Let’s take another quick trip over to the Men’s Rights subreddit to learn the dirty secret behind the superior performance of girls in schools these days: the machinations of unmuzzled feminists!
Funcuz, could you please show your work, as they say in school.
For those who had nuclear physics — what is force?
I wept.
Girls tend to be more self-disciplined. They put more effort into their schoolwork.
We once got “who is liable to whom for what and why?”
Dani Alexis, the only possible answer is “Colonel Mustard, in the library, with the wrench”.
Ruby, better cite that source you’re using, because I am calling bullshit.
Is that one of those questions that’s vague because you’re supposed to give a generic answer? Like “The defendant is liable to the plaintiff for damages because they’re at fault, duh.”
I’m confused about what exactly has been feminized. I mean, when you watch old shows from the glory days to which these guys harken, there are still kids doing homework. And when we cleaned out my grandma’s basement, we found old, yellowed essays and homework from my dad and his siblings from the 50s. It’s not like homework is new.
Well, this is the same “movement” that claimed cars stopping for school buses was a sign of feminization ruining society, so I don’t think logic is their strong suit…
The amount of homework is bigger than ever and the age to begin assigning it has been lowered, generally. That is a big change in homework. I read The Homework Myth awhile ago and it appears that there is virtually no demonstrated benefit to assigning homework before high school, despite numerous attempts to find such a result by researchers. I cannot believe how much time and effort is wasted on this stupid bullshit.
I’ve read up a lot on the educational system in the US and the proposed solutions to various problems for a few years now, its very difficult to classify the changes as masculine or feminine. However, if I had to pick between the two I would pick masculine. The focus has been on “remaining competitive” with other countries and “tougher standards”. These can hardly be described as traditionally feminine values. These are also lines that both major political parties use continually- if you look at what they have to say about education its virtually the same freaking thing and has been for at least 20 years. The only difference I can discern is regarding sex education and the teaching of evolution in school.
I hate how people generalize boys’ and girls’ learning styles and think that segregation is the way to go. I get tired of hearing people say that boys need more hands-on activities while girls are fine with sitting still and listening. In my experience, I didn’t and often couldn’t just sit still and listen (I have ADD/ADHD, though I’m generally inattentive and not hyper). However, I am disciplined enough to not get into trouble and to do my work, because I’m the type of person who is afraid of getting into trouble.
If I were put into what some of these people imagine to be a “girls’ classroom” where “girls’ learning styles” become the dominant method of teaching, I would suffer. I imagine this could also be the case for some boys who don’t learn the “boy way.” Everyone learns differently, period. Who the hell likes to sit still for 6+ hours, anyway?
The real issue with schools is that they expect students to memorize facts but not ways in which they can apply their knowledge. So teachers may not provide a formula sheet, because they think memorizing a long-ass formula shows that you know math or physics. Anyone who blames it on “feminization” needs a reality check.
I went to two high schools – one was all boys and one was co-ed. The learning done at the all boys school, and the academic achievement there, was definitely of a higher quality. I don’t know if that was because the boys school did cater to a “boy-style” of learning – we had shorter class periods and had each subject every day, rather than longer call periods but having subjects only three or four times a week, for example; or whether it was because the culture of the school promoted the idea of boys succeeding academically. There were more male teachers there and it was considered cool to work hard and do well. Excellence in both achievement and effort/improvement was rewarded through the year with house merit marks (yup, just like in Harry Potter) and it wasn’t uncommon to be congratulated in the hallways by people from your house who were in other years if they saw you’d done something which got a lot of merit marks.
It wasn’t perfect – as with most boys schools it had problems with excessive masculinity and enforced heteronormativity. I left because I was tired of getting bullied for being gay and effeminate.
But at the co-ed school, getting good marks was most definitely not cool, especially for boys. It was okay if you got good marks for something you put no effort into, but effort was seen as an anathema to coolness. You couldn’t try too hard, and if you expressed disappointment over low grades you got mocked. Schoolwork was for nerds. There were no prizes for doing well, so the hassle you got for trying too hard wasn’t worth it. Add that there were very few consequences for not doing homework or paying attention and class and most of us opted out of class before a frantic two week study session at the end of the year to just scrape through.
I went to an all girls’ school, and the difference between that and the co-ed schools my friends went to is that there was less sexism and strict gender roles, because there was nothing we were expected to succeed or fail in because of our gender. Also, I used to have to walk past the brother all boy’s school on my way home, and I used to get sexually harassed, bullied and attacked every day by them.
So there’s that going for separation.
*that I didn’t have to spend 8 hours a day trying to learn while those dipsticks threw books at my head.
