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The “boy crisis” in schools explained: “We dumbed it all down and added a healthy dose of ‘pretty’ to give the girls [an] advantage.”

Let’s take another quick trip over to the Men’s Rights subreddit to learn the dirty secret behind the superior performance of girls in schools these days: the machinations of unmuzzled feminists!

Funcuz, could you please show your work, as they say in school.

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12 years ago

NWOslave’s Baseless Extrapolations Discount Warehouse!

We have NO IDEA where our stock came from!

12 years ago

I think y’all spooked him earlier when someone mentioned that Sticky might steal his crown. Must have been time to step up the game!

12 years ago

I swear, NWO must be reading this in a different dimension – we’re somehow getting his responses to comments made there.

12 years ago

How on earth did I manage straight A’s in grad school without drawing ANY pictures on any of my papers or exams? How did I manage getting on the Dean’s list in undergrad, again, without any smiley faces or ponies on any of my work? Does this mean I’m extra super awesome at content because I managed to do well without knowing the secret doodle code to academic success?

12 years ago

“How on earth did I manage straight A’s in grad school without drawing ANY pictures on any of my papers or exams?”

You’re a woman. A word or two from you could get any male teacher instantly fired. Perhaps you don’t read the papers but it happens all the time. If any man criticizes any woman it means he’ll be terminated from employment, kicked out of school, sued, put on the sex offender registry, ect. The reverse however, of women ridiculing and criticizing men is an actual industry. Women journalists, politicians, teachers and so on are paid to criticize and demean men.

You’re an “A” student because no male teacher can give you anything less for fear of losing his job. Female teachers for the most part are feminists who fail boys for being boys, and glorify girls for being girls. Every man knows that if a woman is present he must walk on eggshells and defer, defer, defer. Critique anything a woman says or does is social, political, educational or career suicide.

12 years ago

I think this year probably goes to Pell, Maybe Varpole Butthurt;

Tom Martin was a contender, but I think the way he got himself banned was so tedious as to overwhelm his meritorious contributions to our Amusement.

But NWO is past phoning it in. I think he’s at the MadLib level of response.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Slavey, you’ve lost it (if you ever had it). I’ve been employed for well over twenty years and had plenty of criticism from men. Guess what, I’ve never got any of them fired. Nor have I magically got pay rises, better work, higher marks in school or anything else by being female.

You’re going to have to try harder than this if you want to be Troll of the Year 2012. You’re slipping, lad. Polish up that tinfoil and give us some quality trolling or it’ll all be over!

Yuyuko Saigyouji
Yuyuko Saigyouji
12 years ago

Funnily enough, when I hear something is dumbed down (videogames, for example), it always seems to be to appeal to large masses of stupid young guys.

I have the misfortune of having a brother completely obsessed with Call of Duty (watches videos constantly, plays often, has all Modern Warfare games plus Black Ops and even wasted money on Elite), so I get to hear a bunch of angry children repeatedly calling each others “niggers” or “faggots”.

The game industry has a different kind of mess up when they try to appeal to girls. They make everything pink and childish.

12 years ago

Owly, have you ever left your basement? Ever? There’s a whole world outside dude! One that isn’t part of your sad delusions!

Try it out! (Make sure to wear shades. That first glimpse of sunlight can burn!)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Heh … I wish it were so easy to get rid of men at work. Or the dumbfuck ones like a general manager or two I’ve known, who couldn’t organise a piss-up at a brewery, at least. And not to replace them with women, either – just to replace ’em with anyone who knew how to run a company!

12 years ago

@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help
“I’ve been employed for well over twenty years and had plenty of criticism from men.”

All I’ve ever heard from you is criticism of men. Do you expect a basket of cheer in return?
“Nor have I magically got pay rises, better work, higher marks in school or anything else by being female.”

How do you know? In fact, every raise or good mark you’ve gotten could be because you’re a woman. We have special laws for women from education to employment to protection. Women recieve far lighter sentences for the same crime if they’re prosecuted at all. There’s no area of life in the western world where women are judged, or held to the same accountability, equally with men. You must think very little of mens intelligence if you believe men can’t see that women are treated special across the board.
“Polish up that tinfoil and give us some quality trolling or it’ll all be over!”

Troll is just one more word in womens manipulative arsenol of the shame and blame game. Men have been ridiculed by women from birth, literally every day by the media and school system. Men get hardened to it after a while, women believe that’s the way it aught to be. They’ve grown up with it as well. Countless articles about women empathy, but lets be honest, women as a whole really couldn’t give a crap about men as whole.

Hey. I heard a girl was injured in Pakistan. Supposedly by the evil taliban, or at least that’s what our mediagod tells us. The women in the west are quite irrate, so it’s time for a couple million men to die. Women in the west have decreed it’s good that many men will die so it must be true.

It’s almost like the same story being told over and over with just a minor twist.

The Libyan woman supposedly raped by many guards yet twice pulled a lora croft escape to tell the western media. Many men were killed in retaliation for that, and Libya was overthrown.

