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New frontiers in victimology: Men are “intimidated” into buying women drinks in bars

Women intimidating a man in a bar.

MRAs, forever exploring new frontiers in victimology!  The latest revelation: Apparently men are being intimidated into hitting on women in bars due to the mysterious, malevolent power of their femaleness.

Here’s Howsmydirktaste, putting this theory before the good folks in the Men’s Rights subreddit for some “peer review.”

[S]eduction aims to use a man’s desire against him by giving him the possibly false impression that he may have sexual relations with the seducer. By doing so he may make decisions that he might not otherwise make (buying a drink at a bar, paying for a purse, etc.)

So women are engaged in some vast conspiracy to extort drinks and purses from men they don’t want to have sex with?

I’m pretty sure that unless a woman is holding a sign that reads “I’ll have sex with you for a drink,” that you really shouldn’t assume that she’ll have sex with you for a drink.

Intimidation does the same; the prospect of physical, monetary or emotional pain subjects the subordinate into doing things they might not otherwise do. Both of these options result in the same consequence of the dominant one convincing the subordinate that it is in their best interest to do something that is not in their best interest.

So a woman sitting in a bar looking pretty is the equivalent of a mob enforcer.

 Now morally: the main claim against male intimidation is that men, on average bigger and stronger, are being unjust by asserting a natural superiority. By doing so they have an unfair disadvantage.

Well, the claim is that when men act in an intimidating way towards women, they’re intimidating. Merely being larger than a woman isn’t a crime.

But sexually, don’t women have that same power? Men are genetically predisposed to look for mating opportunities in all women, and when a woman presents that opportunity, even the most iron-willed man could fall prey.

Apparently, we men are all at the mercy of our penises, and our penises are at the mercy of ladies looking sexy in our general vicinity.

Women don’t face that same situation; their requisite near-monogamy (because they can only have one child at a time, they are more selective in their sexual selections) means that male seduction does not hold the same sway.

Actually, the problem is that many traditional methods of “male seduction” actually involve real intimidation. And today there are a vast array of PUA sites out there offering updated versions of the old intimidating ways, teaching “pickup” techniques that are basically guides to date rape.

I think everyone here can identify a situation in which they or others have given undue attention or favor to a woman who seems a possible sexual partner. Doesn’t that result in the same affect as intimidation?

I’m going to step out on a limb here and say “no.”

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Greta Christina
12 years ago


But seriously (well, okay, sort of): By this logic (which I’m reluctant to dignify with the word “logic”), why would bars be a special case? Wouldn’t the mere fact of women, you know, *existing”, anywhere in the world, be enough to drive men into an uncontrollable penis-frenzy in which they will succumb to our every whim if we’ll only consent to have sex with them? (Don’t laugh. It’s the logic — there’s that word again — behind burqas.)

You know, the more I think about this crap, the more I think that, as ugly and laughable and sad as it is towards women, in many ways it’s even more ugly and laughable and sad towards men.

12 years ago

MRAs won’t be happy until buying women drinks and dinner is illegal, and women are forced to wear burkas, and never leave the house. Poor MRAs and their painful boners.

12 years ago

Being horny and wanting to fuck someone = intimidation? These guys are a joke. Women being sexy at a man* – intimidation, and unfair to him. Women being unsexy at a man – also unfair to him, and clearly done on purpose with the intent of oppressing his penis.

* Because if a man has a sexual response to a woman, she deliberately caused that response. We know this because NWO has told us approximately eleventy billion times.

12 years ago

“You know, the more I think about this crap, the more I think that, as ugly and laughable and sad as it is towards women, in many ways it’s even more ugly and laughable and sad towards men.”

It’s misandry, REAL misandry, for a change. I would like to see some MRA acknowledge the misandry and male shaming that is so rampant in the MRM. They don’t need a feminist conspiracy to victimize men. They’re doing a pretty good job of it on their own.

