marks anyway for getting the darn arrows to show up! They went all invisible when I tried to in that earlier comment. 😛

Polliwog – great Owly bingo card!

(That sounds like something out of Batman, or maybe Superman … “Great Owly bingo card, Kent!”)

12 years ago


12 years ago

If it’s not on the bingo card yet:

Men are stronger than women because women are raped in higher numbers by men than men are by women.

Men are smarter because IQ.


I vote for the banhammer too. It’s not like most MRAs thoughts on rape aren’t odious to begin with, but point blank saying (and repeating!) rape = proof of superiority is total grounds for banning IMHO.

Also, I’m sure this is proof of my delicate, squishy, awful ladybrainz being stoopid and all, but I tried to take an online IQ test once and didn’t have the patience for it. Anyone else ever run into this problem?