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Should dating advice be a boys-only club? One self-described Omega Virgin says “yes.”

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The Men’s Rights blogger behind The Black Pill – formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt – has made it his life’s mission to bring down the Pickup Artist movement, or at least the part of it that overlaps with the Men’s Rights movement online. Not because “Roissysphere gamers” are misogynist assholes who preach a mixture of manipulation and date-rapery to their readers. But because, in his estimation, these guys are promoting a “Misandrist Dating Advice Distraction (MDAD)” that convinces poor oppressed men that they can solve their problems by manipulating drunk hotties into sleeping with them – thus distracting them from the much more important goal of destroying feminism.

No, really.

The MDAD is especially insidious because it turns self described anti-feminists into feminists without those anti-feminists being concious of the process.  …

I am declaring complete and total war against the MDAD.  My goal is nothing less than COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the MDAD so that whenever feminism is being fought in the future any discussion of dating advice is regarded as useless or a feminist trick and ignored.  The MDAD is what is blocking the progress of mens rights more than anything else right now. 

In his latest attack on the evil MDAD, Mr. Black Pill takes aim at the notion that women should have any influence over dudes who give out dating advice.

One of the ways that feminism controls everything is by making it so that everything needs female approval to be taken seriously. …

Dating advice is also held hostage to female approval.  In fact, it is held hostage to female approval to a greater degree than almost anything else.  Why is that? 

Perhaps because if someone is giving out dating advice, rather than raping advice, to straight dudes, female approval has to be part of the package? If the idea of women offering opinions on dating advice makes your head explode, I’m not sure you understand the concept of consent well enough to be dating, much less giving out dating advice to others.

Mr. Pill continues:

Dating advice should be evaluated based on a scientific analysis of its results, on whether it works or not.  If a dating strategy works, it doesn’t need female approval.  Female approval doesn’t make a dating strategy work or work better.  It’s completely irrelevant to dating advice.  This is why no form of dating advice, including game, can be trusted.  All forms of dating advice are currently held hostage to women for the benefit of women.  Currently, every form of dating advice exists for the purpose of benefiting women not for helping men get more and better dates.

Yeah, “game” is a giant gift to women. Clearly the women of the world – especially the feminists – should be grateful for the opportunity to have more creepy manipulative dudes hitting on them.

Roissyite gamers are constantly trying to get female approval for game.  They say that game is about “what works” for getting women, but if that were true they wouldn’t care about getting female approval for game.

Mr. Pill’s evidence for this? That some “Roissyite gamers” have tried to convince the slut-shaming, chart-making dating guru Susan Walsh that “game” is great for women. And that some male gamers are fans of a female game guru by the name of Kezia Noble.

Noble is bad news for men, Mr. Pill explained in a previous post, because dudes should

never ask women for advice about women.  No matter what women will give you bad advice about women even if it’s unintentional.  I am certain every man reading this has had the experience of their moms giving them bad advice about women.  Knowing this gamers should avoid and denounce Kezia Noble but they don’t.  They love her proving that gamers are nothing but mangina sycophants.  Gamers can’t even hold themselves to their own ideas.  If they can’t do that then game doesn’t exist and gamers are nothing but feminist manginas looking for new ways to kiss women’s asses.

Given that someone as allergic to female opinion as Mr. Pill is unlikely to fully understand or appreciate the notion of consent, I’m thinking it’s just as well that he remains a virgin.

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12 years ago

Is it my imagination, but has Pillboy’s comments thread shrunk by half in the last twelve hours? Including the removal of all contributions from women?

Well, I’ll say one thing for him: he practices what he preaches.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I think stonerboner’s comment breaks the record for the smallest gap between using actual shaming language on a man and complaining about shaming language.

12 years ago

Yes, Truthy, it’s in fact true that I don’t regularly have sex with women half my age.

The last time I had sex with a woman in her twenties was almost exactly 23 years ago.

In fact, I’ve had sex with just one woman of any age in the last decade, a mere two in the last 15 years, and just four in the last 20. Why, I’m practically a virgin!

But thanks to what might consider a bizarre and possibly even outrageous policy of only sleeping with women that I actually like – indeed, women whose opinions I’m interested in, and who I like to hang out with even in situations where sexual contact is not realistically likely to happen in the next few minutes – I really don’t have anything to complain about regarding either quantity or quality.

12 years ago

OK, I’ll bite – what’s Latvian tea? Also stoner wins that award for shittiest attempt to pretend to be an impartial observer rather than an anti-feminist troll. I’m not sure why he even tries, really.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Coming late to the conversation, I would just like to add that cats can smell nice too. My “baby” (who is now 6) smelled of – I kid you not – candyfloss. His older (by 3 months) half-brother, who we got first, smelled of freshly buttered popcorn. The younger is a beautiful seal point (about 6 kg) Ragdoll and his half brother is a beautiful cream point (about 9-9.5 kg). I loved their smell so much as kittens, that I used to bury my nose in their fur and inhale. 🙂

12 years ago

Coming late to the conversation, I would just like to add that cats can smell nice too. My “baby” (who is now 6) smelled of – I kid you not – candyfloss.

