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US Army Brig. General charged with rape. Who’s to blame? According to The Spearhead, it’s women.

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A Brigadier General in the US Army has been charged with rape. Well, actually, Brig. General Jeffrey Sinclair has been charged with a veritable laundry list of offenses, as set forth in an Army press  release, among them

forcible sodomy, wrongful sexual conduct, attempted violation of an order, violations of regulations by wrongfully engaging in inappropriate relationships and misusing a government travel charge card, violating general orders by possessing alcohol and pornography while deployed, maltreatment of subordinates, filing fraudulent claims, engaging in conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman and engaging in conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, or of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces.

While details are still sketchy, the charges apparently involve misconduct with several female subordinates.

Over on The Spearhead, W.F. Price bravely takes on the real villain here: women. Apparently their mere presence in the Armed Forces is enough to provoke male soldiers and generals alike to rape them and, while they’re at it, to buy booze and porn, mistreat their subordinates and rack up unauthorized purchases on government issued charge cards.  In a post with the title “How’s that Women in the Military Thing Going Now?” Price gets right to the heart of the matter:

I suspect that the more combat-oriented environment an environment is in the military, the more likely these problems with women are to come about. For one thing, fighting men are more passionate by nature, and then there’s the fact that these men also turn women on more.

Yes, because when male soldiers rape female soldiers, the problem lies with woman in uniform getting “turned on” by men in uniform.

A forward base in hostile territory is not likely to have the same atmosphere as an assignment stateside. The sense of danger actually tends to make people more sexually charged, or so I’ve heard from those who survived battles and sieges on the Eastern Front in WWII, where female-operated AA batteries behind the front lines became de-facto brothels.

Of course, male soldiers are also known to rape civilian women, so by Price’s logic women should neither serve in the military, nor not serve in the military. In times of war, they should just do all us dudes a favor and cease to exist at all.

If not, well, women just need to face up to the danger of “hanky panky” that their mere existence creates:

[O]ur personnel are serving in a remote Muslim country with no access to local females to speak of, and things are bound to happen. As to whether Sinclair “forced” anything on anybody, we don’t know at this point, and it seems unlikely, but it isn’t surprising at all that some forbidden hanky-panky may have occurred.

At this point, virtually all we know about the alleged crimes here is contained in that laundry list of charges I posted above. Yet someone Price is able to deduce that Sinclair is likely to be innocent here. Evidently Price is convinced that anyone who is a “real combat general” and who has “earned a number of awards related to combat arms and parachuting” is someone who is to be implicitly trusted.

In the comments, the Spearhead regulars offer their own unique takes on the issues of women in the military.

Keyster seems to dream of a day when women can not only be kicked out of the military but also out of pretty much everything else as well, except presumably the kitchen:

It’s not safe to work or serve with women.

The potential for trouble is way too high.

Once they invaded the workplace the last vestige of male only space was the military. Now even this is no longer true. I don’t know where men can go and work with other men without female interference anymore. Even if you own your own business, the government forces you to hire them…and invest in all manner of special female accommodations, like breast pumping stations and tampon dispensors.

Ironically the safest “male only” space is a Gay Bar. And even then curious women wander in to meddle and cause disruption.

Numnut drops some biotruths on us all:

Appears women are very horny once a month and will have sex with the most aggressive male available to them at that time.This re-enforces the “thinking with the vagina” theme that a women herself espoused.

Now that the lawz have given wymyn free pass to act out their base animals nature,no man is safe from the Whiplash regret post-sex.(ref to OT)

No doubt these milfem cursors were ovulating and thinking with the gash when they asked to be screwed.

The proper thing for the law to do is recognize this animal instinct and either regulate wymyns behaviors of legalize male sexuality again.

Women want it both ways,a rough man for sex,and prison for rough men.

Jean Valjean hopes that this case will help to expose women for being the filthy sluts they really are:

The question on my mind is will this man fight the charges and reveal the sexual nature of many women in the military or will he go meekly to his fate?

A commenter with the highly ironic name Reality offers up this bit of secondhand shitthatneverhappened.txt.

There was a guy who had been in the military who told me that in actual warfare when the bombs start dropping & the gunfire starts coming at them in an actual combat situation, women just throw down their guns and start running screaming like they would do any other situation.

We’re doomed. All so we can pretend ‘women are just the same as women’ [sic] – that’s more important to all these idiots that run this country & half the idiot population than the security of the country. It’s that way in any situation in life- this political correctness & diversity shit is becomes more important than success, life or death- you name it. In that sense it’s like drugs or alcohol addiction – you throw away your whole life for this one stupid, trivial thing.

Equality: Stupid and Trivial.

I learn new things every time I read The Spearhead.

For some actual facts on the epidemic of rape in the military see:

Leon Panetta: Military’s handling of rape is an “outrage.”

Naomi Wolf: A culture of coverup: rape in the ranks of the US military

Victims say military condones rape

Rape in the Military: America’s Dirty Little Secret

New military rape lawsuit filed

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12 years ago

Another hugging cat:

12 years ago

I’m gonna laugh so hard when the banhammer falls on Otis.

Otis, I’m so sorry that trolling feminist blogs is the only way you can deal with your glaring inadequacies, but you’re really not saying anything we haven’t heard a million times before. You’re probably used to hearing this, but you bring exactly nothing to the table.

Fuck back off to your bridge, asshole.

