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The “boy crisis” in schools explained: “We dumbed it all down and added a healthy dose of ‘pretty’ to give the girls [an] advantage.”

Let’s take another quick trip over to the Men’s Rights subreddit to learn the dirty secret behind the superior performance of girls in schools these days: the machinations of unmuzzled feminists!

Funcuz, could you please show your work, as they say in school.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Sputnik was a feminist-new-world-order-illuminati conspiracy!

12 years ago

Hey Owly, how about you address the fact that there isn’t feminist bias in crime and punishment?

“How about instead I cherry-pick some story, draw conclusions about its outcome, and pretend I’ve said anything of even the slightest relevance!”

Brilliant dodge there, kiddo.

12 years ago

NWO; I have one word for you, as regards rates of literacy.


The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

“Pretended relevance” could be Owly’s other name.

12 years ago

Gah… toughest test I ever had was “simple” and there was no surprise to it. We had nine weeks to prepare.

Perform an interrogation to standard. You have two hours.

That was it.

40 percent failed,and had to be retested. We were the highest scoring class in the history of the school.

12 years ago

NWO, citation needed. Sorry someone pissed on your “USA #1, FUCK YEAH” thing you’ve got going on, but show me where we were number one. Also, show me when teaching wasn’t predominately female.

The last time he said that we were #1 USA USA USA in education, I looked up the numbers:

“Two myths of international assessments are debunked—the first, that the United States once led the world on international tests of achievement. It never has…..”

The sad thing? Every bloody year we have the same fracking headlines saying “OH MY GOD OUR SCHOOLS ARE FAILING!!!” And yet. No.

12 years ago

Question – does anyone still read Owly’s comments all the way through? I tend to get to the first moment of arglebargle (so, about 2 sentences in, after the quote) and then my eyes glaze over and I skim for about 3 seconds, determine that there’s nothing new there, and don’t bother reading the rest. Surely I’m not the only one?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I don’t read ’em either. Not even the first couple of lines.

12 years ago

I very rarely read NWO’s posts any more. Usually I just read the bits other people quote. I figure I’m not missing anything.

12 years ago

I still read them in the hopes that he’ll come out of this slump he’s been in. Not gonna be Troll of the Year by phoning it in.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Resting on his laurels, he is.

12 years ago

Does Dave actually hold a Troll of the Year contest? I feel like it’s only right.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I think I saw an article naming Owly Troll of the Year somewhere in the archives.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Yeah, here it is!

12 years ago

Can I just show up on reddit and say terrible nonsense things about feminists and have people agree with me just because the gist of the thing is “GRRR FEMINISTS BAAAAD!”???

This could be a wildly entertaining game. You could get points for the number of upvotes vs down votes, and points for the number of posts before they figure out that you’re trolling them. If you become the Cast in Bronze Source for a new piece of MRA wisdom about the evils of feminism, you could win actual internets.

E.g. Feminists caused syphilis by refusing to fuck beta soldiers in WWI, forcing them to rape sheep, which introduced the infection to humans. Source: The Annual Annals of Gluteus Maximus Unimaginativus

12 years ago

He has a lot of stiff competition this year from Tom Martin-the whore.

12 years ago

Girl Day? Sounds sweet. I’ve always been miffed about being born on Boys’ Day. (Japanese holiday. Apparently involved bathing, eating plums, and carp-shaped kites.)

12 years ago

If you check out the teacher thread, Schticky has just escalated from dull to horrifying, so maybe he’ll end up in the running too.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I thought that read “carp-shaped kitties” …

12 years ago

Any good Japanese festival should also have some of these.

I don’t like the red bean filling, but they are cute.

12 years ago

I have to go to bed, and I have work tomorrow, so it will be later before I can catch up on The Stick. 🙁

12 years ago

@Cassandra – I reeeeally want to try taiyaki, but I have yet to find them in Boston.

12 years ago

“Being a working teacher (in Sweden, high school/USS-ages) my main observation is that a lot of boys get socialised into thinking studying is for girls. From what research on the subject I have read, one of the main reasons for this seems to be men reading less in their spare time than women. Also pre-school/primary school teachers, who are the ones teaching kids to read are mostly women, making reading (which is a basic skill for more or less every subject) something coded as feminine.”

Preconcieved notions on why hatred and dismissal of boys is promoted and acceptable by a woman teacher. It must be a real treat to be a boy student in your class. No doubt the girls in your class are all “A” students and the boys are failures as they walk in the door on day one. You’ve already decided there’s a reason why boys are failures.

My guess is, with the massive amounts of teachers like you running the show, every boy is a failure and is graded as such for being a boy. It’s not that boys are falling behind, it’s that women like you revel in degrading, ridiculing and failing boys for being born as boys. Your bias is typical of why boys hate school. No doubt every boy knows that when he walks into teacher Katelisa’s class he’s already been judged a failure for being born a boy. You’ve written the words, it’s plain for all to see. Why blame yourself for treating boys like subhuman garbage when you can blame the boys for being subhuman garbage? It’s so easy to treat another group in a vile manner when you think of them as filth. Isn’t it?

12 years ago

Personally NWOaf, I am surprised your butt can hold so many factoids. Are you sure you are getting enough fiber?

12 years ago

NWO, someday you’ll have to map out how you got to your arglebargle from what Katelisa actually wrote. Do you have keywords that make you rage? Because the other explanation is that you are dumb as dirt and cannot read what is in front of you.