antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity harassment hate ladies against women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead woman's suffrage

The Angriest Spearheader? The Wit and Wisdom of Darryl X

It’s back to the caves for you, ladies!

There are a lot of hair-raisingly reactionary dudes on The Spearhead, but perhaps none quite so hair-raising as the prolific commenter who calls himself Darryl X. Here are some of his pearls of wisdom, taken from a recent Spearhead thread. (Many of his comments in the thread were devoted to a sort of mini-vendetta against another Spearhead commenter, Andie, who had committed the crime of commenting while female; I’ve cut out most of that to focus on Darryl’s more timeless thoughts.) Fair warning: This is extreme stuff, even by Spearhead standards.

Back to the Caves, Women!

Since the solution for the past forty-four years was to kill and impoverish and exile and imprison men and steal their kids, I’d say sending women to live in a cave is a generous trade.

This Means War

All women are feminists because all women (without a single exception) have benefited excessively from the legal, political, social and financial machine that feminists have created. And those benefits have all come at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of men and children (in the US alone). When all my financial resources and children which women stole have been returned to me and all women are living on the street to pay for it only then will there be fairness.

Feminism is a hate movement. It is a campaign of hate against men and children. And all women are evil until feminism has been destroyed and every women pays back repairations with interest. …

This is a war. And it will end only one way. The complete utter destruction of feminism and the women who participated in it and/or who sat by passively at let it happen. I have absolutely no sympathy and will demonstrate no mercy for any woman until I and other men have been compensated and women and feminists have been punished for their egregious crimes against humanity (preferably with death sentences). This is a war that women started and it will not end until every one of them has paid. …

Why Andie Must Pay for the Crimes of All Women

She’s a woman. She benefited from feminism more than any man. Even if she represents 20% of women who are not psychopaths, she must be compelled to take an active part in the destruction of feminists and feminism. … She must pay for her complicity … The consequences of her failure to stop feminism must be greater than the retaliation by feminists. Otherwise, there will be no incentive for women to help men. This is a war. If you aren’t fighting feminism and feminists, then you are helping them. Stopping feminism is fundamental to maintaining civilization.

Have You Herd the News?

Women are herd animals. … Women are much easier to control and manipulate than boys … Boys have to be drugged. Girls come pre-drugged.

You Choose, You Lose

Women have choices. If they want rights and privileages, then they must have responsibilities. Presently, women vote. But they are not held accountable for the consequences of their choices when they vote. Most men have no choices. If they want to live. Women are not women today. They are whores. Big difference.

The Perfect Host

Women and feminists are opportunists. They are … looking for someone else at whom to point fingers of blame and cast aspersions and pick up the tab as they now understand that responsible men have nothing left to steal. They’re just looking for the next host on which to parasitize.

We’re Still Hunting the Mammoth to Feed You

[M]ost of the taxes that men are currently paying fund the excessive lifestyles of women … [M]en do all the work and women do little or nothing.

Everyone Needs a Hobby

I have been actively fighting feminism for more than thirty years. I have racked up quite a list of those who have made the mistake of getting in my cross-hairs. … Many a feminist federal employee and university professor have watched their careers and their lives come apart after picking a fight with me. … I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave. Hunting feminists is my hobby.

Unhappy hunting!

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12 years ago

Every man that I have ever met who acts as though he has a “right” to his child is usually the sort of person whose children despise him for being an abusive bully.

My husband was physically, emotionally and verbally abused by his dad. His mom wanted to divorce the shithead but since he knows all the law enforcement and lawyers in town and they all owe him “favors”, he would threaten that he would take my husband away and she would never see him again. Even though my husband hated the shit out of him and would probably ask to live with his mom, she still stayed legally married to him out of fear until my husband turned 18. Meanwhile, he took their house, maxed out her credit cards and took several loans out in her name. The govt garnished her wages for years because of this and he even got alimony in the divorce. So yeah. Forgive me if I have no sympathy for dads who think they have a right to own their kids like objects.

12 years ago

Also from that long thread:

That feminism be eliminated and now is critical. The entire economy of the developed world is collapsing and that collapse is accelerating.

I remember about twenty-seven years ago when I was only seventeen and I had predicted the collapse of the housing market and financial institutions around the middle of the first decade of the new millenium. It’s not rocket science.

Darryl X: stock market analyst & augur-reader. He’s starting to sound a bit like Pell.

