Oh, ladies, you poor, deluded ladies, so unaware of the basic facts about yourselves. If only you had an objective source for information on the mystery that is you! Happily, a Men’s Rights Redditor by the name of nigglereddit has decided to throw a giant clue your way:
You may want to step back and take a look at the entire thread here, especially nigglereddit’s original post about the different ways he and his wife have responded to being new parents, in which he mocks his wife for what sounds very much like undiagnosed postpartum depression, blaming her misery not on brain chemistry or sleep deprivation or any of a zillion other things that tend to stress out new mothers but on all those terrible women’s magazines and books and TV shows she reads and/or watches.
Also, he pats himself on the back for being a totally cool and awesome dude who handles both his job and his duties as a father in a super awesome way — way better than his wife handles her new motherhood — because he’s a man, damnit, and totally able to see the world in an objective way.
Needless to day, this meaty slab of misogynist shitthatneverthappened got dozens up upvotes from the r/mensrights regulars.
Thanks to r/againstmensrights for pointing me to this terrible post.
Speaking of which, the good folks at r/againstmensrights have assembled these handy guides to the shittiest comments in the shitty r/mensrights thread. A-one and a-two.
Aw, how precious. He thinks his “women obtain worth through the men in their lives” bullshit is somehow a new thing that he just discovered himself, instead of the same old shit that we’ve been told for centuries.
Hm. It is almost 12:30…should I have lunch? Better call my dad and brother to poll them on whether or not I’m hungry. Maybe I should throw in my fiance (I mean, he’s already made a down payment on me with an engagement ring) and then that way there won’t be a tie.
Gonna go get a sammich now.
I know what I want:
A footrub
A pony
A cuddle
My sanity back
A copy of Persona 4 Arena
Some way of using my desktop PC in bed.
I’m working on some of these already. And no guy told me this is what I want or where to get it.
God, his poor wife! I wonder what she thinks of what this asshole writes, if she actually thinks she needs a man to tell her what to think.
I feel [resentful of] women. I really do. They have absolutely no way to get easy access to [my opinion that I made up].
Everything they’re told by the media and other women is [something I’m too cynical to believe] or [something I’m capable of understanding, having been born without empathy].
And the one place they could have got [my opinion], the place [I want them] to get it – [the bitter, clannish men who hate them] – is the place they’ve been [justifiably] told most of all is totally untrustworthy, fake and even dangerous.
*er, ‘not capable’.
Ah, act one in the MRA play. Up next, after intermission, Why did she divorce me for no reason?
… Oh dear god this man bred?! His poor wife!
What insufferable BS. This dude is pretty awful too:
Because apparently, all boys are raised working class, and all women are raised by wealthy families. Silly me, I was unaware of this before now. 12 upvotes, so it must be true!
I’m sure he would have given birth better than she did, too.
Jesus, it’s almost like being married to a gigantic douchebag is depressing or something. Shocking.
I’m wondering where the hell that guy was to tell my dad that my brother should’ve been the one helping with all those house projects and that I should’ve been off shopping.
That would’ve saved me from having several tools dropped on my head.
On the other hand, I now know about plumbing, running wires, how NOT to get myself electrocuted, some basic carpentry, and that a concrete nailer has many uses beyond what the manufacturer recommends.
Yeah, because, also, the stuff girls have traditionally helped with/been responsible for in the household? Totally not important or time consuming. It’s just, you know, being female. Women and girls have washed, babysat, done laundry, cleaned, cooked and all that other stuff because it’s just how we’re made.
I feel sorry for his wife–bet she didn’t know she had two kids.
I want to know what a concrete nailer is, how to use it, how to use it beyond the manufacturer’s guidelines, and whether I can cause any havoc with it.
… Also that comment looks really disturbing with my avatar…
Girls, seemed to be handed things more often though. When she goes shopping, mom takes her and pays for things, and it’s a “girls day out”.
Dammit, he’s right! Moms buy their daughters clothing, and those lazy kids don’t have to pay for it or anything!
And when girls are hungry, their moms just FEED them dinner! They get handed a plate! Like they deserve food!
When girls are tired, their moms tuck them into bed! A boy would have to build his own lean-to and fill it with straw!
I’m with you. I don’t know what a concrete nailer is OR what your avatar is, but they’re obviously made for each other.
@Creative Writing Student:
The one I used is a Remington brand nailer. Basically, you load a 22 gauge cartridge into the back, put a concrete nail into the muzzle, push it really hard against the concrete wall/floor you want the nail in, and fire.
So, if you’re trying to nail a 2×4 footer into a concrete slab to build a wooden wall off of it, the concrete nailer is what you’d use to nail the board into place, because very little else will get through the concrete.
My dad and I had to get the concrete footing around a post out (the post broke off and needed to be totally removed). So, we chipped out a small hole in the concrete and dry fired the nailer into the hole (no nail in the muzzle). All the force from the 22 gauge blast went into the hole and, after several shots, cracked the concrete into manageable bits that could be pried out with a lever.
It kicked like hell, though. My elbows ached for days after, because we had to push really hard to keep the nailer down.
If you go to a large home improvement store and ask for a 22 gauge concrete nailer, you should be able to find one. For the most part, they are very simple, sturdy, and easy to use.
The concrete nailer I used is a 22 gauge gun that fires nails into concrete and similar hard surfaces where a hammer won’t do the trick. With a bit of creativity, you can wreak all sorts of havoc with it.
Yeah, I can definitely see me succumbing to the temptation to use that on the garage floor and then being kicked out by my dad…
I mean, I went to public school during a time when kids were bused around to deal with the legacy of discrimination in Los Angeles schools, so my experience as a kid was that all kids worked around the home (though usually only the girls were expected to do child care for younger siblings). I did all the dishes and laundry, helped in the garden, washed windows, etc. (I did not get to use a concrete nailer, sadly.) And all the parents worked, mothers and fathers, and not at $100K jobs, but at physically demanding/low pay jobs.
And then I won the equivalent of the lottery, and went to a private all girls high school on a scholarship, which was the first time in my life I encountered young women like the OP describes. Entitled princesses do exist! I’ve met them! But even in a city like LA, where there may be more of them per capita than anywhere else in the world, they are INCREDIBLY RARE and most people go their entire lives without knowing any.
But as far as r/mr is concerned, all women are Lindsey Lohan or something.
TL;DR: I would like to take a concrete nailer to their stupid and incorrect assumptions.
Sounds immensely satisfying.
I’ve been lurking in this site for a long time, and finally decided to coment. So congratulations on the blog it’s awsome and funny, the comments really make it easier to deal with all the awfulness of the mras. And about this guy, his is sad I feel bad for his wife and kids if his telling the thruth. I just don’t think people like him would be good parents or husbands because need empathy to be good
Seems like this is another variation on the theme of “mainstream media is run by feminists!!!” Those horrible feminists, making women feel bad by telling them that every woman has to make babies and stay thin to be a Real Woman. If only there were a movement that sought to destroy oppressive gender-based railroading of life plans! (Also, did anyone else notice that, while he specifically mentions his wife’s body-image issues downthread, his first comment calls her out for having gained weight?)