**not that all boys are like that, but even one would have been awful.
I really hate how much people bash US schools. So what if we do not test at some level-the question that should be asking is what we are teaching going to be helpful for a student later in life. We never have nor will we ever test super awesomely because this country, despite our vast list of awards for science, medicine, etc, and innovation, is not an intellectual country.
Heck we cannot even remember things that happened last year as a nation.
“I really hate how much people bash US schools. So what if we do not test at some level-the question that should be asking is what we are teaching going to be helpful for a student later in life.”
If you’re a boy you’ll be drugged for being an independent thinker, and you’ll be ridiclued, demeaned and thoroughly chastized for existing as a male. If you’re a girl you’ll be praised, glorified and pedastilized for existing as a female.
They used to teach helpful and honest stuff in schools, now it’s propaganda, mostly feminist social studies. Did you know that at one time in our history books, when talking about valley forge, Philidelphia was called the gayest city in the world? Gay of course at the time meant festive. The reason for it being so festive was that many of the women were turncoats and curried favor with the invading army. The history told of balls and dances every night and the invading soldiers giving gifts of fancy dresses and such to the local turncoat women, and they of course consorted with them as well.
When the colonists finally retook Philadelphia the turncoat women claimed they were raped, however, many women were loyal to the colonists as well. These women of honor who did all they could to help the colonists while they were struggling and suffered for it, told how the turncoat women willingly consorted with, and took gifts from the invaders. The turncoat women were punished as traitors.
Feminist indoctrination removed authentic eyewitness text from the history books for not following the dogma of women being percieved as either victims or good. The lesson of how many women were being true and honorable was lost because the history lesson could not be taught without the teaching of how many women were dishonorable as well. Feminism has declared father to be a dirty word in history as well, our founding fathers are simply founders.
“We never have nor will we ever test super awesomely because this country, despite our vast list of awards for science, medicine, etc, and innovation, is not an intellectual country.”
Pre 70s feminism, the United States was #1 in reading, science and math, back when men were running the education show. Now that women are running the entire educational show, in 2010, out of the top 34 countries, the US ranks 14th in reading, 17th in science and 25th in math. The only thing to change in that time is the style of teaching, the curriculum, the percentage of women teachers and the grading system. Correcting the problem is self evident yet impossible to achieve since it goes against feminist indoctrination.
NWO, citation needed. Sorry someone pissed on your “USA #1, FUCK YEAH” thing you’ve got going on, but show me where we were number one. Also, show me when teaching wasn’t predominately female.
Are you saying you’ve been drugged Owly? Or are you not an independent thinker?
And since when does “teachers being predominantly female” equal “women running education”? Or women making the decisions about the education system at government level? Pfft.
It would confirm a lot of long-standing suspicions …
Oh, Kim, I saw your comment about schtickwit maybe being Aussie after he posted that crap about the custody case. Yeah, hope not. Too embarrassing.
I notice he didn’t post anything about the latest arsehole who murdered his wife, and the police comments about how intervention orders aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.
Well, nobody’s ever accused him of being a mainstream thinker….
And now we know the real reason NWO got rejected by Pepsi…
Was he too much of a “Coke” man? 😉
I just laughed way harder than I needed to, because if he’s talking about the drugs I think he’s talking about they actually aren’t that far away from cocaine, structure-wise.
@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help
“I notice he didn’t post anything about the latest arsehole who murdered his wife, and the police comments about how intervention orders aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on.”
How about instead, a man who was pushed from the 25th floor to his death by his newlywed wife. Don’t fret, she’s a woman and will never see a single day in prison. The woman newscaster has the audacity to say, “It’s a case of deadly spousal abuse, with the tables turned.” As if women abusers aren’t commonplace. She says it like it’s a funny joke. Women have always been violent abusers, they were just held accountable in the past. Modern women have voted and enacted laws clearly indicating that they are above punishment or accountability. goddesses can judge but never be judged.
She’ll cry a few tears in court, claim she’s the real victim, the league of womens lawyers will rush to her aid. By the end of the kangaroo feminist court, she’ll be not only a victim but an inspiration to women the world over.
Hey! I heard the UN has declared October 11th, “International girl day!” That’d be a day dedicated to praising girls for being born girls. Let me be the first to congratulate all the gang at manboobz for being born girls. That’s quite an achievement. You must be soooo proud. Yaay girls!!!
Well, at least you can wipe your ass with the paper.
Speaking of things less worthless than toilet paper, I’d love to see Owly’s data on supposed US educational dominance pre-1970. I’d even take a read-out from the foil-hat’s pick up. ‘Cause I got one word for that: Sputnik.