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Should dating advice be a boys-only club? One self-described Omega Virgin says “yes.”

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The Men’s Rights blogger behind The Black Pill – formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt – has made it his life’s mission to bring down the Pickup Artist movement, or at least the part of it that overlaps with the Men’s Rights movement online. Not because “Roissysphere gamers” are misogynist assholes who preach a mixture of manipulation and date-rapery to their readers. But because, in his estimation, these guys are promoting a “Misandrist Dating Advice Distraction (MDAD)” that convinces poor oppressed men that they can solve their problems by manipulating drunk hotties into sleeping with them – thus distracting them from the much more important goal of destroying feminism.

No, really.

The MDAD is especially insidious because it turns self described anti-feminists into feminists without those anti-feminists being concious of the process.  …

I am declaring complete and total war against the MDAD.  My goal is nothing less than COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the MDAD so that whenever feminism is being fought in the future any discussion of dating advice is regarded as useless or a feminist trick and ignored.  The MDAD is what is blocking the progress of mens rights more than anything else right now. 

In his latest attack on the evil MDAD, Mr. Black Pill takes aim at the notion that women should have any influence over dudes who give out dating advice.

One of the ways that feminism controls everything is by making it so that everything needs female approval to be taken seriously. …

Dating advice is also held hostage to female approval.  In fact, it is held hostage to female approval to a greater degree than almost anything else.  Why is that? 

Perhaps because if someone is giving out dating advice, rather than raping advice, to straight dudes, female approval has to be part of the package? If the idea of women offering opinions on dating advice makes your head explode, I’m not sure you understand the concept of consent well enough to be dating, much less giving out dating advice to others.

Mr. Pill continues:

Dating advice should be evaluated based on a scientific analysis of its results, on whether it works or not.  If a dating strategy works, it doesn’t need female approval.  Female approval doesn’t make a dating strategy work or work better.  It’s completely irrelevant to dating advice.  This is why no form of dating advice, including game, can be trusted.  All forms of dating advice are currently held hostage to women for the benefit of women.  Currently, every form of dating advice exists for the purpose of benefiting women not for helping men get more and better dates.

Yeah, “game” is a giant gift to women. Clearly the women of the world – especially the feminists – should be grateful for the opportunity to have more creepy manipulative dudes hitting on them.

Roissyite gamers are constantly trying to get female approval for game.  They say that game is about “what works” for getting women, but if that were true they wouldn’t care about getting female approval for game.

Mr. Pill’s evidence for this? That some “Roissyite gamers” have tried to convince the slut-shaming, chart-making dating guru Susan Walsh that “game” is great for women. And that some male gamers are fans of a female game guru by the name of Kezia Noble.

Noble is bad news for men, Mr. Pill explained in a previous post, because dudes should

never ask women for advice about women.  No matter what women will give you bad advice about women even if it’s unintentional.  I am certain every man reading this has had the experience of their moms giving them bad advice about women.  Knowing this gamers should avoid and denounce Kezia Noble but they don’t.  They love her proving that gamers are nothing but mangina sycophants.  Gamers can’t even hold themselves to their own ideas.  If they can’t do that then game doesn’t exist and gamers are nothing but feminist manginas looking for new ways to kiss women’s asses.

Given that someone as allergic to female opinion as Mr. Pill is unlikely to fully understand or appreciate the notion of consent, I’m thinking it’s just as well that he remains a virgin.

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Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

D’aww pangolin! Need to cuddle it. 😀

12 years ago

Pangolins! I want a giant one I can ride like a horse, that would be epic.

(Also, must resist the urge to turn everything into a D&D/game reference and bore everyone to death endlessly… Resssiisstttt).

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


12 years ago

Huh. Troof sounds really angry. I guess the troof hurts.

12 years ago

also can I just say that while the off-the-rails thought train where Mr. Inconceivable decides that the pronunciation ‘troof’ is the sole domain of ebonics (and never toddlers or chavs) so that he can be fake-offended at my ‘racism’ is not necessarily worthy of mention, it is fairly precious so here’s a hat tip.

12 years ago

@ ozy- omg, is my excellent blood pressure getting in the way of my love life?

12 years ago

Since we’re on weird cute animals, here is a video of an armadillo taking a bath.

Armadillos are awesome.

Also what the hell are ebonics? Sounds like a piece of musical jargon (like “harmonics”.)

In addition, as someone from south london, I can assure you that the apparent inability to pronounce “th”s spans the ethnic spectrum.

Annoying chavvy teenagers of every possible hue say “troof” and “somefing” and “ting” and it drives me insane.

But I can confirm that it is not just the black kids doing it.

12 years ago

Pangolin! It looks like an adorable cross between a sloth and an armadillo, covered in artichoke leaves, MUST SNUGGLE.

12 years ago

Seriously, trolls who think “OMG UR FAT” is a winning rhetorical argument. That’s what we’re reduced to. *shakes head*

For the record, from now on I’m going to imagine Truthy as this guy:

12 years ago

“Ebonics” is a not terribly polite way of referring to what is otherwise known as African American Vernacular English.

