BINGO! evo psych fairy tales MRA PUA

The Man Boobz Bingo Card Project!

I’d like to announce the start of the Manboobz Bingo Card project!

I’m going to use a custom bingo card generator to produce personalized Bingo cards to add to your enjoyment of Man Boobz threads and general Manosphere browsing.

And if you all are into it, we could even use them for a sort of Man Boobz Bingo scavenger hunt – that is, threads in which we all arm ourselves with bingo cards (or maybe all share one Bingo card) and search the web for examples to fill up our own cards.

Here are some of the cards I’d like to generate:

Man Boobz Troll Bingo

MRA Bingo

PUA Bingo

Evo Psych Bingo

What I need in order to do this is to generate some lists (let’s say at least 50 items long) of things to put in these various bingo squares.

So I thought I’d invite any of you who are interested to do some brainstorming with me. In the comments below, paste in any ideas you have for any of these lists, and I’ll collect together the best ones to use in the cards.  (One idea per line, please, though as many as you want in any particular comment.) Please specify which bingo card your idea would work best on; there may be some overlap.

And if you have any ideas for other Bingo Cards, let me know!

Oh, and here’s The Fall, with Bingo Master’s Breakout.

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12 years ago

Also from DaPoet: My right hand won’t financially rape me.

12 years ago

There needs to be a ‘cavedudes’ square. Every ev-psych sexist bullshit idea is explained in terms of what cavedudes did or the social structures they lived in. It is all wild speculation.

you didn’t include how much you can bench press in your analysis. that is what *really* determines superiority, you know. or at least its as equally worthless as IQ and height/weight.

Does anyone else find it weird that being tall and weighing more is considered an automatic indicator of being “superior” according to this guy? There are a lot of situations where being smaller is advantageous. I guess mister my-iq-is-so-high doesn’t fucking understand basic evolutionary concepts (such as the environment determining fitness).

12 years ago

– Women should be submissive to men because God said so.

– Religion is biased against men.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Dvarghundspossen, you win an internet. With a ribbon bow. And scented candles.

12 years ago

Oh yeah, that was great Dvärghundspossen, such pathos.

12 years ago

Otis: In real life I’m passive aggressive, but I’m being pretty aggressive here.

Fuuuuuck… if this is what you think counts as aggressive; it’s a good thing you never joined so much as the Air Force.

My little sister has better chops at aggressive argument than this. She also supports her claims.

Pretty sad that a 12 year old makes you look pathetic.

12 years ago

Otis: 5’9: 4.5 inches taller than the average North American white woman

123 lbs lean body mass: 25 pounds more than the average north American white woman†

What the fuck? Taller and heavier don’t = superior.

So what do you think you are proving? How do you stack up for penis size? The Average American is 5.1 inches. The average Nederlander is 7.

How mush less superior are you than a woman in the Dinaric Alps, where you are only 2 inches taller.

Then again, you are wrong about the average height for men in N. America. In the USA it’s 5’9″. In Canada it’s 5’7″, and in Mexico it’s 5’4″; for an average height of 5’6″.

For women it’s an average of 5’2″, so are you more superior now?

What about the Philipines, where the average man is 5’1″, is he inferior to N. American women?

Then again, in a real fight, barring some specific expertise to take advantage of it, being light is a detriment. It’s why I stopped boxing, the others in my weight class were between 6-8 inches shorter than I am, and that meant I had a lot more mass to try to pound, while body shots from them had more effect on me.

The shorter aikidoka I know are all much more efficient than the taller men, even (actually, especially) when the taller men are bulkier. Phsyics works against the tall/heavy in those situations.

117 IQ: 19 points higher than the average north American white woman

Nope. IQ is a defined standard. The Average is 100. The tests are normed so that they have mean of 100, and an SD of 15, so you are, just barely, outside the average, but are still in the range (one SD) of 95 percent of the population. In other words (to no one’s surprise, you aren’t special).

For subgroups the tested average is higher, College grads, for example average 115, i.e one SD above the mean). Since the question of group differences matters a great deal of effort has been put into norming tests across groups. As a result there is no great difference between the sexes in tests (though there are some sub-areas in which women do better than men, and vice versa, the overall tests are built to neutralise this as a score changing metric). This seems to hold true in terms of group (blacks/First Nations, Hispanics [which in the US usually means people with Latin American ancestry).*

So if you have a citation, feel free to show your work.

† I thought you were an out of shape 160lbs. Been dieting? Or are you trying to conflate “lean body mass” with some aspect of being inherently fit. What’s your percentage of body fat? Mine’s about 6 percent. The only time it was higher than that (about 9 percent) was right out of basic training.

*see Neisser, Ulrich; Boodoo, Gwyneth; Bouchard, Thomas J.; Boykin, A. Wade; Brody, Nathan; Ceci, Stephen J.; Halpern, Diane F.; Loehlin, John C.; Perloff, Robert; Sternberg, Robert J.; Urbina, Susana (1996). “Intelligence: Knowns and Unknowns”. American Psychologist. 51:77–101.

