antifeminism armageddon evil women grandiosity harassment hate ladies against women men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men reactionary bullshit the spearhead woman's suffrage

The Angriest Spearheader? The Wit and Wisdom of Darryl X

It’s back to the caves for you, ladies!

There are a lot of hair-raisingly reactionary dudes on The Spearhead, but perhaps none quite so hair-raising as the prolific commenter who calls himself Darryl X. Here are some of his pearls of wisdom, taken from a recent Spearhead thread. (Many of his comments in the thread were devoted to a sort of mini-vendetta against another Spearhead commenter, Andie, who had committed the crime of commenting while female; I’ve cut out most of that to focus on Darryl’s more timeless thoughts.) Fair warning: This is extreme stuff, even by Spearhead standards.

Back to the Caves, Women!

Since the solution for the past forty-four years was to kill and impoverish and exile and imprison men and steal their kids, I’d say sending women to live in a cave is a generous trade.

This Means War

All women are feminists because all women (without a single exception) have benefited excessively from the legal, political, social and financial machine that feminists have created. And those benefits have all come at the expense of the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of men and children (in the US alone). When all my financial resources and children which women stole have been returned to me and all women are living on the street to pay for it only then will there be fairness.

Feminism is a hate movement. It is a campaign of hate against men and children. And all women are evil until feminism has been destroyed and every women pays back repairations with interest. …

This is a war. And it will end only one way. The complete utter destruction of feminism and the women who participated in it and/or who sat by passively at let it happen. I have absolutely no sympathy and will demonstrate no mercy for any woman until I and other men have been compensated and women and feminists have been punished for their egregious crimes against humanity (preferably with death sentences). This is a war that women started and it will not end until every one of them has paid. …

Why Andie Must Pay for the Crimes of All Women

She’s a woman. She benefited from feminism more than any man. Even if she represents 20% of women who are not psychopaths, she must be compelled to take an active part in the destruction of feminists and feminism. … She must pay for her complicity … The consequences of her failure to stop feminism must be greater than the retaliation by feminists. Otherwise, there will be no incentive for women to help men. This is a war. If you aren’t fighting feminism and feminists, then you are helping them. Stopping feminism is fundamental to maintaining civilization.

Have You Herd the News?

Women are herd animals. … Women are much easier to control and manipulate than boys … Boys have to be drugged. Girls come pre-drugged.

You Choose, You Lose

Women have choices. If they want rights and privileages, then they must have responsibilities. Presently, women vote. But they are not held accountable for the consequences of their choices when they vote. Most men have no choices. If they want to live. Women are not women today. They are whores. Big difference.

The Perfect Host

Women and feminists are opportunists. They are … looking for someone else at whom to point fingers of blame and cast aspersions and pick up the tab as they now understand that responsible men have nothing left to steal. They’re just looking for the next host on which to parasitize.

We’re Still Hunting the Mammoth to Feed You

[M]ost of the taxes that men are currently paying fund the excessive lifestyles of women … [M]en do all the work and women do little or nothing.

Everyone Needs a Hobby

I have been actively fighting feminism for more than thirty years. I have racked up quite a list of those who have made the mistake of getting in my cross-hairs. … Many a feminist federal employee and university professor have watched their careers and their lives come apart after picking a fight with me. … I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave. Hunting feminists is my hobby.

Unhappy hunting!

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12 years ago

Yeah, there’s a lot of conversion to do between US and Aus / NZ patterns and wool and hook sizes. My mate gave up on the whole exercise, and gets someone else to do a sample of the pattern and she copies the work.

I haven’t tried writing the rows out, just going at it like a bull at a gate and adjust it next row if I stuff up. Not a very good knitter, me πŸ™‚ I’m not on Ravelry.

12 years ago

Ooh, are we talking about knitting now? I’m currently in the middle of two projects: a cardigan for my best friend and a sweater for my brother. Though I’m stuck on the cardigan’s sleeve at the moment because its pattern makes no sense: The first row of increasing I was to make one stitch at the start and one at the end, but the instructions after that are to “increase one stitch as before every following sixth row.” So do I only make one stitch? And at the beginning or the end?

Oh, knitting. How I both love and loathe thee. I never thought I’d even work my way up to a cardigan, but my friend wanted one so badly he sought out a pattern book for my Christmas gift and then pointed out the one he wanted.

12 years ago

Ooh, knitting talk! I volunteer at an animal shelter, and I’ve been churning out “Cork Fish” to sell at the annual Xmas bake sale. I’ve only got purple yarn left, though, and I’m getting pretty tired of the color – hooray, excuse to go to the yarn store!

