BINGO! evo psych fairy tales MRA PUA

The Man Boobz Bingo Card Project!

I’d like to announce the start of the Manboobz Bingo Card project!

I’m going to use a custom bingo card generator to produce personalized Bingo cards to add to your enjoyment of Man Boobz threads and general Manosphere browsing.

And if you all are into it, we could even use them for a sort of Man Boobz Bingo scavenger hunt – that is, threads in which we all arm ourselves with bingo cards (or maybe all share one Bingo card) and search the web for examples to fill up our own cards.

Here are some of the cards I’d like to generate:

Man Boobz Troll Bingo

MRA Bingo

PUA Bingo

Evo Psych Bingo

What I need in order to do this is to generate some lists (let’s say at least 50 items long) of things to put in these various bingo squares.

So I thought I’d invite any of you who are interested to do some brainstorming with me. In the comments below, paste in any ideas you have for any of these lists, and I’ll collect together the best ones to use in the cards.  (One idea per line, please, though as many as you want in any particular comment.) Please specify which bingo card your idea would work best on; there may be some overlap.

And if you have any ideas for other Bingo Cards, let me know!

Oh, and here’s The Fall, with Bingo Master’s Breakout.

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12 years ago

To take it further, many of the wonders of the world and technological breakthroughs humanity has had were built by people in the average intelligence range, not by genius.

The truth is, humanity has been better served by the average masses then by the occassional leap of insight by genius. Einsteins theories are wonderous, but they serve little purpose until people figure out how to put them in practice.

The artist that discovered the perspective of foreshortening showed a genuine stroke of genius. One that was immediately taken and applied, even by children as young as five.

12 years ago

Also, I would hardly call Pandagon, Feministing and Jezebel fountains of rational or original thought. And yes you are responsible for what those places say.

This quote pretty much proves you haven’t even got a clue as to what “rational” thought even is. Blaming people who comment on a totally separate blog for the posts of another is in no way rational. Dude, a lot of people here hardly even read Pandagon or Feministing or (cringe) Jezebel, let alone comment there, let alone write the content in those spaces.

Not that I think you’d consider anything written or spoken by any woman rational, by virtue of your apparently fucked up logical process, but if we’re going to talk rational here, maybe, you know, say shit that makes you sound rational too? You know, instead of saying random shit in a desperate attempt to try to prove your superiority to “women in general”? Just a suggestion.

Also, I think this could be another troll/MRA bingo:

“Some lady elsewhere on the internet was mean to me, therefore all women suck and you should totally make me feel better about myself to prove you don’t suck.”

12 years ago

Oh man, ostara, related:

– I deserve a cookie for not doing this horrible thing I wanted to do.

12 years ago

“Some lady elsewhere on the internet was mean to me, therefore all women suck and you should totally make me feel better about myself to prove you don’t suck.”

Should this thinking ever cease in the world the Earth will slow the spin on its axis.

12 years ago

Criminy! yes. The demand for the troll house cookie belongs on the Bingo card.
I think the xkcd comic “how it works” should be in the free space on all of them.

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

In the realities of life IQ means very little.

Yes it does.

Feynman had his IQ tested when he was like 15 and could barely speak English. A proper IQ test in a language he understood would have had him well over 160.

The only Nobel Prize winner with a mediocre IQ was James Watson, and he was partnered with a genius (Crick) and stole work from another genius (Franklin)

12 years ago

Also, it should go without saying that IQ is very plastic. The gap between college grads and high school drop-outs is not solely explained by self-selection.

It also changes drastically with intervention; it’s not innate. This explains why the gap between men and women has narrowed every year until now they are more or less on a par (or in some studies, women are ahead of men); similarly the gap between whites and people of color is constantly narrowing. As peoples’ environment and education opportunities improve, the gap narrows. I could find citations for these things, but OtS never bothers so I’m not gonna.

Which leaves mediocre OtS with “But I can do pull ups” which just makes him sound kind of sad.

12 years ago

Feynman had his IQ tested when he was like 15 and could barely speak English.

Holy shit. Try to make it less obvious that you’re pulling everything out of your ass. Feynman was from Queens. In New York. In the United States. WHERE THEY SPEAK ENGLISH.

12 years ago

Otis, you’re a dumbass. What the fuck are you on about? English was spoken in the Feynman household, and he went to a public high school in New York. He was teaching himself caculus at age 15; the guy was already exceptional. And yet, his IQ was only above average.

It is actually probably true that Feynman would have scored higher on IQ tests later; this is because they’re plastic. Of course, we’ll never know, because Feynman himself disparaged intelligence tests.

12 years ago

The only Nobel Prize winner with a mediocre IQ was James Watson, and he was partnered with a genius (Crick) and stole work from another genius (Franklin)

That would be Rosalind Franklin, a woman. Way to prove your innate manly superiority, you big fucking twit.

12 years ago

Otis: Feynman had his IQ tested when he was like 15 and could barely speak English


Richard Feynman is a native speaker of English. He was born in New York.

it is true his father was born in Belarus; but he moved to the US at the age of five. He was perfectly fluent in English. Feynman’s mother was born in the US.

This is not showing your 119 IQ at its best.

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

Maybe he had it tested when he was 12 then. I haven’t read about him for a while but I know there was something about that IQ test that made the 120 score illegitimate.

