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Should dating advice be a boys-only club? One self-described Omega Virgin says “yes.”

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The Men’s Rights blogger behind The Black Pill – formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt – has made it his life’s mission to bring down the Pickup Artist movement, or at least the part of it that overlaps with the Men’s Rights movement online. Not because “Roissysphere gamers” are misogynist assholes who preach a mixture of manipulation and date-rapery to their readers. But because, in his estimation, these guys are promoting a “Misandrist Dating Advice Distraction (MDAD)” that convinces poor oppressed men that they can solve their problems by manipulating drunk hotties into sleeping with them – thus distracting them from the much more important goal of destroying feminism.

No, really.

The MDAD is especially insidious because it turns self described anti-feminists into feminists without those anti-feminists being concious of the process.  …

I am declaring complete and total war against the MDAD.  My goal is nothing less than COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the MDAD so that whenever feminism is being fought in the future any discussion of dating advice is regarded as useless or a feminist trick and ignored.  The MDAD is what is blocking the progress of mens rights more than anything else right now. 

In his latest attack on the evil MDAD, Mr. Black Pill takes aim at the notion that women should have any influence over dudes who give out dating advice.

One of the ways that feminism controls everything is by making it so that everything needs female approval to be taken seriously. …

Dating advice is also held hostage to female approval.  In fact, it is held hostage to female approval to a greater degree than almost anything else.  Why is that? 

Perhaps because if someone is giving out dating advice, rather than raping advice, to straight dudes, female approval has to be part of the package? If the idea of women offering opinions on dating advice makes your head explode, I’m not sure you understand the concept of consent well enough to be dating, much less giving out dating advice to others.

Mr. Pill continues:

Dating advice should be evaluated based on a scientific analysis of its results, on whether it works or not.  If a dating strategy works, it doesn’t need female approval.  Female approval doesn’t make a dating strategy work or work better.  It’s completely irrelevant to dating advice.  This is why no form of dating advice, including game, can be trusted.  All forms of dating advice are currently held hostage to women for the benefit of women.  Currently, every form of dating advice exists for the purpose of benefiting women not for helping men get more and better dates.

Yeah, “game” is a giant gift to women. Clearly the women of the world – especially the feminists – should be grateful for the opportunity to have more creepy manipulative dudes hitting on them.

Roissyite gamers are constantly trying to get female approval for game.  They say that game is about “what works” for getting women, but if that were true they wouldn’t care about getting female approval for game.

Mr. Pill’s evidence for this? That some “Roissyite gamers” have tried to convince the slut-shaming, chart-making dating guru Susan Walsh that “game” is great for women. And that some male gamers are fans of a female game guru by the name of Kezia Noble.

Noble is bad news for men, Mr. Pill explained in a previous post, because dudes should

never ask women for advice about women.  No matter what women will give you bad advice about women even if it’s unintentional.  I am certain every man reading this has had the experience of their moms giving them bad advice about women.  Knowing this gamers should avoid and denounce Kezia Noble but they don’t.  They love her proving that gamers are nothing but mangina sycophants.  Gamers can’t even hold themselves to their own ideas.  If they can’t do that then game doesn’t exist and gamers are nothing but feminist manginas looking for new ways to kiss women’s asses.

Given that someone as allergic to female opinion as Mr. Pill is unlikely to fully understand or appreciate the notion of consent, I’m thinking it’s just as well that he remains a virgin.

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12 years ago


I just posted a comment with loads of links but lots of links make it go to moderation, so here’s the comment with them removed and when the original is published you can follow the links:

Have you read The F-Word? It’s not just discussions and analysis of feminist issues, there’s also things like music, theatre and art reviews and stuff. It’s based in the UK mainly and is a collaborative magazine (full disclosure: I’ve written for them and been featured as one of their guest bloggers – but I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t like them!). My friends (who are all based in the UK) Stavvers, Boudledige, Marina S and Sian and Crooked Rib all also have blogs that are updated fairly regularly, and in the USA, Shakesville and Tiger Beatdown are also good (particularly s e smith and Flavia Dzodan’s articles, they both write very well on their particular subjects.

If there’s any subjects you’re especially interested in, I can probably recommend more if I know what you like.