Also, it’s getting cold here (Boston), so I’m going to try my hand at these fingerless gloves. Wish me luck…

12 years ago

Oh god, I have so many projects I’m not knitting. A hat for my sister (nearly finished, I need to do matching mittens), fingerless gloves for me, a blanket, and socks that only need about an inch more of work.

I’ve been working on the fingerless gloves because I could use some now that the weather is getting colder and the yarn is so soft. It’s a merino, but the softest merino I’ve ever worked with. I have another skein, and I’m thinking matching hat. I did finally get to wear my double-knit purple-and-pink hat I knit last spring, so that made me feel happy. Wearing knits is the best.

12 years ago

Hi Rogan! Yeah, I only recently started posting here. πŸ™‚

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Wow, fear the feminist knitting circle! πŸ™‚

@lauralot89 those instructions seem odd, normally sleeves are two stitch increases each time, otherwise the seam will shift off to the side. Does it tell you how many stitches you should end up with, and repeats, so you can work it out? Grrr errors in patterns.

@emilygoddess those are so cool, I’ve not seen those gloves before. Will you post photos on Ravelry when you’re done?

@wordsp1nner that sounds great. I have so many projects in my queue because I see the pattern online and then buy the yarn to make it… you should see the spare wardrobe! I made fingerless gloves out of Zhivago acrylic for my partner ( which are really neat and took me less than a weekend to make. I also made him this crochet hat ( – all her patterns are free and she posts videos on YouTube so you can see how they’re made.

So if David wants anything for his kittehs, it looks like he can do requests. πŸ™‚

Ruby Dynamite (@rubydynamite)

“I don’t have television or cable or internet and cell phone or land line or refrigerator or microwave. Hunting feminists is my hobby.”

… sooo, if he doesn’t have internet or phone or a cellphone HOW is he able to post these wackadoo articles? He just *thinks* really hard or something? o.O

12 years ago

@Kiwi girl: I’m starting with 64 stitches and ending with 104, but it doesn’t list the number of repeats, only that I’m meant to increase every six rows. I can’t tell if they want me to increase a stitch on the beginning, then six rows later increase one on the end, and so on, or if they want two each increased row.

12 years ago

@lauralot89: Increase at each end of the row (ie 2 stitches total). When you get to 104 stitches you will be close to the armhole.

12 years ago

And don’t get me started on how ridiculously easy dating is for women (even if they are fat and ugly), whenever a woman complains β€œwhere are all the good men”, what she is really saying is where all the Brad Pitts and Zac Effrons or exciting bad boys.

Late to the party with this but OMFG I personally would really like to see the “women have it SOOOOOOOOOOOO EASY, because vaginas” meme die a painful meme death already. I’ve known plenty of fat, conventionally unattractive men who’ve also tended to have swaths of ease attracting lovers – some of them were even particularly unpleasant people and plenty of gorgeous, sweet young women who’ve had a really hard time even getting a “just as friends” date to a dance.

Dating comes easily for some people, and is really hard for others. But one thing that absolutely will NOT make it any easier for you is being irrationally angry at the bulk of your preferred gender because you think they have some kind of unfair dating pool advantage over you. Dating is tough, but bemoaning how HARD it is for you isn’t really a good way to get dates. It’s actually a good way to lose friends because they eventually get sick of your incessant whining.

And while we’re on the topic of bemoaning the lack of stars to fuck, seriously, I could EASILY turn that bullshit about Brad Effron and whoever else right back around on whiny “incels” and the like with all their talk about how “limited” their options are, and yet they STILL insist they have to be attracted to someone in order to fuck them, even though they claim their “incel” status is the worstest thing ever and OMFG their penis is going to fall off and they will DIE from lack of sex. I’m not saying anybody has to lower their standards, if you like what you like and won’t like anything else, fine (though in a culture that generally emphasizes and demonizes certain kinds of beauty, I DO think it’s fair to question how much someone actually likes the culturally deemed “attractive” bodies, as opposed to how much it is that that’s just what they think they should like) but for fuck’s sake, if you have standards, it’s only fair (not to mention fucking common sense) to assume that other people in the world probably have standards as well. Possibly even unique ones!

Not to mention, in my experience, the guys who bemoan that women only go for “bad boys” (which is a whole other level of “WHAT THE FUCK?” for me because, seriously, are we in fucking eleventh grade?) are douchebags. You don’t have to have tattoos or a motorcycle to be a “bad boy”. Some of the biggest douchebags I’ve met in my lifetime have been khaki’s and argyle sweater vest wearing, self-described “Christian men” who’s use of the term “bad boy” has been in reference to “dude a girl I like is dating who isn’t me”.

