There are a lot of hair-raisingly reactionary dudes on The Spearhead, but perhaps none quite so hair-raising as the prolific commenter who calls himself Darryl X. Here are some of his pearls of wisdom, taken from a recent Spearhead thread. (Many of his comments in the thread were devoted to a sort of mini-vendetta against another Spearhead commenter, Andie, who had committed the crime of commenting while female; I’ve cut out most of that to focus on Darryl’s more timeless thoughts.) Fair warning: This is extreme stuff, even by Spearhead standards.
Since the solution for the past forty-four years was to kill and impoverish and exile and imprison men and steal their kids, I’d say sending women to live in a cave is a generous trade.
All women are feminists because all women (without a single exception) have benefited excessively from the legal, political, social and financial machine that feminists have created. And those benefits have all come at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of men and children (in the US alone). When all my financial resources and children which women stole have been returned to me and all women are living on the street to pay for it only then will there be fairness.
Feminism is a hate movement. It is a campaign of hate against men and children. And all women are evil until feminism has been destroyed and every women pays back repairations with interest. …
This is a war. And it will end only one way. The complete utter destruction of feminism and the women who participated in it and/or who sat by passively at let it happen. I have absolutely no sympathy and will demonstrate no mercy for any woman until I and other men have been compensated and women and feminists have been punished for their egregious crimes against humanity (preferably with death sentences). This is a war that women started and it will not end until every one of them has paid. …
Why Andie Must Pay for the Crimes of All Women
She’s a woman. She benefited from feminism more than any man. Even if she represents 20% of women who are not psychopaths, she must be compelled to take an active part in the destruction of feminists and feminism. … She must pay for her complicity … The consequences of her failure to stop feminism must be greater than the retaliation by feminists. Otherwise, there will be no incentive for women to help men. This is a war. If you aren’t fighting feminism and feminists, then you are helping them. Stopping feminism is fundamental to maintaining civilization.
Women are herd animals. … Women are much easier to control and manipulate than boys … Boys have to be drugged. Girls come pre-drugged.
Women have choices. If they want rights and privileages, then they must have responsibilities. Presently, women vote. But they are not held accountable for the consequences of their choices when they vote. Most men have no choices. If they want to live. Women are not women today. They are whores. Big difference.
Women and feminists are opportunists. They are … looking for someone else at whom to point fingers of blame and cast aspersions and pick up the tab as they now understand that responsible men have nothing left to steal. They’re just looking for the next host on which to parasitize.
We’re Still Hunting the Mammoth to Feed You
[M]ost of the taxes that men are currently paying fund the excessive lifestyles of women … [M]en do all the work and women do little or nothing.
I have been actively fighting feminism for more than thirty years. I have racked up quite a list of those who have made the mistake of getting in my cross-hairs. … Many a feminist federal employee and university professor have watched their careers and their lives come apart after picking a fight with me. … I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave. Hunting feminists is my hobby.
Unhappy hunting!
well she is a girl cat so Torvus probably would not be good.
Here’s a list of Daryl’s “goals” for the MRM. I find it difficult to believe there are such horribly people out there.
1) Emancipation of all men in jail for child support
2) Cease and desist jailing men for child support
3) Reinstate all passports and driver licenses suspended for child support
4) Repatriation of all children
5) Cease and desist garnishing wages, social security, medicaid, medicare, tax returns, travel reimbursements and every other form of income for child support
6) Withdraw suffrage from women
7) Divest women who collected child support of all property
8) Withdraw all federal funding of VAWA
9) Recall the Bradley Amendment
10) Emancipation of all men from prison for false allegations of rape (they’re easy to spot – they’re the ones for which there is no evidence)
11) Prosecution of all false allegations
12) Financial compensation for all men who have been ordered by a court to pay child support
13) Financial compensation for all men who have been in prison for child support
14) Elimination of all sexual harassment and discrimination laws
15 ) Default shared parenting in all divorces (so no child support unless a woman complains too much about her husband and then the man can be awarded custody and the woman ordered to pay child support)
16) Eliminate all affirmative action
If you named a girl cat after him he’d probably be super offended.
Here’s the thing. If women and girls are so easy to control, then what are they bitching about? All they have to do is get off their collective man butts and women do what they are told.
You know, they want to go back the the Roman Paterfamilias. And even then, women probably held too many rights.
@PfkaE, Hydrox? Penguin (shortens nicely to Penny)? Yonkers? (The last just ’cause it sounds funny.)
Why do I get the feeling that when MRAs like Darryl here talk about wanting their children, they only mean the boys? I mean, cause girls grow up into those skanky feminist whores, amirite?
Can you imagine what kind of life a daughter would have with Darryl as a father? At best it would be like living in a prison camp.
One of the many problems with MRAs is that they want to “go back” to a system that never actually existed in the form in which they’d like it to exist.
Gawd, there is so much horrible horrible crap on that post. WF Price is really the dumbest man on earth if he’s going to let that shit stand to represent the MRM. He should delete all of it. Any sane man is going to take one look at hose comments and either laugh, or get angry. They will attract only the dregs of society, men with no value or standing in society, who will only sink the movement into further oblivion. Stupid stupid. They have no concept of Public Relations, do they? Perhaps they should hire someone.
I might call her Arilyn since her name was originally Marilyn.
As a woman, I would rather be a part of the Duggar family than the daughter of an MRA.
Arilyn is very pretty. I like.
What kind of monumentally stupid PR person would take that job?
Name the cat “Aethelflaed” (Ethel-fled), after the Lady of the Mercians. It means ‘Noble Beauty’ (which sums up a lot of cats) and also Aethelflaed was awesome.
It would be like having Tom Cruise as a client, but without the impressive paycheck.
I would but I cannot pronounce the name. :p
I don’t even…. Really? REALLY?
@Hesster: “Why do I get the feeling that when MRAs like Darryl here talk about wanting their children, they only mean the boys?”
Well, I think sometimes it’s not even really about wanting the kids at all, just controlling the situation and their former spouse through the kids. In Darryl’s case, he explicitly states he doesn’t give a shit about his kids at all. He is just mad that he’s been forced to ante up funds to support them.
Personally, I think I’d rather take the death sentence then put up with a world of men like that. I also think I should be compensated for having these asshats anywhere near me.
Most important human rights movement of the 21st century, folks. You read it right here.
I’m just guessing here, but I’m beginning to think Darryl X might have a problem with child support.
These fuckers have no business speaking for any man, anywhere. Wankers.
Yeah, you never hear a peep about how they love and miss their kids, they’re just pissed off that a possession has been taken from them.
Reading between the lines here, I suspect he’s pissed off that he has to pay child support for his kids when he doesn’t have “possession” of them. So men that voluntarily engage in hetero sex don’t have to take responsibility for helping to support the kids that result? The mother should bear all the costs by herself?
@pillowinhell: “I also think I should be compensated for having these asshats anywhere near me.”
1,000 troy ounces of gold?
Obviously the payment for having to put up with creepers saying creepy things should be rendered in the form of scented candles.