12 years ago


A lot about psychiatry is Kafka-esque. They didn’t tell me what I was supposed to be doing once I got on the ward, so I sat and stared at a wall for five or so hours until someone told me that we weren’t allowed to sit on the floor.


I Blame the Patriarchy, RadTransFem (mostly tumblr now, look in the side bar for those “articles”), and Echidne of the Snakes are all amazing. The posting is pretty regular on the latter two.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


After some recent mental issues, I’ve finally got my libido and perv-brain back and it’s been causing problems.* Especially when combined with my oversharing problem and my lack of awareness of social appropriateness. I am very sorry.

* I need to relearn how to temper it as I haven’t had to use the skill in months and I haven’t needed to use it conciously for at least three years.

12 years ago


Ohhh british blogs! Goodie, that’s part of the problem with things like Jezebel, because they are American a lot of what they talk about isn’t really relevant to me. (ie. the millionth post about Republicans or Planned Parenthood)

I don’t have any particular subjects that interest me, just general social commentary is good. I like reading someones personal views on subjects or stuff relating to their own experiences.

Anything that tackles rape culture is of huge interest to me, and things relating to the portrayal of women in the media.

Ok that’s all pretty vague but I’m still just getting started so my interests are developing!

And thanks for the links which I will have a look at as soon as they emerge blinking from the gloomy chrysalis of moderation.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I thought the point of those places was to cure mental illness, not to cause it… Jeebus.

12 years ago

CWS: Nah, it’s fine. I’m used to weird and/or pervyness, I have to put up with myself after all. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but it doesn’t bother me.

But pervy metaphors and dogs that smell like food, it’s all hilariously wtf. 😛

12 years ago

@Nepenthe You do things that are completely out of character when you’ve been institutionalized. I spent about three months in the Army’s Physical Therapy and Rehabilitative Program at Ft. Leonardwood. I can’t speak for how it is now, but the setup back in ’02 was kind of like a minimum security prison for the injured, only with fewer perks. One of the drill sergeants decided that we (the female soldiers) were using too much toilet paper, so she cut us back to only three rolls for about thirty women. The rolls were held in the wall lockers of appointed people, to be doled out five squares at a time. When a roll was empty, the roll holder had to trade it in for a fresh one and then be scolded about how she should have made it last longer. If all three paper guardians were gone at doctor’s appointments or whatnot, we went without. It was disgusting, but we all put up with it.

Now that I’m ten years out, I can’t believe that I lived like that. At the time, though, it was just what I did to get along. You’re isolated, and whatever is going on around you becomes the new normal. It wasn’t until years later that I realized being denied toilet paper was fucked up. A first world problem, definitely, but fucked up all the same.

12 years ago


I have a blog that gets a decent readership too, but I hesitate to recommend it since I haven’t updated in a bajillion years because I’m too busy with work and my writing style grates on a lot of people since it’s merely sarcastic, sweary hyperbole and I can veer towards the super obscure and radical since I’m pretty much falling-off-the-scale left wing (I once spent a day writing a detailed analysis of a bizarre Canadian podcast about feminism and veganism, and I assume people know what I mean when I talk about anarcho-communism).

I also use sentences that are far too long for the average human.

12 years ago

Oh look, I borked that link. Let’s try again RadTransFem

12 years ago



12 years ago

As it turns out, there is in fact a creature I hate more than myself…the fucking rhinovirus.

12 years ago


I’m really sorry you’re ill, and if I were nearby I’d deliver you a vat of chili soup and Latvian tea* which can both cure anything up to and including a limb falling off**, but all I can do is picture teeeeeeeeeeny tiny little rhinoceroses running at your ankles. And d’awwwww, how cute would that be?

(*recipes available on request)
(**this is not true, but they will make most colds and sniffles less coldy and sniffly)

12 years ago

@Fitzy: That is fucked up. Also, I feel like I’ve read it somewhere before, just the having to turn in an empty roll, or maybe it was just having to ask for a new roll, or similar. Some exercise in humiliation like that.

12 years ago


I just remembered I made a HUGE LIST of (mainly UK-based) feminist blogs a few months ago.

12 years ago

So what about some Australian blogs/podcasts? I know far more than I need to about US politics/social issues and not nearly enough about Australian.

12 years ago


I think I have quite a few Australian followers on Twitter, I can try putting a call-out and reporting back if you want?