12 years ago

Keep beating up that strawman, Owly. Or strawwoman, as the case may be.

Actually, it doesn’t matter who does what around the house, as long as everyone is OK with how tasks are divided. See, slave, this is the crucial point. The problem feminists have isn’t women doing the housework per se. The problem is when women are expected to do the housework, the childcare, and work full-time, whereas the man is expected to…work full-time, and nothing else. Or when women are expected to be homemakers even if they would prefer to work. Or, even, when men are expected to work when they would really prefer to be homemakers. Obviously, there are always trade-offs and no one is able to do exactly as they please (i.e., there might not be enough money for anyone to be a homemaker in any given family), but it’s the rigid adherence to traditional, binary gender norms to which feminists object.

Blah, blah, blah…I’m just talking to the wall, aren’t I?

12 years ago

I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave.

This is, quite possibly, the best line in that rant. So, he has no internet? If he’s using a library, he’s also “mooching” off of the very system that he claims only supports women. He doesn’t even have a land line! Really, how does he think his ex-wife/girlfriend is supposed to call him about visitation? Are they just supposed to email back and forth, when he doesn’t have internet access? I really don’t think “not being able to contact him” is “stealing my children”. And no refrigerator or microwave? Does he lovingly handcraft his meals on the stove, or does he not have one of those too? Does he even have a job? If he doesn’t, then really, no one is taking any money from him, or at least no income tax.

I have a feeling either he’s lying, he’s projecting, or both.

(I’ve changed my name, like this one better. I was AbsintheDexterous.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The link cloudiah found for Historphilia is the exact reason I don’t follow the links to the original threads very often.

Getting the extra misogyny and creep-ified feeling isn’t worth it.

Me too, Naira. It’s quite enough seeing the selections on here. One time I followed a link Historophilia posted and it was nauseating.

12 years ago

I predicted the housing bubble collapse because well that is what happens when you have bubbles.

But that was when Paul Krugman told us all that here was a housing bubble a coming so I predicted it in 2003. Of course I also thought Howard Dean was going to win the Presidency so I guess I am fifty fifty for my predictive power.

Either way, it was well after 1985 so this guy is a lying asshat since the modifications in the FHA had not even been thought up yet because those were created by Secretary Henry Cisneros in Texas before being appointed by Bill Clinton to HUD and eight years after CRA had been passed into law. And those were still not responsible for the lack of responsibility of the banks that occurred starting around 1997 (after the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act was passed.)

So yeah, what a liar.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Akkk, my first blockquote fail!

12 years ago

I read through the whole thread. Here’s some brain bleach:

12 years ago

Is it wrong that I cackle whenever someone gets hit by a blockquote fail? I feel evil. 🙁

12 years ago

I’m afraid that, no matter how true it was or how few other people believed you, I’m not going to be impressed by anyone telling me that they predicted something that happened in the past.

12 years ago

@The Kittehs’ Unpaid Help

I figured out how to do blockquotes shortly after I started reading this blog a few years ago and then I forgot. And just the other week someone explained how to do it to someone else and I had an “Oh duh!” moment.

But yeah, following links only proves that what David mocks here is only the tip of the asshat iceberg. That and the trolls, of course. At least many of them manage to be entertaining.

Darryl X is getting scary to the tune of “I don’t want to be in the same room with him.” And then I begin to wonder if I HAVE been in the room with someone like him and just didn’t realize it. Insert creeped out feeling here.

I’ve never knowingly met an NWO or Darryl X in real life, which gives me hope in those times when this blog strikes me as depressing, rather than funny.

The First Joe
The First Joe
12 years ago

All of you pursuing that “children aren’t posessions” line. Sure, you keep telling yourself that’s what it’s about. You make out like it’s somehow twisted for fathers to want to stay in touch with their kids.

Maybe you belive your own BS, but absolutely everyone reading knows that you’re total hypocrites – who would be screaming and crying and wailing – if it was YOU who was cut off from (regular, meaningful) parental contact with your kids by an ex e.g. deliberately alienating the kids from you / repeatedly flouting court contact orders with impunity / moving out of the country along with the kids.

How about that paternity fraud as well? How about all those cuckolded fellas forced to pay for kids they find out are not even theirs!? And then being told by the courts that because they “acted as the father for X years” they still have to continue paying!??