The Egyptian woman with the blue bra. Even though many men were already killed, it wasn’t until a woman was injured that the west got involved. The Egyptian women slogan was that they would be bathed in their brothers blood for that outrage. They got their wish.

The Afgan woman who the mediagod said was punished for adultery. Western women beat the war drums and once again demanded retribution. Boatloads of mens blood have been spilled, but that’s what women demand.

Now we have an injured girl in Pakistan and our mediagod has declared the taliban are responsible. Western women are really up in arms about this one. The girl was only 14. This one has got the women in the west furious, they’re promising every last drop of blood of every man in the entire western world.

I’m curious? Is there a formula women use? Like one injured woman = one million dead men? With all this empathy being used up for one woman being mistreated I guess there’s none left for the nameless mooks. I guess that’s why you never see women protesting war, in fact they encourage it. When you’re taught to despise men as a whole from birth, the more dead men the better.

12 years ago

@NWO: Oh, honey, no. In that case I would have failed 95% of my pupils last year. I didn’t. I failed roughly 10%. The ones who failed mostly did so because they treated school and studying as beneath them. They then had to take the consequences of that. What I wrote about earlier were possible reasons as to why this attitude is more prevalent in boys.

(Also: I got noticed by a troll!)

12 years ago

Owly’s definitely lost his essence, he’s totally not going to get Troll of the Year. I don’t think even an SLE* could bring it back for him at this point.

He’s just stuck in broken record mode where he just asserts that all the women here (and generally) hate men for being men (women who are often in relationships with men, while having conversations here with men, on a website run by a man.. so obviously he’s totally right), and think women are perfect (purposefully avoiding all the posts criticising women so he can maintain his views).

Owly, Owly, Owly.. Some time you’re going to need to accept that the reason for all the misfortunes (and perceived misfortunes) of men isn’t “womenz!”

*Superdog Level Event, which should totally be a measurement in the wackyness scale of troll comments.

12 years ago

You know, male teachers made me cry more than once when I was a teen, yet somehow they kept their jobs. I guess I’ve been a boy all this time. Damn my feminist parents for raising me as a woman!

Seriously, how does someone even live with this much hatred? How do his organs not shut down from the constant state of frothing rage he must live in?

12 years ago

“NWO: Oh, honey, no.”

Nice condescending tone. I noticed on your list of reasons why boys fail, it’s the boys fault. Which I find quite odd, considering whenever girls fail, have hurt feelings, or life doesn’t go their way, that too is the fault of boys or men.

You might want to start by losing the condescending attitude you have towards men and boys. It’s quite prevelant in teachers these days, even young boys easily notice the change in the tone of voice. Being raised in a feminist culture you probably don’t even realize how your tone automatically changes whenever you address a boy or man.

12 years ago

Aw, guys, Owly picked on me! Here I thought I was an innocuous little lurker! The thing is Owly, I got LOTS of criticism from my male teachers. Like, a LOT. And a boatload of criticism from female teachers as well. And even in my most stubborn phases, I never once felt the need to try to get them fired. Never a one. And you know, I didn’t like it, criticism never feels “good” but after a while I pulled my head out of my ass and realized that I could either be an embittered, mediocre student, convinced that I had some genius untapped and unnoticed by “closeminded” educators OR I could take their comments with a grain of salt, and incorporate them into my work.

I chose to do the latter and after I did, I began to excel. You can think what you want Owly (you always do) but you and the MRM are shining examples of just how much damage can be done by sheer refusal to self-examine.

Honestly, I have no idea how he even manages common tasks – being angry makes me tired and gives me headaches, even being around people who are angry makes me tired (which is why I too generally try to stay away from his posts, particularly since he’s been phoning it in lately anyway). I’d be fucking exhausted I think, just living for an hour with the amount of rage-fail Owly has. I’d have an eternal migraine.

12 years ago

Owly, do you for reals believe that anyone on this board has ever criticized all men?

Because I have never


read such a thing.

12 years ago


Actually I’m kind of concerned that he’s going to give himself an ulcer. Maybe his comments here serve as venting and he’s calmer afterwards – I can’t even imagine what it would be like to live in that state of white-hot rage all the time.

12 years ago

Men have been ridiculed by women from birth, literally every day by the media and school system.

Just because you get ridiculed every day doesn’t mean ALL men do. I don’t know which came first for you, the being ridiculed or the being ridiculous, but the ridicule is nothing to do with you being a man and everything to do with you being you.

12 years ago

“You can think what you want Owly (you always do) but you and the MRM are shining examples of just how much damage can be done by sheer refusal to self-examine.”

You say, as a feminist you self examine, yet the condescending tone indicates otherwise. I think what I want (I always do), is bad. you also think what you want (you always do), but that’s good. My thinking what I want is bad because I’m a man. You thinking what you want is good because you’re a woman.
“I don’t know which came first for you, the being ridiculed or the being ridiculous, but the ridicule is nothing to do with you being a man and everything to do with you being you.”

This site is dedicated to ridiculing men and glorifying women. You come here to ridicule men and glorify women. The only time a man gets a pass from ridicule in this place is dependent on his level of deference to women.

