are these guys 12 years old? bullying disgusting women evil fat fatties men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW MGTOW paradox misogyny shaming tactics that's not funny!

TV anchorwoman responds to a letter writer offended that she dares to be fat in public

By now you may have seen the pointed on-air response that Jennifer Livingston, a news anchor for WKTB in La Crosse Wisconsin, gave to a viewer who suggested that someone as fat as she is should not really be on TV, lest young girls get the idea that it’s ok to be fat.

Here’s the video. Some thoughts on it below.

Let’s go back, for a moment, to what the guy said in his email. (You can find a transcript of the whole video here.)

Hi Jennifer,

It’s unusual that I see your morning show, but I did so for a very short time today. I was surprised indeed to witness that your physical condition hasn’t improved for many years. Surely you don’t consider yourself a suitable example for this community’s young people, girls in particular. Obesity is one of the worst choices a person can make and one of the most dangerous habits to maintain. I leave you this note hoping that you’ll reconsider your responsibility as a local public personality to present and promote a healthy lifestyle.

While couched as helpful advice from a concerned citizen, the email basically suggests that Jennifer is, in essence, committing a crime against young girls by being fat in public. While Livingston, as a TV anchor, presumably “assaults” thousands of young girls by appearing on TV fat, the letter writer’s logic would presumably apply to every fat woman who posts pictures of herself online, appears in a play, or even just goes outside where others can see her.

Indeed, one woman I know has gotten similar, er, complaints, from people who’ve attacked her for “celebrating obesity” by posting pictures of herself on her blog looking something other than miserable and ashamed of her body.

In addition to the fact that Livingston’s weight is none of this guy’s fucking business, it should also be noted that the he’s simply incorrect in assuming that a person’s weight has much to do with the healthiness of their lifestyle. There are plenty of skinny people living less than healthy lives, including many in the public eye. (Has he ever heard of eating disorders? Or Keith Richard?) And fatness in itself is not a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle, nor does it generally add to health risks. Indeed, as author and fat blogger Kate Harding has noted:

Weight itself is not a health problem, except in the most extreme cases (i.e., being underweight or so fat you’re immobilized). In fact, fat people live longer than thin people and are more likely to survive cardiac events … obesity research is turning up surprising information all the time — much of which goes ignored by the media … Just because you’ve heard over and over and over that fat! kills! doesn’t mean it’s true. It just means that people in this culture really love saying it.

What you eat makes a difference to your health – not how much, or how many of the calories go directly to your waistline.

Meanwhile even those who actually want to lose a lot of weight don’t have many practical options besides gastric surgery, which carries its own health risks. Diets tend to be a mixture of quackery and false hope. They can be unhealthy and even dangerous – and the overwhelming majority of dieters eventually gain back what they lose. For most people, short of gastric surgery, the only way to lose a lot of weight and keep it off is to remain on a diet forever.

But the issue here isn’t really health. It’s body policing. As Livingston herself noted, fat people know that they’re fat. They don’t need it pointed out to them, even if the person pointing it out convinces themselves that they’re doing it for the fat person’s good. And frankly, most of those pointing it out don’t have good intentions. (It’s no coincidence that the favorite insult of the MRAs and other misogynists who hate this blog is to call me fat; I expect some will use this post an excuse for another round of fat-shaming.)

As Livingston noted in her reply to the letter-writer:

The truth is, I am overweight. You could call me fat and yes, even obese, on a doctor’s chart. But to the person who wrote me that letter, do you think I don’t know that? That your cruel words are pointing out something that I don’t see? You don’t know me. You are not a friend of mine. You are not a part of my family and you have admitted that you don’t watch this show so you know nothing about me but what you see on the outside and I am much more than a number on a scale.

And here is where I want all of us to learn something from this. If you didn’t already know, October is National Anti-Bullying Month, and this is a problem that is growing every day in our schools and on the internet. It is a major issue in the lives of young people today and as the mother of three young girls it scares me to death. Now I am a grown women and luckily for me I have a very thick skin, literally, as that email pointed out, and otherwise. And that man’s words mean nothing to me. But what really angers me is there are children who don’t know better. Who get emails, as critical as the one I received or in many cases even worse, each and every day. The internet has become a weapon. Our schools have become a battleground. And this behaviour is learned. It is passed down from people like the man who wrote me that email.

Since Livingston’s video went viral, the letter writer has come forward to double-down on his fat-shaming, saying in a statement that he hopes “she will finally take advantage of a rare and golden opportunity to influence the health and psychological well-being of Coulee Region by transforming herself for all of her viewers to see over the next year.”

I’m not quite sure why the letter writer thinks it’s Livingston’s job to “transform … herself” to meet his desired specifications. But I doubt there’s any point to arguing that with him unless he can first transform himself into something other than the real-world version of an internet “concern troll.”

After reading all this, I thought I’d take a look at – where the regulars are not exactly shy about expressing their opinions about the appearance of women —  to see if the regulars had responded with their customary compassion and respect. By which I mean self-righteousness and fat jokes. I was not disappointed.

