antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

What do women want? Ask a dude. Ask an awesome dude.

Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:

You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.

Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.

Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.


Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.

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12 years ago

@ emilyperson

It seems like we’re pretty much on the same wavelength, except that your ideas are more specific than mine. My response was based more on instinct (“something here doesn’t fit”) than on analysis (“there’s an error involved and I can tell you exactly which one”).

I doubt List Guy would recognize in you the approximate achievement of what he says he wants. The dude has a wish and the dude has a dream but confront him with a reality and he’ll find a reason (probably lots of reasons) to gripe. I don’t suppose, for example, that he’s a big supporter of the LGTB groups in his community, especially the ones geared toward young people, although you’d think that if he were operating (if he were genuinely operating) along PUA lines, he might regard them as potential hunting grounds. (Not an approach I’m recommending, BTW.) But then List Guy is after a vision, not a person, so practicalities (such as “how do I check these items off this list”) don’t apply.

12 years ago

Mr List even specifies that it is next to impossible to find a woman to satisfy his demands, and so he expects to stay single. He even calls being single his Plan A, and the list is designed to be ridiculously unattainable so that he will remain single.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

So, wait. You’re not against the rights of men… just against the organized groups dedicated to their protection groups disingenuously calling themselves “men’s rights” organizations while obviously being primarily devoted to misogyny and preserving male privilege?


12 years ago

@Creative Writing Student

I know what I want:

A footrub
A pony
A cuddle
My sanity back
A copy of Persona 4 Arena
Some way of using my desktop PC in bed.

I might have been ninja’d on this (in which case, apologies to the ninja(s), but I can help with the last one. Get the screen on something where you can see it while lying in bed, and get an extension cord for the keyboard (safer than using wireless) and voila! I’m doing it right now. 😀

12 years ago

the stuff girls have traditionally helped with/been responsible for in the household? Totally not important or time consuming.

Only to men who’ve not exceeded the mature grasp of a 4 year old boy’s vocabulary. Grandpa was outside working in the garden. Grandma was doing kitchen stuff and explained to the kindie devotee that the shared paint & sparkly stuff project must wait until she’d finished her work. Impatient little boy stamped his foot and uttered the immortal words,

“That’s not work! That’s busy.”

We’ve ever since very carefully described laundry, dishes, cooking and cleaning as *work*.

12 years ago

I would like to see some objective, concrete evidence that the Men’s Rights Movement causes more harm than good. I can find plenty of quotes from feminists that make feminists look like ogres, but they reflect the individuals who state them. “Dozens of upvotes” only reflects the people upvoting the comment, not the community as a whole. It also has no tangible effect on the world, just a few bytes on a server somewhere.
One thing that does have a real effect on greater society is the Duke Lacrosse rape accusation. I’m sure those men would have been better off if the feminist movement never existed. However, because of feminists, they were accused of rape by an unreliable accuser with no evidence. This is an issue that has far reaching consequences. After all, if this one case that was the darling child of feminists was mishandled, how many others like it are out there? How far into the process were those others mishandled, and what effect have they had on the lives of the accused?

12 years ago

I think the burden is on you to demonstrate how the MRM has done good, rather than on us to prove that it has not. As far as anyone can reasonably see, your “movement” has accomplished diddly squat. If we are wrong, then by all means, demonstrate where the MRM has helped men.

False accusations is not something feminists endorse. The women who make false accusations are not feminists, and generally don’t even identify as such. Yes, they deserve to punished for perjury and making a false police report. They don’t deserve to be thrown in prison for twenty years or tortured. And the amount of these false accusations are way overblown by the MRM. I would wager that there are far more men who have raped women roaming free, then there are men in prison for false accusations.

Reffering to the Duke Lacrosse case seems to be the pet case for MRAs. Yes it was unfortunate. It never should have happened. But if you ask people about it now, they probably barely remember the incident, and they certainly don’t remember the names of the accused– who are now free men, btw. If you are so concerned with men being imprisoned, you might want to address the high incidence of minority men being held on non violent drug charges. That is where the real injustice towards men lies. But helping those men would do little to further your cause of blaming and defaming women, so I doubt many MRAs will touch it.

12 years ago

That Duke case is not the slam-dunk that you guys think it is.

And I’m with fembot — show me evidence that the MRM has done any good whatsoever, and then we can start comparing e-peens.

12 years ago

Also, idealoss, have you noticed that feminism targets actual problems caused by misogyny, whereas the MRM pretty much only targets feminism? Y’all are not the arch-nemesis of feminism that you consistently seem to cast yourself as.

I am guessing that this point will glance off you, but I wanted to put it out there.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hey, inurashii, is there a chocolate for noideawhatsoever? I thought there was but was confusing it with the Truffle.