Bet you’ll all be arguing that genetics don’t matter. Yeah? How about hospitals just randomly hand out the newborn babies to any of the mothers in the maternity ward? Oh, that’s different, huh? Why? Because then it would be women being cuckolded??

Hypocrites the lot of you.

Thank fuck for Durex, at £12 a box, that’s a lot of heartbreak saved for the money.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Shade – LOL I get schadenfreude but it’s more with trolls going into meltdown. Yes, you is ebil. 😀

Naira, yeah, I’ve never knowingly met an MRM type, though Ceiling Cat knows there are plenty of sexist losers in the great land of Oz (our Leader of the Opposition being one of them – punching the wall on either side of a woman’s head because she won a student council election is just one of many things about him that says he’s unfit for office). It is some comfort that when commenters here mention that they’ve asked male friends, family etc if they’ve ever heard of the MRM, the reaction generally is not only “no” but a mixture of bafflement, amusement and disgust when they learn what these losers are like.

12 years ago

“Being handed the wrong baby at the hospital” is what the word cuckolded means now? This is going to make reading many older works of literature rather confusing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

So, genetics matter more than actually having loved and raised a child, eh, Joe? That’s your line? The child is suddenly just a thing if they’re not biologically related to you? Sounds like there’s no real love involved at all, then, quite apart from your paranoid notion about how many children might have been fathered by someone else.

Funny how it’s always fine dandy for men to commit adultery, but not for women. The old hypocritical double standard. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

12 years ago

“You make out like it’s somehow twisted for fathers to want to stay in touch with their kids.”

Nobody said this. We have a problem with ABUSERS being granted access to their children because they’re the father, and how dare a father not get his children. Do you think all these poor victimized fathers are innocent? If so, you;re a dumbass.

“Maybe you belive your own BS, but absolutely everyone reading knows that you’re total hypocrites – who would be screaming and crying and wailing – if it was YOU who was cut off from (regular, meaningful) parental contact with your kids by an ex e.g. deliberately alienating the kids from you / repeatedly flouting court contact orders with impunity / moving out of the country along with the kids.”

And how often does this happen, when an INNOCENT parent is defrauded from seeing his or her children? Nobody thinks that’s fair. But there are laws in place to punish parents who are in contempt of court. But seeing how MRAs act and speak of women, and how enraged they become over the stupidest things, I’m really not surprised some have been denied access. A lot of them are monsters, plain and simple.

“How about that paternity fraud as well? How about all those cuckolded fellas forced to pay for kids they find out are not even theirs!? And then being told by the courts that because they “acted as the father for X years” they still have to continue paying!??”

Again, because this happens all of the time? Please. But I’ll say it again, no one here thinks that is ok. It’s fraud.

“Bet you’ll all be arguing that genetics don’t matter. Yeah? How about hospitals just randomly hand out the newborn babies to any of the mothers in the maternity ward? Oh, that’s different, huh? Why? Because then it would be women being cuckolded??”

Again, no one here believes this, dipshit. No decent person would.

Since you are so angry, why don’t take all those straw mans outside and kick them around a bit until you calm down.

12 years ago

The reason women falsely believe they are still being hard done by (not that they really have), is because of 40 plus years of feminist propaganda and lies. Even before feminism, women held a privileged place in society, sure there were many women (just like many men), who endured grinding poverty and genuine hardship, no one doubts that. But did women ever have to fight and die in wars?, Work in dirty and dangerous jobs like construction,mining and other hazardous occupations? No.

The modern woman should be rejoicing that they have been born in these times, as society awards them many priviledges and advantages over men. The classic example is the family court system, where a woman can enter a marriage without a penny to her name, be the worst possible wife, run off with some bad boy and claim cash and prizes, because of the crazy “no fault” divorce laws.

And don’t get me started on how ridiculously easy dating is for women (even if they are fat and ugly), whenever a woman complains “where are all the good men”, what she is really saying is where all the Brad Pitts and Zac Effrons or exciting bad boys.

The problem is, the modern woman has way too much power, and too many women are abusing that power (the same way some men abuse power).

Of course when you confront women with this situation, they will often bring up the “glass ceiling”, and that women earn less than men, which is bullshit because there are many successful women earning very big dollars eg. Australian mining magnate Gina Reinhart is worth $29 Billion, Gail Kelly (the CEO of Westpac Bank), was reported to be earning $8 million p.a.

