antifeminism douchebaggery dozens of upvotes men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA reddit self-congratulation shit that never happened

What do women want? Ask a dude. Ask an awesome dude.

Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:

You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.

Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.

Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.

Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.


Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.

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12 years ago

dumbguy and someguy have a lot in common, eh?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I’m sorry, Schticky, I can’t hear you over all that shrill noise.

somemensch bored with this schmuck

Just FYI, I don’t think you can save ’em up, Schticky. Three comments in 24 hours. Use ’em or lose ’em.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

dumbguyscene has the biggest hatebeard I’ve ever witnessed on the internets. If he spent even half that energy on actually calling out misogyny on r/mr, we’d have a lot less to point out and mock.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

Are you seriously getting pissed at having the same thing done to you that you do all the time?

Your ass got nailed, and it didn’t even require any selective quoting.

I’m … really hoping the irony isn’t lost here.


Does it not require him to have actually said those things? why yes it does!

12 years ago

David, curious if reddit gives you any explanation for why you are banned, or whether there’s an appeal procedure. It looks to me like they are saying it is because you occasionally posted your reddit links here and asked for upvotes from your “captive audience of 100s.”

Why are you holding us captive, cruel taskmaster?

12 years ago

Also, what are Flytape and dumbguyscene28 so afraid of that they get you banned from reddit?

MRAs are a pretty cowardly lot, if they’re so afraid that you are active on other subreddits that they would go to the effort of getting you banned. Isn’t that a little bit like, oh I don’t know, ripping down someone’s posters because you disagree with them?

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
12 years ago

Isn’t that a little bit like, oh I don’t know, ripping down someone’s posters because you disagree with them?

Start yelling about how the attacked you with e-boxcutters. 😛

12 years ago

We would be a better captive audience if we were all, you know, redditors.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Jeez, I’m feeling sick this morning. Don’t know if this made the news overseas but the last few days there’s been a search for a Melbourne woman, Jill Meagher, who disappeared walking home a few nights ago.

The police found her body this morning and a man’s been charged with her rape and murder.

And the papers have been talking about her ‘fateful decision’ to walk a few hundred yards home. Her decision. Not the decision of the scum who chose to do that to her.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

Tearing down posters is freedom of speech, remember?

12 years ago

Jeez, I’m feeling sick this morning. Don’t know if this made the news overseas but the last few days there’s been a search for a Melbourne woman, Jill Meagher, who disappeared walking home a few nights ago.

The police found her body this morning and a man’s been charged with her rape and murder.

And the papers have been talking about her ‘fateful decision’ to walk a few hundred yards home. Her decision. Not the decision of the scum who chose to do that to her.

That is so terrible. I hope that guy receives a life sentence for what he did.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Even if he does, ‘life sentences’ are rarely literally life sentences out here, except for multiple murder cases where there’s a specific ‘never to be released’ decision. This horrible man will probably be out in somewhere between twenty or thirty years.

12 years ago

Tearing down postersGetting your critics you banned from Reddit is freedom of speech, remember?

FTFY, Sharon. Also, if you’ll recall, David was opposed to tearing down posters.

12 years ago

Does anyone need a nice story from Reddit? It’s about a cat.

12 years ago

Part of me wants to read that thread to mock it, but part of me also realizes that my emotional and mental state is even more fragile than normal as I’ve been having trouble sleeping for the past couple of days, would anyone care to sum it up for me so that I can let my rage loose in a brief, but strongly worded comment instead of snapping and running around the city finding mras to yell at in person.

12 years ago

If you meet any MRAs in person, by all means, yell at them.

12 years ago

@aworld, basically the MRM redditors don’t like what David Futrelle posts, so they mounted a campaign to have him blacklisted as a spammer.

Take care of yourself, get as much rest as you can, and avoid caffeine. It not only dehydrates you, but will add to your stress level.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@cloudiah, thanks for posting that link. I needed a happy story today (and what a blessed change to have something good from Reddit; I’ve only ever encountered its ugly side).

@aworldanonymous – cyber hugs if you want ’em …

12 years ago

All hugs to aworldanonymous, if you want them — read the kitty story just above which has pictures and a happy ending and everything.

12 years ago

I saw the kitty story on reddit earlier; and I think I’m gonna try buying some sleeping pills and/or antihistamines or something. The sleep deprivation is being caused by a mix of my allergies, the obscene dryness of the dorm rooms here, and my mattress up and deciding to change from being as comfortable as a mattress to being as comfortable as a brick. Also is it weird that I’m proofreading my comments before posting them? Also also, thanks for the hugs.

12 years ago

Antihistamines are good if you’ve got allergies, but they will dehydrate you so if your room is already dry you may want to consider a humidifier.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

Yeah, he uh, really sounds distraught over the poster thing.

What got him banned was spamming and vote brigading. Which are against the rules. It pissed off one poster enough to look into it and file a grievance. It wasn’t a big concerted effort. It was one guy.

You fine folks should really, you know, research what you’re talking about.

/mr makes no qualms about being glad he’s gone. They don’t like him for obvious reasons, and being glad about it isn’t against the rules.

Take it up with reddit if this is a problem for you.

12 years ago


I’m sorry you have to go through that. I deal with insomnia, too. I take 2-4 sleeping pills a night. Usually unisom or the Kirkland brand from Costco. But Tylenol PM also works well. Insomnia sucks!

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