Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:
You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.
Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.
Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.
Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.
Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.
Whoops, left my other hat on….
Dear Mr. Idealogue Review, I appreciate your dedication to the MRM cause in the face of overwhelming evidence of its problematic nature and disconnect from reality. As always, I deeply respect your right to express yourself through sneering condescension and hypocrisy.
With that in mind, I have provided the following review of your recent efforts as evidence of said deep and abiding respect.
Put forth:
Your response to the claim that the MRM is racist is that it contains people of color.
Does this mean that Dave Futrelle’s (and my) existence in feminism prove that feminism is not misandristic? Because otherwise it would appear that your argument follows an invisible exception with which you have not yet graced us. Please provide.
Put forth:
On several occasions you suggest that members of the “man boobs” community of dodging questions.
It would appear that your question backlog is not yet cleared. Please review and clear out.
Put forth:
You state several times that you ‘respect’ those who express themselves through foul language. Moreover, you use overtly flowery positive language to describe those with whom you virulently disagree.
While I am impressed that you see fit to reassert your respect for blue language at literally every turn in which it is used, your respect might be made clearer if you acknowledged once and then let your argument speak for itself (to whatever extent it does). Moreover, questioning the genuine nature of other commenters’ expressions of respect is somewhat strange.
Put forth:
You seem to posit that once someone (say, Paul Elam) has disavowed something (say, violence), any evidence of wrongdoing in that vein (say, talking about doing egregious violence to specific people or a class of them) is null and void.
In a court of law, a ‘not guilty’ plea does not result in immediate acquittal. While the “man boobs” forum is not a court of law and operates differently, the necessity of backing up a claim is nonetheless still present here.
Put forth:
You seem to believe that others should be banned from commenting because they misrepresent your motivations and seem to imply hypocrisy on Mr. Futrelle’s part.
You have repeatedly ascribed motivations to other forumgoers (whom you, no doubt, respect deeply), most of which have been directly refuted by them and which little evidence has been shown — sometimes in the exact same comment in which you complain about it having been done to you.
Put forth:
You claim to be ‘here to learn’. You also claim that level-headed, non-profane rhetoric will assist you and others in this goal.
You don’t seem to have expressed any clearer understanding of the issues to which you have been repeatedly exposed, regardless of its form of delivery.
Put forth:
You seem to claim that the MRM is not a hate movement, and that feminism is.
The MRM does not seem to champion a single cause that doesn’t involve hating someone. Feminism, while anti-patriarchy, is frequently a champion for positive action that assigns no enemies whatsoever.
Please address these outstanding issues at your earliest convenience.
I love how when Cassandra explains how MRAs are racist he just is all like “that’s just like, your OPINION, man,” waves away all of Elam’s racist articles, and gives NO EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY
You are aware that the piece written by the black MRA is hosted on Elam’s site? I also mentioned that he chose a black woman to read out his site news. Obviously you white feminists know more about how the Men’s Rights Movement treats black people than the black people in the Men’s Rights Movement. Why don’t you go preach to those black people on how enlightened you are about their race and identity and see how they react?
Now, Cassandra, care to explain why you suddenly changed your statement from “all MRAs are racist” to “all white MRAs are racist”?
Defending people’s jobs is a ‘political action’.
Union work is political action.
Sorry, FF, but teaching you to read for comprehension would be far too time-consuming a task for me to be willing to take it on for free. Also, you appear to be under the impression that people here are required to answer your questions while you refuse to answer theirs, so as an object lesson in internet etiquette I’m not going to answer any questions at all from you until you answer all of the questions put to you in this thread so far.
Hold up team. Did you know about Herman Cain? We’ve been wrong all along, it’s LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Republicans to be a racist party!
Also, Sarah Palin means the Republicans lurve having ladies in power!
wait wait…the existence of David Futrelle…means….means….feminists actually LOVE MEN???? MIND BLOWN.
Margaret Thatcher was a woman, therefore the British Conservative Party is a radical feminist organization.
Gyaincain Norbu has attended Communist Party conferences, and is a Tibetan.
Checkmate, Dalai Lama.
I’m a Feminist and a member of the British Conservative party!
We exist! I assure you!
The US military has had people of color as soldiers since pretty much its inception and it has never been racist. Disregard the existence of Executive Order 9981, issued by Harry Truman to abolish racial discrimination in the military, that was clearly just a formality.
captainbathrobe, I know you’re saying that to hurt me because modern feminism is a rotten and spiteful movement which attracts rotten and spiteful people. There could be no other reason for you to say that.
