antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

What do women want? Ask a dude. Ask an awesome dude.

Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:

You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.

Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.

Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.


Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.

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12 years ago

I think Sunshine Mary is a dood. The way he/she linked to that “article” featuring a picture of a naked woman was just too much.

Making unfounded assumptions about someone’s gender over the internet is kind of a shitty thing to do.

12 years ago

@ lowquacks

Yeah, I know, you can pull these two concepts into alignment. You can, if you work at it, but you have think it’s worth the effort first. Unlike the fellow who composed the list, I don’t think it’s worth the effort. It wouldn’t be worth the effort to me.

What I sense here, more than anything else, is yet another bullyrag at women intended to get us to work magic (of which we are incapable). Or to get us to be magic (worse yet). Often accompanied, oddly enough, by a sermon which revolves around the notion that we ought to stop putting our trust in miracles and forget about all the spirit rapping stuff, and accept the world as it is. But the world, as it is, does not abound in bisexual virgins. That’s the part of the exegesis which is left out, and which is left out consistently, which is weird, like I said.

12 years ago


Well I’m sorry if that offended you.

12 years ago

And I also wanted to point out that because someone’s name is Mary, or they have a female avatar, you shouldn’t necessarily assume they are a woman.

12 years ago

*ducks and covers*

12 years ago

So how many of the dudebros demanding a HB10 are the same ones yelling that they’re unfairly ignored because they’re betas that don’t look like Brad Pitt?

I’m guessing all of them. It’s all of them, right?

12 years ago

*waves* Hi. My name’s Emily. I’m bisexual. I’ve never had sex with anyone, of any gender.

Some people are bisexual. Everybody starts out as a virgin. Please don’t be one of the many, many people telling me I don’t exist.

12 years ago

That poor woman. Postpartum depression is terrible. I finished therapy for it around 3 months ago. If my husband wasn’t the amazing, incredible man he is, I can honestly say I wouldn’t have lived through it.

Time to go give him a hug, and maybe some action!

12 years ago

There are gay virgins, straight virgins, bi virgins, undecided virgins, curious virgins, asexual virgins.

12 years ago

I think is guy wants someone who is asexual until it comes to the sex act he needs done at that very moment (and even then, if she’s too enthusiastic he’ll probably accuse her of being a whore who’s done it before. Or be disgusted because she’s into something so inherently degrading — if it weren’t, virgnity wouldn’t be a virtue, after all).

12 years ago

*waves at emilyperson*

Thanks for making the point!

12 years ago

I think Sunshine Mary is a dood. The way he/she linked to that “article” featuring a picture of a naked woman was just too much.

I missed that. What was the justification for this linkage?

12 years ago

@ emilyperson

Emily, I’m sorry if I was offensive. Believe it or not, I know what you mean, b/c I was interested at an absurdly early age in things I didn’t know existed and which I didn’t have a name for. What I was doing was expressing my skepticism with the idea that when List Guy decided to set down his requirements, what he was thinking about was you. (Or any actual person, if it comes to that.)

Of course I could be wrong about that, and if I am wrong, my bad. No injury intended.


12 years ago

Here it is, Pecunium.

“Zanana wrote:

here’s some anecdata: of the approximately 30 men I’ve boned, at least the last 20 weren’t hung up on low N’s

David Collard has responded to this silly assertion of Zanana’s that a woman can bone or screw a man. Warning: there is a picture of a nude woman in his post.

12 years ago

That list reminds me of this classic exchange from Raising Arizona:

Gale: All right, ya hayseeds, it’s a stick-up. Everybody freeze. Everybody down on the ground.

Feisty Hayseed: Well, which is it, young feller? You want I should freeze or get down on the ground? Mean to say, if’n I freeze, I can’t rightly drop. And if’n I drop, I’m a-gonna be in motion. You see…

12 years ago


It’s okay. I’m sure his idea of a bisexual virgin is pretty hard to find. Even real-life “party bisexuals” are still, you know, people, not unusually warm and self-lubricating sex dolls. I don’t think this guy has an accurate picture of… well, anybody’s sexuality, but especially not of a bi woman who’s not doing it to get attention from men.
The best, uh, thought process I can come up with to explain the appeal of a bi-but-not-in-a-way-that-might-inconvenience-me girlfriend is
– Men are obviously better than women, because men can control women (when women don’t cheat and use The Power of Vag.) The only reason men date women is men like to be in control, but you can’t control another controller. Women are there for controlling.
– If a man’s woman looks at another man, another man has an opportunity to control her and her owner has lost some control.
– If a man’s woman has feelings for another woman, not only has he lost control, there’s a woman running around out there who’s broken free of male power entirely! But at least another man hasn’t stolen his property.
– A man who can control two hot babes at once is super powerful and manly.
– Therefore, women should be bi and wild for MFF threesomes and then after the M gets off they should go back to being straight and simple and placid. No contradictions here at all, nosirree!

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

So, wait. You’re not against the rights of men… just against the organized groups dedicated to their protection?

I suppose that makes sense. I’m pro womens rights, but against feminism. An important distinction.

12 years ago

“…just against the organized groups dedicated to their protection?”

And what, exactly, has the MRM ever ACCOMPLISHED that could be considered protecting, or even helping, men? If by “help men” you mean “complain about women,” then you’re on

And pro women’s rights? Please tell us exactly what rights you think women are entitled to? I’m sooooo curious.

12 years ago

@fembot, I guess I look at it this way:

Potential negative consequences of misgendering someone on the internet = causing more pain to someone who probably has enough of that — either the immediate target of the misgendering, or other people witnessing it and worrying it might happen to them.

Potential negative consequences of simply accepting gender as presented on the internet = none, at least here on Man Boobz.

Ergo, no good reason not to simply accept that Sunshine Mary is, as she claims, a woman. For all we know, Sunshine Mary is actually a carrier pigeon, in which case I’ll just say “Kudos” on the great typing skills.

Caveat: This argument in no way conforms to any formal system of logic, in spite of my use of ergo and caveat.

Also, sock puppets are fair game.

12 years ago

“I think Sunshine Mary is a dood.”

I always thought so.

12 years ago

Sharon, did you see that you’ve been transformed into a very not-delicious candy?

12 years ago

Oh, and I wonder if the simpleton who came up with that list realizes threesomes are not always two gals and a dude. Maybe he wouldn’t mind if she brought another man home for some sexytimes? Heh.

12 years ago

Ah, speaking of dudes posing as women…it’s “Sharon,” who uses words he doesn’t understand.

12 years ago

Thank you for that explanation, Cloudiah.

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