alpha males antifeminism beta males evil women heartiste misogyny oppressed white men PUA rape jokes reactionary bullshit vaginas woman's suffrage

Heartiste on the evils of women’s suffrage, and why single women tingle for Obama. Or maybe don’t?

Who’s the real Alpha Dog?

Over on Chateau Heartiste, the adult man who actually goes by the name “Heartiste” is getting into the spirit of the election season by going all Ann Coulter on us with a post on how terrible it is that single women can vote – mainly because they vote for Democrats, which Hearty attributes to the lack of real men in their lives.

When you don’t have an alpha male in your personal life to admire and rely on for support (partly because you make your own money and don’t feel a pressing need to have a middle class compliment&cuddle herb around for security), you turn to the next facsimile — the substitute alpha male who promises limitless resources for you and your future sprogling. This substitute alpha male is The State, and its shaman emissary is Obama. …

Single women are bankrupting this country. And they don’t give a shit, as long as they get theirs, which includes tingles.

By “tingles” he’s referring to what the dudes of the manosphere like for some reason  to call “gina tingles,” with “gina” short for “vagina.” After a brief excursion into racism – he’s apparently afraid the country will be overrun with swarthy Democratic-voting immigrant hordes – Hearty gives us this report from the front lines. Sorry, the front swimming pool:

I swim among single women — mostly white, mostly educated and/or intelligent, in their 20s and 30s — and I can assure you they have a rock hard clit boner for Obama and leftie policies in general. Romney may as well be the anti-Christ when he’s not some buffoon at whom they happily lob insipid snark bombs. …

This is the reality we live in. It’s status whoring and self-righteous hypocritical white girl preening all the way down. The people have suckled on the Big Daddy Government teat for too long, and they ain’t giving it up.

The Big Daddy teat?

Single women are the worst teat sucklers because it is in the nature of women, before they have had their estrogenic rocket fuel burned out of them by marriage and children, to extract as many resources from the tribe’s public pot as they can manage, and to dispense as much of the public till to sympathetic groups in a showy self-annihilation of pathological altruism.

Hearty’s metaphors here have grown so baroque here that I’m having a little trouble visualizing what he thinks is going on. Can someone draw me a picture of white girls suckling on Big Daddy’s teat while using rocket fuel to extract resources from a large pot?

And men, the majority of them generally being weak-willed betas all too happy to dance to young babes’ tunes, have neither the balls nor the heart to call them out for their vapid politics. Many white men are so manboobed they actually yearn for their dispossession, both demographically and politically, like some cuckold fetishist lubing his palm with his salty tears and pulling forlornly at his purple pud in the corner as he gets psychologically ass-rammed by his gleeful tormentors.

Classy, dude, but thanks for including me in your weird cuckold/rape fantasy.

As the day must yield to night, so did suffrage yield to anarcho-tyranny.

Meanwhile, every rose has its thorn, just like every night has its dawn.

Hearty wraps up his piece with a thoroughly muddled conclusion. On the one hand, he takes hope in the fact that by general consensus Romney “out-alpha’ed Obama in the debate.” And chicks love that, right?

It’ll be interesting to see if the polls budge among women in favor of Romney because he looked like a boss disciplining a lackadaisical employee during the debate. Obama’s head nodding while Romney dressed him down was a huge beta tell, and women pick up on that subtle body language stuff. If they are sufficiently turned off, this election could be up for grabs.

Never mind that immediately before this, Hearty declared that

Obama still holds the trump card of being the guy who represents the dream of every girl to have a harem of eunuch beta male orbiters showering her with emotional support and money while demanding nothing in return.

I’m a bit confused. I thought that in Heartisteland women only tingled for alphas. And at the start of this post Obama was the ultimate Alpha who was giving women “tingles” and “rock-hard clit boners” – or was it just the Big Daddy state that was the Alpha (while simultaneously serving as a wet nurse for the nation’s women and other ne’er-do-wells). Now Obama holds the trump card because he a Beta? Or maybe doesn’t, also because he’s a Beta?

I’ve given up trying to understand these guys. The only constant in their arguments are that women (and men who don’t hate women) are awful; everything else flows from this.

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12 years ago

UPDATE to a previous post by David — Justin Vacula has stepped down from his leadership position with the Secular Coalition.

12 years ago

When you don’t have an alpha male in your personal life to admire and rely on for support (partly because you make your own money and don’t feel a pressing need to have a middle class compliment&cuddle herb around for security), you turn to the next facsimile — the substitute alpha male who promises limitless resources for you and your future sprogling. This substitute alpha male is The State, and its shaman emissary is Obama. …

If you don’t need an alpha male in your life because you can provide for yourself, why would you need a substitute alpha male in your life to provide for you? I just… what?!

Single women are the worst teat sucklers because it is in the nature of women, before they have had their estrogenic rocket fuel burned out of them by marriage and children, to extract as many resources from the tribe’s public pot as they can manage, and to dispense as much of the public till to sympathetic groups in a showy self-annihilation of pathological altruism.

*squints* So… all women ever have taken so many resources from the community that the communities have been annihilated, yet a) no community ever has wised up to this phenomenon, and apparently get new resources every couple of months for new young women to ‘annihilate’ and b) human beings still exist.

