antifeminism are these guys 12 years old? armageddon evil women incoherent rage marriage strike men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men sex

The Asshole Monologues: Glori-US Bastard tells “feminist, American Woman, and White Knights” what’s what

I know I’ve asked this before, but what exactly leads so many MRAs and PUAs and so forth to monologue like mad scientists and/or comic book supervillains? In the past, I’ve noted this in the writings of “Ferdnand Bardamu” of the late, lamentable In Mala Fide. But this sort of thing is everywhere. It’s amazing how many manosphere manifestos seem to be leading up to a malevolent “muahahaha! And now I will have my revenge!”

The MRA who calls himself Glori-US Bastard provides us with a convenient recent example in a post with the somewhat baffling title “Dear feminist, American Woman, and White Knights-a message from those who no longer desire you.”

The whole thing is very monologuey, but here’s my favorite bit — aimed, presumably, at “American Woman” and perhaps her friend “feminist.”

We do not hate you, but we no longer care about you either.  For years, we tried to prove to you that we actually just wanted to be around you and not just have sex.  Your obsession with our visual response to your body as “evil” while you manipulated us for cash prizes has so desensitized us too your wants and needs; we have become the true pussy hounds you most fear!  The hounds that only “desire you” when we want a piece of you; discarding you after.  You can hold your affection and desire; they have become too twisted and crazy; you should see a shrink for drugs for that fetish you carry in your mind sweetheart.  Those surpluses of marriage dresses on TV are there for a reason! 

Uh, “marriage dresses?”

Sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt. He continues:

Your emotional well being will not be a priority to men of the future.  I pray for your daughter’s sake that she is ok with working her whole life not having any kids; and making friends with a lot of foreign women who will start to slowly replace her.

You have failed.

Oh, ok, here’s a little more, from further on in the rant:

You have guaranteed a place for yourself at every table through subterfuge.  You have stolen seats of power not through hard work and perseverance but by the threat of the State’s gunpoint and accountants.  Many men who devoted their lives to their success have lost everything, you think they should vote your way because?

You have failed.

Look, I could go all day!

That I do not doubt.

It is the end of day, and you are running out of others money; and you have run out of your men’s patience!  However, you will not see the anger outside of the redness of our faces.  You are physically secure from harm; for now, until your violent brood of fatherless “youth” turn on you and all of us.  We will defend ourselves, but not you!  This is a trap.

You don’t see it do you?  The fact that men are now indifferent means that you will now have to earn your keep.  Your rejection of your men, will now lead to their rejection of you.

Muahahaha! And then I will have my revenge!

I can’t help but think of Bela Lugosi’s famous monologue from Ed Wood’s Bride of the Monster:

Take some notes, MRAs. That is how it is done.

EDITED TO ADD: Glori-US B. has written a sort of rebuttal to this post.

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12 years ago

“Waaaaahh! Feminism made it ok for women to have lots of sex but they’re not having it with me! Sluts! And they tell me that my boner is my own responsibility! It’s not fair!”

12 years ago

What’s the difference between Bastard’s rant and this?

12 years ago

You have stolen seats of power not through hard work and perseverance but by the threat of the State’s gunpoint and accountants.

We were born with seats of power because are butts are more fleshy than men’s. Or so I heard.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago

He’s wrong about some, some doesn’t make any sense, but some is a pinpoint bullseye.

He’s right about men pulling away from women. It seems like every week huffpo farts out another article about men not “growing up” and getting married. I can’t say I blame them. Marriage is a losing proposition these days, I wouldn’t get married either.

I can see the stigma of men being violent rapists being a factor. Its one of the things that made me abandon feminism to begin with. I think the numbers about male rape and abuse coming out are going to exacerbate this in a major way, too.

The general hypocrisy of it all is probably the next big factor. Did any of you catch that article about artificial wombs becoming a possibility in the near future? We went from women gloating about how artificial sperm would make men irrelevant to the same women clutching pearls and moaning about test tube babies making them worthless.

At the end of the day, its all just becoming a huge pain, more pain than its worth to play. Thankfully we have enough people rejecting feminism’s principals to insure that the mgtow thing shouldn’t become so widespread as to make some bizzare Orwellian gender war scenario play out. Or to see western women phased out, I happen to like some of them.

