antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

What do women want? Ask a dude. Ask an awesome dude.

Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:

You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.

Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.

Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.


Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.

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12 years ago

@Nepenthe I think that evidence shows that they love to listen to themselves talk.

They just have no idea how it sounds to anyone who hasn’t drunk the koolaid — sorry, “taken the red pill.”

12 years ago

@Nepenthe apparently women are in the habit of making bad decisions and then rationalizing them away afterwards so that nothing is ever our fault (when in reality, as MRAs know, EVERYTHING is our fault). The process isn’t anything like logic or reason – MRAs know women aren’t capable of those – but more like a hamster spinning on its wheel, exuberantly going nowhere. It’s basically a new way of saying “women are crazy” and dismissing everything we say, with the added bonus that most women don’t know what it means and they thus get to feel EVEN SMARTER when they say it. Here’s a rundown (TW: rape/victim blaming)

12 years ago

Are they genuinely referring to women’s minds as “the hamster”?

Ok I’m going to use this from now on whenever anyone ever tries to tell me that the Men’s Right’s Movement is not an organisation of woman-haters.

Anyway my mind is not much like a hamster. More like the killer bunny rabbit.

12 years ago

Just dropping by to see if I have the gist of this correct:

-David did something that was against the rules, and was banned. Spamming requests for upvotes.

-This is a deliciously satisfying victory against said annoying person, who reposts and criticizes revolting, dehumanizing, and usually really weird statements about half of the human species.

12 years ago

The best part of the whole “rationalization hamster” trope is that some MRAs created a quickmeme for it, which feminists (including us) discovered, and now all of the most popular ones are either feminist or make fun of misogyny.


12 years ago

@ inurashii

‘They just have no idea how it sounds to anyone who hasn’t drunk the koolaid — sorry, “taken the red pill.”’

This. Their cult language makes them sound like rabid morons in desperate need of horse tranquilizers. The constant use of “hypergamy” is like someone who learned a vocab word in their anthropology class and can’t stop throwing it around, even in completely inappropriate circumstances. Personally, I’m particularly revolted by the use of “mangina.” Somehow, that word strikes me as being both a good example of both misogyny AND misandry. Another one that goes along with “rationalization hamster” is “shit testing” which is totally insulting. If anything, the lists that the above poster and Athol Kay compiled for the perfect woman are shit testing, yet they imply that only women make their partners jump through impossible hoops. The irony is that MRAs (women MRAs included) think this makes them hyper logical and above the rest of the irrational masses, when the reality is they’re just filled with uncontrolled hostility.

12 years ago

D’oh! I’ve seen the hamster meme on Manboobz before. I can’t believe I didn’t make the connection.

12 years ago
12 years ago

I could make these all day.

12 years ago

@gelar: Yeah, “Sharon”‘s really got low expectations, doesn’t she?

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago


My attempt:

Any happy birthday / happy unbirthday to everyone. 🙂

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

I was knitting my partner’s Dr Who scarf and pondering this thread. WTF is up with banning David for politely requesting some upvotes but not banning Reddit users who post vile, hate-filled, and in some cases possibly illegal comments/photos? I am raising an eyebrow at the apparent Reddit priorities.

12 years ago

I love it when I get people to create more hamster memes. [cloudiah rubs hands and cackles evilly] Don’t forget to rate the good, and bad, ones to make sure ours keep floating to the top!

12 years ago

Tulgey Logger: Meanwhile, Paul Elam just added racist sack of shit to his title of misogynist and would-be rape-legalizer:

We have several black contributors, and a lot of MRAs are also racial minorities. You seem to have more interest in reinforcing your prejudices than finding the truth.

As others have said, there was no trial in the Duke Lacrosse case. Nor, for that matter, was there a trial in the DSK case, or the Assange case.

I said this was how many trials are handled. I know there was no trial, but the accused were abused and the case was mishandled. Just because the case never made it into the court rooms does not mean an investigation never occurred nor does it mean that this is not indicative of how many cases are handled. Had Mike Nifong’s own motivations not been exposed, there is a reasonable probability that men would be in jail right now.

To address those claiming that the accuser in the Duke Lacrosse case had been discredited, it would be more accurate to say that the investigators and the prosecutor had been discredited for their unscrupulous tactics. If there really was evidence that a rape had occurred, then why withhold and destroy evidence?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I was referring to this, cretin, not Nurdy Dancing’s article:

Crommunist is just toting the ideological barge for massah, and for that massah allows him to live in the house.

Elam is a racist, pro-rape, violence-inciting sack of shit.

12 years ago

“Paul Elam isn’t racist, he has black friends!”

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

We have several black contributors, and a lot of MRAs are also racial minorities. You seem to have more interest in reinforcing your prejudices than finding the truth.

Wait a minute, are you saying you’re affiliated with AVFM, FactFailer?

Have you challenge Elam over the fact that Thomas Ball’s call to violence is linked from the front page under the heading of “Activism”?

12 years ago

And no Republicans are racist, because Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas. *eyeroll*

12 years ago

I was referring to this, cretin, not Nurdy Dancing’s article:
You can call me what you want. You are expressing who you are and I respect your right to do so.
“Paul Elam isn’t racist, he has black friends!”
So using a word in a certain context is good evidence, but having friends who are black is bad evidence?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Shorter PreggoPunchout: I don’t really have anything and I don’t understand racism, so surely snide condescension will allow me to ignore all problems and declare victory.

12 years ago

Have you challenge Elam over the fact that Thomas Ball’s call to violence is linked from the front page under the heading of “Activism”?
No, Paul Elam has said that he does not endorse the violent ideology of Thomas Ball and intelligent, rational people will understand that.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

So using a word in a certain context is good evidence, but having friends who are black is bad evidence?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

No, Paul Elam has said that he does not endorse the violent ideology of Thomas Ball and intelligent, rational people will understand that.

Ah, I see. The guy who talks about the boners he gets from the thought of “fucking feminists shit up” and how he wants to nullify even legitimate rape charges said one time that he doesn’t endorse Thomas Ball’s call to violence, thus making it totally okay that he lists Thomas Ball’s call to violence under “Activism” on the front page of his website.

Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling? Only yourself, I can assure you.

12 years ago

I don’t really have anything and I don’t understand racism, so surely snide condescension will allow me to ignore all problems and declare victory.
I said that I respected your freedom of expression. If you take that as an affront, I’m sorry you feel offended by civility after calling me a “cretin”.
I don’t really view my time here as a chance to win, by the way. I don’t even know how I could win an argument without an impartial observer. I see it as a chance to learn.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Oh lord, you’re precious.

Okay, take this chance to learn with a little game called “count the disavowals of Thomas Ball’s call to violence by Elam anywhere near Thomas Ball’s call to violence”.

PS I totally respect your freedom of expression, cretin.

1 12 13 14 15 16 22