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US Army Brig. General charged with rape. Who’s to blame? According to The Spearhead, it’s women.

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A Brigadier General in the US Army has been charged with rape. Well, actually, Brig. General Jeffrey Sinclair has been charged with a veritable laundry list of offenses, as set forth in an Army press  release, among them

forcible sodomy, wrongful sexual conduct, attempted violation of an order, violations of regulations by wrongfully engaging in inappropriate relationships and misusing a government travel charge card, violating general orders by possessing alcohol and pornography while deployed, maltreatment of subordinates, filing fraudulent claims, engaging in conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman and engaging in conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, or of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.

While details are still sketchy, the charges apparently involve misconduct with several female subordinates.

Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price bravely takes on the real villain here: women. Apparently their mere presence in the Armed Forces is enough to provoke male soldiers and generals alike to rape them and, while they’re at it, to buy booze and porn, mistreat their subordinates and rack up unauthorized purchases on government issued charge cards.  In a post with the title “How’s that Women in the Military Thing Going Now?” Price gets right to the heart of the matter:

I suspect that the more combat-oriented environment an environment is in the military, the more likely these problems with women are to come about. For one thing, fighting men are more passionate by nature, and then there’s the fact that these men also turn women on more.

Yes, because when male soldiers rape female soldiers, the problem lies with woman in uniform getting “turned on” by men in uniform.

A forward base in hostile territory is not likely to have the same atmosphere as an assignment stateside. The sense of danger actually tends to make people more sexually charged, or so I’ve heard from those who survived battles and sieges on the Eastern Front in WWII, where female-operated AA batteries behind the front lines became de-facto brothels.

Of course, male soldiers are also known to rape civilian women, so by Price’s logic women should neither serve in the military, nor not serve in the military. In times of war, they should just do all us dudes a favor and cease to exist at all.

If not, well, women just need to face up to the danger of “hanky panky” that their mere existence creates:

[O]ur personnel are serving in a remote Muslim country with no access to local females to speak of, and things are bound to happen. As to whether Sinclair “forced” anything on anybody, we don’t know at this point, and it seems unlikely, but it isn’t surprising at all that some forbidden hanky-panky may have occurred.

At this point, virtually all we know about the alleged crimes here is contained in that laundry list of charges I posted above. Yet someone Price is able to deduce that Sinclair is likely to be innocent here. Evidently Price is convinced that anyone who is a “real combat general” and who has “earned a number of awards related to combat arms and parachuting” is someone who is to be implicitly trusted.

In the comments, the Spearhead regulars offer their own unique takes on the issues of women in the military.

Keyster seems to dream of a day when women can not only be kicked out of the military but also out of pretty much everything else as well, except presumably the kitchen:

It’s not safe to work or serve with women.

The potential for trouble is way too high.

Once they invaded the workplace the last vestige of male only space was the military. Now even this is no longer true. I don’t know where men can go and work with other men without female interference anymore. Even if you own your own business, the government forces you to hire them…and invest in all manner of special female accommodations, like breast pumping stations and tampon dispensors.

Ironically the safest “male only” space is a Gay Bar. And even then curious women wander in to meddle and cause disruption.

Numnut drops some biotruths on us all:

Appears women are very horny once a month and will have sex with the most aggressive male available to them at that time.This re-enforces the “thinking with the vagina” theme that a women herself espoused.

Now that the lawz have given wymyn free pass to act out their base animals nature,no man is safe from the Whiplash regret post-sex.(ref to OT)

No doubt these milfem cursors were ovulating and thinking with the gash when they asked to be screwed.

The proper thing for the law to do is recognize this animal instinct and either regulate wymyns behaviors of legalize male sexuality again.

Women want it both ways,a rough man for sex,and prison for rough men.

Jean Valjean hopes that this case will help to expose women for being the filthy sluts they really are:

The question on my mind is will this man fight the charges and reveal the sexual nature of many women in the military or will he go meekly to his fate?

A commenter with the highly ironic name Reality offers up this bit of secondhand shitthatneverhappened.txt.

There was a guy who had been in the military who told me that in actual warfare when the bombs start dropping & the gunfire starts coming at them in an actual combat situation, women just throw down their guns and start running screaming like they would do any other situation.