So, in short, you are slight of build (or playing faset and loose with descriptions), a little above average for brains and less than ept in argument. Given your height/weight ratio, I have a harder time to believe you can do five pull-ups, as they are an upper body mass skill, and longer arms are a detriment; just as with push-ups. It’s why I was never able to do more than 7; to standard, because I am also have an unfavorable height/weight ratio for the event).

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Otis isn’t even outstanding as a racist, misogynist fuckwit. He’s just common-or-garden variety there, too. Bog standard, in fact (and you can use whatever definition of bog you want, they all apply).

12 years ago

Hang on. Have I missed it?

Prisoners: more men = feminist court system

12 years ago

For the trolls:

“There is this thing called google”

“I’m not going to do your research for you”

“I’m sure you can find the data”

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

apparently most of you don’t know what lean body mass means.

My actual weight varies between 155-165, although lately it has seemed to stabilize at 155.

Lean body mass is your body weight less fat. The average north American white male has a lean body mass of 140lbs. Mine is 123, making my body fat percentage about 21 percent.

Then again, you are wrong about the average height for men in N. America. In the USA it’s 5’9″.

I said average white male and I meant, but did not specify, between the ages of 20 and 55. The average height for that group is 5’10.5.

And yes I can do five dead hang chin ups in a row. If I was going to lie about something, don’t you think I’d pick something like the bench press?

you didn’t include how much you can bench press in your analysis.

My bench press is veeeeery low. I would prefer not to disclose it.

12 years ago

Otis, imma let you finish, but I have a higher IQ than you. Just pointing that out.

I agree that Otis is using himself as a baseline and extrapolating that the average woman must be substantially weaker than him. Which is hilarious. I’m a fairly small woman, and I can pick up (as in lift right off the floor) a male friend who outweighs me by more than 70 pounds. This is not because I’m a muscle-bound Amazon woman, it’s probably because I swam a lot as a child/teenager, and because I’m descended from hearty Scots and Welsh folks. My dad is freaky strong for his size too.

Also I still think Otis is our old friend Mr Al. And yes, FeMRAs should get their own bingo card.

12 years ago

Has Mr. Al been openly racist in the past, or would this be a new development for him?

Otis the Sweaty
Otis the Sweaty
12 years ago

I agree that Otis is using himself as a baseline and extrapolating that the average woman must be substantially weaker than him.

The average woman is substantially weaker than me. A woman in the top 5% of all women is substantially weaker than me. Women have frail upper bodies.

I’m a fairly small woman, and I can pick up (as in lift right off the floor) a male friend who outweighs me by more than 70 pounds.

How many chin ups can you do? If you can’t do several at your paltry body weight than you have a frail upper body, like most women.

12 years ago

Mr Al has hinted at racism before, but not been so open. Still think this is him, though.

Also, watch those goalposts dance!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Even if you are stronger than someone, Stinky Oxters, it doesn’t make you a better person, a more important or considerable or worthwhile person than them. All it does is make you stronger. That’s the basic fail of all your wafflings.

12 years ago

@pecunium, wait, so are you saying the reason I have never been able to do any pull-ups ever is because I have long arms? This honestly makes me feel better.

12 years ago

Otis, if that’s who you really are, I can’t do a single chin up, but I’m still taller then you, stronger then you, smarter then you (given a single, unreliable metric), AND I have a vagina.

This does not make me better then you. (Though I am a muscle-bound amazon.)

12 years ago

The reason Otis picked chin-ups is that they’re the strength-measuring tool at which men have the greatest advantage over women. There are all kinds of other ways to measure upper body strength, but they must be ignored because they don’t allow Otis to pat himself on the back.

12 years ago

Also, it is extremely silly of you to imply that leg and core strength don’t count as strength.

Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago

Strangely, the number of fucks I give about Otis’ alleged prowess at pull-ups is still zero.

12 years ago

Also, women do not score lower than men on IQ tests–historically this has been the case, but now not so much. Depending on the country, women now score a little bit higher than men.


I don’t know my IQ, but considering I scored around the 99th to 95th percentiles in most standardized tests (which would be more than 2 standard deviations away from the mean) I’m going to guess it is likely higher than Otis’s, since his is only a little more than one sd away from the mean. And I’m a woman.

12 years ago

@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help: “That’s the basic fail of all your wafflings.”

It’s an uninteresting internet troll, therefore it ranks somewhere below amoebas in value yet has a terminal case of dunning-krugar. That’s the fail to me.

12 years ago


No, Otis has a long and slimy history trolling sites like Pandagon. He’s not MRAL.

Besides, MRAL would never to cop to having a measly 117 IQ.

12 years ago

Not that I think either IQ or ability to do pull-ups (or physical ability in general) is a good measure of worth as a person. I’m just saying if that’s the fight Otis wants to pick he isn’t as well-armed as he thinks he is.

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