It’s Friday, and I’m feeling lazy. So, apropos of nothing, here’s a video from a couple years ago, featuring a somewhat down-on-his luck Andrew Dice Clay trying to promote some sort of comeback on CNN, and getting booted after he indignantly drops a barrage of f-bombs in response to a less-than-adulatory question.
In case anyone here is too young to remember “The Diceman” in his glory years, this is what got him famous: mixing “Mother Goose” rhymes with rape jokes:
And here he is at the height of his fame, basking in adulation and clearly thinking his life would remain like this forever:
In the end, Andrew Dice Clay’s cultural legacy may be reduced to the sample of him saying “Ohh!” that was used to such memorable effect in this still-played song by one-hit-wonders EMF.
The creepy thing about watching these videos is that, if you ignore the hair, Andrew Dice Clay looks astonishingly like a skeevier, muscle-bound version of Jon Stewart.
Some Guy: I would ask what the fucking fuck you’re talking about, but I really con’t bring myself to give a rat’s ass. You have your own damn blog, go bloviate there.
CAN’T. i rite english gud. (driving for six hours didn’t help any…)
Please point to where I said anything whatsoever about Amanda’s comment.
(Also, please point to where I was “upset” rather than “thinking you sound like an idiot.” You seem to read an awful lot of emotion into things that really don’t warrant it.)
Futrelle, are you just an idiot?
Dice Clay was popular in the early ’90s. Not coincidentally, his spiral downward began when his jokes involving women became intolerable- when the government, media, and culture began to go full misandric. You’ve done an excellent job making an MRA case today. Good work, Mantits.
And not that I should bother, but for the record, the reason I haven’t said anything whatsoever about Amanda’s comment is that I have had a long day and am tired and stressed and not in the mood to deal with reading a Savage Love column about rape to find out the context of said comment. It’s almost like I prefer to know what I’m talking about before I speak, although I can see how that would be a foreign concept to someguy.
Since it’s been so obvious for so long that “bored” means “obsessed”, I now routinely mentally replace everything in some guy’s posts with its exact opposite. They’re much more readable that way.
I’m confused. I thought you were claiming that that was a rape apology. I explain why I disagree. You then claim that I should tell it to the people who think it’s rape apology. What’s your point? Do you have a point? Why are you even here? Why aren’t there otters?
I’m starting to wonder if David needs to enroll in some special blogger-oriented version of the witness protection program, honestly. Creepy bored stalker is creepy.
Notice how Someguy totally derailed the discussion and got us all talking about what HE wanted to talk about. Dude, if you need people to listen to you so badly, go get some friends. Of course, in order to keep friends you need to reciprocate and listen to them now and then. I imagine that would be difficult for you.
Yeah, if boringtwerp is as boring and self-centred and obtuse in physical space as he is here … well, “yawn” would be about the best reaction he’d get.
Someguy, I’m not going to respond to your comments. I don’t even read them any more. If you post more than three more times in the next 24 hours I’ll just ban you.
I once read a good review (that I can’t find anymore, damn) of a Bill Hicks DVD that compared him to Clay. The writer’s idea was that Clay can be as racist, sexist and homophobic as he wants to be and claim that that’s not him, that’s just a persona he’s playing. Hicks didn’t have that sort of distance between himself and his material so when he was up there saying sexist and homophobic shit, that was really him, sincere and naked. I think the point was that if you’re going to be listening to some dude be an outright bigot, it might as well be someone who is outright repulsive about it, not someone like Clay who at least attempts some sort of coolness and swagger with it. I dunno.
Regardless someguy is sooo boring to read.
I remember a similar discussion about Andrew Dice Clay on British TV when he was compared unfavourably to Jerry Sadowitz (seen as his closest British equivalent) on similar grounds. And more recently Sadowitz himself has been railing against Frankie Boyle, a fellow Scottish comedian who’s essentially packaged Sadowitz’s schtick into (just about) TV-friendly form – Sadowitz himself is famously unbroadcastable.
He goes into more detail in this interview:
Like a mercy killing, I think it would be a mercy banning.
I know this is just what the writer said, but I have to address it. The difference between someone saying bigoted stuff that they believe and someone saying bigoted stuff that they don’t believe is that the latter should know better.
The people who the bigoted stuff target don’t necessarily know whether the comedian saying it believes it or not, so all they hear is yet another person out of many saying horrible stuff about them while other people laugh. Meanwhile, people who actually believe the bigoted stuff also don’t know whether the comedian believes it or not, so what they hear is someone who confirms their views that the group being targeted is a valid target for ridicule.
I don’t think it’s impossible to make an exaggerated persona making fun of bigots, but it takes more effort that just saying bigoted stuff and assuming that everyone knows you’re not serious.
“But actually, If you look at the poem in the wiki, it clearly describes a very human dog with rationality and agency.
The dog’s act was consensual,”
This is the most absurd bunch of shit I’ve ever read. I want to laugh but my face seems permanently contorted into a WTF face after trying to grok why anyone would argue about if a nursery rhyme character has a history of bestiality or not. I mean, holy shit.
I think we were all just pretending that didn’t happen, because life is too short.
Oh, god, I hope some guy posts again. Fuck it, ban his tedious ass anyway.
As to the other nitwit in this thread: idiot please, this culture is not full on misandric, that shit is not even a thing.
fembot: It’s not somedude’s expectations… it’s his demands.
Has-been comedian mocked by never-was writer.
Gallagher has also had issues adjusting to Life After Fame. Call it Norma Desmond Syndrome. In the first clip, ADC interrupts the interviewer to allege that he’s STILL a headliner. Maybe at the local open mic night.
A little ‘cheeze’ to go with your whine, PutzGuy?
Re Bill Hicks. Personally, I don’t think he was remotely homophobic or sexist. Sure, he did “nice guy” stuff, about how he wasn’t getting laid, “Chicks Dig Jerks” and so on – but none of it was true. He ridiculed networks for objectifying women, advertisers for doing the same and pro-lifers were amongst his favorite targets. He said in an interview that his “Goatboy” routine was to shock a leftist crowd in London.
Whether or not Andrew Clay is what he appears to be – that’s a tough call. But I don’t think it’s satire.
It only took Truthie 3 days to come up with that witty (i.e. witless) retort.
Or maybe I don’t like to waste any part of my weekend reading the inane musings of rape-goggled aspies.