are these guys 12 years old? douchebaggery misogyny narcissism oppressed white men rape jokes

The Diceman Goeth

It’s Friday, and I’m feeling lazy. So, apropos of nothing, here’s a video from a couple years ago, featuring a somewhat down-on-his luck Andrew Dice Clay trying to promote some sort of comeback on CNN, and getting booted after he indignantly drops a barrage of f-bombs in response to a less-than-adulatory question.

In case anyone here is too young to remember “The Diceman” in his glory years, this is what got him famous: mixing “Mother Goose” rhymes with rape jokes:

And here he is at the height of his fame, basking in adulation and clearly thinking his life would remain like this forever:

In the end, Andrew Dice Clay’s cultural legacy may be reduced to the sample of him saying “Ohh!” that was used to such memorable effect in this still-played song by one-hit-wonders EMF.

The creepy thing about watching these videos is that, if you ignore the hair, Andrew Dice Clay looks astonishingly like a skeevier, muscle-bound version of Jon Stewart.

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The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

Now I’m feeling bizarrely smug ‘cos I’ve never heard of this bloke! 😀

12 years ago

EMF: needs more cowbell.

12 years ago

All I remember about Andrew Dice Clay is that he was popular at the same time as that Faith No More song, and I always associate the two.

12 years ago

Oh, and I have the Friday lazies, too. I’m trying to write a blog post about a drink recipe and I can’t be bothered. Instead I’m just going to sit here and drink the whole pitcher. Saturday is a good day to post an alcoholic drink recipe, right?

12 years ago

Conveniently my Friday lazies coincided with the release of Borderlands 2. 😀 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
12 years ago

I’ve got the Saturday morning porridge-for-breakfasts coming up. Then it’ll be reading the papers and getting on with my knitting. 🙂

12 years ago

Andrew Dice Clay does have one non-EMF related career highlight: his bit part in Pretty In Pink.

12 years ago

Thank you for reminding me why I hated the 80’s.

12 years ago

And the charmingly.odd Ford Fairlane

12 years ago

Off topic, but hey.

My friend in high school loved EMF for some reason (marginally better that those dark years of NKOTB fandom), and convinced me to go to the Metro to see them with her.

They played Unbelievable THREE TIMES during a one-hour show. I am not joking. I am emotionally scarred now.

12 years ago

And here’s an odd Andrew Dice Clay coincidence I just discovered reading wikipedia. (What? Doesn’t everyone wonder “where are they now” whenever they hear about some has-been-that-never-should’ve-been-in-the-first-place and then run off to wikipedia???) Anyway, evidently ADC was on Celebrity Apprentice where his charity of choice was Stand Up For Kids. That’s right, the same organization whose founder was just arrested for child sexual assault.

It’s creepy inside of creepy and now I need a shower.

12 years ago

Yeah, in Chicago. If your roommate was there, he would have been one of a very few. It was a really really funny show, but a really really sad show, even at the moment.

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Two New York Jews, born five years apart. Maybe their humor is actually connected in some ways, one a much darker commentary than the others. Even at the height of his career there was a lot of talk that he was more of a performance artist ala Andy Kaufmann.

Your schtick on Clay seems straight out of the wikipedia. You didn’t mention how this guy in 2002, quit his career to raise his children.

“Clay says a lot of comedians on stage are very insecure, but he was able to craft a confident “Dice” persona for himself that was more rock star than comic. That rubbed some the wrong way, while to others, he was a hero.”

It’s quite possible that as a New York Jew, the Dice persona was subverting the dominant paradigm: Woody Allen, Jewish, catskills, feminist, intellectual, … Clay was likely reacting to that.

“What he wants most, however, is to guide his children in what they want to do. His son Dillon is into academics as well as swimming and water polo, and Max, who once appeared with his dad on Entourage , is a budding standup comic.
“He’s almost like a Seinfeld with an edge to it. He does make fun of his old man,” says Clay, laughing. “There’s nothing more fun for me to do than watch him working on his stuff.”

Anyway, if you like rape jokes, here is Amanda Marcotte today making a rape joke

Oh, I’m sorry that’s not a rape joke Amanda is making, but a rape apology, followed with a blame the victim, followed by reversing it and claiming the victim was the true villain, the rapist the innocent bystander.

You remember Amanda Marcotte, right? She’s the first link in your antidotes to boobery.

Yes, her rape apologia sure is an antidote to boobery David, and Andrew Dice Clay should be ashamed of all of his.

12 years ago

@Some Guy

You really will twist anything to suit your warped little woman hating agenda, won’t you? Fuck off back to your cave.

12 years ago

oh cool, time for another someguy blog post.

