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Should dating advice be a boys-only club? One self-described Omega Virgin says “yes.”

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The Men’s Rights blogger behind The Black Pill – formerly known as Omega Virgin Revolt – has made it his life’s mission to bring down the Pickup Artist movement, or at least the part of it that overlaps with the Men’s Rights movement online. Not because “Roissysphere gamers” are misogynist assholes who preach a mixture of manipulation and date-rapery to their readers. But because, in his estimation, these guys are promoting a “Misandrist Dating Advice Distraction (MDAD)” that convinces poor oppressed men that they can solve their problems by manipulating drunk hotties into sleeping with them – thus distracting them from the much more important goal of destroying feminism.

No, really.

The MDAD is especially insidious because it turns self described anti-feminists into feminists without those anti-feminists being concious of the process.  …

I am declaring complete and total war against the MDAD.  My goal is nothing less than COMPLETE DESTRUCTION of the MDAD so that whenever feminism is being fought in the future any discussion of dating advice is regarded as useless or a feminist trick and ignored.  The MDAD is what is blocking the progress of mens rights more than anything else right now. 

In his latest attack on the evil MDAD, Mr. Black Pill takes aim at the notion that women should have any influence over dudes who give out dating advice.

One of the ways that feminism controls everything is by making it so that everything needs female approval to be taken seriously. …

Dating advice is also held hostage to female approval.  In fact, it is held hostage to female approval to a greater degree than almost anything else.  Why is that? 

Perhaps because if someone is giving out dating advice, rather than raping advice, to straight dudes, female approval has to be part of the package? If the idea of women offering opinions on dating advice makes your head explode, I’m not sure you understand the concept of consent well enough to be dating, much less giving out dating advice to others.

Mr. Pill continues:

Dating advice should be evaluated based on a scientific analysis of its results, on whether it works or not.  If a dating strategy works, it doesn’t need female approval.  Female approval doesn’t make a dating strategy work or work better.  It’s completely irrelevant to dating advice.  This is why no form of dating advice, including game, can be trusted.  All forms of dating advice are currently held hostage to women for the benefit of women.  Currently, every form of dating advice exists for the purpose of benefiting women not for helping men get more and better dates.

Yeah, “game” is a giant gift to women. Clearly the women of the world – especially the feminists – should be grateful for the opportunity to have more creepy manipulative dudes hitting on them.

Roissyite gamers are constantly trying to get female approval for game.  They say that game is about “what works” for getting women, but if that were true they wouldn’t care about getting female approval for game.

Mr. Pill’s evidence for this? That some “Roissyite gamers” have tried to convince the slut-shaming, chart-making dating guru Susan Walsh that “game” is great for women. And that some male gamers are fans of a female game guru by the name of Kezia Noble.

Noble is bad news for men, Mr. Pill explained in a previous post, because dudes should

never ask women for advice about women.  No matter what women will give you bad advice about women even if it’s unintentional.  I am certain every man reading this has had the experience of their moms giving them bad advice about women.  Knowing this gamers should avoid and denounce Kezia Noble but they don’t.  They love her proving that gamers are nothing but mangina sycophants.  Gamers can’t even hold themselves to their own ideas.  If they can’t do that then game doesn’t exist and gamers are nothing but feminist manginas looking for new ways to kiss women’s asses.

Given that someone as allergic to female opinion as Mr. Pill is unlikely to fully understand or appreciate the notion of consent, I’m thinking it’s just as well that he remains a virgin.

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12 years ago

Does anyone remember the scene in Secretary where she tries to spank herself with her hairbrush and she’ll all sad because it doesn’t produce the desired effect? It seems like that’s basically Slavey’s life, running around from feminist blog to feminist blog trying to provoke women into agreeing to domme him and then being all sadface when being told that he’s a creepy weirdo doesn’t have quite the same effect.

12 years ago

Best food for a cold? Pasta fagioli soup. I’m a good cook, aworld, I’d make you a batch, if it was possible. But yes, Cassandra, pho and hot and sour soup can really hit the spot when you’re stuffed up and miserable.

About the Omega virgin dude…I tried to get into his head, but it hurt too much. I want women, but I will not seek out their opinion on dating? It’s all about science! I dunno, I guess he thinks all women are holograms? I’d bet a million he’s never had a full conservation with any woman — except his mom, maybe? And cripes, NWO’s posts get more cliche and boring every day. He’s like a cartoon example of why feminism is necessary, so I get why he’s not banned.

