Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:
You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.
Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.
Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.
Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.
Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.
Yes, question-dodging duly noted indeed. I’m not going to answer for what a MRA did not post about a certain issue, that’s just stupid. It’s even stupider to assume that there were some ulterior motives for what they did not do. It’s amazing that in this enlightened day and age people are called racists for what they don’t say, rather than what they do.
You honestly don’t recognize when people are mocking your rhetorical style by imitating it? Oh dear.
Oh, so you were lying about your thoughts on the whole racism thing and just saying that because mockery. You never really, really meant that you thought all Men’s Rights Activists were racist, that was all a lie. But it wasn’t a lie because Elam used certain words.
Were you always this way, or did you get worse when you started getting into feminism?
I wonder if he’ll make a game about me? It’s been a while since Preggo Punchout, surely it’s time for something new.
Still no attempt to explain why he should be considered a source of moral authority, I see.
“With all due respect,” and “I’ll pray for you” are very American phrases IR/FF might be familiar with too. “With all due respect” in particular is for deliberate catiness what “I’m not racist, but” is for casual racism.
I’ll grant you that part of the South deserve special mention for creative use of the phrase “bless your heart”.
hey look, here’s another unjustly imprisoned man who could really use some help:
This one seems custom-made for MRA’s looking for a cause. He’s white, and he was convicted with no evidence and only the testimony of a vengeful ex-girlfriend! Now I have to wonder, with guys like Byron Case sitting in prison for crimes they did not commit, why oh why are the FULLY EXONERATED Duke LaCrosse Players still held up as MRA martyrs?
Hint: It starts with an “r”, ends with an “e”, and rhymes with “ape.”
So are Men’s Rights Activists still supposed to be racist, or did you lie about that to “mock” me? I mean, you pretty much disregard any evidence contrary to your preconceived notions, so I’m sure you are hard at work forgetting that black men can be MRAs too. It’s amazing how disingenuous someone who champions honesty can be, and the roundabout ways she rationalizes her lies. After all, when lies are mean-spirited, manipulative, and cruel in nature, they’re okay.
Oh, you’re still fixating on this? I believe that it’s possible for some black men to be MRAs. That does not in any way change the fact that the MRM as a whole is racist, as are most white MRAs.
Now are you going to answer any of the questions you’ve been asked?
IR, if you’re going to hang around here, at least try to be amusing. I don’t come here see boring trolls be boring, I come here to be entertained. Dance, monkey, dance!
That does not in any way change the fact that the MRM as a whole is racist, as are most white MRAs.
That’s what you want to believe and you’ll just disregard any evidence to the contrary. It’s pathological for you, feminism is your religion and anyone who disagrees with it is an unenlightened sacrilege with [negative character traits].
Like I said, anyone who thinks that an organization with black members and capitalizes on the talents and contributions of those black members is racist is more worthy of pity than anything else. You are constantly reinventing the past to suit your own psychological constructs, and it’s a tedious and miserable cycle.
This is what a feminist looks like.
captainbathrobe, I know you’re saying that to hurt me because modern feminism is a rotten and spiteful movement which attracts rotten and spiteful people. There could be no other reason for you to say that.
Comical hyperbole aside, what is “an unenlightened sacrilege”? Acts can be sacrilegious, but people cannot be be described as a/an sacrilege.
Not a racist movement? I just went through the comments here and haven’t seen a single person call out Elam’s blatant anti-black rhetoric:
Nor have I seen anything calling him out over at r/mensrights.
Nurdy Dancing herself seems too interested in re-tooling the emotional charge of the N-word to serve her ideological agenda to even notice.
An actual social justice movement that was genuinely concerned about the enormous oppressions based on race would never stoop to bastardizing the N-word’s meaning like this. Paul Elam’s comments in that article, essentially a white man dismissing a black man as a fawning slave of another white man (not to mention completely ignoring his arguments), should be triggering a shit-storm right now.
You all make me sick. Your excuses for them, especially, FactFailer. You’re a pathetic fucking toady for bigotry and violence.
lol at the guy excusing violent sadism and racism saying feminism attracts rotten and spiteful people. This is what an MRA looks like.
Question-dodging is a particularly odd point for IR/FF to be harping on.
When is Preggo Punchout coming out, champ?
Good point, katz! I hadn’t even considered that. In fact, now that I think about it, for the past 40 years or so, no white feminist has ever been racist or done/said something racially problematic. Ideologuereview should really share this insight with black feminists and see what happens. I suspect he will really enlighten them!
I mean, there have been lots and lots of African-Americans in the feminist movement, so, you know, it’s practically like a racism vaccine!
Speaking of things FactFailer should do, why don’t you go over this article with that logic and see what comes up, champ?
Indeed. Audre Lorde’s poetry was first published in the 60s, and unlike the few black MRAs who most other MRAs have never heard of almost all feminists know who she was – her poetry is even taught in women’s studies classes. This must mean that there were no race issues in the feminist community after about 1965 and every single white feminist stopped being racist, right?
(Writing that without breaking character was a challenge, you guys, I think I deserve a drink now.)
I bet FF is working on a new version of Preggo Punchout in which the characters say ‘I’m terribly sorry’ and ‘I respect your diversity of opinion’ and ‘I’m here to learn’ with every punch.
Defending people’s jobs is a ‘political action’.
Oh, right-wing jackoffs of the internet. Don’t ever change.
>Reverse the genders and you have a made-for-TV-movie. And feminism says that men and women are equal, so you feminists should not be so offended.
I’m pretty certain even feminist made-for-TV-classics such as “Ilsa, she-wolf of the SS” and “I spit on your grave” do not feature anything approaching that level of violence against men by women.
>Actually, I have a link to the article right here: Have You Ever Beat Up A Boyfriend? Cause, Uh, We Have
I miss the part where they admit that the violence made them moist and they suggest that their readers should try to hit their partners too in similar situations. Guess I’ll have to read between the lines or something.
“That’s what you want to believe and you’ll just disregard any evidence to the contrary. ”
I love how when Cassandra explains how MRAs are racist he just is all like “that’s just like, your OPINION, man,” waves away all of Elam’s racist articles, and gives NO EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY 😀
Indeed, this is what an MRA looks like. This and Preggo Punchout.
Actually to be fair Preggo Punchout was a bit weird even for an MRA.
I like how FF thinks it’s a tremendous gotcha victory to crow over when he fails to demonstrate that white MRAs took up the cause of a black man, and Cassandra starts asking him to prove that white MRAs aren’t racist.
I mean, c’mon, he showed you a BLACK MRA, what more do you want?