Sorry for the rant folks, but I don’t knit, so I can’t share any knitting stories. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

I wish I could knit. πŸ™ Is it hard to learn? Is crocheting easier or harder? I’ll need a new hobby once I’m done with my thesis.

12 years ago

Just popped into this thread, saw lauralot’s comment, and immediately thought she’d been in a horrible accident.

12 years ago

@cloudiah I always thought I could never learn to knit because I have the WORST spatial sense, but it ended up coming really easily to me – if one person’s testimonial is worth anything. You can make a lot of things by just learning the two basic stitches (one of which is the reverse of the other) and following pattern directions. It helps that knitting is very popular right now, so the Internet is full of videos demonstrating the various stitches, and there are IRL knitting groups popping up everywhere. Now is a very good time to learn!

12 years ago

@katz: Oh god, sorry about that! I assure you I’m in perfect help, no accidents knitting or otherwise (seriously, I’ve had a knitting accident before; I once had a fairly deep stab wound from a knitting needle).

@Magpie: Thanks! I figured that;s how I should go about it.

@cloudiah: You should definitely give knitting a try if you’re curious! There are several different methods of knitting, so even if one is discouraging, chances are there’s a way that will work for you.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Darn time zones! I’ve missed most of this knitting conversation and now I have to go out! Grrrr!

Cloudiah, I found knitting easier to take up than crochet. Lasted one day in a crochet class, lol. Mind you I’ve only done very basic stocking-stitch and moss stitch stuff so far (one plain, one purl) and I still have to do that carefully … I ended up with a partial row of rib in hte middle of it last night! πŸ™ Maddening. Mr Kitteh’s said he doesn’t care, he likes the jumper anyway (lucky it’s a dark wool and shouldn’t show too much – and I think his hair’ll cover that bit anyway, it’s near the shoulder.)

Despite which stuff-up – it’s not hard to learn the basics, and work up from there. My real challenge will be cable, which I would really like to try eventually. Love cable knits.

Well, I have to go out now – and do some KNITTING on the train!

PS Jumper = sweater in Oz parlance, it doesn’t mean a pinafore dress or something like that as I think it does in US usage.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Kiwigirl, I just signed up for Ravelry. πŸ™‚

12 years ago

The Kitteh’s Unpaid Help and assorted Manboobzers:

My username is WordSpinner if you want to friend me on Rav. We could have a Manboobz on Rav group to talk about all the knits we’re misandristically denying the men in our lives. Even if we are men.

Kiwi girl
Kiwi girl
12 years ago

Yes, darn the difference in time zones, only just got in from work. I agree that knitting is easier than crochet, but that could be because I’ve knitted since I was 13 and I’ve only seriously tried crocheting for about a year, so I have much less practice.

I’m Kiwi-pally on Ravelry.

For those learning knitting or crochet, I recommend this site as a great source of help with forums etc, and also there are groups and you might be able to find some local people to socialise with, preferably with tea and cake. πŸ™‚

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m LouiseKit on Ravelry!

12 years ago

For a dude with no internet he sure does write a lot on the internets.

12 years ago

I can’t crochet at all. I can do basic knitting, but the repetition is hard on my joints. My partner does crochet, and uses a visual pattern. I will see if there is some utility which converts/makes them, because she swears by them; they aren’t confusing.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I’m finding I can’t do too much knitting at a time, because it gives a very RSI-ish feeling in my right arm, so I can well understand how the repetition would hurt anyone with joint trouble. My arm’s a bit tingly-numb right now, hence doing a bit of computer stuff for a change (change, ha … I do more of that than knitting).

I haven’t encountered visual patterns – must see if they exist for knitting as well as crochet. Translating Knitting Pattern Language to something I can understand is the trickiest part for me, so far. And figuring out how many balls of yarn I’ll need, since the type in the pattern is never one that I’m buying! πŸ˜›

12 years ago

Funny, I’d count crochet as easier than knitting because I learned to crochet (basic stitches) but I wasn’t able to learn to knit. (Probably could if I tried again.)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I wonder if I’d find crochet easier if I tried it again. But for now, getting past the basic stitches in knitting is challenge enough.

I ended up with a partial row of rib in the middle of moss stitch – probably just from forgetting to bring the wool forward on one stitch – and didn’t notice until I’d done a heap more rows.


Thank goodness Mr Kitteh isn’t fussed.

(I think I already wrote about that … brain fog. Or brain fade.)

12 years ago

Knitting and crochet seem to occupy similar spaces in the brain. Most people I know do one, or the other, but not both (my mother is a both, she also tatts, but bobbin lace she refuses).