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Should dating advice be a boys-only club? One self-described Omega Virgin says “yes.”

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The Men’s Rights blogger behind The Black Pill – formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt – has made it his life’s mission to bring down the Pickup Artist movement, or at least the part of it that overlaps with the Men’s Rights movement online. Not because “Roissysphere gamers” are misogynist assholes who preach a mixture of manipulation and date-rapery to their readers. But because, in his estimation, these guys are promoting a “Misandrist Dating Advice Distraction (MDAD)” that convinces poor oppressed men that they can solve their problems by manipulating drunk hotties into sleeping with them – thus distracting them from the much more important goal of destroying feminism.

No, really.

The MDAD is especially insidious because it turns self described anti-feminists into feminists without those anti-feminists being concious of the process.  …

I am declaring complete and total war against the MDAD.  My goal is nothing less than COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the MDAD so that whenever feminism is being fought in the future any discussion of dating advice is regarded as useless or a feminist trick and ignored.  The MDAD is what is blocking the progress of mens rights more than anything else right now. 

In his latest attack on the evil MDAD, Mr. Black Pill takes aim at the notion that women should have any influence over dudes who give out dating advice.

One of the ways that feminism controls everything is by making it so that everything needs female approval to be taken seriously. …

Dating advice is also held hostage to female approval.  In fact, it is held hostage to female approval to a greater degree than almost anything else.  Why is that? 

Perhaps because if someone is giving out dating advice, rather than raping advice, to straight dudes, female approval has to be part of the package? If the idea of women offering opinions on dating advice makes your head explode, I’m not sure you understand the concept of consent well enough to be dating, much less giving out dating advice to others.

Mr. Pill continues:

Dating advice should be evaluated based on a scientific analysis of its results, on whether it works or not.  If a dating strategy works, it doesn’t need female approval.  Female approval doesn’t make a dating strategy work or work better.  It’s completely irrelevant to dating advice.  This is why no form of dating advice, including game, can be trusted.  All forms of dating advice are currently held hostage to women for the benefit of women.  Currently, every form of dating advice exists for the purpose of benefiting women not for helping men get more and better dates.

Yeah, “game” is a giant gift to women. Clearly the women of the world – especially the feminists – should be grateful for the opportunity to have more creepy manipulative dudes hitting on them.

Roissyite gamers are constantly trying to get female approval for game.  They say that game is about “what works” for getting women, but if that were true they wouldn’t care about getting female approval for game.

Mr. Pill’s evidence for this? That some “Roissyite gamers” have tried to convince the slut-shaming, chart-making dating guru Susan Walsh that “game” is great for women. And that some male gamers are fans of a female game guru by the name of Kezia Noble.

Noble is bad news for men, Mr. Pill explained in a previous post, because dudes should

never ask women for advice about women.  No matter what women will give you bad advice about women even if it’s unintentional.  I am certain every man reading this has had the experience of their moms giving them bad advice about women.  Knowing this gamers should avoid and denounce Kezia Noble but they don’t.  They love her proving that gamers are nothing but mangina sycophants.  Gamers can’t even hold themselves to their own ideas.  If they can’t do that then game doesn’t exist and gamers are nothing but feminist manginas looking for new ways to kiss women’s asses.

Given that someone as allergic to female opinion as Mr. Pill is unlikely to fully understand or appreciate the notion of consent, I’m thinking it’s just as well that he remains a virgin.

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12 years ago

Oh troof. *pat pat* Bless your freeze-dried little heart.

Please, tell us more about the quality and frequency of our sexual contact. It doesn’t come off as projection at all.

An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Please, tell us more about the quality and frequency of our sexual contact.

By that “our” I take it you count yourself among the physically repuslive dregs of (alleged) manhood who resent game?

If Vegas gave odds, I doubt many would take the over for Jabba the Fut scoring attractive mid-20’s women.

12 years ago

You know what? I am going to try to engage this fellow in good faith, b/c there IS such a thing as good dating advice.

We will see how it goes.

12 years ago

If Vegas gave odds, I doubt many would take the over for Jabba the Fut scoring attractive mid-20′s women.

Truthy, that you think that is the only possible measure of being a successful man is just really fucking sad.

We need better trolls, guys. At this point all they’re inspiring is pity.

12 years ago

If Vegas gave odds, I doubt many would take the over for Jabba the Fut scoring attractive mid-20′s women.