12 years ago

I’m pretty sure this community has never “villified” someone just for refusing to submit to our tyrannical anti-oppressive mind control. I mean, there is Ruby, but it doesn’t really count as villification if you point out someone’s history of being an asshole.

12 years ago


Thanks. That would be cool. 🙂

12 years ago

@Falconer – Wouldn’t surprise me if that was a common practice; it was effective. The few times a superior asked us how we were doing, no one said a thing about it. We were all too afraid that the drill sergeant in question would take everything away in retaliation. It finally did come to light, and we were actually allowed to stock our latrines like human beings again, but that wasn’t until about two weeks before I left.

And maybe I’m being melodramatic, but I think it’s that kind of bullshit that gives some soldiers the idea that it’s acceptable to do inhuman things to others. We were in a vulnerable situation. We were hurt, isolated, and ignored or taunted by pretty much everyone who mattered on the post. Our direct leadership sent the message (directly from that one drill sergeant, by silent consent from everyone else that knew about it and did nothing) that it was SOP to abuse thirty women because we were injured, and therefore useless. If it’s just fine to ignore or restrict the bodily needs of a bunch of your own people, it doesn’t seem like much of a logical leap to think that it’s A-OK to do truly awful things to “the enemy.”

12 years ago

Historophilia – are you following the @EverydaySexism project?
UK based.

12 years ago

Cassandra, over on the previous page: Even when social psych people study gender differences in dating, they don’t tend to find what PUAs predict they ought to find. For instance, women tend to find dominance attractive (“tend to” is the keyword here– there’s a lot of difference), but only when combined with kindness; asshole dominant people are considered deeply unattractive.

Historophilia: I cannot recommend Sincerely Natalie Reed too highly. Sociological Images is very interesting for “huh, didn’t know that” information. Alas a Blog is right on point a lot. And, uh, obviously I’m going to promote the hell out of my blog, which is mostly about dudes and gender.

12 years ago

Eep! My own experiences on psych wards have been far more positive. It isn’t always a Kafka-esque hell.

12 years ago

Yeah, ymmv. I was taken in against my will on a weekend afternoon after an appointment with a resource-finding counselor. The fact that they were short-staffed (with clipboard bearing monkeys), that I only had my wallet with me, the fact that locked doors are super triggering for me, the fact that they dicked me around and lied to me for three hours to conceal that they were pushing through an involuntary hold, the fact that they finally got me transferred to the ward on shift change so I wasn’t anyone’s problem officially, the fact that the intake guys were two men who cornered me in a room and then shoved a thermometer bulb in my mouth (perhaps they missed the “assault survivor” ticky box)… none of these facts endeared me to the institution. I have a relative who works in psych hospitals in the region and she said that it’s one of the best.

Woooo. /end rant

*shrug* I guess it’s good for some people; must be, otherwise they’d shut them down. I’m glad that it’s been okay for you Leum. And I guess if I had actually been seriously suicidal or dying or something, it would have been more reasonable.

12 years ago

Truthy: what is notably absent from all these responses is the slightest disagreement with my estimation of Rotundave’s sex ‘life’ as abysmal.

1: I have no way to judge the quality of his sex life, because I’m not a participant and he’s not shared his opinion of it with me.

2: His sex life isn’t relevant to the discussion.

3: Which just confirms your inept skills at argument, and confirms your douchenozzleness.

12 years ago

Fitzy: I’m sorry that happened to you. I know that shit happens, and every time it comes to light the nature of the command failure is largely ignored.

It’s one of the places the services fail massively, because a more deliberate oversight from higher can (and does) stop that shit cold.

If one of my drills had tried that, the other drills would have stopped it (we had some borderline behaviors that were prevented from getting out of line, when we had a temporary drill added; it was a huge cycle).

Two cycles after me (one of my fellows had his jaw broken the morning before we graduated, and was on casual for a cycle and a half, and then came to my Co. at DLI, so I heard all about it) my CO was put up on a charge for hitting a trainee.

I don’t know how it fell out, and I don’t think it was deliberate abuse, but I know the overall command wasn’t having any of that; and the report was made by a Drill Sergeant who saw it.

But yeah, the shit that became normal, in Basic, at AIT, at PLDC, in theater… the real world is bizarre for a while when you get back; some things are permanently internalised.