antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

What do women want? Ask a dude. Ask an awesome dude.

Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:

You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.

Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.

Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.


Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.

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12 years ago

You’re not against the rights of men… just against the organized groups dedicated to their protection?

Oh shit, it turns out all you need to do to protect men’s rights is say you’re doing it, and then everyone that criticizes you is a big bad meanie who hates men? Word up, I’m definitely starting a Society For the Promotion of Kittens and Rainbows, no one will be able to criticize me for anything ever again.

12 years ago

cloudiah: And don’t fucking tell me not to swear, you fucking idiot. 🙂
You can be as miserable and angry as you want to be, I just don’t think it’s beneficial for either of us. It might dissuade some people from a hateful ideology, however, so it may be beneficial to them.

12 years ago

So the Men’s Rights Movement sent male soldiers to die in foreign lands? You shouldn’t curse out people when they are being polite and civil, by the way.

If by “the men’s rights movement” you mean “men invested in and dedicated to a social structure which maintains an imbalance of power between men and women,” then, uh, yeah, those dudes have been responsible for, like, all the wars. The fact that you ding-dongs have come up with a fancy new name for yourselves doesn’t change the fact that the MRM is just the latest incarnation of reactionaries desperately clinging to millennia-old privilege.

12 years ago

“So the Men’s Rights Movement sent male soldiers to die in foreign lands?”

Don’t tell me you’re going to say this is women’s fault too.

12 years ago

Also, you fucking idiot (I enjoy fucking with people who don’t like swearing), you do realize that the burden of proof is on you for proving there’s a different burden of proof for rape as versus other crimes, right?
There is. It tends to rely more on the word of the accuser than impartial evidence, such as forensic or witness testimony. I cannot say the same for any other crime – if I were to claim my neighbor stole my TV, I would need a reasonably impartial witness for a conviction to occur.

12 years ago

Ooh, is this the part where we pretend that we’ve won the argument on the basis of fabricating emotions and motivations for our interlocutors? Let me try!

*ahem* ideologuereview, you sound pretty worked up about all this. Maybe you should take a break from the internet and try arguing again sometime when you aren’t so emotional; it’d help you approach things more rationally.

12 years ago

Wait… sunshinemary is fine with that list, except the threesomes… so she thinks a dude who cheats is ok? Got it.

12 years ago

So the man who had his guts spilled was actually more privileged than his wife in every conceivable way, right to the point that the blade or bullet entered his stomach? I find the claim that one group is universally and indisputably privileged over another to be naive and almost religious.

12 years ago

Colour me absolutely shocked that you don’t understand what the word “privileged” means.

Honestly, bro, take like five minutes out of your busy commenting-on-a-blog schedule to actually read some of the goddamn literature. Don’t just assume that when people say men qua are privileged over women qua women, it means feminists think all men are immortal god-emperors toying with a world of their devising.

P.S. You are not half as subtle as you think you are with your ridiculous little weasel words. C’mon, dude, just straight-up adding “in every conceivable way” is ham-fisted and obvious; you need to be sneaky if you want to get away with disingenuous obfuscation and gaslighting!

12 years ago

cloudiah: Also, you fucking idiot (I enjoy fucking with people who don’t like swearing)
Swearing is something you do because it’s part of who you are, like getting a tattoo or a piercing. Some people may disapprove of it, but you have to spend a lot more time with yourself than they do with you.

12 years ago

Oh golly, IR/PP, please don’t project your misery onto me. This is a hobby, and I enjoy swearing at trolls (in addition to hiking, cooking vegetarian meals, preserving old photos, playing with my cats, and walking the neighbor’s Jack Russell terrier). I’m sorry that you are miserable, but I am not.

You didn’t actually provide any proof that there’s a different standard of proof for rape; you just said that you assumed there was. I am sorry you don’t understand how to do this, and I am not sure how to explain it to you. Proof means something different than “I really, really believe that…” There often is forensic evidence in rape cases. (Why are so many rape kits untested? Is it that no one really cares about prosecuting rapists?) In any case, the burden of proof is exactly the same; if you think it isn’t, prove it. You fucking idiot. (I just threw that in to fuck with you, now that I know swearing bothers you.)

12 years ago

That’s okay, I like spending time with myself and with my friends. And I like swearing at you on the internet, since it give you such a hissy fit.

12 years ago

So your argument is that men aren’t privileged over women because of war? Pathetic.

12 years ago

IR has no clue what rhetorical means.

What a fucking surprise. Not.

12 years ago

“I find the claim that one group is universally and indisputably privileged over another to be naive and almost religious.”

That’s because admitting that you are actually privileged would contradict your woe is me victim mentality that so many MRAs carry.

12 years ago

Also, the funny thing is, I have no tattoos and no piercings — not even in my ears. But I do like swearing at trolls, idiots, and bad drivers. (Since I am a pedestrian in Los Angeles, I feel completely justified in the last; my gosh, there are lots of people willing to run down pedestrians while texting on their smart phones in this city.) Since feminists apparently don’t believe in the burden of proof, I am just going to accuse IR/PP of being the person who tried to run me down in the crosswalk last week. XD

12 years ago

One thing that does have a real effect on greater society is the Duke Lacrosse rape accusation. I’m sure those men would have been better off if the feminist movement never existed.

1. Nothing happened to the accused, so no, they would not be better off. The case never even went to trial.
2. There was no greater effect on society.
3. Even if the feminist movement never existed, everyone except MRAs would still think rape was bad.

You are a funny little man.

12 years ago
12 years ago

IRFF is boring. Go away.

12 years ago

By the way, everybody, this is tone trolling.

12 years ago

The only problem with this statement, and it’s a teensy-tiny one, is that it is complete bullshit. The burden of proof is no different between rape and any other crime, whether the accused is male or female.

How so?

How so indeed! What a brilliantly insightful question. How so is it not different?

Let me list the ways in which a thing can be not different from another thing.

1. It’s not different.


Hope that clears things up!

12 years ago

>What David Futrelle and many other feminists are trying to do is to stymie the organization before it has a chance to take root.

You guys are really completely unaware that the movement dates back to the 60s or so? You seriously think you’re the first rather than the third generation?

12 years ago

It has to be said that againstmensrights wasn’t the smartest choice for the subreddit title, as it was bound to be used as outrage fodder by the truly disingenuous or the truly stupid – Sharon, pick one, or both if you like – but perhaps againstmras was already taken or something.

12 years ago

Not only that, but he of Preggo Punchout fame doesn’t seem to understand the difference between a political movement and a political organization. Perhaps if he found a dictionary that would help.

12 years ago

Well, he doesn’t seem to understand the difference between ‘helping men’ and ‘pretending to punch pregnant women in the stomach’, so…

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