12 years ago


Ebonics is a term used to describe American English as spoken by people of colour.

As a side note, can we not use ‘chav’? It’s pretty classist.

12 years ago

*is was

12 years ago

nat, yeah, that’s fair and I should know better — I don’t have too much exposure to the word where I live so it’s easier to be cavalier.

When I started using ‘Troof’ as a nickname for guyface, I was thinking of the babytalk connotation anyway.

12 years ago

Cheers inurashii.

By the way if anyone needs future brain bleach, I’ve been stuck on Dog Shaming all day at work. But I am definitely never ever ever getting a dog now.

12 years ago

Africa be hogging all the Pangolin snuggles to themselves. No fair. X(

In other news, NWOslave can’t stop projecting his kinks all over the threads, and Inconvenient Truth is still suffering from a chronic inability to look up ‘truth’ in a dictionary. And I made Buckeye Balls for a friend’s birthday. Anybody want some?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Get a dog! They’re adorable. You just need to know their personalities, and don’t get a chihuahua because they attack in biting, humping packs. It’s like the canine version of the Fall of Rome.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

As a side note, can we not use ‘chav’? It’s pretty classist.

No. It’s only classist if one were to assume that all people below a certain income level fit the stereotype.

12 years ago

So back on topic:

I’ve been engaged! Not by the OP but by the webmaster, I guess? It’s not going too well.

Apparently I am a lying, lecturing, useless fraud who arrived under false pretenses to troll by deliberately using “O’Reilly Logic”.

I am probably about to be banned. I tried, I guess?

12 years ago

@CWS I had dogs until I was about 13, and my dad still has two (miniature pinschers for crying out loud. They’re scared of their own shadows but will face down German shepherds). I can’t deal with the amount of attention dogs require, to the point that no matter how stupid and cute their faces are, they irritate me to my last nerve. I hate walking if I’m not going anywhere, especially after a day at work, and also they smell weird, no matter how clean they are. I am a confirmed cat person.

BoyFantastic loves dogs, especially his sister’s big dribbly labrador, who thinks the sun shines out of his arse because he’s the only one who will touch her spitty ball to throw it for her. He’s also so allergic to cats that when we visit my mum we have to sleep in a tent in the back garden.

We’re going to get rats I think.

12 years ago

It’s only classist if one were to assume that all people below a certain income level fit the stereotype.

I know you’re being disingenuous, but I’ll explain it to you anyway: it’s classist because it assumes all people below a certain income level behave in a certain way and that certain way is inherently bad because it’s done by people below a certain income level.

Sgt Grumbles
Sgt Grumbles
12 years ago

Acting like an obnoxious git is inherently bad. Income level has fuck-all to do with it.

12 years ago

Sgt Grumbles, don’t you know the rules?

1. “Calling out” is the right of any parties, at any time, regardless of whether they are offended by the called out speech, whether any present are likely to be offended, or, indeed, whether any person has ever been offended by that speech act.

2. There is to be no argument about the called out speech or the validity of the calling out. The only accepted response is an apology.

3. Other parties may not interfere with the calling out, unless it is to further criticize the speech of the called out party.

4. Failure to abide by the above rules will result in vilification until the called out party or interfering party sufficiently atone; all other conversation will cease until the offender has been dealt with. The determination of sufficient atonement is at the discretion of the party who initiated the calling out and any subsequent callers (if any).

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I am a massive dog person and not excessively fond of the idea of cats as pets (something about evil cats who attack vaginas with claws), so yes. Doggievangelising.

I like cats as an abstract concept, or as other people’s pets though.

12 years ago

No. It’s only classist if one were to assume that all people below a certain income level fit the stereotype.

Uh, no, it’s classist if the stereotype is applied based on class, which is historically has been. Like, you realize that someone saying “It’s only racist to use the n-word if one were to assume that all black people fit the stereotype” would be racist as fuck, right?

Admittedly, I’m not from the U.K. and I’m not familiar with the term, but a quick look at Wikipedia seems to confirm that it has its modern origins in denigrating lower-class subcultures, so… yeah, that seems pretty classist.

Sgt Grumbles, don’t you know the rules?

1. “Calling out” is the right of any parties, at any time, regardless of whether they are offended by the called out speech, whether any present are likely to be offended, or, indeed, whether any person has ever been offended by that speech act.

2. There is to be no argument about the called out speech or the validity of the calling out. The only accepted response is an apology.

3. Other parties may not interfere with the calling out, unless it is to further criticize the speech of the called out party.

4. Failure to abide by the above rules will result in vilification until the called out party or interfering party sufficiently atone; all other conversation will cease until the offender has been dealt with. The determination of sufficient atonement is at the discretion of the party who initiated the calling out and any subsequent callers (if any).

Jeez, the “How dare you politely ask me to not use an oppressive term/say an oppressive thing, STOP VILLIFYING ME” folks are kinda coming out of the woodwork lately, eh?

12 years ago

I am feeling pretty cranky about instigating this derail.

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