Bubbagumpshrimp, while himself fat, decided it was perfectly fair to attack the weight of a fat women who – gasp! – puts herself on TV.

The writer stated the truth without resorting to being mean about it. He didn’t call her fat or anything mean. He just referred to her as what she obviously is…obese. This coming from someone that’s a good sized guy. You can’t go into a career that has you on camera, be her size, and be shocked when people call you on it. You VOLUNTARILY put yourself out there to be judged. If you don’t want to be picked apart on your weight, go be an IT person or something.

The problem in this country is that obese people are viewed as victims of a medical condition. The reality of it is that they are in a self-induced state. They have no one to blame but themselves. Putting someone like that out there to be a whiner when it’s obvious that she partakes in the all you can eat buffet line makes her exactly what the writer said…not a good role model for children.

Stewie displayed his rapier wit:

You shouldn’t be reporting on climate changes when you are so fat you are causing them.

Simple conflict of interest.

I don’t think she should be allowed to talk about earth quakes or talk shit about the gravitational pull of the moon either.

You know, because she’s FAT. (The climate and weather references are there because the MGTOWforum regulars seem to think she’s a weather person.)

DruidV, meanwhile, waxed indignant that a woman who doesn’t appeal to his boner is even allowed on TV:

This kind of shit is exactly why I killed my TV years ago.

Look, bitch, you’re FAT!

Listen, bitch, it’s perfectly a okay for anyone to tell you so publicly or otherwise. You don’t have the right to not be offended.

Let me say it again, bitch, YOU ARE FAT! and also very ugly, so I guess what you really are is FUGLY, bitch!

No, it’s NOT to be celebrated either, you nasty slob! It’s disgusting and pathetic. You should at least be ashamed of yourself, since laying off the buffet and hitting the gym is apparently out of the question, but then you are also female, which means you can’t even shut up about yourself long enough to see what a laughing stock you are. Three strikes and you are out, Bertha.

That said, couldn’t we pony up some $$$ to get this hideous broad (pun intended) replaced by a hot bikini blonde weather slut? It’s bad enough to have to watch our shitty weather play out, but do we really have to look at an indignant fat pig telling us how great and special she and her husband thinks she is at the same time?


Blah indeed — because the letter writer’s missive to Livingston was really only a more politely worded, passive-aggressive version of this sort of hateful shit.

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Leeloo Dallas Multipass

I haven’t been back here since a bunch of people left (and I got busy with school). This new troll is… really different from the old ones, to put it mildly. Do they even show up anymore? I kind of want to set the new one up against NWO and see what happens, like when they have two chatbots talk to each other.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

further, Elizabeth, attributes like eye color and height are not the social or emotional equivalent of race. Pretending they are is willfully ignorant.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ Multipas- yes, dear, me and nwo would have lovely chats as we have so much in common- you are a bit random, aren’t you?

12 years ago

Hey, Leeloo, how’s it going?

(Yes, I DO still have your novel in the docket!)

12 years ago

further, Elizabeth, attributes like eye color and height are not the social or emotional equivalent of race. Pretending they are is willfully ignorant.

Mmmhmm, there is a reason I included the other listed traits a person might think is attractive or unattractive. I am not surprised you did not pick up on it.

@ elizabeth- that’s not the distinction I make- I finish the sentence as : ‘I am not attracted to minority x.’ Or ‘Minority x is not attractive.’ These two separate statements are equally offensive in nature.

You can consider them both offensive. What you cannot do is say “I am not attracted to X race” to equal “X race is unattractive.” Because it is not the same and never will be no matter how much you insist they are the same.

12 years ago

How could it not be racist if the only thing you’re using to group a whole bunch of people together is their race? There is no sweeping statement you can make about an entire race of people that could possibly be true, no matter what it is.

12 years ago

I kind of want to set the new one up against NWO and see what happens, like when they have two chatbots talk to each other.

Nah, instead how about we have dueling adorable videos?

I cast baby sloth!

12 years ago

I thought you meant adorable animals dueling. Now I’m dissapointed.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ princessbonbon- Ah, so racist ideals are alright if you really really feel them. Like if you get genuinely scared of minorities when you come across them in a dark alley. Or if homosexual acts genuinely disgust you. Nah, dude, you just want someone to apologize for your prejudices. Well, they aren’t alright, broadcasting them is certainly not alright, it’s alienating and hurtful, and that will not change no matter how hard you rail against it.

12 years ago

I was going to make a very very very very bad joke about a generalized statement involving humans and Earth but I was good…

12 years ago

I cast squirrel doing an obstacle course!

12 years ago

Hi, Katz! I’m doing fine; working on some other writing, but I’ve been in a lot of classes so I haven’t looked at it in a while. Seattle is amazing! I love love love living in the Pacific Northwest. (OMG BLATANT GEOGRAPHISM BETTER CHECK MY PRIVILEGE) I’m really trying to take your feedback and apply it to the one I’m working on right now, and hopefully it’s a little solider!

