antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity harassment hate ladies against women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead woman's suffrage

The Angriest Spearheader? The Wit and Wisdom of Darryl X

It’s back to the caves for you, ladies!

There are a lot of hair-raisingly reactionary dudes on The Spearhead, but perhaps none quite so hair-raising as the prolific commenter who calls himself Darryl X. Here are some of his pearls of wisdom, taken from a recent Spearhead thread. (Many of his comments in the thread were devoted to a sort of mini-vendetta against another Spearhead commenter, Andie, who had committed the crime of commenting while female; I’ve cut out most of that to focus on Darryl’s more timeless thoughts.) Fair warning: This is extreme stuff, even by Spearhead standards.

Back to the Caves, Women!

Since the solution for the past forty-four years was to kill and impoverish and exile and imprison men and steal their kids, I’d say sending women to live in a cave is a generous trade.

This Means War

All women are feminists because all women (without a single exception) have benefited excessively from the legal, political, social and financial machine that feminists have created. And those benefits have all come at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of men and children (in the US alone). When all my financial resources and children which women stole have been returned to me and all women are living on the street to pay for it only then will there be fairness.

Feminism is a hate movement. It is a campaign of hate against men and children. And all women are evil until feminism has been destroyed and every women pays back repairations with interest. …

This is a war. And it will end only one way. The complete utter destruction of feminism and the women who participated in it and/or who sat by passively at let it happen. I have absolutely no sympathy and will demonstrate no mercy for any woman until I and other men have been compensated and women and feminists have been punished for their egregious crimes against humanity (preferably with death sentences). This is a war that women started and it will not end until every one of them has paid. …

Why Andie Must Pay for the Crimes of All Women

She’s a woman. She benefited from feminism more than any man. Even if she represents 20% of women who are not psychopaths, she must be compelled to take an active part in the destruction of feminists and feminism. … She must pay for her complicity … The consequences of her failure to stop feminism must be greater than the retaliation by feminists. Otherwise, there will be no incentive for women to help men. This is a war. If you aren’t fighting feminism and feminists, then you are helping them. Stopping feminism is fundamental to maintaining civilization.

Have You Herd the News?

Women are herd animals. … Women are much easier to control and manipulate than boys … Boys have to be drugged. Girls come pre-drugged.

You Choose, You Lose

Women have choices. If they want rights and privileages, then they must have responsibilities. Presently, women vote. But they are not held accountable for the consequences of their choices when they vote. Most men have no choices. If they want to live. Women are not women today. They are whores. Big difference.

The Perfect Host

Women and feminists are opportunists. They are … looking for someone else at whom to point fingers of blame and cast aspersions and pick up the tab as they now understand that responsible men have nothing left to steal. They’re just looking for the next host on which to parasitize.

We’re Still Hunting the Mammoth to Feed You

[M]ost of the taxes that men are currently paying fund the excessive lifestyles of women … [M]en do all the work and women do little or nothing.

Everyone Needs a Hobby

I have been actively fighting feminism for more than thirty years. I have racked up quite a list of those who have made the mistake of getting in my cross-hairs. … Many a feminist federal employee and university professor have watched their careers and their lives come apart after picking a fight with me. … I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave. Hunting feminists is my hobby.

Unhappy hunting!

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@freitag – um, they might mask the scent of manly sweaty armpits/socks/jocks? (Which are presumably the only scents that are good scents.)

12 years ago

I mean I guess he could be homeless and posting from the library, but libraries do close something, and they tend to make people leave when that’s about to happen. Are some of the feminists who he’s punished librarians who told him it was time to go? Because I know a whole lot of feminist librarians.

12 years ago

So wait, are we controlling everything and ruining men or are we stupid, easily controlled herd animals? A little consistency, please.

If Darryl has no internet, I bet he’s that really strange guy at the library that you take great pains to avoid.

12 years ago

” I have absolutely no sympathy and will demonstrate no mercy for any woman until I and other men have been compensated and women and feminists have been punished for their egregious crimes against humanity (preferably with death sentences).”

I wonder what kind of compensation he’s looking for?
If all women are feminists, like he claimed, it sounds like he wants 51% of the population to be put to death. Hmm. Sounds like the Screwtape Solution. Who is he going to blame for his shitty life when us gals are wiped out? Oh, on a side note, the human race will die out. Well, at least he’ll feel better, and that’s what counts.

12 years ago

Cassandra–I don’t ubnderstand FeMRAS myself..I mean if I tried sympathizing with someone and they were like fuck you you are a woman ARGLE BARGLE you deserve to suffer…I’d be like fuck you, I am out of here. But, then I am an evil feminazi, so theres that.

My guess…Darryl totally has the internet and all those things and is just an interent tough guy.

12 years ago

Now I get it. SCENTED FUCKING CANDLES are only for single misandrist feminists.

Got it.

Not really, but I’ll say so to make any resident MRAs happy. Scented candles? I don’t use them, but it’s because I have two cats and open flames are not a good idea.

12 years ago

Sometimes, not something. The evil feminists librarians should smack my hand with a ruler for that typo – and they would, if they weren’t too busy running away from Darryl!

12 years ago

I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave.

He don’t need no stinking fridges!!
He’s a REAL man!!

12 years ago

@Pam, I’ll bet he uses this brand of toilet paper, since he’s a manly man:

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LOL Freitag!

Just proves Woolworths are part of the Great Feminazi Conspiracy, ‘cos they don’t sell that brand!

12 years ago

I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave.

Apparently Darryl connects to the Spearhead via telepathy or something.

Also, he doesn’t have a refrigerator? Either he is some kind of seriously hardcore vegan, or we’ve actually found the guy from those idiotic “without us, some guys would starve” Hardee’s commercials who subsists entirely on fast food.

12 years ago

Are some of the feminists who he’s punished librarians who told him it was time to go?

Well, they are federal employees…

12 years ago

I think Daryl X is a fine representation of the MRM. WF Price and Paul Elam should make him their poster boy.

12 years ago

Yeah, no doubt!!

Perhaps he subsists entirely on Funyuns and room temperature cola.

12 years ago


aw, damn, I read your comment and got all excited thinking there was still a Woolworth’s store somewhere. Then I looked it up and learned it was a totally different company.

I miss Woolworth’s.

12 years ago

Wow. Just. Man, that dude is not well. He needs a bit of a time-out from society, I think.

12 years ago

I’m just going to point out that the cheapest rooming houses and roach motels often DON’T provide things like fridges and stoves… Or it could be that yeah, he’s at the library because he can’t afford the hydro bill.

As for the rest? Moick on me hearties!

12 years ago

In better news, I just adopted a new kitteh! Help me figure out a new name for her! She is black and white and itty bitty. Also three months old.

12 years ago

I seriously doubt that this guy has had ANYTHING to do with destroying the careers of feminist professors. I would be surprised if he’s even been 100 miles near a university. What a loser.

12 years ago


I would name that cat Torvus Butthorn, but that’s just me.

12 years ago

I like the name Greebo for a cat.

12 years ago

Presently, women vote. But they are not held accountable for the consequences of their choices when they vote.

um, so are men somehow held accountable for the consequences of their votes, but women aren’t? What are we, protected by elves or something?

12 years ago

We have a dark brown and white cat called Radar, which leads nicely into Radarling.

12 years ago

Every time men vote, they are punched in the testicles. Every time women vote, they are given a pair of shoes. It are fact.

12 years ago

We’re protected by the Torchwood Faeries of course.