12 years ago

Yes Owly, those books are sexist and useless. As in touch with actual scientific knowledge and reality as books on spot reducing belly fat or getting what you want by asking the universe.

Like I said, these people who want to reduce people to stimulus/response animals have little grasp on reality. The guy we’re talking about probably feels like no-one makes any sense, but his frustration is aimed at women because he’s hetero.

Thank you for supporting the cause of feminism with your research.

12 years ago

A friend of mine thinks he knows what it meant if you are thinking it is a scientific thing but even he says “well it does need to have a female input at some point.”

12 years ago

So, I’ve read everything and I still can’t get past that picture. I really want to organize a chick picking up club now. They’re so tiny and fuzzy!

12 years ago

I’m beginning to feel as if living a life of celibacy wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.

It’s really not. For one thing, relationships suck up a lot of time and mental & emotional energy. If social interaction is work for you because it doesn’t come instinctively, it’s even less fun.

There’s no formula for developing relationships. (Well, there’s Dale Carnegie, but I’d recommend against that.) Just go about your life, find hobbies you enjoy, meet other people who enjoy those same things, and enjoy your life.

I’ve seen more people get roped into miserable relationships because they were XX age, and all their friends were pairing up, and what’s wrong with them, and this appropriately-gendered person seemed interested, and it didn’t look like they were going to do any better… 10 years later, kids and divorce and much bitterness.

12 years ago

And that image of “Picking Up Chicks” is so damn cute.

12 years ago

With all the talk of men on leashes, I am now reminded of this amazing clip from Kids in the Hall:

And yeah- if you hate women enough to not want to hear from them, what exactly is the point of dating them or being in a relationship with them? Exactly what does he think he’s going to do once he “gets” a woman? Is he going to put her in a glass cabinet like a hunting prize? *shudders at the thought*

Seriously, I sure do hope this guy remains completely transparently oblivious about his misogyny. It will be much easier for people to turn tail and run far, far away when they see him coming.

12 years ago

A friend of mine thinks he knows what it meant if you are thinking it is a scientific thing but even he says “well it does need to have a female input at some point.”

Can you explain a bit further what you mean please.

12 years ago

Celibacy has a lot of advantages for lots of people! The nice thing about not having romantic relationships (I’m told) is that you can be 100% selfish and just think about yourself, instead of also having to take responsibility for someone else. I say “I’m told” because I personally am deeply unhappy without a few intense friendships or romantic relationships. 🙂

12 years ago

One of the things that makes me so sad about traditional male gender roles is the fact that heterosexual men are encouraged not to make strong emotional connections to anyone beyond perhaps their spouse/romantic relationship person. That’s a lot of pressure to put on one person, especially since most men are also taught that anger and aggression are the only “emotions” they can reliably engage in.

There have actually been studies that found that one reason women are less likely to commit suicide and live longer is because they forge more non-sexual/romantic emotionally connected relationships. It seems to be fairly true in anecdotal situations for my family at least. My grandmother lived to be 96 years old and she was always surrounded by family and friends. She was lucky to live in her own home and keep her health pretty much up to her death (a stroke that took her really quickly). But she did have a couple of falls and other health issues that landed her in the hospital, and every single time, she would initially be very depressed and not be doing very well health-wise, and as people came to visit her and show her their support, she would always start doing much better. It’s always been my opinion that your attitude is a huge part of how your body responds to stress and health issues (obviously, you’re not going to happy yourself to fixing a broken bone, but being positive can support your body’s natural ability to heal).

While there are obviously all sorts of hormonal and genetic reasons why women tend to live longer than men, we can neutralize the ones based in toxic gender roles by helping to change perceptions of what is “acceptable” for men to express emotionally, and encourage men to create more deep and meaningful relationships outside of just their romantic ones. I think that this will go a long way in helping to add more stability and happiness to the lives of men. 🙂

12 years ago

Can you explain a bit further what you mean please.

lemme ask him but since I got the response from Omega that actually makes some sense and told him, he might not be able to repeat it.

From 13:

I thought he was trying to say that human beings have an inherent bias, the only way to really understand what works and doesn’t is through scientific testing.

The answer I got from Omega was this:

When I need car repair, I go to an experienced mechanic because they have experience repairing cars. When I need a health problem resolved, I go to an experienced doctor because doctors have experience with medicine. Similarly, if I wanted to find out about how to date women, I would talk to a man who has a lot of experience with picking up and dating women if I could find one. None of you women have any experience picking up and dating heterosexual women so you are of no help when it comes to picking up and dating heterosexual women. Of course, the PUAs don’t have any experience picking up and dating women either so they are of no help either. Most dating advice books and websites are written by people with insufficient experience with picking up and dating women too.