My boy smelled like honey, but only on the back of his neck. One of the many reasons I miss him. My other 2 cats just smell like fur.

12 years ago

My cat smells like blueberry muffins. I have no idea why.

12 years ago


Make a cup of regular black tea, add a shot of blackcurrant cordial, a shot of dark rum and a slice of lemon.

12 years ago

Ooooooh blogs!

This is me right now:

If I am the dog and the leaves are blogs. And remove the pink dress and substitute jeans.

12 years ago

@Pecunium – I have to say, it’s good to have someone else with more experience and time in service verify that that situation was fucked up. My husband is a twenty-two year vet, and he’s always told me that what went on in that unit wasn’t right. He’s extremely biased when it comes to anything that affects family, though. So it’s hard to tell the difference between “that’s wrong because it’s against common decency and Army values,” and “that’s wrong because it happened to my wife and I don’t like it.”

Still, I have a hard time sometimes discerning the difference between outright bad practices and the whole tearing-you-down-to-build-you-back-up mentality. As I said, it took me years to realize the whole toilet paper thing for the power play that it was. My rationalization at the time: “Well, we really should be responsible with our supplies, and if this is the only way…” It never occurred to me to question why I never encountered that kind of behavior in regular basic training, or in AIT, or in my unit later on. I guess that’s the whole “institutionalized” mindset at work again 🙂

12 years ago

It shouldn’t be a tear you down, that’s a terrible presentation.

Basic (in all it’s forms) is meant to do a lot of things, but “tear you down and remake you” isn’t really the idea.

1: Aculturation.
2: Group identity
3: Improved level of self-discipline.

Those are done by making a group the center of existence. The isolation, the stressors, etc. are meant to make the company; and the squad, and the battle-buddy team, the primary support network one has.

While all that is going on one is given a set of people engaging in oversight, and training; who have a huge amount of control, and some scary aspects of power. It’s why Drill Sergeants/Instructors need lots of oversight. The recruits in their charge are structurally powerless. Allowing them to exploit it is terrible.

It’s one of the reasons a good church call is so handy… it lets the recruits mix with other recruits, and with individuals who aren’t in the power structure. Given that the present culture will never have a group of 100 people who are completely areligious the atheists/skeptics/unchurched/agnostics get herd immunity.

The rehab/pt platoons need to have more oversight, not less; because they are more vulnerable; because the needs of those recruits is not the same as those who are in active training. That shouldn’t be drill-sergeant behavior, but TAC (Training and Counselling) Sergeant behavior.

It was really fucked up, and lots of balls were dropped if it was as bad as you describe it.

12 years ago

Pangolins! I want a giant one I can ride like a horse, that would be epic.

(Also, must resist the urge to turn everything into a D&D/game reference and bore everyone to death endlessly… Resssiisstttt).

Wouldn’t bore me! As soon as you said you wanted one to ride on, I was trying to work out how to size one up enough to work as a mount (probably for Halflings or Gnomes, like a Riding Dog). It’s got natural armor and everything!

12 years ago

and pangolins are cute. They just are. A mammal with scales, who can resist that?

12 years ago

Well I do like the riding pangolin idea, but they’ve got a few disadvantages.

First, those armor plates are shaped that way for a reason: they’re sharp. When the pangolin curls up, it can shift its muscles to move them in a sawing motion, seriously hurting any predator’s mouth trying to get past them. This means that you’d need a really good, STURDY saddle.

Second? Um, they’re slow. Like, super duper slow. Their claws are so curved that their feet don’t really touch the ground completely while they’re walking, meaning that they have this sorta awkward stiltwalk style of movement.

They might make a decent mount for royalty, but probably not cavalry.

12 years ago

If Vegas gave odds, I doubt many would take the over for Jabba the Fut scoring attractive mid-20′s women.

Troof, you pathetic little man-child, women are not actually objects to be scored. Nor is our “value” diminished by age or fat or whatever shallow bullshit you try to use to rank us so you can feel better about yourself.

12 years ago

emilygoddess: Yeah, that’s what I was thinking too. Maybe like a group of drylands-dwelling Halflings who domesticated the local dire pangolins (think of the natural armour bonus they’d get from pangolinishness and being dire O.O).

Also, an insight into how my mind works: That was only one of three references I had in my head when I saw the pangolin conversation. The other two were the armadax in Torchlight 2 (actually giant armadillos, but they look pangolin-ish before you knock their armour off), and Pangolin, the energy shield manufacturer from the Borderlands games.