12 years ago

@ princessbonbon- Ah, so racist ideals are alright if you really really feel them. Like if you get genuinely scared of minorities when you come across them in a dark alley. Or if homosexual acts genuinely disgust you. Nah, dude, you just want someone to apologize for your prejudices. Well, they aren’t alright, broadcasting them is certainly not alright, it’s alienating and hurtful, and that will not change no matter how hard you rail against it.

And back to the dueling adorable videos

12 years ago

(Discussion of Ozy’s Boner in this paragraph. Skip if you like.) Man, the reason I did an Unsolicited Boner Update as opposed to a hypothetical was that I *didn’t* want to contribute to the idea that POCs are inherently unattractive. Because, no duh, they aren’t, and it would be incredibly racist to say so. “Does Ozy get a boner for you?” and “are you beautiful?” are two completely different questions. (Also, as long as we’re Talking About Ozy’s Boner, I figure we should talk about it accurately: I didn’t say I’m not attracted to POC, I said that I am less likely to be attracted to black people than to members of other races. I am more likely to be attracted to, say, Asian people than people of other races. AND NONE OF THIS MEANS THAT PEOPLE OF ANY RACE ARE LESS ATTRACTIVE THAN PEOPLE OF ANY OTHER RACE. Christ.)

ttf: Okay, cool, so people with racial preferences ought to change them. How? I must say I’m not sure how people can make themselves be attracted to people they aren’t. I mean, obviously it would be a good thing if they did, equal attraction is a good thing, but I don’t think there’s a moral duty for people to do things they can’t do.

Grumbles: …Did you seriously just say that people who are tan have different personalities than pale people? Uh. You do realize that that’s not actually true, and has some fucked-up race and class implications, and seriously it’s *okay* to have an aesthetic preference, you don’t have to justify it with some weirdass idea that pale people are superior. We’re not.

Also, could we cut out the whole calling people who use a lot of self-tanner orange thing? It’s body-shaming and seriously not okay.

12 years ago

Loving Seattle isn’t geographism because Seattle really is the best place on earth. Are you going to UW?

12 years ago

Also, babby and pug excited to see their papa come home.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D
12 years ago

@ Ozzy- BNot really sure the how is as important as the why. If people are scared of black people in poorly lit areas, they ought to get over that. As to why, I’m not your therapist- you figure it out. If you absolutely can’t get over it, be bloody well sure you don’t make anyone else uncomfortable because of your racism. Simple.

12 years ago

Hee, the baby and pug are adorable.

12 years ago

Yes! It’s all gorgeous buildings and gardens. I keep expecting to turn around and see Boothby chatting with some cadets. People are really friendly around here, and there are actual BUSES! Living in Iowa with no car kinda sucked (although I did manage to finally pass the drive test a few days before moving, so I can get one if I graduate and move out of the metro area to someplace where you don’t have to sacrifice a goat to get a parking space.)

12 years ago

katz, yes I think that is racist, particularly so if one party is racially privileged and the other is not. And I think it is allowable in relation to sexual attraction. I don’t think sexual attraction is always immutable, but I think pretending to change sexual attraction is probably more harmful than just living with it, even if it is based on racism.

Look, I am not saying that a white person who is not sexually attracted to black people is the same as a Klan member. One is embracing & defending racism, and the other is influenced by it.

Also, both sloths and pugs are adorable. If anyone disagrees with that statement, they should be cast into the pit of despair. Sloths and pugs together are an invincible force, much like Genghis Khan’s horde.

12 years ago

I am pretty sure that if you went to most therapists with “I want to be more attracted to [insert group here]” they would just look at you funny. Except in a really nice supportive therapist way.

Here’s the difference that I see:
1) If you are scared of black men in poorly lit areas, it will cause harm to them, because being treated as scary when you’re not is harmful. If you are not attracted to most members of a certain group, the only harm it will cause is that you won’t have sex with them, and since they probably as a whole don’t want to have sex with you *either*, that is not a terrible loss.
2) Being scared of black men in poorly lit areas is almost certainly because of a racist belief that black men are scary criminals. Not being attracted to most members of a certain group may be because of -ist beliefs about that group (i.e. “they are all ugly,” Grumbles’s weird thing about tan women), but may also be a simple aesthetic preference.

Also, I’d like to say that my Unsolicited Boner Update earlier in the thread was uncalled for and I’m sorry. I don’t want to contribute to the idea that any group of POC are in any way less attractive than white people, and I hope I didn’t make anyone feel bad. 🙁

12 years ago

Sloths and pugs together are an invincible force, much like Genghis Khan’s horde.

They would be an epic sight to see, charging over the hills…well okay the pugs would be, sloths take it easy. 😀

12 years ago

Leeloo, milk Suzzallo/Allen for all it’s worth. It’s not often you have 2 million volumes at your disposal.

12 years ago

Also, of course, the simple aesthetic preference may be influenced by a racist society! But I think the solution to that is a more diverse representation of people in the media and the general awareness that all sorts of people can be hot, not individual change, which I’m still not sure is possible for most people.

12 years ago

I just learned today that pugs shed like crazy; maybe that could function like chaff?