Perhaps if western feminized women think that they “have it tough”, maybe they should live in Afghanistan or Pakistan for 6 months, then they will know the real meaning of the word “tough”.

12 years ago

Joe, please, never ever have kids. If the only outlook you have is that they must be genetically yours to get anything from you? You’d be an awful, awful parent.

12 years ago

Wow, Joe1 entered angry this time, eh? Usually it takes him a few posts to work himself up to ARGLEBARGLE.

Since you are so angry, why don’t take all those straw mans outside and kick them around a bit until you calm down.

I second Fembot’s sage advice.

Meanwhile, who knows how many thousands of adoptive & step-parents are happily raising kids they know aren’t related to them genetically, not even realizing that they are all cuckolds. 😉

What’s wrong in those scenarios, Joe1, is the deception — there is nothing wrong with a parent forging a bond with a child who isn’t his/her own genetic offspring, and any parent who would abandon a child they had raised as their own just because they later find that out is a total douchecanoe who cares more about him/herself than they do about the needs of a child who loves them.

12 years ago

“I’m afraid that, no matter how true it was or how few other people believed you, I’m not going to be impressed by anyone telling me that they predicted something that happened in the past.”

I predicted the next three countries needing a bail in the EU would be Spain, Italy and Ireland, in that order over 2 years ago and that’s exactly what happened. It is documented in the archives of manboobz.

I also predicted there would be a hostile Islamic block stretching from Morroco to Pakistan brought about by the gang at the top in that same thread. The gang at the top is crafty. Ya can’t have a big old WWIII unless you run the worlds finances, media, weapons suppliers, education, food, medical, ect. All documented in the pages of manboobz.

I wonder who’ll get uber wealthy off of war? I guess if there were a coupla hundred families at the top who owned the banking institutions they could lend money, at interest to finance war. A few articles in the media they owned to fan the flames of war would be helpful as well. Probably these same people also own the oil as well, it’s gonna take a lotta feul for war. No doubt a boom for big pharma. I wonder who owns them? Weapons manufacturing, food stuffs, clothing, armor, insurance, shipping. Why all kindsa stuff.

I mean if I was evil, and I owned all that stuff. War would be pretty damned cool and profitable. I could just print a buncha stuff in the papers to incite the masses, supply weapons and finances to both sides.

First I’d probably start by systematically inciting rebellion in various countries and supply them with weaponry even if they were too poor to actually afford those weapons. Sure the initial investment would be a loss but the long term gains would be untold trillions. Plus once you have a country beholding to you for trillions you can pretty much tell the puppet politicians what to do afterwards.

After I had two heavily armed blocs and I’ve incited enough hatred through the power of the media it really wouldn’t take much to ignite the flame. Eventually, through careful media and political manipulation I could literally draw the entire world into a massive deadly conflict. Sweet. It’d be like the masses would be going into debt, paying me to kill each other. Probably by the time it was over, every country in the world would be so indebted to me I’d literally own everything.

Yup, if I was evil and owned that stuff, that’s what I would do.

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Hey David, I think if you were either insightful or intellectually honest you would compare your reaction to this guy with your reaction to the agent orange files, which you largely dismissed:

Here’s another view of the Agent Orange Files that points to hate speech much worse than this numbnuts:

Of course, we also have the Biting Beaver and Heart, who wished to abort her 16 year old son because he looked at porn.

But keep on mocking David, keep on mocking.

12 years ago

Does the only 3 comment from Sticky before the banhammer comes down rule only apply if the comments are all on the same post?

12 years ago

I used to be in that trap of hatred but I hated 87/88 people… I’m over it now and all I have to say is this sicko can get over it too, but he won’t because he enjoys his hatred more than he has empathy for other humans. He’s dehumanizing, and that’s usually what comes before a hate crime so this is worrying.

12 years ago

I don’t understand this idea some people have that it if you criticize someone, you must also criticize someone who is the opposite of them, or else you’re not being “fair”. Criticize a Republican? Better find a Democrat who did something similar and mention him, too! Got a problem with something an MRA said? You can only criticize it if you also mention a feminist who said something similar!

And definitely don’t worry about little things like context. Details like which side does it more often, or if one side seems to be encouraging it, or if one group is actively oppressing the other, shouldn’t keep you from pretending that Both Sides Are Just As Bad.

12 years ago

NWO, Joe; Joe, NWO. You two can go off and trade best tinfoil hat designs or something.

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