I think he might be slightly wrong about this.

12 years ago

Thanks Pecunium!
Looked at that way it has about Roissy’s normal level of coherence and logic, I guess.
Whatever this guy’s strong point may be, it’s not written comminication.

12 years ago

Maybe if there weren’t so much misogyny on the right, women wouldn’t vote for Dems as much.

12 years ago

I’d sort of like to have a time-machine and kidnap this guy and others like him and just drop them in the 1980:s Sweden where I grew up. As an experiment, to see if they’ll die of shock.

When I grew up, there was a state monopoly on
– TV
– radio (newspapers, however, were free)
– trains
– buses
– alcohol
– pharmacy
– phone company
– electric company
– schools
– hospitals
– plus the fact that local government administrations were by far the biggest landlord

(I’m sure I’ve missed some monopolies, since there were so many of them.)

And yeah, it was also the case that there was a governmental censorship bureau that had to approve every movie before it was shown on cinema. They were solely concerned with violence. Movies where lots of people were killed (such as many American action movies) would be adults only. Sometimes they’d release some incomprehensible version where they’d cut out most of the violence for a younger audience. Sometimes they’d ban a movie outright. This happened to, for instance, the Texas chainsaw massacre and the Stallone movie Cobra. Meanwhile, one of the most popular children’s movies of the decade had a scene with a bunch of guys running around stark naked in the snow with their cocks fully showing.

So that’s how I grew up! And I’m not saying it’s necessarily a good idea to have this many monopolies in an economy (although I think many of them worked better than the free market competition that has now replaced most of them). Free TV and free radio are good for instance, and banning action movies was stupid. It’s just that it was so very far from being some terrible Hell on Earth.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

What is a “middle class compliment and cuddle herb?”

Herb is short for herbivore, representing a particularly effete brand of beta male.

(I tinyurl’ed that because Jabba the Fut filters out Heartiste links in comments, which is odd when the OP is about him).

12 years ago

AlexB: A “herb” is a man who is a beta but still has a hot girlfriend. Instead of taking this as disproof of his theory, Heartiste simply decided to direct his hate that direction too.

12 years ago


Meanwhile, one of the most popular children’s movies of the decade had a scene with a bunch of guys running around stark naked in the snow with their cocks fully showing.

Ronja Rövardotter?

12 years ago

Wow, Choofles. People look up to this guy? The insecurity required for any of these posts in staggering.

12 years ago

Sure thing AB! Tried to look that scene up on youtube, but apparently youtube censors naked men running around in the snow.

12 years ago

oh ok, here’s the ‘herb’ definition from hard-pressed himself, found from one of those links.

*herb, noun – a schlumpy, nondescript white guy with no fashion sense, chin, or sexual gravitas, who has managed to hook up with a cute chick. Herbs usually wear satchels to nightclubs and button down collar shirts with the Hanes undershirt herb2.jpgpeaking through at the neck. They love anything khaki and are not embarrassed to be seen wearing fanny packs or sandals. A super herb takes it up a notch with white athletic socks and an extra-large t-shirt to hide his man boobs. They have a walk that can be best described as looking like they are carrying a load in their pants. They will annoy you just by being there. The fact that a herb will have usually managed to score a cute yuppie chick will fill you with violent feelings toward him.

That last sentence is extremely telling.

12 years ago

Is it wrong to hope to Roissy gets some disease that causes his fingers to fall off? His abuse of the language is epic.

David, his hate crush on you is showing again. Aw.

12 years ago

Herbs sound awesome, where can I get one?

12 years ago

Actually, Truthy, the truth is that I don’t filter Heartiste links, but that you’re on moderation for making a prison rape joke.

Aaaand the jackass clearly learned nothing, because he didn’t even bother to find out why he was on moderation. But when he is inevitably banned, it will be TOTALLY UNFAIR.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Actually, Truthy, the truth is that I don’t filter Heartiste links, but that you’re on moderation for making a prison rape joke.

I’m aware of your overreaction to my one-liner, Tubs. This isn’t about that. I’m saying that comments that include Heartiste links get eaten.

12 years ago

Oh, and love the gender essentialism you jackasses continue to show. Eating vegetables is for GIRLS. Manly men eat MEAT!

12 years ago

Seriuosly, if I were single, I’d go for the Herb over Heartiste. No contest.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


And then they get incredibly manly scurvy! Hooray!

12 years ago

@Creative Writing Student

Seriously, one of their big points of evidence that society is misandrist is the fact that men die sooner than women. But then they also push this nonsense meme that eating healthy is weak and feminine. SEE A CONNECTION HERE, DIPSTICKS?!

12 years ago

Wow… people actually listen to this guy and claim feminists are “misandric”? No-one has a lower view of men than these jerks.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Apparently they do not. Maybe they think feminist hit squads or something, wiping out all men aged over 78.
It’s not like there are more important things for feminists to focus on, not in their eyes at least.

12 years ago

Well he is right about the feminist hit squads. We totally spend our weekends hunting down little old men. That is why Arizona has no old men. Not even ones who have overstayed their welcome in office.

12 years ago

And NWO will now link to those students in Sweden who TOTALLY KILLED THAT ONE DUDE ON TAPE!!! IT’S THE SCUM MANIFESTO IN REAL LIFE!!!