12 years ago

My husband just made me a sandwich, cut up some watermelon and made me some soup and served me lunch….all without me having to oppress or enslave him at all! OH SILLY FUNCTIONAL HEALTHY HETEROSEXUAL RELATIONSHIP, how could this be- you mean that people who love and care for each other actually DO THINGS to benefit others? They actually work together to have a happy household? MADNESS.

12 years ago


shamlessly riffing off you here.

The other thing Otis isn’t seeing is spheres of power and the negotiability of power. Having the overt title of power (king, chief, president, lord, master, etc.) doesn’t mean that it is achieved without delegating some power and loosening control–like so people won’t revolt and kill you.

Not only that, but having a particular title doesn’t mean that there aren’t other roles of power. Political, social, spiritual, and economic forms of power all exist. Most societies have two or three, if not all four of those spheres–if not more. And, the thing is, they aren’t neatly bounded worlds unto themselves. The overlap and clash, so that the shaman can legitimately challenge the chief and vice versa. Or the wealthy person can buy themselves influence. Or the person who organizes the social gatherings has influence in both the Church and in the town council.

Or whatever the hell it is. There’s nearly endless permutations.

And then to top all that off, inhabiting those roles of power might not be something that is permanent. That role may come early or late in life. The shaman might have to cede to another. The social butterfly who has the ear of the mayor won’t necessarily have the same role when the next mayor comes in. The person who amasses wealth may be socially pressured to re-distribute it, but be able to enjoy the social prestige that comes with hosting the ritual (or whatever it is).

12 years ago

Also, there’s the Marine girl who went to Marine prom with Justin Timberlake.

I missed that! Just Googled it – pretty darned cool.

12 years ago

Women need to be protected by male predators for their entire lives and the only people who can protect them are other men.

This is the funniest Freudian slip I’ve seen in a while.

Dumpster Jedi
Dumpster Jedi
12 years ago

Because if it weren’t for all those wimmins in the army, no one in the army would EVER be raped.

(This comment is so short because my eyes rolled so hard and pissed-offedly that they fell out of my head)

12 years ago

@dumpster jedi- “Pissed-offedly” is my new favorite portmanteau. XD

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I love this post by Otis Odious The Shitty:

Sorry about the long absence. I haven’t posted in a while and my last couple posts didn’t have anything to do with bashing women. But I am back!

For starters, let’s go over some things that women are soley responsible for:

1. the extinction of the dinasours
2. the Ice Age
3. The fall of the Minoan Civilization
4. If Atlantis really existed, women are what caused it to be plunged into the sea
5. The fall of the Roman Empire
6. World War I
7. World War II
8. The Holocaust
9. A bunch of other shit

conclusion: women=bad


12 years ago

Attempting to discredit certain groups and their worth as beings (and then attempting to argue that this means they deserve abuse or to be treated as inferior) by using poor definitions of “worth” and otherwise creating a false and simplistic dichotomy

this that dualityheart said. Except I think it may be the other way around.

“I want all the things”
“If I oppress and abuse other people, there will be more things for me.”
“Convince self that people who are inferior deserve the abuse they get.”
“Make up reasons everyone is inferior to me.”
“Success! No cognitive dissonance.”

The foulest part of course is not that he thinks that other people are inferior to himself (most people think they are above average after all) but that he thinks “inferior = deserves to be abused and is their own fault”.

No, he’s not a horrible person, he’s upholding the natural order! He’s a goddamn crusader for right and justice!

12 years ago

Otis is such a bore. Hearing from uninteresting trolls that are harboring massive inadequacy issues is getting tedious and lame. Learn to troll better or fuck off. It’s honestly fucking sad that the MRAs that come here can’t even manage to succeed at trolling.

12 years ago

Otis is such a bore. Hearing from uninteresting trolls that are harboring massive inadequacy issues is getting tedious and lame.

I don’t know. He made me laugh out loud this morning. (My bf asked what I was laughing at too, but he didn’t come up with any funny Twins observations).

But perhaps I just haven’t spent enough time around trolls and my standards are too low.

12 years ago

It’s really a nasty, brilliant piece of work, the way assholes like Otis can take credit for all of penis-kind’s* inventions, but none of their atrocities.

That’s because “penis-kind” has committed no atrocities, as women are solely responsible for anything and everything negative that has ever occurred.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

@Pam, plus Atlantis, if it existed.

12 years ago

I think women might be responsible for alien abductions, too. If they exist. Ooh, and ghosts.

12 years ago

@Tulgey Logger
Probably unicorn extinction, as well.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Cloudiah, thank you for the hugging cat videos – nice to have an awww moment!

Cat 2 has discovered the most comfortable and wonderful kitty bed evah.

A plastic bag

full of knitting needles

on the floor.

Cat logic, who can fault it?

12 years ago

I think women might be responsible for alien abductions, too. If they exist. Ooh, and ghosts.

Turns out Mulder’s sister was just fucking with him. Huh.

12 years ago

Also sinkholes. Who but women could be responsible for sinkholes?

12 years ago

My vagina is solely responsible for Atlantis sinking.

12 years ago

Atlantis, really? I thought that would be at least a two vagina job. Learn something new every day…

12 years ago

Global warming? My vagina takes a bow.

M Dubz
M Dubz
12 years ago

@Naira- Yeah fellow anthropologist! I’m assuming you’ve read Annette Weiner’s study of Trobriand women’s material culture. Such good stuff!

And my vagina won Obama the presidency…

12 years ago

Some choice quotes from Otis:

Okay, the last one made me laugh out loud.

I still want to see him and NWO debate Stephen King novels.

12 years ago

Also, the most recent post on his blog, where he brags about how he could totally kick a two-year-old’s ass? Comedy gold.

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