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The “boy crisis” in schools explained: “We dumbed it all down and added a healthy dose of ‘pretty’ to give the girls [an] advantage.”

Let’s take another quick trip over to the Men’s Rights subreddit to learn the dirty secret behind the superior performance of girls in schools these days: the machinations of unmuzzled feminists!

Funcuz, could you please show your work, as they say in school.

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12 years ago

And I’m sure the fact that our culture has a healthy dose of anti-intellectualism, where academics are looked down upon and viewed as weak and “girly,” has NOTHING to do it.

12 years ago

Yeah, nowadays they hand out M.D.s to anyone who manages to color in a diagram of human anatomy. This is why, in Canada at least, women outnumber men in medical school.

12 years ago

It was not me the feminist aunt that caused my nephew to not turn in his homework. I tend to attach book report requirements to treats I buy him. (Clothing excluded of course.)

It was not his mother (who makes him do his homework every night he has any assigned.)

It was his own pure lazy self.

12 years ago

Fuck, no wonder I only graduated third in my class! If only I’d drawn flowers on my essay covers, just like the valedictorian did. I guess his feminist mother must have taught him that.

12 years ago

So what do you get if you can accurately draw the human anatomy? Cause like, I can do that…

We’ll also ignore how MRAs scream about exams being weighted less in overall marks from what they used to be. I’m not a fan of one test at the end of the semester unless its going to be a doozy. The reason being how easy it is to piss around the entire semester and then spend two weeks cramming for a passing grade. Real life and work situations require reasonable effort straight through, not one big effort at the end of four months. And since high school and colleges are about preparing for entrance to adulthood and work…

12 years ago

Form: C

Content: D-

12 years ago

See , if the little girls couldn’t win it was sexist but if the little boys couldn’t win it was because they were stupid .

I know, Funcuz. It’s terrible that those feminist harpies promote these lies when we all know it’s exactly the other way around, right?

Also, I feel cheated. I got marked down for drawing on my assignments. Where were all these super-femmy teachers that give extra credit for that sort of thing?

Flora @ Subspecies (@florasubspecies)

Aw, I didn’t know I got into medical school because of my artistic abilities. Although, it must be said, I have designed a few posters for charitable events we’ve done since I got in. Hey, maybe he’s onto something here…

12 years ago

So, competition was removed from the equation and everybody gets good grades regardless of what a crappy job they do. And yet boys are still failing?

Seriously, would it kill these guys to maintain a coherent worldview within the same paragraph?

12 years ago

So, competition was removed from the equation and everybody gets good grades regardless of what a crappy job they do. And yet boys are still failing?

I was wondering that too. They dumbed it down…and so boys are doing worse?

12 years ago

You should read the one where the guys son is getting C’s, but could be doing better. It was TOO HARD to spend an entire evening working with his son to get assignments done (which apparently requires lots of coloring?) And besides, his mother doesn’t make the son do homework either.

All I can say is: Dude, my daughter auditory processing disorder (which set her up for all kinds of problems in school). She was hard to focus on homework, so I feel your pain in spending hours at the desk with your son. The answer is not to throw your hands in the air and tell your child they don’t need to worry about homework. The answer is to grit your teeth and be consistent and help them grind through something they really hate. My daughter also does not respond well to treats, threats or punishment (strong willed). So, natural consequence, the longer it takes for her to get through the assignment, the longer it will be before she gets to do what she wants to.

And for all the guys bitching about acing tests but being expected to do assignments… It might be busy work in your eyes, but if its really that simple it won’t take long for you to get done. So not doing the assignment is also a display of laziness, especially if it hardly requires effort on your part.

12 years ago

I’ve always been confused by this idea that education has been “Feminized”.

In the UK over the past few years there’s been a backlash against coursework being used as part of GCSE’s and A levels (qualifications done at 16 and 18 respectively) and a movement towards all qualifications being mainly timed exam work.

Girls are apparently better at Coursework than boys (I’ve always been skeptical about all these theories about how boys and girls learn differently, too many of the trends that are observed seem to be the result of socilaization rather than anything innate) and boys apparently thrive in timed exams so it seems that the UK education system is doing the opposite.

Also I’m really not buying the fact that apparently all teachers in state schools are raging feminists. All the teachers I’ve met are too busy trying to stop their pupils throwing desks at each to try out Feminist education theories (if such things even exist).

12 years ago

Dumbed-down education might explain this kind of MRAth on “false rape accusations”:

Also, for the discussion purposes, remember that 1% false accusations is the same as 100% false accusations for ‘innocent until proven guilty’ moral reasons.

Hey, it’s our little friend Pacman!

12 years ago

And of course there’s the old “women teachers can’t maintain discipline” and “when we used to be able to beat/humilliate boys into getting better grades”

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Wow. Clearly these “feminist” teaching methods did not permeate my former head-in-rectum hellhole of a girls’ school I attended, or I wouldn’t have had bad grades. There’s also a chance I’d be less neurotic too.

Dan Roe (@Rodafowa)
12 years ago

“Oh, and no, I’m not exaggerating or making this up”

Heaven forfend! What kind of world do we live in where people doubt your words merely because what you’re saying is absolutely nucking futs!

12 years ago

I am 21. I graduated from high school in 2009. My sister just graduated last year. Nowhere did you get better grades if you put flowers on the cover page of your essay–though you might be expected to have a cover page and format it correctly, like, you know, you would for any job.

Speaking of standardized tests, I just got back from taking the GRE. The math section is… well, it is the kind of math you barely even learn in high school and then never use ever again. I’ve always been weaker in math than in the verbal scores. They are so frustrating, and I just spend 1:30 total time doing that kind of math.

And yes, I’ve aced my coursework/class tests in all the math classes I’ve taken in high school and college. It is just that none of it applies to the GRE or any other standardized test.

The weirdest standardized test section I’ve ever taken, though, is the ACT science section, which is all about data analysis. That catches a lot of people by surprise.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I am working on my Masters thesis now; I’m just glad to have found out before defending it this quarter that all I need to do is draw some flowers on it. I wonder, for advanced degrees, do you all think I should include some drawings of ponies as well? I might use little cartoon kitties in lieu of footnotes. So many ideas…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

How about some My Little Pony pics? (Disclaimer: I only know about MLP from reading ManBoobz!)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Instead of Latin or Harvard referencing, you should use dinosaur stickers. 😀

12 years ago

WordSpinner: Dude, I LOVED the ACT science section. I was expecting to have to know things about science, but instead it was DATA COMPREHENSION? I could examine data in my sleep! XD

…I didn’t actually prep for the test before I showed up, so…

12 years ago

Now you’re graded as heavily on how many flowers you drew on the cover sheet of your essay as you are on the content of it .[…] Oh , and no , I’m not exaggerating or making this up . It was never a secret that we tried so hard to feminize education . In fact , the powers that be

Or, just maybe, we started grading for punctuation.

12 years ago


I didn’t prep either, and I quite liked it, too (and I aced it). But a lot of my friends were all like “WTF”?!

The ACT has the most ridiculous career test, though. “Do you like putting things into boxes?” Ummm… no.

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