It’s like everything I see gets pushed through a Geek Filter in my brain and I have to resist the urge to spew up everything i’m thinking about at any given time (and risk everyone thinking i’m “that guy who talks about D&D/video games all the time”). 😛

inurashii: The idea is too cool to be ruined by defects in the animal! I mean, who wouldn’t want to ride a giant snail into combat? 😀

12 years ago

@inurashii the saddle thing might be solvable if you had a really cooperative pangolin, like if it was your Animal Companion. And yeah, it wouldn’t exactly be racing into battle. But it’s so cool!

12 years ago

Also, “Dire Pangolin” is my new band name

12 years ago

Hahahahahah, I juuuuuuuust realized that Jabba the Fut was supposed to be Futrelle.

I thought it was a typo.

12 years ago

I’m thinking that most men in their 40s would have trouble hooking up with attractive women in their 20s. And, really, that’s as it should be.

guy in his 40s

12 years ago

Dammit, Pecunium, you made me tear up a little. So much for my military bearing (though I guess I haven’t needed that in about nine years – probably time I let it go anyway).

I have a lot of conflicted feelings about my time in PTRP. On one hand, some shit went on there that was just wrong. People with lower-body injuries had to stand or sit on the linoleum floor during the day because A) we were confined to the barracks unless we were going somewhere with a drill sergeant, and B) we were not allowed to sit or lie down on our bunks during the day and there were only five chairs/camp stools in the bay. We had to abide by the basic training rules on allowable media, so we couldn’t have anything but certain religious books. That sounds petty, but when you’re stuck staring at four walls for ten hours a day you’d give a lot for any kind of distraction. We still had to pull fireguard (though we did get a pass on roving guard). Personally, I got no physical therapy beyond a biweekly doctor’s appointment to measure my progress and a Xeroxed list of exercises to do on my own time. If we were anywhere else on post, we were anybody’s verbal punching bags. While we were at the big post gym one day a permanent party soldier stood a few of us at parade rest and lectured us about how we were a waste of taxpayer money; one of the drill sergeants stood off to the side and watched. And certain drill sergeants did love them some reindeer games, even if Donder had a torn meniscus and Blitzen’s hoof was in a cast. I would include my favorite, but it’s so hard to pick just one.

At the same time I think most of these issues were due to a shoestring budget and no training of the cadre. The PT office wasn’t neglecting me because they didn’t care, they were just overwhelmed. Most of our drill sergeants came from down range. They were told to maintain a training environment, and that’s what they did. Many of them did care about what happened to us, and wanted to help. They marched us to the post gym so that we could work out, made sure we went to the doctor and were allowed phone calls once a week. I still think it’s sucky that the well intentioned ones stood quietly by while the megalomaniacal jerks did their thing, but no one is perfect. There also didn’t seem to have much leadership from the top. That last one’s a theory of mine, but I think it’s pretty sound, since we got a new CO and first sergeant two weeks before I RTD’ed and standards improved almost overnight (the first sergeant in particular was LIVID when she found out about our personal hygiene situation). I can’t speak about leadership above company level. We had the battalion commander walk through once, but it was mostly a “smile for the Colonel, kids!” type of a visit.

The good news about all that is that was in 2002. From little I’ve been able to find online treatment and therapy both seem to have improved greatly. The unfortunate part is that the changes seem to have come because there was a suicide in the Fort Sill program six years ago.

TL;DR – Things in that little corner of the Army were pretty fouled up back in 2002, but it seems to have gotten better. I just wish that they hadn’t been so fouled up in the first place.

12 years ago

Also, pangolin = amazing. I’m going to be disappointed in every armadillo I see from now on.

And I seriously need to get my husband into the PUA advice giver market. We got married when he was 38 and I was 24, so he totally has alpha cred, amirite? There’s got to be an untapped world of older dudes who are dying to know the secrets of meeting and marrying women fourteen years their junior. Unfortunately, they probably won’t like the whole part about how he actually listened when I talked and treated me with the respect and consideration due to another human being. That’s too much work.

12 years ago

My wife and I started dating when I was 33 and she was 25, so I guess I’m an alpha minus? Of course, I don’t think it was my alpha traits that attracted her–which is good, because I don’t really have that many alpha traits.

So, yeah, far be it from me to disparage age differences in couples. There’s certainly nothing wrong with older man hooking up with younger women, or vice verse, all by itself. But guys in their 40s who consistently chase after women in their 20s, with the intention of “scoring” and nothing else, might want to take a good hard look at their lives. Just sayin’.

12 years ago

Oh, I wasn’t snarking at you, captainbathrobe! Please forgive me if you thought I was.

I was just taking a shot at the “let us hold up having a twenty-year-old girlfriend/wife as the ultimate luxury good” ideal. And your’e right, the older dude who seemed to think “bagging” a very young woman will get him a crystal chalice of water from the Fountain of Youth always grossed me out when I was in my 20’s.