12 years ago

If we are wrong, then by all means, demonstrate where the MRM has helped men.
Mary Kellett, a corrupt Maine DA, has a disciplinary hearing scheduled due to the publicity and activism caused by Men’s Rights organizations. You can read more about it there. SAVE, a Men’s Rights group, has been identified by several newspapers (google “SAVE vladek filler”) as playing a part in this publicity, and supposedly Kellett attempted to pass a gag order to prevent their investigative reporting.
In addition, an investigative journalist who calls himself “Daddy Justice” frequently exposes corruption in the court system and, through his own investigation, was able to direct police to the location of a home invader who victimized himself and one other man. The most relevant video is below:


Someone once pointed out this about the Duke LaCrosse Case:

The young men wound up having their accuser discredited, the prosecutor not only removed from office but disbarred, they received two large settlements from both the county and the schools, were not expelled, received apologies from all officials and wound up not being affected AT ALL outside of a few weeks of national exposure and were completely exonerated.

Outside of some people still thinking they are guilty, they have not had a single negative thing happen to them.

What more do MRAs what? (Rhetorical question.)

12 years ago

Can we make a chocolate covered fart candy? It looks sweet and yummy, but when you bite into it, a puff of stinky air hits you.

Jake Hamby (@jhamby)
12 years ago

So I’ve been listening to a lot of K-pop for the past few weeks. I’ve got a huge-ass blog post I’m working on all about the topic, in fact. Anyway, the HB10 comment gave me an excuse to post a link to a music video that encapsulates how I think these guys really go about their lives. Even though it’s played for humor in the video, I can just imagine these guys getting angry and clinching their fists watching it.

BTW, it has English subtitles you can turn on.

12 years ago

Fembot: I would wager that there are far more men who have raped women roaming free, then there are men in prison for false accusations.
“it is better for ten guilty men to go free…”
This is not about striking a balance between the number of rapists who go free and the number of innocents who are incarcerated. This is about treating rape just like any other crime, with the exact same standard of evidence. Duke Lacrosse illustrated how many rape trials are carried out – the burden of proof was on the defendants, rather than the accuser.
I read somewhere that only one in three murderers are ever convicted, by the way. I just felt that was worth mentioning.

Now, to counteract all of these claims that the Men’s Rights Movement has done “nothing,” feminism has been around for over a century. The Men’s Rights Movement is still in its infancy and is still growing. This is not about what good the Men’s Rights Movement done, but what good it will do in the future. What David Futrelle and many other feminists are trying to do is to stymie the organization before it has a chance to take root. I don’t think that is a healthy way to approach new ideologies.

12 years ago

Sharon: I’m not against white folks hanging out. I’m not against them hanging out and talking about their heritage. I’ve had some good times at clan meetings, drinking whisky, listening to bagpipes, watching the caber-tossing.

But Klan meetings… I’m against them.

12 years ago

Sunshine Troll approves of everything on the list except for the threesomes part??! So it’s more “heartbreaking” that some women never marry than it is to be married to an asshole like this? If you’re around Mary, please explain to me why it’s better to be treated like shit than it is to be unmarried.

12 years ago

the burden of proof was on the defendants, rather than the accuser.

The only problem with this statement, and it’s a teensy-tiny one, is that it is complete bullshit. The burden of proof is no different between rape and any other crime, whether the accused is male or female.

Also the Men’s Rights Movement has been around since the beginning of time, you ass.

12 years ago

PosterformerlyknownasElizabethWhat more do MRAs what? (Rhetorical question.)
An apology from the feminists who proclaimed their indisputable guilt before a shred of evidence was found would be nice, but hope springs eternal.
Also, the accused men did not so much have their accuser discredited so much as no evidence was found which linked them to a rape. Now, if you or anyone else knows of any evidence that a rape actually occurred cited from a neutral source, I will gladly hear you out.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

I’m not against women hanging out and talking about their problems. Women hanging out, and funnelling federal funds for their own privileges, such as NOW for instance…

12 years ago

The only problem with this statement, and it’s a teensy-tiny one, is that it is complete bullshit. The burden of proof is no different between rape and any other crime, whether the accused is male or female.
How so?
Also the Men’s Rights Movement has been around since the beginning of time, you ass.
So the Men’s Rights Movement sent male soldiers to die in foreign lands? You shouldn’t curse out people when they are being polite and civil, by the way.

12 years ago

Because of course the accuser is never a “neutral source” that a rape actually occurred, therefore ALL RAPE VICTIMS ARE INNOCENT.

12 years ago

Are you straining yourself moving those goalposts? I recommend stretching first, and maybe some liniment.

And don’t fucking tell me not to swear, you fucking idiot. 🙂

12 years ago

Also, you fucking idiot (I enjoy fucking with people who don’t like swearing), you do realize that the burden of proof is on you for proving there’s a different burden of proof for rape as versus other crimes, right? Or are you a fucking idiot?

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