$MONEY$ antifeminism crackpottery matriarchy misogyny MRA oppressed men paranoia pig ignorance playing the victim radfems oh my reddit straw feminists

“Even when men are all locked in cages, they’ll complain that it’s so much work for women to feed them,” and other insights on feminism courtesy of Reddit.

So this weekend I attended an interesting conference on the future of feminism. I’d like to present some of the most insightful papers from it.

Clarification: When I said I “attended a conference” I meant I “took a look at the Men’s Rights subreddit.” By “interesting” I meant “tedious” and by “insightful” I meant “ridiculous.” And by “papers” of course I meant “comments.”

So here, without further ado, are some of the pearls of wisdom I found in a thread asking the twin questions “What, in your opinion, is Feminism’s ultimate goal? When do you think they’ll consider their job ‘done?’” (Each yellow comment is a direct answer to one or both of the questions.)

Boy, these “feminists” sound like terrible people!

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12 years ago


My puzzlement is more over the fact that the smitiest of the non-evil gods would specifically deny his clerics the handiest tool for smiting that clerics routinely possess.

“Go forth, my children, and punish evil…but NO HURTY MAGIC! We don’t do that here! Physical spankings only!

12 years ago

The daycare is named for The Guild of St. Cuthbert, who run it (as well as managing the various parades). The Guild takes it name from St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne (b. ca 635, d. 687). He was probably born in Britain (from evidence in St. Bede’s Mercia).

He was a Roman Rite missionary to Ireland, after the Synod of Whitby decided to use it rather than the Celtic Rite. IN 676 he adopted a hermetic life on an island off the coast of Lindisfarne, until he was elected; quite reluctantly, Bishop of Lindisfarne in 685, which office he fulfulled until Christmas, 686. At that time he decided he was not long to live, resigned his See, and retired again to the life of a Hermit, where he died in the following March.

The various reports of miracles attributed to St. Cuthbert caused him to be called, “The Wonder worker of England.” King Alfred the Great took St. Cuthbert as his Patron. His remains were at Durham Cathedral, but were lost in the violences of the Reformation; though the casket in which they were laid was recovered in the 19th century.

Why yes, I did work the Northern and Southern Calif. Faires for 20 years.

12 years ago

As to D&D, I started playing in 1978, or so. 2nd is probably the ruleset I know best,and enjoyed most; though some aspects of 3rd aren’t alien to me.

12 years ago

Thanks, pecunium. I assumed it was really named after a historical saint, but I never remembered to look it up once I got home from the Faire.

It still makes for a nice giggle for D&D players, though. “Let’s name our daycare after the god who carries a rod to flog evil! That’ll learn those rotten little toddlers!”

12 years ago

Sorry, brain-cramp. I always (I know not why) confuse Lindisfarne with Ireland. That there is a tradition (almost certainly false) that Cuthbert was the son of a king in Ireland doesn’t help; given his close association with it.

12 years ago

Karalora: There are a lot of ways in which the faire is (at times apallingly so) run like a 16th century village. All the performers (as opposed to Staff,and booth owners/employees) are in, “Guilds” which are named for saints. Quirks of the historical past (when it was a 501(c)3, prior to being bought out by the R.E.C), combined with labor law issues (because of how the R.E.C. didn’t have the insulation that a non-profit could manage) mean they are, officially, independently contracting organisations.

It’s byzantine, and I spent enough time in it that I understand it as thought it were simple. 🙂

But oh… the politics.

12 years ago

Dangit, I’m using my tcwill00 handle. Sorry!


“Go forth, my children, and punish evil…but NO HURTY MAGIC! We don’t do that here! Physical spankings only!“

I know, right?

The inflict wounds spells are classified as necromancy spells, but they lack the [evil] descriptor. My aforementioned smitin’ cleric has a morningstar of spell storing, which means I can load it with a spell, and then when I hit something, I can trigger the spell. So far I haven’t gotten much more creative than inflict severe wounds, but I’m thinking maybe I should branch out.

Of course, then I think about the guy who I was playing Basic D&D with, in which magic-users start out with only one spell. This guy took the least combat-useful spell in the book (charm person), but man he made that sing. He got in with a group of goblins in Keep on the Borderlands by charming their leader, convinced them all to gather round, then he and the elf cast sleep and took out the mooks, leaving only the chieftain for the dwarf to fight. Good times.

12 years ago


I feel like I should be more into Ren Faire than I am. I manage to go one day almost every year, and I wear a costume…but it’s not a very good costume. I made it from a Simplicity pattern several years ago when I was less good at sewing than I am now and went with cheap, easy-to-handle cotton fabrics. I’ve been meaning to make a new and better one, but I never seem to get around to it. I wouldn’t even know where to start when it comes to developing a persona.


With the right group, there’s no such thing as an underpowered tabletop character. I played through a Spirit of the Century campaign with a character whose best Skill was basically the nonmagical equivalent of charm person, and I mopped the floor with villains who weren’t expecting the little blonde ingenue to suddenly make them feel guilty about the life path they had chosen. It helps that the game is designed so that besting an opponent socially or psychologically is just as valid a victory as doing it physically. Whether you break their leg or drive them into an existential crisis, they’ll still be out of commission for weeks.

12 years ago

@Karalora: I’d never heard of this Spirit of the Century RPG. So I googled it, and I got to the product page from Evil Hat Productions, and I read as far as

Gorilla Khan stalks darkest Africa from conquered Atlantis…

You can stop right there.

12 years ago


12 years ago


It is probably the most fun RPG I have ever played. It’s certainly the cleverest in design. I recommend the shit out of it.