12 years ago

First I think you need a tag “MRA notes from my boner”.
Secondly, I wonder if MRAs view every interaction with a stranger as a potential exchange of goods for services or only women. Cuz that shit is seriously creepy.

12 years ago

I’m still calling those unsolicited penis updates.

12 years ago

I can’t help but picture this “undue attention or favor” as that creepy bar guy in “Hitch”.

12 years ago

It seems to me if guys are so terribly oppressed by having to buy me a drink, they should stop calling me a bitch when I politely refuse.

12 years ago

Yet if a woman is attracted to a man, he is not intimidating her even if he tells her to buzz off?


Nathan Hevenstone
12 years ago

Jeez… is this shit for real?


Don’t answer that question.

I don’t really wanna know…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Amazing, all those men managing to talk to women without getting erections and without showing the least sign of being intimidated. And somehow I’d never have thought to describe “man imposing his company on woman at bar whether she wants it or not” or “man who asks if he can buy a drink and gets a ‘thanks’ or ‘no thanks'” or “two people chatting at a bar” as “man being intimidated”.

12 years ago

^ Indeed. Men NEVER attempt to seduce women.

***rolling eyes***

12 years ago

No, no, no, carswell, men seduce women to get sex, and women just seduce men so that the men will buy them things, and that’s terrible.

12 years ago

paying for a purse

Paying for a purse!? ¡¿PAYING FOR A PURSE?!

12 years ago

My penis totally makes me pay for purses and drinks all the time….

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

If a man pays me for a purse, can I spend the money on something else? I have enough purses (whether we’re talking the US sense of handbag or the Australian sense of wallet) already, thanks.

12 years ago

I could use another wallet, think If I dressed in drag I could be convincing enough to make a man penisbuy a wallet for me?

12 years ago

I don’t know, aworld, how good are you at using a man’s desire against him?

12 years ago

One time I was under the sway of my all-powerful vagina and it genetically predisposed me to bake a bundt cake for a guy* I had a crush on, so I can totally see where they’re going with this. Damn vagina o’ mine!

*He was totally alpha, in that he was a nerdy grad student with no money OR hair, and a substantial paunch.

12 years ago

make a man penisbuy a wallet

Wait, they actually pay with their penises?!!??!?! There is not enough hand sanitizer in the world to make me comfortable with swiping my card at checkout now…

12 years ago

@Greta Christina: great to see you over here (I’m rrede over at the ftb blogs).

And it’s not just bars; there are a few of our trolls (was this NWO) who have claimed in total exquisite dipshit logic that women just have to cry on the street, and men will rush to give them things.

So, no matter where women are, they are oppressing teh menz.

(My favorite is the troll argument that women or more technically feminazis completely control the US and have for decades–through men who are their puppets! Or else, the new world order state has fooled women by feminism into supporting the new world order).

One reason I like reading over here besides the nifty people is that absolute dipshittedness that allows me to think more kindly of a number of male colleages, and even my weakest students’ writing skills.

12 years ago

“Wait, they actually pay with their penises?!!??!?! ”

Penises built the pyramids, didn’t ya know? They also hunted the mammoth and invented science.

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Yeah, it’s a truly stupid post.

It is labeled: “my pet opinion, what do you think?

As of this moment, there are 10 non-bot comments. Reddit tells me 300 users are there right now. 20 people have voted on it 12 up, 8 down. 4 comments agree with the statement. 3 comments disagree or believe the author is writing from Oz. 1 comment chain of four questions if this is a /r/mr issue.

Scintillating stuff David, keep on mocking.

12 years ago

Well, there’s this one gay fellow in my lit/philosophy/polisci class whose infatuated with me, but I don’t use his desire against him, and am actively trying to help him gain enough confidence to find a man who will return his interest.

12 years ago

Scintillating stuff David, keep on mocking.

Nice of you to finally pay David a compliment! Hey, how’s your own blog coming along, Sticky?

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