We’re doomed. All so we can pretend ‘women are just the same as women’ [sic] – that’s more important to all these idiots that run this country & half the idiot population than the security of the country. It’s that way in any situation in life- this political correctness & diversity shit is becomes more important than success, life or death- you name it. In that sense it’s like drugs or alcohol addiction – you throw away your whole life for this one stupid, trivial thing.

Equality: Stupid and Trivial.

I learn new things every time I read The Spearhead.

For some actual facts on the epidemic of rape in the military see:

Leon Panetta: Military’s handling of rape is an “outrage.”

Naomi Wolf: A culture of coverup: rape in the ranks of the US military

Victims say military condones rape

Rape in the Military: America’s Dirty Little Secret

New military rape lawsuit filed

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12 years ago

You know, if we’re going to yell at movies for portraying unrealistic fight scenes, we should probably start with all the incorrectly thrown punches or bottles broken over the head that ought to cause severe injury or death or people being knocked out for dangerous lengths of time with no ill effects before we even touch gender.

12 years ago

Otis: In any case the sexual dimorphism in lions is vastly greater than in humans so no meaningful comparison can be made.

Then why did you try to make it? Zebras and lions aren’t the same; the dimorphism is radically different.

After all Jackals can’t kill zebras, so that means zebras are “better” than Jackals?

Baboons can’t kill Cape Buffalo, so does that mean Cape Buffalo are superior to Baboons?

Where does it end?

12 years ago

Otis: Unless you happen to work with several women who are in the top .05 percentile of female size and strength, you most certainly do not work with several women who could kick my ass.

Again proving you know jack-shit about fighting.

Any idea where the adrenal glands are located? Do you know what it feels like to get hit in them?

Do you know how to deal with someone who has a knife? How about someone with a kubota. Ever been rabbit punched? Sucker punched? Had a set of brass knuckles stuffed up your gut? Ever had someone pinch the portion of your humeric nerve where it approaches the skin (do you even know where that is?).

And before you tell me they don’t count…that’s bullshit. That’s what fighting is. It’s using what you know to make the other person not want to continue. It’s the rock thrown upside the head, followed with the next one hammered onto your skull. It’s the steel-toed boot to the kneecap. It’s the gun from the alley. It’s the shiv in the small of the back.

It’s not three minute rounds at the sound of the bell.

12 years ago

Otis: I never said that it did. (regarding treating women as lesser citizens).

Yes, you did. You said you believed in both informal, and formal, discrimination.

Your entire schtick here is that women aren’t fit to be in the Service, and ought to be excluded; or treated differently from men.

That’s treating them as lesser citizens.

You said it, own it. Fly your freak flag proud.

12 years ago

Pecunium, given that our “friend”s “kink” appears to be beating up women and girls in a non-fun, non-consensual way, I’d prefer that he didn’t fly his freak flag. If it’s all the same to you.

I’m still chuckling over the whole “as a feminist you’re responsible for the stuff published on mainstream feminist sites”. Yeah, because feminists are totes a monolith and there’s no internal division or differing philosophical approaches. If I had to take responsibility for Christina Hoff-Summers and Feministing, I think I’d just give up the feminist biz and go herd sheep.

12 years ago

Nepenthe: I want him to be public with it. I want people to know that’s what he believes; rather than his lies about wanting equality.

One wonders if he is willing to accept responsibility for Sodoni, and LePine. If he’s going to take the hit for, “cutting out girls voiceboxes”, or the promulgation of the manifesto of Thomas Ball, and the call for jury nullification in all cases of rape.

If I have to be, “responsible” for every feminists every word, well he’s got a lot of weight to carry. But that would require him being honest, and we’ve already seen enough hypocrisy to rule that out.

12 years ago

I’d hate to be responsible for all of Amanda’s intense and idiosyncratic musical tastes. That’s too much responsibility for anyone to bear.

12 years ago

@ hellkell- not that iq points aren’t bullshit, because they are, but women have pulled ahead of men in IQ scores in recent years. I guess that will be one form of biased testing we can expect to lose prestige in the coming years.

12 years ago

@timetravellingfool I don’t know, the bar fight loser didn’t brag nearly enough about being in the 85th percentile

12 years ago

Is he basically admitting he doesn’t have a leg to stand on?

That would explain his obsession with pull-ups! *rimshot*

12 years ago

I’m just gonna leave this here.

And this.

And this.