Does that help?

12 years ago

I sure do hope this guy remains completely transparently oblivious about his misogyny.

My roommate said that he is never going to get a date until he lets go of his anger at women.

Since I think he is utterly uninterested in women, this will keep him safely away.

12 years ago

Since it’s not a word I use or hear in real life, I’ve never been quite sure what date/dating means. Mr Black Pill has me ENTIRELY confused now 😉

12 years ago

Congratulations, you found two comical examples with men being “enslaved” by women. It’s TOTALLY not the other way around in reality. Men are the ones who get raped, beaten and treated like cattle by women. All porn consists of sexual humiliation of men. Males are used as oversexualized decorations to sell stuff. Etc etc etc.

12 years ago


I understand what he means, but his argument has a huge hole in it. Anecdotes != data.

A mechanic fixes cars – cars are designed and built by people and they come with manuals. The mechanics of cars are well known and well documented. It really is a logical process. An experienced mechanic is not basing his opinion on is own anecdotal experience.

A doctor knows about medicine and health – which have been studied extensively using the scientific method including double blinded studies and well controlled studies with large data sets. A good doctor reads a crapload of medical text and studies. They do not base their diagnosis on their own anecdotal experience.

A guy who dates a lot only has his own anecdotal experience to draw on. He is not doing controlled or double blinded studies. The best he can give is his opinion. Humans are fallible – they fall prey to confirmation bias, self-justification, cognitive dissonance. That is why we have the scientific method – to try and remove human fallibility from the process of acquiring knowledge.

Now Mr Omega says he wants to do real scientific research that comes up with a real answer. Nothing wrong with wanting to use the scientific method to solve a problem. There has been plenty of research done already on how the mind works – dissonance theory, game theory etc. And research into moral and ethical behaviour. Being that it comes from actual scientific research, neither sex has a monopoly on it.

Basically, Mr Omega wants an easy answer, and is having hissy fits that he’s not getting one.

12 years ago

Pretty much my view of it-which I told him to go ask whatever woman he is interested in what she is looking for in a whatever he wants romantically from her then, and this is really important, accept what she says even if it means he is not her ideal mate without arguing with her.

Simple to say, difficult to practice.

12 years ago

A car is a thing, you don’t need its approval. Any advice the doctor gives you, you apply to your own self, you don’t need someone else’s approval for that either.

12 years ago

Unsolicited chocolate update: must have Old Jamaica chocolate block NOW!!!! See youse in half an hour 🙂

12 years ago

You would think he would say “if you want to know how to attract women, ask a social psychologist.” Because, you know, social psychology includes the study of attraction. (It turns out, shockingly, that people like nice people.)

12 years ago

Treating women like cars would be fine if women were cars or technological devices. But since women are actually individual PEOPLE, that doesn’t work. To some extent, this whole “women are interchangeable” tends to become even more egregious when MRAs start going on about FOREIGN BRIDES, as though all Asian/Eastern European/insert-exoticised-non-American-culture-here women are just interchangeable purchasable vaginas sitting around in a warehouse overseas waiting to be boxed up for American Male use.


12 years ago

Pretty much my view of it-which I told him to go ask whatever woman he is interested in what she is looking for in a whatever he wants romantically from her then, and this is really important, accept what she says even if it means he is not her ideal mate without arguing with her.

I was going to mention this too, but I figured I had gone on enough already. 🙂

Based on what I know about psychology, I wouldn’t trust anyone, including myself to know what is best for themselves, or even what would make them happiest. All that stuff about cognitive bias and self-justification happens even to the most self-examining person.

However, and this is the most important bit, the ethical and respectful thing to do is take a person at their word.

12 years ago

Also, horror movies or roller coasters are best for a first date, because the brain sees that your heart is racing and assumes it’s because of the person you’re on a date with.

12 years ago

Kim: I don’t expect people to know what’s best for them, but I expect them to know what’s best for them as an individual better than anyone else does. Since, you know, everyone else has all the same cognitive biases AND doesn’t have the benefit of personal experience.

12 years ago

Unsolicitede chocolate update 2: Do your worst, MRAs and PUAs! You’ll never be able to destroy the goodness of a world which contains dark rum and raisin chocolate!!!!!!! and kitties, of course