12 years ago

Speaking of science fiction and alternate realities, a dude over at the Spearhead comes up with a reason to hope time travel is never invented:

Sink me! This is why I hope time travel is never invented: the feminists would go into the past and retroactively deem all men rapists! Then they would get the idea to go back to the dawn of humanity and arrest all the first men, who, obviously being pre-civilized men would have no concept of “women’s rights.” Then the whole demmed human race and its history would go poof!

Once again, they’re onto us! All of our dastardly plans exposed.

(This is in a thread about that photograph of the sailor kissing an unsuspecting nurse on VJ day during WWII, and it is of course filled with run-of-the-mill (i.e. terrible) Spearhead comments.)

12 years ago

@Cloudiah: And then it will never have happened! So the human race and its history will poof back into existence! Until the “demmed” women (what are we, in Downton Abbey?) invent the time machine again! IT’S A VISCOUS CYCLE!

I hope no one ever invents the time machine because right now I want to go sock Alexander Bell in the mouth for stealing inventing that hideously annoying device for interrupting my train of thought and all of my conversations, the telephone.

12 years ago

This is why I hope time travel is never invented: the feminists would go into the past and retroactively deem all men rapists!

Feminists: the Mormons of rape accusations.

12 years ago

Feminists: the Mormons of rape accusations.

Good one!

BTW, from now on, feminists should be known as femosquitoes and manginas are “yes, dear” ticks. The reasons should be self-evident, but just in case not here’s a link.

12 years ago

That guy from the Spearhead knows about as much history as Bill O’Reilly.

12 years ago

Sink me! The Scarlet Pimpernel is a demmed MRA!

~Sir Percy Blakeney, Baronet.

12 years ago

Karalora: If all you want to do is be a customer, no worries, and persona is what you make of it. If you want to be a “participant”, you have to 1: be willing to commit the time (depending on what you do you may have rehearsals, as well as the performance run), and the money to get a costume which will pass approval.

Character building isn’t that hard; unless you decide to play a known person (most of which are in the Court, and the clothes are expensive. My courts cost me about $1,500 it amortises (and it’s a bit cheaper if you can do your own manufacture; women’s court dress is differently expensive from male costume, but neither is trivial, and the male accessories can be a lot more expensive). Middle class clothing will be in the $2-800 range. “Peasant” is what most people wear, and it’s not going to set you back more than a couple of hundred; because the bodice is a bit of a hassle; though making it isn’t that hard/expensive.

12 years ago

So, the Spearhead dude thinks we’re blood-suckers. Does that mean that we’re now a vampire Mongol hoarde? Because that would be pretty rad.

12 years ago

@ Pecunium

Oh, no, there’s no way I could take it to the “participant” level. For one thing, I don’t have a car. Utter madness in L.A., I know, but there it is.

It’s more that, given the other sorts of things I am into, like tabletop RPG and costuming, I feel like I’m cheating myself out of a more detailed Ren Faire experience. I have this weird tendency to put heavy expectations on myself for “performing” my hobbies. Even ones where no one else expects anything of me. I’m definitely a geek by Bob “Moviebob” “Game Overthinker” Chipman’s definition.

12 years ago

@karalora: Thank you so much for the rec! SotC looks like awesome fun so far.

12 years ago

Think about it. All these “professional feminists” who are in positions of power and made a career out of finding things for women to complain about. They’ve dedicated their lives to that. Do you REALLY believe, they’ll one day turn around and say “job done, I’m not needed anymore”. Course not. They’ll just manufacture increasingly absurd gender theoretical constructs that paint women as victims of the patriarchy. That is their job. The show must go on.

Change this a little:

Men will never consider their job done, no matter how far the balance tips in favor of themselves. That’s the nature of their underlying thoughts. Even when women are all locked in cages, they’ll complain that it’s so much work for men to feed them.

Think about it. All these “professional MRAs” who are in positions of power and [have] made a career out of finding things for men to complain about. They’ve dedicated their lives to that. Do you REALLY believe, they’ll one day turn around and say “job done, I’m not needed anymore”[?] Course not. They’ll just manufacture increasingly absurd gender theoretical constructs that paint men as victims of the matriarchy. That is their job. The show must go on.

12 years ago

You’re welcome!

Oh, and you’re showing as tcwill00 again.

12 years ago

The gospel according to AloysiusC:

They will never consider their job done, no matter how far the balance tips in favor of women. That’s the nature of their underlying thoughts. Even when men are all locked in cages, they’ll complain that it’s so much work for women to feed them.

Think about it. All these “professional feminists” who are in positions of power and made a career out of finding things for women to complain about. They’ve dedicated their lives to that. Do you REALLY believe, they’ll one day turn around and say “job done, I’m not needed anymore”. Course not. They’ll just manufacture increasingly absurd gender theoretical constructs that paint women as victims of the patriarchy. That is their job. The show must go on.

Change this a little:

Men will never consider their job done, no matter how far the balance tips in favor of themselves. That’s the nature of their underlying thoughts. Even when women are all locked in cages, they’ll complain that it’s so much work for men to feed them.

Think about it. All these “professional MRAs” who are in positions of power and [have] made a career out of finding things for men to complain about. They’ve dedicated their lives to that. Do you REALLY believe, they’ll one day turn around and say “job done, I’m not needed anymore”[?] Course not. They’ll just manufacture increasingly absurd gender theoretical constructs that paint men as victims of the matriarchy. That is their job. The show must go on.

Dumpster Jedi
Dumpster Jedi
12 years ago


Joke’s on them. If time travel and the alteration of historical events were possible in that way, with those particular consequences, it’d have happened by now: somebody would have invented time travel, gone back, and done something idiotic, and we’d all have been poofed out of existence. The fact that we have not seems to imply that either time travel is impossible, or it just does not work that way.