Anyway, overall an angry piece, but a bad one to cherry pick. I never understood why you post links, since I can go see what’s really written.

12 years ago

@Shiraz, the baby doesn’t waste as many words to get the same ideas across?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Rejecting feminism’s principals?


12 years ago

I’m just a little shocked to hear that “Glori-US Bastard” used to desire me and all feminists, American women, and white knights. IF ONLY WE HAD KNOWN!!! Oh, the times we could have had.

12 years ago

Shiraz, I don’t know. I’m guessing they would both shut up if you stuck a breast in their mouth.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

I can see the stigma of men being violent rapists being a factor. Its one of the things that made me abandon feminism to begin with.

As usual, the person talking about how they were driven away from feminism is the person who demonstrates a wildly deficient understanding of it.

12 years ago

Marriage is a losing proposition these days, I wouldn’t get married either.

Okay… nobody was ever insisting that you (or anyone) did. I certainly don’t care if you get married, and I wouldn’t want to marry a man who didn’t also want to marry me.

We went from women gloating about how artificial sperm would make men irrelevant to the same women clutching pearls and moaning about test tube babies making them worthless.

Some of us don’t reduce other human beings to the reproductive capacity of their genitals. If a guy wants to have a baby with himself, more power to him. If a woman wants to have a baby w/o a guy, more power to her. Test tube babies and artificial wombs don’t make people “worthless” unless you think women are uteri with legs.

12 years ago

Ding sing ding! Freitag235 is the winner! Katz, you get a stuffed animal too!

And this from the troll: “Thankfully we have enough people rejecting feminism’s principals…”
Did you take a poll? I mean, a global one. No one told me.

12 years ago


Absolutely. As my third-grade teacher would remind us, the principal is your pal.

12 years ago

Thankfully we have enough people rejecting feminism’s principals

And rejecting its teachers, counselors, nurses and other school staff, too?

12 years ago

Test tube babies and artificial wombs don’t make people “worthless” unless you think women are uteri with legs.

“…Women have legs?” /all Republicans

12 years ago

… women clutching pearls and moaning about test tube babies making them worthless

[Citation needed]

See also: Shulamith Firestone.

12 years ago

(Heh, and Sharon claims to have once been a feminist.)

12 years ago

Can’t imagine the religious right and like minded groups embracing test tube babies…shit, don’t they think birth control is dark and unnatural?

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
12 years ago

Yeah, I’d also like a citation on the “the same women” claim. Somehow, I doubt it will pan out.

12 years ago

@Shiraz: Definitely. For all the scripture and theology they quote, the connection between the historical meanings and the current interpretations can get pretty tenuous. I feel that much of it is an instinctual aversion to the “unnatural” (read: ordained by God).

12 years ago

Tulgey: Sharon/some guy is no doubt scouring the Huffpo comments as we speak.

Vaguely related, I just found out that Firestone got an obit on io9 here. I just find that terribly cool 🙂

12 years ago

Certainly it is true that the men and the media have warned us generation after generation that if the women went out to work and supported themselves instead of staying home and supporting the men that the men would not want to marry them any more and the end of civilization would be nigh. Oddly enough it turns out that women who can support themselves are not so very desperate to marry as they were when their survival depended on it. And civilization is still puttering along.

12 years ago

It’s not like we’re running out of babies. And it’s not like individual women don’t know perfectly well that if they wait until they’re in their mid to late 30’s to have their first child that it might not happen right away, if at all. Every single woman I know knows this. If we’re waiting, maybe it’s because we’re ambivalent.

12 years ago

Can’t imagine the religious right and like minded groups embracing test tube babies…shit, don’t they think birth control is dark and unnatural?

Well, there’s a strong correlation between “pro-life” and “pro-family.” Think the Quiverfull movement, or the “two-kids-a-house-and-a-dog” version of the American dream. So couples in the religious right who can’t conceive may become very open-minded about fertility treatments.

Sharon Seemins
Sharon Seemins
12 years ago
12 years ago

Maybe. I have 12 years of Catholic school under my belt. You know what gives the Vatican the willies? Clones. Cloning people is impossible, and yet the Church went out of its way to denounce it — just in case.