Eh, that’s mildly amusing, I suppose. I know you can do better.
Holy shit, I’m so bookmarking this for the next time any of these douchecanoes insist that every woman on earth answer for the thing that one feminist said once and/or demands to know why David/women/feminists refuse to discuss X issue and claims it proves misandry.
The lack of self awareness… it just has to be crippling. How can anyone operate with that level of cognitive dissonance?
I see IR is still confused as to what this site is about. FactFail, read the header until you get it, although I am aware that reading for comprehension is not exactly your forte.
He’s still going? Good morning everyone, or good whatever time it is where you are!
As a Scot, specifically a west coast Glaswegian Scot from a working class background, I find the pearl clutching certain trolls like to engage in over the idea of…(gulp)…swearing incredibly amusing. Seriously guys, don’t fucking bother setting foot in Glasgow if you’re ever in Scotland – where the F-word is used every second word – or you’ll choke!
> Obviously you white feminists know more about how the Men’s Rights Movement treats black people than the black people in the Men’s Rights Movement. Why don’t you go preach to those black people on how enlightened you are about their race and identity and see how they react?
You know… the problem that white women face very different issues from black women and generally stand in a different relation to the men of their own race gets discussed in feminist literature not unfrequently. In general, white feminist females will agree that they can’t really represent black women’s issues as well as they should per their movement’s claim. It’s mostly because it’s impossible to actually neatly seperate the social and class issues from issues of race in common language use in the USA… at least according to what they believe. The result of that is that there are a plethora of black feminist blogs which offer them a space to discuss their troubles on their own terms as they righfully assume that lots of their specific issues would get drowned out in white feminist spaces.
That level of awareness of how problematic race still is stands in a bit of a contrast to: “We ain’t racists, we got black people here!”
In a way the whole matter is sort of similar to how the third gen integrated the fact that the majority of their number will never ever be lesbian into the movement. Cause, you know, gay men’s issues? Are those even men’s issues already these days?
The most hilarious thing is that the guy defending rape apologists, who wanted to make a game about beating up preganant women, thinks that swearing lowers the level of discourse.
Hint to IR: the discourse is already at as low a level as it possibly can be, and you have yourself and your fellow abuser lobbyists to thank for that.
If it was, it would certainly make my life easier and the judge at the court I work at would stop having defendants argue with her over the fact that they have to come back to talk to the state. “How come I have to come back when I plead not guilty? It is obvious I am not!”
Also IR: Please answer the question I posed earlier about abusive relationship.
Where in this:
does it give the men the right to do this:
Because if you fail to answer, then I am going to have to go with the realization that you are not only stupid, but a complete coward. Although I knew that one already but as someone already said “hope springs eternal” and you might surprise me!
The IR portion of this thread has been an excellent demonstration of why the abusers rhetorical devices simply do not work as well in writing as they do in person. This is the reason we recommend that people who have to communicate with their abuser do it in writing only.
Fascinating, but creepy.
Someone has never been to the Upper Midwest (the Dakotas, Minnesota, and Northern Wisconsin, for those not in the know). “Viciously polite” is perhaps the best encapsulation of our culture I’ve ever heard.
Here in the People’s Republic of the Puget Sound we totally do viciously polite. Not as well as our friends from the South, of course, bless their hearts.
[quote=”IR”]I love how when Cassandra explains how MRAs are racist he just is all like “that’s just like, your OPINION, man,” waves away all of Elam’s racist articles, and gives NO EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY
You are aware that the piece written by the black MRA is hosted on Elam’s site? I also mentioned that he chose a black woman to read out his site news. Obviously you white feminists know more about how the Men’s Rights Movement treats black people than the black people in the Men’s Rights Movement. Why don’t you go preach to those black people on how enlightened you are about their race and identity and see how they react[/quote]
Just because one is black does not men they care about the rights of blacks. The article IR linked to did not even have a black MRA writing about black issues. But hey what do I know, perhaps slave owners in the south were not racist at all because they even let black women breast feed their babies. How could you possibly be racist if you do that?
damn block quote fail
There are also female MRAs, which totally proves that the MRM isn’t a misogynyfest. I defeated you with my divine MAN LOGEEK.