12 years ago

This is OT, but my husband and I are watching Dexter Season 5 on DVD, and this season features a gang of men who like to rape, torture, and murder women. It makes me think, misogynists like these are more common than you think. Sure, most of them would never cross the line and actually harm a woman, but they contribute to the anti woman noise that is becoming more prevalent, especially on the internet. When you contribute to the noise that women are subhuman, women are liars, women don’t have souls, women are animals, women deserve what they’ve got coming, you make it easier for one of these sick fucks to rationalize his crimes. When you refuse to speak up when others make these claims, you are giving your silent approval. You are helping them rape, torture, and kill.

Captain Bathrobe
12 years ago

Some guy, that blog of yours isn’t going to write itself. Chop chop!

12 years ago

By the by, I once saw BOC performing as SWU. There was cowbell in abundance.

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

FWIW, David, once you’re done apologizing for Marcotte and defending her misandry, this link will bring you to a page with four links of feminists bleeding out about how Jon Stewart is a sexist.

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Whoops sorry, here’s the link:

Heh, feminists are so bitter that even Jon Stewart can be decried as a misogynist that makes rape jokes.

12 years ago

You know when I watch these videos it just makes me believe more strongly that for as much good came out of the 80s stand up boom, it got to a point where it really needed to die so the scene could be reborn. Is it perfect now? Not by a long shot but we’re better off with guys like Clay being has-beens.

12 years ago


There definitely are people who have pretty severe sleep disorders in which they do all sorts of things while unconscious that people who are asleep normally won’t do. If someone is driving a car, it’s a fair assumption that they are awake. If someone is actively initiating sex, it’s a fair assumption, unless you know they have one of these rare disorders, that they are awake. If you find someone with one of these disorders, it’s not precisely victim blaming to say that they should probably get checked out before they try to make grilled cheese in their sleep and burn the house down. (Check out Mike Birbiglia’s “Sleepwalk With Me” stuff. At one point, he jumped out of a two story, closed window half-naked.) On the other hand, if you know someone has this sort of disorder and you don’t make absolutely sure they’re awake (I don’t even know how one would do that), then you’re completely responsible for violating them.

This is what we call an edge case. The normal rules do not apply.

12 years ago

feminists bleeding out

Classy, dude.

I probably shouldn’t bother to engage with you at all, but I have to admit that I’m curious as to what you actually think is terribly shocking about any of those links. The four of them appear to be:

– one article pointing out that the Daily Show has done a poor job of hiring female correspondents.

– one blog post disagreeing with Jon Stewart for his position on something Keith Olbermann said

– one blog post largely focused on Louis CK, suggesting that an interview with him on the Daily Show really wasn’t as great as some people were making it out to be

– one blog post questioning whether a particular Daily Show segment was in somewhat poor taste

I mean, seriously, these are your proofs that feminists are ZOMG TERRIBLE? People saying, “there are disproportionately few women on this otherwise pretty good show” and “I’m not sure I liked this particular segment”? Really?

Personally, I like the Daily Show a lot. I think Jon Stewart is great. I do not, however, think he’s some sort of infallible god-like being who has never done anything wrong and who cannot endure oh-so-harsh criticism like, and I quote, “When I first viewed the above Daily Show sketch, I had mixed feelings.” (Man, those hysterical, menstruating feminists, right? I mean, that sentence is basically the same thing as shrieking incoherently about how Jon Stewart is a monster! Clearly!)

someguy bored with your schtick
someguy bored with your schtick
12 years ago

Nepenthe, tell it to everyone else in that thread that ripped Amanda a new hole for her rape apologies and victim blaming.

Polliwog, the point is clear, there is no one that feminists won’t trash as misogynistic if it’s perceived that helps their cause. That includes accusations that Stewart is shudder, okay with rape jokes! Heaven’s forfend!

The only rape joke on David’s video is presumably the rape of Mother Hubbard by her dog.

But actually, If you look at the poem in the wiki, it clearly describes a very human dog with rationality and agency.

The dog’s act was consensual, the video and the actually not clear if this was rape or not, perhaps this was behavior that Lindsey Berenstein describes as:

“But I don’t think you can blame a person who incorrectly infers consent when all the behavioral and situational cues are pointing towards consent: He was rubbing against her, he motioned for her to get on top of him, and the two of them have a history of sex in the middle of the night.”

So we can’t tell as the audience if a rape occurred. The joke is funny for the visual even if it were a consensual occurrence.

So as Lindsey would say we can’t blame the dog if the dog and Hubbard had a history of sex, and the wiki makes it clear that is a real possibility.

Or we can use the Marcotte gambit and apologize or ignore the rape or even claim that Mother Hubbard was gaslighting the dog and the dog was the victim.

Polliwog, you’re actually upset with my allusion to menstruation, but you’re totes okay with Amanda’s victim blaming and rape apology.

You have a strange sense of priorities and an odd notion of what humor is.

So does David.

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