If you say, “Oh Owly, dearest, sweetie, how can you live with yourself, crawl out of you mommys basement and stop rage wanking.” You get an A++ for ridiculing a man.

If you say, “Women aren’t vengeful or vindictave and never manipulative. Women are good and kind and empathetic.” You get an A++ for glorifying women.

If you say that all women are liars, which is the truth. Every woman has lied so all women are liars. You’ll be ridiculed for cracking the pedestal of womans perfection. When you come to this site you come here with only one purpose. To ridicule men and glorify women.

I’m a troll, only because I don’t ridicule men and glorify women. You and the rest of the gang aren’t trolls because you do ridicule men and glorify women.

12 years ago

You are a troll because you don’t pay attention to what is said. You are a troll because you make unsupported claims and expect people to take them seriously.

You are reviled because you think 8 year olds are trying to frustrate you by “acting sexy” in their bathing suits.

It’s not that you criticise women, it’s that you loathe them, and think they ought to be beaten in the streets.

12 years ago

Being a working teacher (in Sweden, high school/USS-ages) my main observation is that a lot of boys get socialised into thinking studying is for girls.


I can only speak for my own country, but in the US, there’s a pronounced culture of anti-intellectualism that hurts all students, but my experience is that it hurts them in decidedly gendered ways. Girls get indoctrinated with the message, “Don’t be too smart. Don’t know too many things. Don’t be too good at anything academic. It’s (comparatively) okay to be obedient and quiet and work hard, but it’s not okay to think you’re clever or anything.” Boys, on the other hand, receive a message more like, “Don’t try too hard. Don’t make an effort. Don’t act like school is something that matters. It’s (comparatively) okay to be naturally brilliant, but it’s not okay to care or anything.” Girls, who are socialized to be people-pleasers, are culturally “allowed” to ask the teacher for extra help, or to do extra credit – but they’ll get smacked down hard by their peers if they ever say, “Actually, math is easy and I enjoy it!” Boys, on the other hand, are “allowed” to present themselves as geniuses or know-it-alls, but studying or asking for help will get them scoffed at – they’re doing what their teachers want, being weak, compliant, girly.

It doesn’t surprise me that more girls than boys are doing well under a system like this – intelligence and hard work are both important factors in academic success, but if we divide schoolkids into four groups – girls who are smart enough that they could coast their way through school without a lot of hard work, boys who are smart enough that they could coast their way through school without a lot of hard work, girls who need to work hard to succeed, and boys who need to work hard to succeed, it’s clear that the people who are most likely to fail in a system of social pressures as described above are the boys who don’t have the luxury of coasting by on raw talent. The girls may screw themselves over by suppressing their natural abilities for the sake of social approval, but they can still at least pass their classes without social fallout.

To me, the trick to fixing this isn’t worrying about how “masculine” or “feminine” education is. Instead, we should be attacking the root cause – the underlying culture of anti-intellectualism, and a stupidly sexist society that means that that culture affects boys and girls differently. And if MRAs want to help individual boys right now, the best thing they can do is very much not to whine about how schoolwork is “pointless” or “dumbed down” or “feminized,” which just feeds right into that whole “doing your homework is uncool and unmanly” bullshit, but rather to promote hard work in school as a virtue and something that should be seen as “cool” and worthy of respect.

(Oh, and speaking as a woman and an academic overachiever, I am deeply, deeply amused by the notion that drawing flowers on things is the key to academic success, given that I am roughly the worst artist in the history of humanity. The average five-year-old is better at drawing things than I am. Strangely, I managed to do very well on essays through means like “writing good essays,” without ever drawing a single flower. Funny, that.)

12 years ago

How come NWO never picks on my posts? I swear, the last time he did it was ages ago when I was declaring that my magical unbroken hymen allowed me to summon unicorns. Is it because I had a lot of posting conversations with Ami?

I’m starting to feel neglected. Maybe I’ll make him a sweater once I’m through with my Christmas knits.

12 years ago

If you say, “Oh Owly, dearest, sweetie, how can you live with yourself, crawl out of you mommys basement and stop rage wanking.” You get an A++ for ridiculing a man.

If you say, “Women aren’t vengeful or vindictave and never manipulative. Women are good and kind and empathetic.” You get an A++ for glorifying women.

Hey Owly!

Pecunium. What a guy. He approaches issues coolly and rationally, supporting every argument by using facts to verify and anecdotes to personalize. He has demonstrated compassion for all women and men who are treated poorly. He’s clearly welcome in every thread on this website, and is so without sacrificing his opinions or independence.

… and then there’s Ruby. Or Driversuz. Or our newest, Sally Strange. All of whom expressed problematic opinions and were called out.

Our praise and wrath aren’t gendered, and your belief that they are further proves that you’re not paying any damn attention.

12 years ago

To be fair, part of Owly’s problem is his inability to distinguish between people telling him that he’s horrible and people telling him that all men are horrible. Most people get that whole difference between self and others thing sorted out as toddlers, but I guess he skipped that developmental step somehow.