Actually I found more videos of lions losing than winning. But I made sure to include a male lion, because female lions don’t count.

12 years ago

You spend two hours doing homework on logical fallacies and all of a sudden Otis is funny as shit.

12 years ago

You know, if we’re going to yell at movies for portraying unrealistic fight scenes, we should probably start with all the incorrectly thrown punches or bottles broken over the head that ought to cause severe injury or death or people being knocked out for dangerous lengths of time with no ill effects before we even touch gender.

Or Hawkeye’s archery form.

12 years ago

Why do people always pick lions as the go-to kickass animal anyway? Is it because the most dangerous African animal (in physical terms anyway, ignoring bugs and shit for this purpose) is a fat herbivore and that’s just not cool enough?

Also, hyenas kick more arse than lions.

12 years ago

Actually, PZ Myers says that wimminz have higher IQs than men now.

12 years ago

Any idea where the adrenal glands are located? Do you know what it feels like to get hit in them?

Do you know how to deal with someone who has a knife? How about someone with a kubota. Ever been rabbit punched? Sucker punched? Had a set of brass knuckles stuffed up your gut?

Why is this not an action-movie monologue?

12 years ago

i,i the IQ test for intelligence is about as useful as the pullup test for overall physical ability.


Assume you’re trying to land a kick on someone in unarmed combat.

Where do you aim?

12 years ago

You know, if we’re going to yell at movies for portraying unrealistic fight scenes, we should probably start with all the incorrectly thrown punches or bottles broken over the head that ought to cause severe injury or death or people being knocked out for dangerous lengths of time with no ill effects before we even touch gender

My personal favorite is movie portrayal of gunshot wounds. Apparently, being shot in the stomach just makes you sleepy for a little while.

12 years ago

Ooh, or when the hero rides an explosion like it’s a gentle puff of wind and he is a parachute. Rather than, you know, being incinerated.

12 years ago

I’m still chuckling over the whole “as a feminist you’re responsible for the stuff published on mainstream feminist sites”. Yeah, because feminists are totes a monolith and there’s no internal division or differing philosophical approaches. If I had to take responsibility for Christina Hoff-Summers and Feministing, I think I’d just give up the feminist biz and go herd sheep.

He wants us to be responsible for Jezebel, too. Jezebel.

12 years ago

Why is this not an action-movie monologue?

INT. Bar Room – Night

PECUNIUM lounges in his booth, weary. His finger traces the rim of his gin and tonic. He’s seen the dregs of this broken city as often as he’s seen his own reflection, and it ceased to move him long ago.

A BOTTLE smashes down on the table, shards flying. Without blinking, PECUNIUM picks a shard from his glass, dropping it to the floor as he raises his head.

OTIS towers in front of the booth, shirt yellowed and soaked with perspiration. He’s belligerent. Drunk. Big.

PECUNIUM’s seen the bigs ones fall. He’s not impressed.

OTIS: You gonna do this or not?

PECUNIUM brushes off the table with his sleeve, rests his elbows. Motions for OTIS to sit.

PECUNIUM: Any idea where the adrenal glands are located? Do you know what it feels like to get hit in them?

OTIS begins to answer, but Pecunium raises a hand, silences him.

PECUNIUM (CONT’D): Do you know how to deal with someone who has a knife? How about someone with a kubota? Ever been rabbit punched? Sucker punched? Had a set of brass knuckles stuffed up your gut?

OTIS stares across the table, meets PECUNIUM’S eyes. Knows he’s not bluffing.

PECUNIUM: I believe you were about to excuse yourself for the evening.

Wordless, OTIS nods, shuffles away. His friends at the bar heckle him for his retreat, but he ignores them, picking up his pace as he moves to the exit.

Without watching OTIS’s exit, Pecunium tilts his glass, studies the shards in the drink. With a sigh, he sets the glass aside and calls for another.

12 years ago

He wants us to be responsible for Jezebel, too. Jezebel.

I once criticised Jezebel for being ableist on Twitter. Jessica Coen replied with a tweet saying ‘Caring about ableism is crazy and lame’.

12 years ago

@lauralot XD

12 years ago

I once criticised Jezebel for being ableist on Twitter. Jessica Coen replied with a tweet saying ‘Caring about ableism is crazy and lame’.

Thank you for confirming my plan to stay far away from Jezebel.

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