And I knew Franklin was a woman. I actually am surprised one of you hasn’t said that since she was smarter than Watson it proves that women are as smart as men.

Even though she was smarter than him, he still understood her own work better than she did. Even when women have a 40 point IQ advantage they can still be bested by men.

She was kinda hot too.

re IQ Plasticity: muscle and bone mass is also highly plastic. Doesn’t mean that there isn’t a massive genetic component. Don’t be a goober.

12 years ago

Otis: Care to actually cite the comment about her not understanding her work?

What about Rosalind Yallow.

The thing is, you are too stupid to realise your entire argument is nothing more than special pleading, and question begging.

You’ve predetermined the answers, and silly things like facts (say Richard Feynman being a native speaker of English, and testing out at 120) are conveniently ignored; or papered over by pretending insignificant aspects of sexual dimorphism are proof that men are, “superior” to women.

It’s not as if you are managing to win the battle of wits against the women here who are pointing out the inanity of your position.

As to the pull-ups, verifiable video, or it didn’t happen.

Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
Sir Bodsworth Rugglesby III
12 years ago
12 years ago

Case in point on the circular firing squad you are setting up, (with yourself as both the shooting party, and the target).

Even though she was smarter than him, he still understood her own work better than she did. Even when women have a 40 point IQ advantage they can still be bested by men.

That argument completely undermines your claim that I

12 years ago

Case in point on the circular firing squad you are setting up, (with yourself as both the shooting party, and the target).

Even though she was smarter than him, he still understood her own work better than she did. Even when women have a 40 point IQ advantage they can still be bested by men.

That argument completely undermines your claim that IQ matters.

What you are really arguing is, “Women aren’t smart, men will always win.”

So IQ is either not a factor, or it’s some structural element outside IQ which is creating the disparity.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Otis’s real argument is that men can rape women, therefore men are better, smarter, and altogether superior. (That men get raped by women doesn’t count in his microuniverse.)

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

1. Only girly men get raped by women.
2. We will have to agree to disagree on the chin ups. I’m not sure whether you think that I can’t do 5 in a row and am outright lying or you think I am somehow cheating. Do you think I’m swinging, not going all the way to the bottom, not getting my chin above the bar? I am willing to admit that your bench press is a lot better than mine, but it sounds like I have you bested on chin ups. Maybe that is why you seem so “hung up” (get it) on this topic.
3. Men are superior to women in other ways aside from their ability to rape them. Rape is just the most obvious. One reason men in prison rape is because rape is a method of establishing dominance/superiority.
4. I don’t say men will always win, but sometimes men can beat women even when they (men) are at a disadvantage. Franklin had the raw IQ to make a discovery Crick could never have made on his own, but he was the one who saw the discoveries true meaning, or else she would have been the one getting the Nobel prize.

Also, Franklin was Jewish so she doesn’t count anyway. The only white women to win a Nobel were Curie (who herself admitted her husband was the better scientist) and Curie’s daughter who was the product of two of the greatest scientists of all time.

Face it, men are totally awesome.

12 years ago

Hah! I was wondering if you were an anti-semite. Here I was, all ready to point out that Ashkenazim have won far in excess of the Nobel Prizes one would expect by proportion of population and ask if that meant that Jews were better than other people, but you got there first.

And you’ve never managed to answer my question about race and athletic world records and why people of African descent are clearly superior to everyone else.

PS: one of the biggest reasons that Rosalind Franklin was not awarded a Nobel for her work on DNA is that she had been dead for 4 years. Nobels can’t be awarded posthumously. (Nor can they be shared among more than three people. In this season of Nobel watching, that is why so many of the winners are so old: the committee has waited for the people working on a prize-winning topic to kick the bucket.)

12 years ago

Can we just ban this asshole already?

12 years ago

Otis: I think you are straight up lying. I don’t care if you can do more chin-ups than I can.

I don’t care if I can bench more than you can. I don’t care if you can run 2 miles faster than I can (right now, I’m in lousy shape, so I’d expect to be in the 13:45-14:00 range). I might care if you were a good shot; if I thought you were likely to be gunning for me. Mostly I’d just go on with my life; because anyone can be killed, if the person who wants to kill them is determined enough.

You are a braggart. It appears you are an insecure braggart, who needs to believe he belongs to some super-special group; as a way to compensate for his personal lack of any exceptional qualities.

I’ve lived a good life. I’ve done some cool shit. I’m enjoying myself. My partners love me. I have friends who love me. I am respected by my peers. I even have fans.

What the fuck do chin-ups have to do what any of that?


Also, Franklin was Jewish so she doesn’t count anyway.

But Feynman totally does count…so much so that you are special pleading to try and improve his score, even though he was Jewish too?

The stoopid, it burns.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Otis is promoting rape as something good, something that establishes dominance … yeah, ’bout time for the banhammer, I think.

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

And you’ve never managed to answer my question about race and athletic world records and why people of African descent are clearly superior to everyone else.

Just because blacks are better athletes than whites doesn’t make them superior.

12 years ago

Okay, at this point it’s pretty clear that Otis is just trolling for a reaction. I’m done.

12 years ago

Otis paraphrased: I am mediocre. I must cling to the coattails of people who are outstanding and pretend having a couple of things I have in common with them (being white, being male etc) are more important than the things I have in common with other mediocre people (being a jackass, being immoral, having no critical thinking skills).

Despite the later attributes having far more bearing on a persons worth and success in life.