I was going to try to respond to this in an arch and amusing way, but I just feel really sad instead. It’s emitting waves of loneliness and resentment that are actually physically palpable.

Dude, you don’t have to live like this. I am actually feeling really sad for you. Could you go back to trolling, or maybe take a break for a bit?

12 years ago

@drst, sniped. And even THAT is not as amusing as it should be.

12 years ago

Troof, by that ‘our’ I mean that I count myself among the men who post on this website and generally agree with what Dave posts.

And yes, good, tell me more about my sex life. Love it, definitely building more credibility. Keep going!


We need better trolls, guys. At this point all they’re inspiring is pity.

Yeah I go back and forth on troof. Generally my pity for him builds as he continues to post.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Why does faux-Al Gore just assume that everyone is attracted to conventionally attracted women in their mid-twenties?

I’m not. I am too straight for that.

12 years ago

Speaking of breaking vending machines because entitlement, I heard of someone in my high school a year or two after I graduated who poured a great deal of soapy water into a Coke machine because he’d heard that would make it dispense its entire inventory. He broke the Coke machine and had to work the cost off. Dumbass.

You can’t get anything into or out of my vending machine. You just have to stroke the flap a few times. 🙁 Not that I mind flap-stroking, but I guess soemtimes people really want chocolate?

… I’m sorry, I appear to have lost the thread of the metaphor.

12 years ago

Ah, so the only sex that counts is when it happens between hot people. I’m with drst, you’re tremendously a sad and pathetic human being.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


I think I did too…

12 years ago

… I’m sorry, I appear to have lost the thread of the metaphor.

Which was meant as a mild joke and not a demand for anyone to justify themselves to me. Sorry if it came off that way.

12 years ago

Upon no related matter at all, I’d like to pet the kitty in your icon, CWS, but its expression worries me.

12 years ago

Whoops, I switched two words in my previous post.

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago


Do not pet Kamineko. 😛

12 years ago

“Hello. I find you attractive. According to a scientific study done by men, I am behaving in a way which means I will be successful with women. I am performing perfectly and meeting all of the criteria. Shall we proceed to the sex?”

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

I mean, I think he’s cute, but I have a warped sense of cute.

(“OMG! It’s a tentacle monster! D’aww, lookit the cute lil’ suckers….” “What cute little ooozing it does!” There is something wrong with me.)

12 years ago

@Creative Writing Student: I do the same thing. Snakes are adorable, octopi look like the snuggliest animals ever, Cthulhu is just too damn cute, and my cat is the sweetest thing ever even when he’s burying his teeth and claws in my skin.

12 years ago

@CWS & lauralot:

It sounds like you two would appreciate the majestic pangolin.

12 years ago

Truthy, are you going to tell us why you find consensual sex to be the most repulsive thing EVAR yet? And please also explain how you denigrating consent a) makes you not a rapey PUA and b) means you have hordes of attractive mid-20s women beating down your door.

Or is it that you assume every woman who is disgusted by you is also secretly playing the ‘non-consent is sexy’ game too?

Sorry champ, we’re not.

12 years ago


An Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth
12 years ago

Troof, by that ‘our’ I mean that I count myself among the men who post on this website and generally agree with what Dave posts.

So that’s a yes, then? Good for you. Now go post some kitty clips to strengthen your mangina cred.

Anyway, ebonics-mocking aside (how racist!), what is notably absent from all these responses is the slightest disagreement with my estimation of Rotundave’s sex ‘life’ as abysmal. And really, I don’t blame you all for failing to even try. You know as well as I do that his chins are far more likely to drip with comfort food grease than pussy juice on any given evening.

12 years ago

Troof there are sounds coming out of your mouth but they have nothing to do with anything.

I was only talking about my own sex life, about which I am well-informed. Why would I know anything about Dave’s sex life? Isn’t that pretty much none of my business? Did he post about it? Why are you talking about anybody’s sex life?

12 years ago

Why would we disagree about something we know absolutely nothing about? We’re not MRA’s.

12 years ago

Not only are we not in a position to comment on David’s sex life, since we don’t know anything about it, it’s also completely fucking irrelevant because a person’s validity is not determined by how many or how few people they rub genitals with.

But hey, at least any woman David slept with would be consenting, which is indicative of a person’s worth and decency, unlike you Truthy, you big fucking rapist.

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